I can't remember

MoTzu/TzuMo one shots

Tzuyu's POV 

I sat in the waiting room, praying that Momo will live and we can be happy again. We were having our date as usual but unfortunately, I was an idiot and didn't save Momo from the accident.

The red light from the emergency room stopped blinking, the doctor came out of the room, his expression slightly displeased. 

"She will live." The doctor spoke

I broke into a smile as happiness filled my veins but it soon came to an end.

"I'm sorry but she lost her memories." The doctor apologised

I felt sadness filled my heart that was filled with Momo's love. I nodded to the doctor, I understood he couldn't do anything. I was already grateful she's alive but she won't remember the little things we did that make each other so happy. 

I can make her remember, right? I attempted to be positive but doubt kept consuming me. I sigh as I watch the nurses transfer my lover into another room. 

I followed the nurses to visit her, she was still unconscious. I sat down and traced the little details on her face. From her eyebrows to her lips, she's the definition of perfection to me.

I lay my head on my arms and drifted off the sleep, hoping that tomorrow Momo will awaken.

Momo's POV

I woke up with my head throbbing and my eyelids heavy. I looked around my surroundings Where am I? I attempted to remember the last thing I did but nothing popped up instead the throbbing pain in my head worsen.

I looked to my left and noticed a girl, she was sleeping next to my bed. Who is she? I reached for the water bottle on the table next to me, I chugged the water down to satisfy my dry throat. 

The girl shook in her sleep, she slowly fluttered her eyes opened. 

"Momo? You're awake?" The unknown girl asked. 

I was curious who exactly this person is.

"Who are you?" I asked

Her expression showed that she was indeed sad and slightly dissapointed. She sighed but gave a small smile.

"I'll explain later, I have to go get the doctor." She said

I nodded and waited patiently in my room. Looking around for anything to let me remember something. The doctor came in with the girl. 

"Momo, how do you feel?" The doctor asked about my condition

"My head hurts a lot but besides that I'm fine." I replied

The doctor nodded and gave me some painkillers to subside the pain.

"Momo, do you remember anything?" The doctor asked

I shook my head, still confused what happened and how I got here.

The doctor explained that I lost my memories but I can still retrieve it. I nodded my head and glanced at the girl who was fidgeting her fingers, she looked awkward and nervous.

The doctor eventually left me and the girl alone.

"So, what's your name and who are you in my life?" I questioned her.

I looked at me and smiled a little bit.

"My name is Tzuyu and I am your lover." She answered.

Her name gave me a bit of a headache but it subsided quick. Lover huh? I would like to get my memories back again to understand everything. I nodded and the atmosphere became awkward. Both of us had nothing to say.

"Can you help me me get my memories back?" I asked Tzuyu.

"Yes, of course I'll help." She agreed without any hestination.

The nurse came in and informed us that I am discharged and can leave. 

"I'll leave you to change into the clothes on the table, I'll be waiting outside." Tzuyu said

I nodded and took the clothes, I walked into the toilet and wore the clothes. I walked out and saw Tzuyu there waiting for me.

"Come on, let's go."Tzuyu took my hand and intertwine mine with hers. 

I felt  flustered but ignored my beating heart and walked with her. I guess she's used to holding my hand that she forgot. We got to Tzuyu's car and she realised our hands are intertwine, she let's go and apologises.

The warmth from her hand was gone and I felt a little sad, I brushed it off and sat down in her car. 

"Where do you want to go?" Tzuyu asked 

"Uh, anywhere. Where was my favourite place?" 

"You'll  have to wait if you want to go there." Tzuyu said as she smiled

I didnt understand her but nodded anyway.

*time skip* 

It has been 2 months since I've lost my memories, I vaguely remember what was in the past. Tzuyu has been really nice to me, she tried her best to show me anything that could help me. I know that we're supposed to be lovers but we don't act like it.

Tzuyu did try to help me fall in love with her but I just couldn't, she could make me flustered and make my heart beat fast but Tzuyu deserves better. 

We're a lot more comfortable with each other now at least, we would hold hands in public and lay on each other's shoulders but we never kissed. I have a feeling Tzuyu is slowly falling out of love and it saddens me quite a bit. But it's probably for the best. Tzuyu always told me that I need to wait to visit my favourite place and I hope today I can.

"Tzuyu, can we go to my favourite place now?" I asked 

"Yes Momo, we can." She answered

I felt happy and asked her if we could leave soon. 

"We'll leave at 8pm, you have plenty of time to get ready." Tzuyu informed me 

I checked the time and it was already 6pm, I dashed to my room and took a shower. I look through my closet looking at what I should wear. I decided to wear a simple light pink hoodie and jeans.

7:45pm. I went out of my room and saw Tzuyu waiting for me at the couch. She smiled at me and opened the door for me. I smiled back and climbed into her car.

She drove us to a pretty place where we could see the stars, she placed a blanket and sat down and patted the spot next to her.

I sat down and admired how pretty it was. 

"Hey Momo" Tzuyu called out to me

I hummed in responce

"Do you love me?" She bluntly asks

I was silent, I wondered if I should sugar coat my words and say I do even if I don't. 

"Because I dont love you anymore." Tzuyu said as a tear escapes her eyes.

"I don't love you, Tzuyu. I'm sorry." I answered.

She looked at me and grabbed my hands. 

"Can you do me two favours?" Tzuyu asked

I nodded my head.

"Give me one last kiss before we part ways, please?" Tzuyu requested. 

I looked into her eyes and I could see how much she longed for love and I realised I never returned her love. 

I leaned in and captured her lips. It was slow but passionate, I didn't feel love from the kiss but I felt desperation.

We parted and we both knew we would be happier if we weren't together. 

"Momo, my other favour is that I want you to find someone better than me. Who can take care of you and give you the love you want. Can you do that?" 

"Yes, I think so.This applies to you too, Tzuyu." 

We both stood up and packed up to leave. The car ride home was silent but comfortable. I guess this is the end. I felt guilty that I didn't give what Tzuyu had back then, I could only blame myself. 

*time skip 2 years later* 

Third person

Both Momo and Tzuyu found someone else to fill their empty hearts. Tzuyu was happily engaged with Mina, a girl she met when she moved into a new neighbourhood.

Momo is dating a girl., Sana. A childhood friend who bumped into her in a Café. 

They would contact each other occasionally, both happy that they're enjoying their lives with someone they love.

The past is something Tzuyu can't forget but she stayed positive and is happy she is with a girl whom she loves wholeheartedly. 

  We loved at last.                                                                        But sadly,                                                                                   Our love did not last.





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Chapter 26: Why are they so freaking cute together?? Ugh my little heart!
1241 streak #2
Chapter 26: So cute~~
Chapter 12: This is so cutee!
Chapter 24: Have you thought about making a sequel to this? Where Momo and Tzuyu run into each other and Tzuyu is single and Momo decides to earn and fight for her trust and love and to never treat her badly ever again?
Chapter 25: love it ^^
Chapter 25: Cuuutteee~
Chapter 24: i cri ;-;
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