Chapter 10

The Devil Besides Me

Warning: Big reveal, do what you need to brace yourselves



Taemin had a free day but it's a busy day of running errands. The lull of the routine is helpful for him to gather and straighten his thoughts. Most of them concerning the demon Minho.

Lately he finds Minho sticking by his side no matter where he goes. Even though they made an agreement that Minho shouldn't bother him at school, he could still feel the demon's presence around him even though he couldn't be seen. He also finds the demon's mood to be odd. One minute he's annoying, trying to take Taemin's soul and the next he's being somber like he has a lot on his mind. To be honest when the demon isn't actually annoying, he could be considered as good company.

Finished with his errands Taemin heads to the park for the shaded area to rest. He sits on the bench, drops his groceries next to him, and leans back to let the cool metal soothe his exhuasted body.

“Demon hyung.”

Minho materializes lounging next to him. “That's not my name, little one.”

“Neither mine is little one,” Taemin shot back, with less heat than he usually has. “Do you always have to follow me? I'm sure you have better things to do other than watching me buy groceries.”

“I would if you'd only make a contract with me, then I would leave you alone.”

“And I told you I don't want to.”

With both the demon and human unsatisfied with the answers they received, they just sat back and relaxed. There is a playground full of children in front of them. A cool breeze blows their way as the sounds of children playing fill the air.

“How do you do that?”

Minho looks over at Taemin curiously. Taemin didn't turn, watching the children and repeats his question. “How do you know where to find me?”

Minho gave a curious tilt of his head, turning his head back. “I always know where to find you. The moment you summoned me a bond has been created. When you gave me a name, it was solidified.”

Taemin scrunched his nose. “I should have named you Gae because you always followed me like a dog.”

Minho turns to Taemin with a mean smile. His sharp fangs appear at the corners of his mouth. “Woof.”

Taemin twitches back as Minho straightens back up, fangs receded back to a normal human smirk. Taemin glares, giving Minho a light shove. “Meany. Just for that I'm not going to share with you.”

Proving his point he takes out a jelly candy from his bag, eats one with gusto. Minho just watches with amusement. “Demons don't need to eat human food.”

Taemin looks at the jelly in his hand and then at Minho. “But you ate ramen.”

Minho just shrugs as his answer. Taemin blinks before tossing a jelly candy for Minho to eat. Minho looks at it weirdly before peeling the wrapper and eating it. He glances at Taemin who was watching the demon carefully. “What?”

“Where does it all,” Taemin makes some gestures at his stomach area, doesn't know how to describe it. Even Minho doesn't understand, his brows furrowed with confusion. Taemin shakes his head. “Can I ask you something? About demon stuff?”

“Demon stuff?” Minho asked, eyebrows raised.

Taemin nodded. “If you're going to stick around I might as well learn more about you. Maybe that's why I'm not scared of you as the first time because I just got used to your presence.”

His careless words used to make Minho want to snarl but now curious of the inner thoughts of his human. “What do you want to know?”

Taemin makes some thoughtful noise before asking “How were you able to enter the church?”

“Your church has enough empty faith for me to pass. It's easy for a strong demon like me,” Minho explained. “But weaker demons and spirits can't, not unless a human wants them to.”

“Yeah but I'm asking how?”

Minho has a thoughtful look. “Well let's see... You can imagine faith as a fire. It's something that everyone has.” He conjures a small black fire in the palm of his hand. “The church has their own fire and it represents their faith. Have enough faith and the flames will be big and strong enough that even I wouldn't be able to slip through.” The fire in his hand grows, consuming his whole hand. “The intent and will would actually hurt me but if you don't have faith, the flames of the church will grow weak.” The fire in his hand recedes until it becomes as small as the jelly candy he just ate in the palm of his hand. “Congregations who practiced the word of the lord but don't believe in their hearts cannot retain faith needed for the church. Otherwise the church becomes like a regular building anyone can enter.

Taemin stares at the fire in the palm of Minho's hand curiously as it flickers and dances. “Why is your fire black?”

“This is darkness flames,” Minho quietly said. “The strongest hellfire to ever exist. It consumes and destroys until there's nothing left. I am the only wielder of hell who can control it without being hurt.”

Taemin looks at the flames dancing in the palm of Minho's hand before glancing up at the demon. Minho had looked somber at the flames. The flare of the flames reflect back in Minho's eyes in a way even though dark, seem to glow.

“Can I touch it?”

Minho snaps his hand closed and smothers the flames. “You shouldn't play with fire, little one. Especially hellfire.”

