
MoTzu/TzuMo one shots

Chou Tzuyu. The Popular playgirl. She probably dated like 20 girls in JYP High, the longest relationship was 2 months and that was with Myoui Mina, the cold black swan. Their relationship was the best among all of them. Tzuyu actually enjoyed herself with the girl, but it soon ended after Mina found Tzuyu cheating.

Tzuyu was dared to swoop Hirai Momo off her feet. Hirai Momo is the school nerd, she was a bookworm but is very cute. Tzuyu agreed to do the dare, thinking Hirai Momo is an easy target but her heart is closed with locks that are hard to open. 

"Pftt, I can totally do this dare. That Hirai Momo is probably like other girls anyway." Tzuyu thought to herself

Momo was walking with Sana to the cafeteria to get lunch, they got in line to get some their regular order, Jokbal and ramyun. While walking back to their table Tzuyu "accidently" bumped into Momo and spilled all of her food onto her clothes.

"Oh , I'm so sorry I wasn't looking where I was going and bumped into you." Tzuyu explained 

Momo sighed and adjusted her glasses "It's okay, I have extra clothes in my locker" Momo smiled as she left.

Tzuyu was kinda confused because normally girls would flirt with her and try to be seductive because well she's THE Chou Tzuyu.

"Wait! I'll accompany you, and I'll buy you dinner later as an apology." Exclaimed Tzuyu

Momo ignored the girl as she continued to walk to the toilet to wash up. Whispers can be heard in every table "Wow did she just rejected Chou Tzuyu?" "Damn that girl is fiesty" "Wait who was that girl?" 

Tzuyu ran towards Momo to try to convince her to go out for dinner.

"C'mon Momo please, I really want to make it up to you" Tzuyu pleaded

"Fine, I'll go out for dinner with you" Momo gave up refusing the poor girl and finally agreed

"I'll wait at the gate for you after school, don't ditch me." Tzuyu said with excitement in her voice

*skip to after school*

Tzuyu waited at the gate for Momo, the "hard to get" girl. Momo soon showed up and Tzuyu offered to get some teokbokki and ice cream. Momo agreed without much thought but had one request. 

"Can we get Jokbal, please?" Momo asked using her signature puppy eyes

"Of course we can." Tzuyu agreed without hestitation

They walked to a nearby jokbal restaurant and ordered a large serving. Momo being the shikshin she is, ordered a huge variety. Afraid that Momo ordered too much food, she cancelled a few dishes that are a little too excessive. Momo was a little dissapointed and pouted cutely. Tzuyu laughed and patted her head, promising Momo that she'll buy more next time. Momo gave in and nodded her head.

The food came hot and fresh, Momo went all savage and ate 80% of the food on the table. Tzuyu was extremely amused, she never met anyone like her. Adorable, big eater and a sweet talker. Tzuyu found herself fonding over the girl more than the food.

Momo laid back on her chair and was satisfied with the food in her stomach. 

"Thanks Tzuyu for the food." Momo thanked Tzuyu with a small smile. 

"C'mon, we still have to get ice cream." Tzuyu offered her hand to Momo

Momo held onto the tall girl's hand as they walked to the ice cream parlour. They both got chocolate ice cream and went on a night stroll. They chit chatted and had a great time.

For the first time in a while, she enjoyed another person's company. She felt that Momo is different from other girls, she liked the girl. But soon remembered the dare. "There's no time for falling for a girl, I need to complete this dare first." Tzuyu thought to herself

It was getting late so she dropped Momo off at her home and gave a kiss on the cheek. Momo was a little flustered but bought it as a friendly gesture.

Tzuyu continued to ask Momo out for dates and soon enough they both fell for each other. Momo finally opened her heart for Chou Tzuyu and Tzuyu finally opened her heart for Hirai Momo.

"Momo~ do you wanna go to the theme park tomorrow? It'll be super fun." Tzuyu asked Momo

"Sure Tzuyu, I'll go. But under one condition." Momo said 

"What is it?" Tzuyu asked as her head tilted side ways in a cute manner

Momo giggled at the sight. " Buy me Jokbal later, I crave it so bad." Momo complained 

"Okay okay, I'll buy some for you, princess." 

