Chapter 25

The Devil Besides Me

“Taemin, I've been looking every where for you.”

Taemin was on his way home when someone calls his name. Looking up it had been Kai, standing in front of him. It's an odd feeling to see him again after that incident.

Kai has an awkward smile. “I've been looking for you.”

When Kai steps forward Taemin instinctively took a step back. He really couldn't help it after realizing Kai is just like those people he had encountered with Minho. He knows Kai doesn't mean any harm but he couldn't help his reaction.

But it doesn't help to know that Kai found Taemin's route home.

Kai frown, doesn't take another step forward. “Taemin... are you afraid of me?”

Taemin bites the bottom of his lip. “No.”

“The way you look at me like you don't know what to do.” Kai gives a self-depreciate chuckle. “I don't know what to do with me either. I don't know why I keep thinking about you when I know you don't feel the same. I don't know why I tried to see you when I know that demon would kill me if given the chance. I don't know why it feels like there's an empty part of me and the only way to fill in that part has something to do with you.”

Taemin's eyes widen. He doesn't know either but a part of him feels the same way about Kai. The familiarity and ease, the comforting presence like a friend. He doesn't know why these feelings come up every time he encounters Kai but disappear immediately when they're apart. The feelings linger but only temporary. Kai's expectations of what he wants from Taemin is overwhelming.

Suddenly Kai closes the distance between them in a blink of an eye, startling Taemin. Minho had mentioned Kai can teleport. He thought Kai was just fast.

“Taemin-ah,” Kai says softly. “I'm tired of feeling this way. I don't know what to do.”

“You can always disappear.”

It was Minho who said it, appearing out of thin air between Kai and Taemin, shocking them both to take a step back. He's emotionless with hands tucked in his pockets as he regards Kai like a bug on the ground.

“Your existential crisis is appalling, burdening him with your problems,” Minho sneers. “The only reason why I haven't killed you yet is because there might be a use for you and I have some questions of my own.”

Both Taemin and Kai have a wary look on their face. At arms reach, Minho grasps Kai's bicep tight so he wouldn't escape and walks toward the direction of Taemin's home, dragging Kai along. It took a moment for Taemin to get out of his stupor before catching up to them, the awkward journey home.

Walking toward the apartment one of the neighbors call out. “Taemin-ah~”

Taemin turns to see his neighbor walking toward him. “Mrs. Kim.”

They stopped as Mrs. Kim walks up to them with a bright smile. “Oh, are these your friends? So handsome~ I was about to drop by your apartment to give these rice cakes to you. Mr. Lee at the shop gave us a lot that we couldn't finish.”

Taemin smiles and accepts the bag she offered. “Thank you Mrs. Kim.”

“It's nothing Taemin-ah make sure you share with your friends,” Mrs. Kim chuckles. “Especially that boy there, he looks so thin.”

She was referring to Kai whose looking a little speechless. A nudge from Minho has Kai remember his manners. “Thanks Mrs. Kim.”

Taemin notices the way Kai looks over his shoulder in the direction Mrs. Kim had taken her leave. But he shrugs, probably nothing. “These rice cakes are good, let's have some.”

Finally reaching Taemin's apartment, Minho pushes Kai in. “Make sure you take off your shoes.”

Kai looks around the apartment with bewilderment, the apartment feels cozy. It's neat and lived in that Kai felt like he could relax here. But he couldn't as he was frog-marched to the living room by Minho, forced to sit on the sofa next to him.

He spotted a bunch of boxes in the other room. “Did you just move in?” Kai asks. “I can help you unpack.”

“I've been living here for a while,” Taemin answers from the kitchen, taking out some banana milk from the refrigerator. “Those are just boxes of clothes from Mrs. Kim whom you just met. Most of the clothes are too big for me but she thinks that I'll be able to grow into them.”

Kai nods. “You are very friendly with your neighbor.”

“Of course. Mrs. Kim is very nice. She and her husband check up on me once in a while, even giving me side dishes and food to eat. They said I'm like a son to them. Free food~”

“What about your own parents? You live here alone?”

“My parents have to travel for work so we live separately,” Taemin quietly says, bringing three packets of banana milk to where Minho and Kai are sitting with the rice cakes from Mrs. Kim. “My brother is busy all the time so we live apart. I lived like this since high school so I got used to it.”

Minho coughs. “I think we have some more pressing matters on our hands.”