Taemin frowned, retracting his hand that was inching near Minho. “You used it to save me from the robbers and the guy who tried to eat me.”

“Yes, I did.”

“I thought it was all a dream,” Taemin's hand combing through his hair. “I thought it was impossible... fire can't be black!”

Minho conjures a small black flame again, this time away from Taemin's reach and curiosity. Small like the size of his thumb. “This fire exist in the deepest pit of hell.” The little flame danced between his knuckles and fingers like he would with a coin. “I was made and shaped through it's heat. Even demons can barely handle this fire.”

Taemin was enraptured, watching the fire play in Minho's hand. “Does it hurt?”

The question had come out of no where, it had Minho paused looking down at Taemin curiously. “What made you ask that, little one?”

“I don't know,” Taemin said, scotching close to Minho. “You sounded quiet when you were explaining it. Sad, even.”

Minho turns back to the fire in his hand. “There is a certain beauty to this fire even though it comes from hell. Are you scared of it?”

Taemin frowned before shaking his head. “No. Because the fire belongs to you.” His head leaning on Minho's shoulder, watching idly the black flames dance out of reach. “And it's so cute like this.”

Minho scoffs. From the corner of his eye Minho watches closely at Taemin who had dared to be close to the flames of hell. He has perfect control of the fire so it wouldn't hurt the human. He does small little tricks with the fire that had Taemin's eyes widened with joy. Through this small moment between the human and the demon, an unknowing soft smile graced upon Minho.



Unbeknownst the two, their little moment is clearly seen by Xiumin and D.O. None of the humans had paid any mind to the two playing with fire, but the two who just so happen to be looking for their next meal and recently lost a comrade would have something to say about that.

“T-that guy,” D.O. pointed. “A-and that black f-fire, he's the one w-who – ”

“Who took Kris away from us,” Xiumin finishes, grinning madly. “And that boy next to him – oh we met before. The small one who got away.”

“W-what are we going to do?” D.O. tugs on Xiumin's arm. “We need to tell Suho about this.”

“We are not telling him anything.” Xiumin clicks his tongue. “At least not yet.”

“What are you talking about?” D.O asked, eyes widened at the possibility. “Surely you're not going to – ”

“I may be crazy but I'm not stupid,” Xiumin harshly tugs his arm out of D.O.'s grip. “I'll figure something out but now that we know how to find him, this will make things more fun.”

Behind them frost has permeated to all living and nonliving objects. The flowers and grass are cover with frost, bugs are frozen and some even cracked. Birds and squirrels shivered, trying to get away. An unlucky squirrel who had been close to them had freezed where it stood. Xiumin's manic grin grew, thinking all the ways to have his fun.



“Onew-hyung! Taeminnie is here~”

He barrels into Onew from behind and to his credit Onew turns around and deftly catches Taemin, hoisting him sturdy up high. “Now what has gotten my Taeminnie to be so affectionate?”

Taemin shrugs, his hands resting on Onew's shoulders. “I don't know hyung, I feel like I have not seen you in forever.”

Onew makes a thoughtful noise, adjusting his hold on the boy. “Does it have to do with that friend of yours who visited here last time?” he asked. “Has he been bothering you?”

Taemin groaned. “Don't remind me hyung. I've been stressed as it is.”

“Do you want me to have a word with him?”

“He's not bothering me that much. I just missed you, that's all.”

Onew chuckles and puts him down. “Yeah I understand. I miss my little ball of fluff.”

“Is there anything I can help you with, hyung?” Taemin twirls around, light on his feet. “I see Mir is out today.”

“If you can, can you sweep the front of the cafe?” Onew picking up the empty tray he dropped to catch Taemin. “I haven't gotten the chance to clean up out front. I'll have your dessert ready when you're done.”

“Thanks hyung!”

It's almost closing time at the cafe. Taemin is used to helping out Onew whenever he can so he knows where everything is. It's mostly repayment for the free desserts he gets but really he just likes helping Onew. After sweeping the front of the cafe he even help took out the trash. He just took out the last trash bag when someone calls for him.

“Little angel?”

Taemin makes a confused face and turns around. Jonghyun is waving at him as he crosses the street. “Jonghyun hyung!”

Jonghyun gives Taemin a strong side hug that almost makes him melt in his embrace. He pulls back and smiles. “What are you doing here? Are you working?”

Taemin nodded his head. “I'm helping Onew out at his cafe.”

Jonghyun gives a curious head tilt. “Cafe? Onew's Cafe?”

