Chapter 5

The Devil Besides Me

Wow 2 chapter updates in a month? I'm on a roll with this fic. Thanks for being patient, here is an update to soothe these troubling times!



Through the shadows from the tree near the window, the demon materializes into the apartment with an unconscious Taemin in its arms. Behind the demon is Taemin's backpack and groceries floating in the air. With a wave the groceries float to the kitchen and the food is properly stocked where it belongs.

The demon takes Taemin into the bedroom and gets him ready for bed. Tucking the boy in, he realizes Taemin had been injured. A cut from his scalp, courtesy of the man who attacked him.

The demon glares at the cut as though it offends it. The cut slowly mends itself leaving nothing behind, not even dried blood. The demon checks other places to see if Taemin is injured and does the same thing. A glare to make the cuts and bruises disappear.

“Death is too merciful for touching what is mine, let alone bleed,” the demon snarled. “It was too quick.”

The demon moves to leave but its hand was caught by Taemin. The demon looks down in surprised and gives a huff of amusement realizing Taemin is still asleep. “You surprised me little one.” An innocent gesture.

The demon takes its chance to study Taemin in his sleep. The human looks soft as he takes little huffs of breath. His fluffy hair spreads out on the pillow like a hallow. Eyes shut and face relaxed like there is not a care in the world. Multiple times the demon had tucked this human to bed and never gets tired of the sight of the vulnerable human.

“I'm tired of waiting. Let's play real soon.”



Do you want some jelly?”

You can have the grape flavor one, strawberry is my favorite.”

Kai raises a purple jelly candy to the light of the moon for a better look. A gift that boy, Taemin, had given him. Lately he finds himself smiling at the thought of him and the insignificant piece of candy.

“Kai! There you are.”

He quickly stuffs the candy into his pocket as a man flies to where he's sitting. It's not necessarily flying when the man uses wind travel.

“Sehun,” Kai greets nonchalantly. “What brings you here?”

Sehun glares. “You couldn't choose somewhere closer to the ground? It's way too high...”

“I like being here,” Kai leans back and dangles his legs. “It's comforting.” They are on top of a clock tower overlooking the university campus. The tower is at least 30 floors high above the ground.

“And you're not scared of how high it is? About falling?”

“If I fall I can always teleport myself back to the ground.”

Sehun frowned. “Suho hyung wants us. It's an emergency. It's important, everyone is there.”

Kai stands up, patting his jeans to rid of the dust. He offers a hand for Sehun to take. Once his hand was taken he teleports them to the entrance of their hideout.

The hideout used to be a resort that is now abandoned. The lawn overgrown with fauna, electricity running sporadic, the resort sign missing letters. It comes with all the accommodations with enough rooms for their group to have their own room.

They entered the hideout through the front door and climbed up the stairs. They were greeted by the others huddling in front of them. All of them are surround a projection of Kris frozen in midair.

Suho regards projection carefully. “Replay it.”

An hour glass hovering next to Tao. With a wave of his hand, the sand starts to drop and the projection begins to moves.

Everyone watches as Kris was running while being engulf in black flames. The desperation as he reaches out for someone before realizing it's too late. He becomes entirely consumed until there is nothing left to burn, turning into ashes.

“What was that?!” D.O. nervously chewed his fingernails. “It's so horrible...”

“If I had been there,” Lay gritted his teeth. “I could have save him.”

Xiumin scoffed at the thought. “What can you do? All that's left of him is ashes. Can you heal ashes? I think not.”

“Enough!” Suho yells for everyone's attention. “Whatever this thing that killed Kris is out there. We don't know if that thing is hunting us so we will need to be extra careful.”

“C'mon hyung,” Chen gives a lazy smirk. “Can't you have a little faith in us? We have powers, we can take it on.”

“Except Kris was the strongest of us,” Baekhyun muttered. “What chance do we have against that thing when we don't know what it is?”

Luhan turns to Chanyeol whose staring at the projection with deep concentration. “You're quiet over there, is there something on your mind?”

Chanyeol conjures a flame of his own. Red, orange color flames dance in his hand. Normal. “Those flames are stronger than mine," he said. "It destroyed Kris in a matter of minutes while mines will take longer to destroy a body and that takes too much energy.”