Minho interrogates Kai on what he knows about holy water which unfortunately he doesn't know much at all. He was even interrogated on his existence which is also a failure from the lack of knowledge. And as the interrogation went on the less intimidated Kai became, nonchalantly sipping his banana milk in a relaxed manner which irked the demon to snap at him. It doesn't help that Taemin is sitting in with them, sometimes ruining the tension and mood by loudly sipping on banana milk or crunching on the rice cakes.

Minho frown as he thinks over the information, tapping the top of his unopened banana milk. Although Kai had been surprisingly cooperative and truthful, the lack of information doesn't give him the answer when the person in question doesn't know much about themselves.

“So you literally woke up in a middle of nowhere with other people with powers and you don't know who gave your friends the holy water,” Taemin summarizes, actually paying attention to their exchange. “Basically have a strong case of amnesia. Was there any clue of who you were originally?”

“I don't even know my real name.” Kai shakes his head. “There were twelve of us when we woke up in the middle of nowhere. Sometimes I have flashes of things in my head like a scene – one of our own, D.O., remembers his name as Do Kyungsoo after he had fought against... him.”

A mischievous smile graces Minho's face. “Do you want to give it a try to jog your memory?”

Kai leans away. “Kyungsoo finally woke up but he's been listless, opting to stare at some wall muttering to himself.”

“His memories are probably coming back but it wouldn't do much good if he doesn't understand them. Maybe his body is overwhelmed,” Minho hums in thought. “You were once human but this doesn't explain how you became what you are. And if it's a simple case of memory loss, why is no one looking for you? Their memories shouldn't be missing at all.”

“Maybe no one is looking for them because they were erased from their memory too,” Taemin absently says, sipping his banana milk. He looks up feeling twin rapt attention gazes aimed at him. “Did I say something wrong?”

“That's a possible answer. It would have to be on a powerful scale to even be possible and I don't know how,” Minho looks between Taemin and Kai. “But it's imperfect because whatever is drawing you to Taemin is probably due to a leftover connection you shared that wasn't erased.”

Kai frown. “I don't know why but being with Taemin makes me feel comfortable,” he says. “It's like all my tension slips away and... makes me feel whole again. Does that mean Taemin and I know each other?”

“That's a dangerous feeling to have, brat,” Minho says, causing Kai to glare at him. “You're an incomplete being who only knows to consume. A hunger that never ends. You may feel fine now but what happens when your hunger targets Taemin?”

His words causes everyone to tense, Kai clenches his hand. “That's not true. I would never hurt Taemin.”

Taemin looks unsure, looking between them. Minho's expression doesn't change and takes out a familiar ring from his pocket, putting it on the table for all to see.

“Tell me I'm wrong.”

Tell me I'm wrong.”

A younger looking Taemin is at the corner of his eyes before looking at the ground. He doesn't meet Taemin's gaze, knowing the disappointed look on his face when all his words will only fall on deaf ears.

You can't afford to skip class to hang out with those people,” Taemin said. “A few of them have a reputation -”

Which are biased and fake,” he argued. “I thought you were better than listening to rumors.”

I would if it didn't involve my best friend,” Taemin sighed. “I just don't want you to get hurt. Your parents wanted to make sure you're doing well in school and you're going to college soon.”

Why bother when they prefer you more than me,” he snarled, words falling out easily when his goal was to hurt someone. “Go ahead and take mine since your parents are never home. Oh and I heard your brother moved out since he can't stand you. Does he know how much you nag? Don't worry, I won't bother you at college since you probably won't like hanging around someone like me.”

He instantly regretted what he said but it's already too late. Apologies get stuck in his throat when he sees the expression on Taemin's face causing him to quickly look away. The last he heard is the sound of a door closing, followed by silence.

He looks up to an empty room and his expression softens realizing the mistakes he made. Maybe he should give some space to Taemin until he calms down so that he can apologize. That was the plan until he saw something on his desk.

Taemin left his ring.

He suddenly felt rage from being abandoned, his arm sweeping across his desk knocking everything off including the ring.

“Why do you have my ring, Minho? I've been looking for it everywhere.”

Hearing Taemin's voice snaps Kai out of it. He flinches when he meets Minho's penetrating gaze.

“My guess is correct,” Minho's eyes never left Kai's face. “You and Taemin know each other before you became like this. You were... close.”

Taemin looks surprise, picking up the ring to examine it. “How do you know?”