Taemin smiles brightly. “Yes! Do you know it?”

“I was about to go there myself,” Jonghyun grinned. “When we just met Key introduced me to the place. I really like their menu so much that I wanted to get some more.”

“That's great! Let me introduce you to the owner.”

Taemin introduced Jonghyun to Onew and the three had gotten along really well. They talk about things that interests them and their mutual friends.

“You guys seem really close,” Jonghyun commented. “If I hadn't known better I would have thought you guys are brothers.”

“Nah, Onew is just a really nice guy,” Taemin corrects him. “I got my own big brother, he's working now.”

“Taemin is a sweet kid, makes me wish I have a cute little brother like him,” Onew pokes Taemin's chubby cheek, being swatted away. “Just having him around lifts my mood. I met him first before meeting Key, who has been a big help to my business. He usually brings me customers from his job appointments and they upload the pictures they took on SNS.”

Jonghyun snaps his fingers. “I knew you guys were being sneaky! Both of you were doing the winky eyes and hand gestures when you think I didn't see. But I understand though because this place is so good.”

“I told you,” Taemin sticks a spoon of pudding into his mouth. “Onew, Jonghyun sings super duper good. Key wouldn't shut up about it and I was there and have to admit he's real good. You should definitely come with us next time we go karaoke.”

Jonghyun's cheeks colored. “Well I'm not sure I'm that good...”

“If both those boys said it's true then I'll have to hear it for myself,” Onew gives an approving smile. “I haven't done karaoke in a while, maybe we can do a duet.”

“We definitely should!”

Onew had to close up the shop so Jonghyun walks Taemin over to the bus stop. Jonghyun had decided to keep Taemin company until the bus arrives. They talked some more and laughed, overall it's a relaxing evening.

Jonghyun fondly smiles at him. “Let's be more than friends.”

“Best friends?”

“No, more than that.”

Taemin looks confused, tapping his chin in thought. “...Mega best friends?”

Jonghyun's smile wavered before laughing out loud. They both laughed, causing the people near them look at them weirdly. “Sure, let's go with that.”

The bus arrives for Taemin to get on. Taemin gets a seat by the window, waving at Jonghyun out the window. Jonghyun waves goodbye, watching the bus go. As the bus drives turns the corner and out of sight, Jonghyun's smile slips away.

“What are you doing here, demon?”

Called out, Minho steps out from behind with his hands in his pockets.

“Trying to find the source of that stench,” Minho's eyes glows black, his nostrils flared. “Turns out it's you, angel.”

Jonghyun turns around to face the demon. His whole being seems to glow brightly. “How long has it been since your kind resurfaced? Since the Great War perhaps?”

“Oh we've been around.” Minho stretches, his knuckle joints cracking. “Just didn't feel like telling you. Your kind always have a habit of sticking your nose where it doesn't belong, Jonghyun. Is that even your name?”

“Because you're always up to no good. You do bad things for no reason. You do them to be a jerk.”

“I do them because I either have a deal or because I feel like it. Most of the time it's the latter.”

Jonghyun readies his stance, his right hand splayed out as energy pulsed out to form a sword in his hand. In response Minho makes a fist, his dark energy engulfing it.

“Go back to hell, demon!”

“Up yours, you pompous angel!”

The supernatural beings both charged at each other at lightning speed. One with a sword and the other with their fist. Both ready to destroy the other, ensuring a battle that would leave only one standing.

It didn't come to that when Onew suddenly comes between them in an instant. One hand diverted the swing of Jonghyun's sword, the other deflected Minho's fist away, instantly canceling both attacks. The angel and demon were flabbergasted that a human was able to stop their attacks at the same time with his bare hands. The smiling happy-go-lucky cafe owner is gone, replaced with a serious stoic warrior instead.

“That's enough.” His words steady and strong.

The two celestial were too shocked to move. Onew hadn't removed himself from between them, leveled both of them a glare.

“We are in a populated area,” Onew's hands splayed out ready if he needs to stop them again. “What you are about to do may result in severe property damage and even endanger lives. I suggest you both step back and have a civil conversation.”

Onew steps back. Slowly and keeping an eye on each other, the two draw back their arms. Jonghyun's sword disappears and the energy surrounding Minho's fist dissolved.

Appeased, Onew gestures them to his cafe. “Now I suggest you go inside before a human gets the wrong idea and films you,” he said. “I'm sure you both have a lot to talk about.”