"Princess? What am I? Your girlfriend?" Momo exclaimed 

"Soon to be girlfriend" Tzuyu said as she wiggled her eyebrows 

Momo started to blush and felt her heart beat fast "Oh no, I might have fallen for Chou Tzuyu." She thought to herself. 

Tzuyu bought Momo a huge box of Jokbal just for her beloved princess.Momo's expression was priceless. She gave Tzuyu a big hug and a couple kisses on her cheeks. Tzuyu smiled to herself as she held on her cheeks, her heart beating fast and steady and her tummy filled with butterflies. "Chou Tzuyu, you just fell for Hirai Momo, your princess" Tzuyu muttered under her breath.

The next day, Tzuyu picked up Momo from her house to the amusement park. Momo wore a cute yellow sweater with some skinny jeans, she looked just like a little duck. Tzuyu was very happy with how her princess looked in that sweater.

They got to the park and bought tickets, Tzuyu knew Momo was really scared of rollercoasters and tricked her into riding one. 

Momo held on to Tzuyu like a koala as the ride went on, screaming her lungs out every second. Tzuyu held Momo in her arms, and covered her eyes. She was happy that she can hold her Momo like this. 

After the ride, Momo was extremely pouty and cute. Tzuyu made it up with a few kisses. Keke, Momo loves kisses.

"Tzuyu ah, I'm going to get ice cream, wait here for me okay?" Said Momo 

Tzuyu nodded in response and waited for her princess patiently. Coincidentally, she saw her group of girls who dared her to swoop Hirai Momo off her feet.

"Yah, Tzuyu. Seems like you got Momo wrapped around your finger huh." One of the girls noticed Tzuyu

"So?" Replied Tzuyu

"Don't forget the dare, Tzuyu. We'll give you 20 bucks if you succeed. Don't fall in love like those idiots." Said the girl 

"Yea yea whatever, just get out of my sight." Tzuyu shooed them off. Tzuyu didn't care about the dare. She fell for Momo, and she wanted to make Momo hers today.

Momo heard the whole conversation, her heart was completely broken. Tzuyu noticed Momo and the hot tears running down her face.

"Momo, I can explain." Tzuyu said with concern 

Momo dropped the two ice cream cones and ran away without any thoughts. 


Momo didn't care anymore, she wiped away her tears and continued to run. "Stupid stupid. Why did i fall for her? Out of all the people it was her." 

Tzuyu finally caught up to her and grabbed her wrist. "Tzuyu. Please. Let go of me." 

Tzuyu pulled Momo in an embrace. Momo cried her eyes out as she punched Tzuyu's chest. 

"Why did I fall for you Chou Tzuyu? Am I such a Pabo?" Momo repeated the same question again and again. Tzuyu felt heartbroken as she watched her princess break down in front of her.

"Princess, look at me. Please?" Tzuyu begged

Momo looked up Tzuyu's sincere eyes. 

"I love you, Hirai Momo. I threw that dare away when i realised I fell for you Momoring. It's so heartbreaking to see you like this Momo. Please forgive me, I genuinely did fall for you, my princess. Aieru."

Momo saw how sincere Tzuyu was and accepted her love. Momo buried her face into Tzuyu's neck

"Wo Ai Ni." Momo muttered

Tzuyu smiled and kissed her princess's forehead. She'll be a different girl for her princess, just for her princess.



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Chapter 26: Why are they so freaking cute together?? Ugh my little heart!
1241 streak #2
Chapter 26: So cute~~
Chapter 12: This is so cutee!
Chapter 24: Have you thought about making a sequel to this? Where Momo and Tzuyu run into each other and Tzuyu is single and Momo decides to earn and fight for her trust and love and to never treat her badly ever again?
Chapter 25: love it ^^
Chapter 25: Cuuutteee~
Chapter 24: i cri ;-;
Chapter 24: When I know I won't have a relationship ;-;