“I've been watching his behavior the whole time and his acting can't be faked,” Minho explains, leaning back on the sofa. “There's also a disconnection of his feelings when his friends are mentioned compared to mentions of you. This imperfect erasure wouldn't be able to completely get rid of the connection, leaving behind evidence. Not just physical evidence like the ring, feelings and memories can linger.”

“There are these things going through my head,” Kai admits, rubbing his temple. “It's like watching a scene but I'm in the front seat and Taemin is always in them.”

“Me?” Taemin points at himself. “What do I look like in your memories?”

“Younger but not that much,” Kai frowns, concentrating to remember. “Your hair is longer and you were wearing a SM High School uniform.”

“I did have longer hair back then and I went to SM High School,” Taemin agrees with an excited look. “Could it be we were actually friends back then? It all makes sense – like the ring? And how we like sweets such as jelly candy? Kai's memories were erased. Our memories of him were erased but these things that remain were proof that he exists.”

Taemin looks over to Minho with an expectant look. “Minho, is there a way that you can get Kai his life back? There must be a way – ”


It had been Kai who said it before Minho can get a word out. “No. I refuse to let you make a deal with a demon to bring me back my memories.”

Kai's immediate refusal has Taemin realizing what he was about to do. It also brings into attention that Kai knows Minho is a demon.

“But Kai, how will you be able to have a normal life again?” Taemin asks, concern for his friend. “Your memories and possibly mine... Minho can help you.”

“Only if Taemin makes a contract with me,” Minho reminds them. “The payment is his soul and I don't do things for free.”

“Heartless scum,” Kai snarls at Minho before taking Taemin's hand into his own, squeezing it reassuringly. “I'm not going to let you sell your soul just so that I can have my life back,” he says, meeting Taemin's eyes. “Whatever this is, is more complicated than we think. A contract with a demon won't be able to solve this problem, not entirely. And if anything it might make things worse.”


Kai gives a sad smile. “Thank you, Taemin.” He gets up to leave the apartment. “I'll think of something else.”

“Kai!” Taemin calls out. “You're always welcome to come here. Mrs. Kim gave me some clothes that should be your size. You can have the sofa to sleep - you're always welcome here, even to stay.”

Kai paused as he considers Taemin's words. He doesn't turn around to show his face. “Thank you.” He closes the door and leaves the apartment without a backwards glance.

“I never knew you were capable of such cruelty, little one.”

Taemin sharply turns to glare at Minho. “What?”

“What you believe to have good intentions would only hurt him for extending your hand,” Minho gazes at Taemin with a calculating look. “Giving him back his memories won't solve the problem of how they disappeared in the first place. There's also an issue about them consuming human essence to survive that can't be easily solved.”

“They did what now?!” Taemin looks shock by the fact, shaking his head. “So that's what they meant about eating me. I thought they were cannibals or something.”

“Come on Taemin, you can't be that dimmed.”

“I'm not, it's just hard to wrap around,” Taemin puts his head in his hands. “You're right that this can't be easily solved. I thought you know everything – can do everything.”

“Demons are not all knowing nor all powerful,” Minho replies, his gaze fixed on him. “We have limitations to use ensnare our target. Desires, wishes, regrets – it becomes an issue if our prey doesn't know anything about themselves nor anyone know about them at all. But that's not the problem right now.”

Suddenly Minho is crowding over Taemin on the sofa, his arms bracketing his head so Taemin has no choice but to look up at him. Minho's eyes glowed to reveal deep irises that Taemin could feel like he could get lost staring at him.

“You were about to sell your soul for someone you barely know,” Minho growls. “Is your life worth that little to be thrown away so easily?”

Taemin frown, meeting Minho's gaze evenly. “I am not throwing my life away. I want to help Kai. Even without your help I will try to find a way. At this point how can I turn my back on him?”

“But to what extent? This is not something a normal human like you can solve,” Minho's hands is clenching strongly so close the ripping the sofa apart. “You will be forced to make a contract to solve your problem and your soul will belong to me for eternity. I couldn't care less about Kai. All this time you wouldn't be tempted for money, power, or the world but for him is all that will take. Your soul will be bound to me to do as I please whether to be consume or to play, you will never know. Once you make that contract with me, there is no take backs.”

Taemin's hands on his sides tremble, his gaze hadn't left Minho's. “If Kai hadn't interrupt, would you have taken my soul?”

Minho's eyes widen slightly, the glare in his eyes lessens to reveal normal dark irises. His hands unclench from besides Taemin's head, withdrawing back and standing properly.