The angel and demon could have refused, restart the fight. But the way Onew said it leaves no room for argument. There were pressing questions that needed to be answered including what kind of person is Lee Jinki.

Jonghyun stalks into the cafe with Onew holding the door. Minho follows behind but was blocked by Onew's outstretched arm, barring him from entry.

Minho raises an eyebrow. “What?”

Onew calmly points the side of his eye.

Minho's eyes are still glowing with power. He smirks. “What? It's just my flaming charisma.”

Onew didn't look amused, not moving his stance by the door. Minho reluctantly closes his eyes, opening them some seconds later. His eyes stop glowing, dull like a human but the ring around his iris still glows.



Onew's Cafe is already closed but is kept open for hem as they sit in a booth. The atmosphere was heavy as the two hadn't stop glaring at each other. They also kept an eye at the cafe owner's every movement.

Onew approaches them, handing each of them a menu. “My cafe is closed up for the day but I can whip something up. Just order drinks from only this side of the menu.”

“You're not human,” Jonghyun doesn't take his eyes off of Minho, not even for a second. “You're not a demon... or an angel.”

“It looks like you knew what I am when I first came to the cafe,” Minho adds, his eyes narrows slightly at Jonghyun. “What are you, Lee Jinki? How did you stop us at the same time?”

“Boys, I am extending my courtesy of leaving my cafe open for the two of you so the least you could do is order something,” Onew said, ignoring the questions. “It is my experience that talking while enjoying good food will always lead to an amicable relationship.”

“We are not in a relationship!” Minho finally breaks eye contact to glare at Onew. His eyes slightly flared but in a more subdued manner. “What are you, really?”

Onew took a moment to assess them. Both impatient for answers and worried with fear of the unknown.

“My name is Lee Jinki. I am the owner of Onew's Cafe,” Onew recited in a bored manner. “Sometimes I go by Onew because of the cafe's name and my beautiful smile. I like coffee and sweets which is why I opened the cafe in the first place.”

“That doesn't explain who you are!” Jonghyun argued. “How are you even able to stop us?!”

“Yes it did,” Onew bends down at the two being's eye level. The lights flickered above casting a sinister shadow on the cafe owner. “I am a cafe owner who stopped the both of you from getting into a fight. Destruction of property and aggravated assault is not good business. I can send your butts packing above or below if you brats don't order something now.”

It's almost though a dark heavy fog has fallen over the cafe's occupants. If the cafe owner's mood is foul, then it affects everything in the cafe as well. The intention and promise behind those words had Jonghyun and Minho quickly ordered something from the menu without losing their cool.

“I'll have an espresso.”

“Can I get an iced americano?”

Onew straightens up and smile. The lights stop flickering and the whole cafe's atmosphere brightened from the owner's mood. “Coming right up!”

Minho turns around to watch Onew go behind the counter. He watches the man moves manually, preparing the drinks with no magic or powers involved. Just like a human.

“Did you believe him?” Minho asks, not looking away from the cafe owner. “Everything that he says?”

“I think so,” Jonghyun answers, also watching Onew closely. “But it didn't explain what he is or how he stopped us.”

“Is he one of yours?”

“Never seen or heard of him before. Maybe yours?”

“No. None of our demons have that kind of smile, too genuine.”


The two stiffened as Onew approaches the booth with the drinks. “Lets see... an espresso for the demon and an iced americano for the angel.”

Minho eyed his drink warily, given by an unknown entity who could stop him with his bare hands. “Do you bleed, Lee Jinki?”

Jonghyun coughs in his drink while Onew only raised an eyebrow at the question. “I don't know, Choi Minho. Probably as much as any being next to me does.”

That was a smooth and complicated answer had the demon and angel glance at each other warily, turning their eyes back to the cafe owner.

“I'm sure you both have plenty of things to discuss like what made you start a fight,” Onew smirks at their expression. “I'll give you two some privacy.”

The cafe owner leaves the angel and demon to themselves. It reminded them why they were here in the first place.

“You're name is Minho?”

Choi Minho if you want to be technical. For now, it's acceptable.”

Jonghyun loudly sips his iced americano with a straw, glancing at the retreating cafe owner to the demon sitting across from him. Minho savors the steam from his espresso, consuming it with decorum while eying the angel in front of him.

It was Jonghyun who starts the conversation, putting his drink down. “Did you make a deal with a human?”

“Plenty,” Minho puts his drink down as well, using his pinkie finger to cushion the cup. “You will have to be more specific.”