Suho snaps his fingers to get the group's attention. “From now on we will pair up. No one goes anywhere on their own, even for meals. I don't want to take the chance of you guys running into that thing by yourself. That's also to say not to to seek out that thing for revenge. Am I clear?”

When Suho only gets reluctant responses, he glares at the group and emphasize. “Am. I. Clear?”

Kai stares at the projection. Kris was among the strongest of them to be defeated by an unknown enemy. The look on Kris's face as his whole being gets swallowed up by the flames will stay with Kai for the rest of his life.



Taemin slowly awakens to the sounds in his apartment. He slowly opens his eyes was met with a set of eyes so close to his face. Naturally Taemin reacts in a way to defend himself. Poke them.

“My eyes!!”

Onew came rushing into the room after he heard the scream. “What happened?”

Reality sets in slowly as Taemin regards his room. Key kneeling by the bed, rubbing his eyes. Onew standing by the doorway wearing an apron and holding a spatula.

Taemin rubs sleep from his eyes. “Good morning.”

Onew smiles. “Good morning, Taemin-ah.”

“Good morning?! Good morning?!!” Key spluttered. “I'm having a terrible morning! You poked my eyes, Taemin-ah!”

“I'm sorry hyung,” Taemin apologized albeit not the least bit sorry. “But you were so close and I just reacted.” He turns to Onew. “Why are the both of you doing here so early? How did you get in my apartment?”

“Did you forget? It's the long weekend,” Onew answered. “We made plans to hang out today, I even closed my shop for a break.”

“Knowing Taemin whose head is always in the clouds, he probably forgot,” Key winces, rapidly blinks his eyes to recover from Taemin's poke attack. “By the way, you should change your passcode. I mean '0000'? Come on, Taemin-ah!”

Onew fondly watches Taemin blew a raspberry in Key's direction who responded by making some mock, threatening gestures. “That's enough you two. Taemin, go wash up. Key, help me set the table.”

Taemin sluggishly makes his way to the bathroom to wash up. There he tries to get his thoughts together as last night's events slowly trickles in. He can't deny all the things that happened to him and last night was the straw that broke the camel's back. He is being haunted.

He splashes water on his face to get his head straight. “It's not true, is it?” Taemin clutches the sides of the sink, water drips down from his face. “It happened again, but what's going on. What's happening to me?!”

“Did you miss me, little one?”

Taemin yelped, startled by the sound. He looks up in the mirror and sees the demon behind him. But when he turns around the demon isn't there. Only shown in the reflection of the mirror.

The demon in all it's glory never changed the first night they met. Intense eyes with pearly white teeth, off-colored skin and a spade tail flicking back and forth. Horns, fangs, and sharp nails, glowing with dark aura everything demonic Taemin can actually think of is reflecting back at him.

Taemin breathing becomes shallow from fear, clutching the sink tightly. The demon smirks and leans down close to Taemin's ear. “My my, you are so jumpy. It's almost like someone is out to get you.”

Taemin involuntary swallows. He could feel his hair move from the demon breathing but knows the demon isn't behind him. If Taemin could clutch the sink harder the sink would have break. “H-how...”

“I can't bear to stay away from my little one for long.” The demon slithers his hand around and grips Taemin's chin in a possessive manner. “That thing tried to touch what is mine.” The grip tightens, a sharp nail smooths the side of Taemin's cheek. “Mine to touch, mine to play.” The demon takes a particular deep breath, tasting Taemin's fear and makes a gleeful eye contact at the mirror. “Mine to eat.”

“Taemin-ah! You done in there? The food is getting cold.”

The demon had disappeared instantly leaving Taemin alone in the bathroom as though nothing happened. Taemin took a harsh breath, sliding down until he's on the floor. The demon was real.

Key knocks on the door. “Taemin-ah? You fell asleep in there?”

Taemin takes a shuddering breath before replying, “Yeah, I'll be right there.”

Taemin quickly finishes his morning routine and leaves to get breakfast in the kitchen. Onew and Key are waiting for him with food in front of them.

“About time,” Key commented as Taemin takes a seat. “You took so long in there, thought you might forget about us.”

Taemin just smiles as he takes his bowl of rice prepared in front of him. “This looks tasty, Onew. Thank you for making it.”