“I am not the type to regret my actions,” Taemin answers, his gaze softens and his hands stop trembling. “What use is regret when it has or hasn't happened, to always think of the what if's. In fact, wouldn't it be better that I should thank you for worrying about me?”

The frown on Minho's face is going to be a permanent fixture if he keeps this up, the only emotion Minho will ever be capable of now when he deals with Lee Taemin. This is probably the first time Taemin had been able to cause Minho to be speechless.

Taemin is the first human Minho has encountered that has him frustrated to a degree he doesn't know what to do. Spending time with Taemin for so long he starts to unravel at the seams, doesn't understand why he feels this way for a human. And when the human's soul is offered on a silver platter, he doesn't even take it.

Minho turns his back on Taemin, doesn't dare to have Taemin's eyes look at him like that. Like he's not a demon. He can barely look into his kind eyes that dare to see him for what he couldn't be capable of.

Foolish little one. When have I ever treated you well?

Without another word Minho disappears from the apartment.

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Thank you everyone for coming along on this journey. As mentioned I will be taking a long break to recharge and plan. I'll be fixing some of my fics here to be posted on my AO3 account TGIntentX. See you next time, bye!


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kisstomylips #1
Chapter 37: It is my pleasure to read such a great work. I was moved by the feelings of SHINee five people, gentle warm onew, reliable Jonghyun, sweet key, awkward and lovely Minho, like the sun of the Taemin. Happy to finally see the reunion of Minho and Taemin, demon hyeong and his little one will always accompany each other as humans, can not find a better ending than this.Thank you for such a beautiful work💕
Chapter 37: Nice 👍
747 streak #4
Chapter 37: I just finished the ending as well as your author’s note. This was such an enjoyable story - both plot and characters. I am definitely glad that you saw it to the end, I also can’t wait to see your next adventure.

Quick question, did Minho keep the blue star and that is what turned him fully human? Also, is Onew just human now, without his powers?

It’s also interesting that Taemin’s parents are now in his and Taecyeon’s lives. The saddest scene was when Jongin hugged Taemin. I am still in hopes that they can see each other again at some point. Lastly, Minho and Taemin remembering each other almost brought a tear to my eye, as I can picture the whole scene. Thank you so much for writing such a great fic and sharing it with us.
Shinee2020 #5
Chapter 37: Thank you for all the final explanation. It doesn't matter that it took you 4 years to finish it, I'm just so happy you did finish it. I've enjoyed that story very much with it intricate plot. And love the fact that everytime you gave answer to some questions, more questions pop up in my mind. This was a great story and I'm sure I'll be rereading it often. :) Take care and looking forward to reading another of your story in the future, no matter when that will be. :)
Chapter 37: Thank you for your explanation and story. I really enjoy it.
Beau1996 1378 streak #7
Chapter 37: Thank you for the detailed epilogue - I'm glad I read the story first though so I could develop my own movie in my mind !! This is one of my favorites and I was always happy to see an update!! Take care of yourself author-nim - rest and recharge!!!
Chapter 37: This had to have been a labor of love!
Shinee2020 #9
Chapter 36: Wow.... Can't believe it is over already! I had been waiting (impatiently :P) for the ending but at the same time, I'm sad it is already over. Sorry if I was a pain and keep asking for update. :P I love this story very much and am very grateful you finished it. :)
I got a few questions:
- What happened to Onew? Since he gave his blue star to Minho, does it mean he will become old now? He is no longer immortal?
- For Taemin, since he got back, he doesn't have any recollection of what had happened? For him, live as usual for 6 months before he met Minho again?
- He said his brother was in the hospital and his parents is coming to pick him. So something change, since his parents are not death and his brother is also still alive?
- Is Jonghyun still there or is he gone back?
- Where did Jongin as well as the others that were present during the final fight gone?
- What is the future of Taemin and Minho? (you should have a second epilogue. :) )
So many answers, but so many more questions left....That has been the case from the beginning of this story. I really love it and I hope you will write many more. Can't wait to read your next one. :) Thank you so much for keeping us on our toes until the end!
Beau1996 1378 streak #10
Chapter 36: Was Jongin reliving a memory with Taemin before leaving and where did he go??

Such a good story!! I wondered if part of Minho's journey to save Taemin and accepting Onew's blue star would be giving up his demon powers.

Thanks for finishing your story!! So many times I come across a good fic only to realize that it has been abandoned! I'm already imagining what Minho and Taemin's life will be like now... 👏