“Every time your lot appeared, something bad always happens. Usually resulting in the loss of countless lives that may threaten the balance of the above and below,” Jonghyun glared. “Most of the time I found you to be the root of the catalyst.”

Minho scoffs. “You can't blame every bad thing a human does on me. All of the things they do are from their own decisions and choice.”

“Oh yeah? The fall of Cleopatra's reign in Eygpt?!”

“I'm not involved with her fall. She made her choice and I made mine.”

“What about imparting the knowledge of flight to the humans?! They should have stayed on the ground where they belong.”

“That's so selfish of an angel to suggest such a thing when humans actually came up with the idea themselves. Sometimes humans are more observant and creative than we give them credit for. Though I did make a deal with both Wright brothers to steal the knowledge of flight from an unknown inventor. Everything else depends on how they use it. And look how much humans have accomplished with the power of flight. Best deal I ever made, got double the souls for the price of one.”

“You destroyed the city of Troy!”

“It was a mutual deal with Helen that benefits us both,” Minho justified, sounding bored now. “She gets to keep her soul while I get the souls of her tormentors. And I hardly did anything, the humans did all the work.”

“Then what are you doing following that boy?”

Minho's eyes narrowed. “Boy?”

“That boy, Lee Taemin,” Jonghyun's glare intensifies. “There was something about him... I wasn't sure at first but seeing you appear confirms my suspicions. That boy is your target. You haven't made a deal with him yet, haven't you?”

Demons are much known for their uncontrollable nature, to wreck chaos and steal souls wherever they went. That includes their emotions, to not be bound and be free from constraints. Powerful demons have much more control over their nature and emotions but are still connected to what they should be. Minho unfortunately easily gives into emotions as his mentor Changmin had pointed out as his weakness. He's been working on it for a millennium .

Minho's blank and challenging expression belies how he feels of Jonghyun's revelation. It would not do well to let an enemy know of his true intentions. The only indication of the demon reacting is the barely noticeable twitch on Minho's hand.

“And what if I have?” Minho crossed his arms over his chest, leaning back with a lazy smile. “It's none of your business if I did and I would have already claimed him to be mine.”

“Then what are you even doing here?”

“My my, what a nosy angel you are. He summoned me and I answered. Plain and simple.”

Jonghyun took a moment to consider Minho's words, finishing his drink in one go. All that is left is the ice cubes lying on the bottom of the drink.

“He summoned you and that's it?” Jonghyun concluded, toying the ice in his cup with the straw. “He didn't make a deal so you're just hanging around him until he makes one?! There are plenty of humans out there making a deal with a demon every other day. I'm not sure how it works for the below but you're just wasting time. If you're here, then you want something from him. More than just his soul.”

And what can you expect from a demon. Minho stares at the cup in his hand, the reflection in the drink reflecting back at him. His human reflection. For a moment he could imagine his demonic appearance; his horns, fangs, and skin. He is still himself; his human and demon appearance. Two sides of the same coin.

“Dropping ink on snow white paper will inevitably absorb the black. It's purity demands it.” Minho meets his eyes and smirks, his canine shows and eyes flare with unrestrained delight. “Taemin's soul is cleaner than any that I have ever encountered, just begging to be corrupted. I will savor it, taking him by the hand and lead him step by step to his descent. And when he's finally ready, I will snatch him up and he will be by my side, and savor him forever.”

Jonghyun inwardly shivers. “You're sick,” he spat with disgust, hand forming into a fist next to his empty glass. “You lay one hand on that kid and I'll destroy you. How can you do this to a boy who didn't do anything?!”

Minho smiles venomously. “I'm a demon, it's what we do,” he purred. “I will never force Taemin into anything so it will be amusing if Taemin gives in willingly. Eventually when I walk into a room, I'll be the only thing he sees. My beautiful tortured soul, maybe he'll become a demon of my own making.”

“He's innocent! I'll take him away, somewhere you can't find him.”

At that, Minho's head snaps up. His hand on the table didn't move as spider web cracks appear under his fist. The ice cubes in Jonghyun's glass cracks.

“It is precisely he's innocent the reason why he belongs to me.” Minho's voice is low and deadly. “Take him from me if you dare but know this; lives will be lost and the world will burn to claim back what is mine. They are inconsequential, a small consequence should anything get between me and him.”

Jonghyun met Minho's gaze head on, the air around them thick and heavy. Challenging each other between a demon's claim and an angel's duty.

“You won't get away with this,” Jonghyun promised. “I'll fight you to the death if I have to.”