The three of them ate in comfortable silence, enjoying the quiet stillness of the morning. When there was barely a crumb left Key was assigned to wash the dishes and had let the others know of his displeasure.

“Why do I have to wash the dishes?!” Key complained.

“I made breakfast using Taemin's food and kitchen,” Onew pointed out. “It's only fair that you do something too.”

Key grumbled but otherwise complied as he collects the bowls and utensils. He pauses when he was about to take the utensils from Taemin's side. Taemin had been lost in thought, nibbling on the end of his chopsticks as he stared off into space.

Key made a gesture to Onew to do something about it. Onew waved a hand in front of Taemin's face. “Taemin-ah? You okay there?”

“Fine,” Taemin absently responded, handing the chopsticks to Key to be washed. “Maybe I'm still tired.”

Key shoots Taemin a concern glance before leaving to wash the dishes. Onew crosses his arms and regards Taemin carefully. “We don't need to go out today if you're not feeling well. We can stay in and relax.”

Taemin shakes his head. “I'm fine, Onew hyung. Just have a lot on my mind.”

Whatever that demon thing is going on with him has nothing to do with Onew and Key. That weird wall banner he did is the reason why that demon showed up and the reason why weird things keep happening to him. He doesn't want his friends to get into this weird mess because of him and he will do all that he can to keep them safe.

A mask slips on over Taemin as he gives Onew a bright smile. “Onew hyung, thanks for making breakfast. You are the best!” Taemin takes out his phone to search for something. “Since you came all this way, we should go out and do something. Let's go out and eat at the new restaurant and later we can do a movie!”

“Nope!” Key immediately denies, he finishes washing the dishes. He makes his way over to the two and stands behind Onew, tucking his head on top of Onew's in an embrace. “I for one am tired of going out even though it's my job. Also I need to save some money.”

Taemin pouts. “Kibummieeee...”

“Nope! Unless you're willing to pay.”

Onew pats the Key's arm that is around his neck in a reassuring manner. “Alright, we can stay in. In fact, I know what we can do for today.”


Keeping busy is the best way to distract the mind and body. They ended up making japchae and gimbap for the day, doing a little dance in their seats while the sound of the latest songs play on the radio. No demons to distract Taemin from spending quality time with his friends.

“Aaah~” Taemin opens his mouth for Onew to feed him japchae. He closes his eyes and makes a satisfied sound. “This is so good, hyung. You should open a restaurant.”

“I thought about that but I realized it's going to be a lot of work,” Onew said as he mixed the japchae ingredients in the big bowl. He takes a bite for himself. “You have to hire more people, spend money on a lot of ingredients, gas and electric bills are going to be sky high.”

“Isn't that the same as running a cafe?” Key asked, cutting the ingredients to make gimbap. “You'd probably make more money if you open a restaurant.”

Onew makes a thoughtful sound. “I would... but that's more work than running a cafe.” Onew offers some japchae for Key and feeds him with his hand. “Besides, if I run a restaurant, I wouldn't have any time to spend with the both of you.”

“We'll come visit you if that's the case,” Key said with his mouth full. “We'll bring business and keep you busy forever.”

“Because we love you, our dobu Onew,” Taemin cooed. “Feed me?”

“Yah Lee Taemin, finish rolling those gimbaps! And Onew hyung, stop feeding him or else we won't have any japchae left.”

Making food with friends is the best. They have gotten carried away and ended up with 2 big bowls of japchae and 3 stacked pyramids of gimbap rolls. Enough for all three of them that will last them for days.

Somehow the kitchen had turned into karaoke club. The music was now blasting with the boys dancing and singing along to the tunes. Onew singing the long notes with the gimbap as his microphone, harmonizing with Key rapping with his style to the radio. Taemin cheering wildly, waving loose strands of japchae in the air like a pompoms.

His good mood came to an end when a particular song came up.

“~Loverholic, Robotronic, Loverholic, Robotronic, Geobu hal su eopeun neoui maryeokeun Lucifer~” Key made a finishing pose and was met by boisterous cheers from Onew who had took a break. “Bravo, bravo! Encore, encore!”

Taemin had been quiet when the song came on, quickly reminding him of the demon. All his efforts had been in vain. Trying to avoid the demon, hiding from the demon, he can't even deny its existence. Like he's tied and trapped, and he can't get demon out of his mind.

He needs a way to fix this before anybody would get hurt.

Key sat down next to him, exhausted. “You alright there, Taemin-ah?” he asked. “Thought you would have got up there. Isn't this your favorite song?”

Taemin gave Key a tired smile. “I love watching you move, hyung. I can watch you all day.”

Key gives Taemin's cheeks a fond squeeze, making his face stretch out wide. “Aww, my dongsaeng~ You flatter me.” He laughs as Taemin swats his hand away. “It would be better if you had join me, your popping is better than mine.”

Taemin gives a chuckle. “Maybe next time.”

When he finally gets rid of demon business over and done with.

Onew turns off the radio. “Alright boys, I'm done and beat. Lets clean this up. Taemin-ah, can you do the dishes? I'll put the food away into the containers – where is it again? Key, since you give the most outstanding performance, you get to pick the movie or show we can watch.”

There was some mild pouting on Taemin's part before Onew gave a stern glance. After cleaning and putting the food away they gathered in the living room with Key whose still choosing what to put up on the TV.

“Yah Lee Taemin!” Key calls out as he uses the remote to scroll through the selection. “What's wrong with your collection? Why is most of them starring Lee Minho?!”

“I don't know...” Taemin's cheeks colored. “He's in a lot of shows though...”

“And you just happen to save every show he stars in?” Key gave the boy a sly look. “My my Taeminnie. Looks like you got a thing for tall and handsome.”

Taemin is saved by further embarrassment when Onew comes with snacks in his arms. “Yah just pick something,” he places the snack on the small table before flopping down on the sofa. “Doesn't have to be from Taemin's collection. Why does it take you so long to choose?”

Key clicks his tongue in response. “I'm making an important decision here so I need all the facts. Action, horror, rom-com, all need to be taken into account for along with the acting and cinematography.”

Onew gave a confused look. “The what now?”

“Key took a cinema class to fill his Gen Ed requirement,” Taemin explained. “Since then, he's been giving critiques and stuff, saying camera angles and techniques. It's actually hard for him to choose what to watch now without him complaining half the time.”

“Because everything has become cliché and mainstream!” Key resigned, lays down on floor. “There is no more art in this world. Story telling has become bland and everything has become a 'oh wow' factor or 'kiss, kiss, wham bam thank you ma'am' and then everything else is not worth mentioning.”

Onew snatches the remote away from Key. “I'll pick something, doesn't have to be in Taemin's collection. So come here and sit. Taemin, why you still standing up? Did you get the drinks? Sit!”


Overall it was a lazy day. At the end the three of them watch movies and eat the food they made and snacks. Key didn't even bother scolding Taemin with how much banana milk he had consume as he ended up drinking some himself.

In what seemed like the umpteenth movie, they had dozed off on the sofa, snuggling against Onew sitting in the middle. At one point pillows and blankets were brought over for the three of them to share, making a blanket nest in the living room.

Taemin was rubbing his eyes from the nap he took. He makes a move to get up but it felt so warm and comfortable in his position. Onew sleeping in the middle with his bicep acting as Taemin's pillow and his arm securing him in place along with the thick, soft blanket. Key on other side sleeping with his head on Onew's chest, lightly snoring.

Taemin means to take another nap again when he sees it. In the living room with only the light of the TV glowing, a tall dark figure is standing in the shadows besides the TV. Sensing the boy awake, the dark figure steps forward and reveals to be the demon haunting Taemin at every waking moment.

All Taemin could do was look up as the demon steps to stand beside where Taemin is sitting. The demon gives a curious look. “You seemed to have a productive day, did you think of me at all?”

Perhaps it was Taemin's mind being fuzzy for being comfortable in what seems to be a long time ago that his actions are not logical and lack self-preservation. Maybe he is still tired from his nap. Or perhaps his eyes are not as adjusted in the dark. Whatever the reason is, Taemin snuggles back into Onew's arm and backs away from the demon as he can. “Go away, demon hyung. You're just a figment of my imagination.”

The demon makes a surprised noise. “Demon hyung?!”