Minho smirks as he finishes his coffee, watching Jonghyun gets up and storms out of the cafe. Putting his cup down, Minho glanced over at Onew who was quiet the whole time. “You gonna say something, cafe owner?”

Onew had been listening to their conversation behind the counter. His arms crossed with an blank look. “It's not my job to interfere with the customer's business.”

“Even if it's about one of your valuable customers?” Minho smirked. “I noticed you didn't tell the little one that you knew what I am but why? Aren't you fond of Lee Taemin as well? You won't be able to stop me either.”

A taunt, Onew's face is unreadable as he leaves the counter to go to Minho's table. For a moment, Minho's smirk frozen and instinctively steels himself. Onew was able to cancel both Minho's and Jonghyun's attack at the same time. He wasn't able to discern Onew's affiliation or what he is. Despite the cafe owner's soft appearance, there is power behind his ruse.

Reaching the table, Onew gives Minho a considering look then glances down at the table. Onew moves his hand as Minho gathers energy in his other hand hidden under the table at the ready.

“Here's your bill.”

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Thank you everyone for coming along on this journey. As mentioned I will be taking a long break to recharge and plan. I'll be fixing some of my fics here to be posted on my AO3 account TGIntentX. See you next time, bye!


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kisstomylips #1
Chapter 37: It is my pleasure to read such a great work. I was moved by the feelings of SHINee five people, gentle warm onew, reliable Jonghyun, sweet key, awkward and lovely Minho, like the sun of the Taemin. Happy to finally see the reunion of Minho and Taemin, demon hyeong and his little one will always accompany each other as humans, can not find a better ending than this.Thank you for such a beautiful work💕
Chapter 37: Nice 👍
747 streak #4
Chapter 37: I just finished the ending as well as your author’s note. This was such an enjoyable story - both plot and characters. I am definitely glad that you saw it to the end, I also can’t wait to see your next adventure.

Quick question, did Minho keep the blue star and that is what turned him fully human? Also, is Onew just human now, without his powers?

It’s also interesting that Taemin’s parents are now in his and Taecyeon’s lives. The saddest scene was when Jongin hugged Taemin. I am still in hopes that they can see each other again at some point. Lastly, Minho and Taemin remembering each other almost brought a tear to my eye, as I can picture the whole scene. Thank you so much for writing such a great fic and sharing it with us.
Shinee2020 #5
Chapter 37: Thank you for all the final explanation. It doesn't matter that it took you 4 years to finish it, I'm just so happy you did finish it. I've enjoyed that story very much with it intricate plot. And love the fact that everytime you gave answer to some questions, more questions pop up in my mind. This was a great story and I'm sure I'll be rereading it often. :) Take care and looking forward to reading another of your story in the future, no matter when that will be. :)
Chapter 37: Thank you for your explanation and story. I really enjoy it.
Beau1996 1378 streak #7
Chapter 37: Thank you for the detailed epilogue - I'm glad I read the story first though so I could develop my own movie in my mind !! This is one of my favorites and I was always happy to see an update!! Take care of yourself author-nim - rest and recharge!!!
Chapter 37: This had to have been a labor of love!
Shinee2020 #9
Chapter 36: Wow.... Can't believe it is over already! I had been waiting (impatiently :P) for the ending but at the same time, I'm sad it is already over. Sorry if I was a pain and keep asking for update. :P I love this story very much and am very grateful you finished it. :)
I got a few questions:
- What happened to Onew? Since he gave his blue star to Minho, does it mean he will become old now? He is no longer immortal?
- For Taemin, since he got back, he doesn't have any recollection of what had happened? For him, live as usual for 6 months before he met Minho again?
- He said his brother was in the hospital and his parents is coming to pick him. So something change, since his parents are not death and his brother is also still alive?
- Is Jonghyun still there or is he gone back?
- Where did Jongin as well as the others that were present during the final fight gone?
- What is the future of Taemin and Minho? (you should have a second epilogue. :) )
So many answers, but so many more questions left....That has been the case from the beginning of this story. I really love it and I hope you will write many more. Can't wait to read your next one. :) Thank you so much for keeping us on our toes until the end!
Beau1996 1378 streak #10
Chapter 36: Was Jongin reliving a memory with Taemin before leaving and where did he go??

Such a good story!! I wondered if part of Minho's journey to save Taemin and accepting Onew's blue star would be giving up his demon powers.

Thanks for finishing your story!! So many times I come across a good fic only to realize that it has been abandoned! I'm already imagining what Minho and Taemin's life will be like now... 👏