Taemin glares at the demon. His glare has as much of an effect as a small kitten glaring at its food. “I am having a good day and I am trying to sleep here,” he mumbled, turning his head away and tucking his head under Onew's chin. He brings the blanket closer to cocoon him. “Go bother me tomorrow. I will be ready to take you on.”

He closes his eyes and lets himself relax thinking that is the end of that. There was some shuffling on Onew's end, his arm readjusts to accommodate Taemin. The hand moved to massage Taemin's head, the movement made Taemin let his guard down.

“You have gotten arrogant, little one. Why do I have to wait tomorrow when you love how I make you feel?”

Those words had Taemin's eyes snapped wide open as the source of the sound is coming from next to him. He turns toward where Onew is and found him replaced with the demon, grinning menacingly above him.

Taemin makes a startled noise, trying to slip out of the demon's grasp. But the demon was quick and in an advantageous position. The arm that was previously massaging Taemin's head held him in place by the demon's chest. The other arm wraps around Taemin's torso to keep him from moving.

Taemin looks around wildly. Key and Onew somehow disappeared. There's nothing on the TV, only static. He's all alone in the arms of the demon.

The demon makes some mock shushing noise to soothe Taemin's fear. “It's okay, relax,” the demon cooed, massaging Taemin's head like before as a mocking gesture. “You were so soft and pliant before just begging to be held.” The hand on Taemin's torso tightens, bringing him closer to the demon. “Begging to be played. Begging to be eatened.”

The demon turns Taemin's head so they would be face to face. Taemin clenches his eyes, willing this dream to go away. He tries to move away but was held by iron-like force.

“Look at me, little one.”

Taemin shook his head and clenches his eyes tighter. But demon is not easily deterred, shoving a thumb into Taemin's mouth. The intrusion and foreign taste forces Taemin's eyes open and met with the demon's glowing eyes. By some otherworldly forces he couldn't shut his eyes, forced to stare at his tormentor.

The demon gives a satisfied smirk. “You look beautiful like this,” the demon takes its hand from Taemin's mouth and brings it to its own mouth to taste. It takes its thumb away with a popping sound. “You taste sweet like this.

Taemin whimpered at the gesture as he was brought closer into the demon's embrace. His arms trapped against the demon's chest, unable to move. He could feel the heat of the demon's body, the breathing on top of his head. Any closer he could suffocate.

“P-please,” Taemin begged and clenched his eyes. He could feel the demon's tongue dance on his neck. “Let me go!”

“Oh my dear little one,” the demon whispered. “I'll never let you go.”


Taemin opens his eyes and sees Onew looking down at him with concern. He looks around and sees everything back to what it should be. Onew sitting next to him and Key stretched out on the other end, knocked out and snoring. The TV is showing the end credits and the food and drinks are spread out on the table. No sign of the demon anywhere.

“You alright there, Taemin-ah?” Onew asked. “You were mumbling and moving in your sleep. A nightmare?”

Taemin numbly nodded, moves closer to Onew, clutching his shirt. Onew had taken the gesture in stride, gathering the boy in his arms and tucking in the blankets. “You want to talk about it?”

Taemin shook his head and mumbled some poor excuse. “Too much banana milk.”

He could feel Onew nodded, accepting the answer. “Yeah probably. I haven't had as much as you but I slept like a log,” Onew tucks some of Taemin's hair behind his ear. “I'll let it slide for now. Don't worry, I won't tell Key.”

“Thanks, hyung.”



It took God six days to make the world and on the seventh day he rests. It also means going to church, the demon can't follow him in there.

Taemin was never excited to go so it was a weird feeling. Church was a community he grew up in that slowly became an obligation to attend. It was a boring feeling but he feels safe in the house of God.

It was until he saw the demon.

The demon looks like a normal human male, blending in with the crowd. Taemin had done a second take, mistaking a regular human for the demon. But when the man shoots him a devilish grin, he knew it was the demon. Sitting a couple pews away, hornless, fangless, and tail-less like a normal human.

Taemin was turned away by an nearby elder for making such expression, scolding him to pay attention to the sermon. Many worries shoot off in Taemin's head. How is it possible for the demon to be here? How can Taemin escape from this? Is something wrong with his eyes?

Before he knew it, the service was over. Everyone is out of their seats, greeting each other, getting ready to leave. Taemin looks over to where the demon had been sitting, watching it get up and go up the stairs.

He follows the demon up the stairs to an enclave that overlooks the sanctuary. A small space with tall windows overlooking the outside, two padded benches, and a cross tacked on the wall.

No sign of the demon.

Taemin moves to sit on the bench. He must be hallucinating. He keeps seeing the demon almost everywhere, stalking him. Because of the demon, he's losing sleep. To think a demon can enter a church, he's just paranoid.


Taemin yelped, scrambling away from the demon who appeared out of thin air. “H-how?!”

“You're always so jumpy, little one,” the demon cooed. “That can't be healthy for you.”

The demon looked just as handsome and menacing even as a human. Taemin's back hits the other wall where the cross was tacked above his head. Grabbing the cross, he held it out as though to shield him. “S-stay back! I'm armed!”

The demon paused, considering the cross held out by Taemin, keeled over with laughter a second later. “T-that's so funny,” the demon managed to say between laughs. “I'm armed?! That's just two pieces of plastic wood glued together.”

Taemin lowers the cross, looking at it with disbelief. “W-what?”

“Like I said before the first time we met; intent and will is what summoned me,” the demon points at the cross. “This cross is not sanctified and the church has enough empty faith to allow me to pass through. It may work against low level demons but not me.”

Taemin puts the cross down resigned and looks up at the demon. “Are you going to eat my soul now?”

“Not right now.”

“Then what do you want from me, demon hyung?”

The demon frowned. It looks like the demon doesn't know the answer as well. The menacing mask of intimidation has momentarily lowered for Taemin to be curious. It wasn't a common sight for the demon to have.

But the mask was soon back in place when the demon gave a sneer. “I like seeing you flustered, not knowing what to do in my presence. So many options of what it'll lead to, little one.”

Taemin's cheeks colored. “I'm not little,” he said. “I happen to be tall for my age. So stop calling me little, I am Lee Taemin.”

The demon grinned, his eyes sparkle with excitement. “Lee Taemin...”

“What's your name?” Taemin asked. “I don't want to keep calling you demon.”

The demon suddenly moves so close until they are almost nose to nose. There was no way Taemin can move. He held his breath, his heart pounding rapidly.

The demon tilted Taemin's chin gently with its clawless hand, its light grip still has power behind it. “Where do you get your courage from to ask me for my name when you have summoned me in the first place?” the demon questioned. “And to freely give me your name, do you have any idea what you have done? You are so sweet yet so naïve.”

Taemin inwardly swallowed. “Self-preservation is not one of my best qualities?”

Maybe it is because the demon looks so human that Taemin has the gall to speak freely. Maybe he's just tired of being scared of the demon. Or maybe its because he is as close to death as he can get with the demon and it is an inevitable end.

The demon raised an eyebrow at Taemin's answer. “I will allow you the privilege to give me a name,” the demon lets go of Taemin's chin. “It'd better be a good name or you will regret it.”

“You don't have a name?”

“My true name is extremely complicated for the human tongue.”

Taemin takes a moment to think. A name that is fitting for a demon. A demon that keeps haunting him everywhere he goes. It must be a good name, he doesn't want to risk angering the demon.

“Minho,” Taemin finally said. “Your name is Minho.”

“Minho...” the demon tested the name. “What a coincidence. The last person to make a deal with me was named Minho as well.”

“What happened to him?”

“Business as usual and I will collect his soul when the time comes.”

Taemin inwardly shudders at the thought. “So do you want the name?”

“It's fine.” The demon, now named Minho, outstretched his hand for Taemin. “My name is Minho. It's nice to meet you, Lee Taemin.”

Taemin looks at the hand with distrust and looked up. The demon's expression doesn't waver, expectant with glee.

Finally decided, Taemin takes the hand. “Nice to meet you, Minho.”

It could be his imagination but he felt a warm pulse when he took the demon's hand. Little did he know the moment he took the demon's hand, things will not be the same anymore.



Finally! I posted this chapter twice and had to retype the notes because AFF is not working well with me here. The set up and the format on this site is way behind on where I usually haunt.

Finally introducing our demon Minho! Our boy will be making a regular appearance in this fic.

Bringing in EXO to move this story along with particular emphasis on Kai as he is the only EXO member I'm familiar with and has good relations with Taemin in real life. And they have powers based on their MV Mama

Once again lets help SHINee MVs reach 100 Million views and beyond. Just like what we did in chapter 3 this is an option for silent readers to participate. Next chapter requires 4 MVs to reach their goals. Has to be SHINee or solo members MVs. Doesn't have to be in the list below but here is an example

MV Current Views Goal
Hello 73.8M 74M
Lucifer 109.27M 110M
Replay 22.47M 22.7M
1 of 1 15.25M 15.65M

If you like my fic; comment, subscribe, and upvotes are much appreciated. Until next time - stay safe!

Like this story? Give it an Upvote!
Thank you!
Thank you everyone for coming along on this journey. As mentioned I will be taking a long break to recharge and plan. I'll be fixing some of my fics here to be posted on my AO3 account TGIntentX. See you next time, bye!


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kisstomylips #1
Chapter 37: It is my pleasure to read such a great work. I was moved by the feelings of SHINee five people, gentle warm onew, reliable Jonghyun, sweet key, awkward and lovely Minho, like the sun of the Taemin. Happy to finally see the reunion of Minho and Taemin, demon hyeong and his little one will always accompany each other as humans, can not find a better ending than this.Thank you for such a beautiful work💕
Chapter 37: Nice 👍
747 streak #4
Chapter 37: I just finished the ending as well as your author’s note. This was such an enjoyable story - both plot and characters. I am definitely glad that you saw it to the end, I also can’t wait to see your next adventure.

Quick question, did Minho keep the blue star and that is what turned him fully human? Also, is Onew just human now, without his powers?

It’s also interesting that Taemin’s parents are now in his and Taecyeon’s lives. The saddest scene was when Jongin hugged Taemin. I am still in hopes that they can see each other again at some point. Lastly, Minho and Taemin remembering each other almost brought a tear to my eye, as I can picture the whole scene. Thank you so much for writing such a great fic and sharing it with us.
Shinee2020 #5
Chapter 37: Thank you for all the final explanation. It doesn't matter that it took you 4 years to finish it, I'm just so happy you did finish it. I've enjoyed that story very much with it intricate plot. And love the fact that everytime you gave answer to some questions, more questions pop up in my mind. This was a great story and I'm sure I'll be rereading it often. :) Take care and looking forward to reading another of your story in the future, no matter when that will be. :)
Chapter 37: Thank you for your explanation and story. I really enjoy it.
Beau1996 1379 streak #7
Chapter 37: Thank you for the detailed epilogue - I'm glad I read the story first though so I could develop my own movie in my mind !! This is one of my favorites and I was always happy to see an update!! Take care of yourself author-nim - rest and recharge!!!
Chapter 37: This had to have been a labor of love!
Shinee2020 #9
Chapter 36: Wow.... Can't believe it is over already! I had been waiting (impatiently :P) for the ending but at the same time, I'm sad it is already over. Sorry if I was a pain and keep asking for update. :P I love this story very much and am very grateful you finished it. :)
I got a few questions:
- What happened to Onew? Since he gave his blue star to Minho, does it mean he will become old now? He is no longer immortal?
- For Taemin, since he got back, he doesn't have any recollection of what had happened? For him, live as usual for 6 months before he met Minho again?
- He said his brother was in the hospital and his parents is coming to pick him. So something change, since his parents are not death and his brother is also still alive?
- Is Jonghyun still there or is he gone back?
- Where did Jongin as well as the others that were present during the final fight gone?
- What is the future of Taemin and Minho? (you should have a second epilogue. :) )
So many answers, but so many more questions left....That has been the case from the beginning of this story. I really love it and I hope you will write many more. Can't wait to read your next one. :) Thank you so much for keeping us on our toes until the end!
Beau1996 1379 streak #10
Chapter 36: Was Jongin reliving a memory with Taemin before leaving and where did he go??

Such a good story!! I wondered if part of Minho's journey to save Taemin and accepting Onew's blue star would be giving up his demon powers.

Thanks for finishing your story!! So many times I come across a good fic only to realize that it has been abandoned! I'm already imagining what Minho and Taemin's life will be like now... 👏