Chapter 2: Where we meet again

Sour Candy

“Hey! Do you guys know where did I put the TOEFL preparation book?” Mingyu suddenly storms into the staff room or more like a base camp for them.

“The blue one or the red covered one?” Seokmin looks up from his notes and puts down his pen.

“Err… I think it’s brown.” Mingyu starts to search the said book in the bookshelf which Wonwoo leans in as he sits in the floor.

“We have a brown TOEFL book?” Seokmin shoots Mingyu a look that said I-think-you-drunk-man.

“No, we don’t. He mistook it with the Grammar Advanced book.” Wonwoo rolls his eyes but still not bother to look up from his phone.

“Yes, we have! And it’s not a grammar book. I remember using it yesterday. Hyung, please move!” Mingyu shoves Wonwoo from where he sits.

“No, we don’t, you stupid giant! And it’s a grammar book. I gave it to you yesterday and don’t argue with me about a ing book. I’m practically the librarian in the team.” Wonwoo pushes back his glasses and gives Mingyu a side glare.

“Oh, stop being emo, Wonwoo hyung. Yes, you are the one who take care of our books but it doesn’t mean you can’t be wrong.” Mingyu rools his eyes and looks down at where Wonwoo sits.

“I’m being emo doesn’t have to do with the fact that we don’t ing have a ing brown TOEFL book. !” Wonwoo stands up suddenly and face to face with Mingyu who is slightly taller than him but still flinches a bit because felling intimidated.

“Whoa…easy there, guys.” Seokmin goes to stand in the middle of them avoiding another unnecessary drama.

“But…I used the book to teach TOEFL.” Mingyu mumbles looking down like a kicked puppy.

“Well, you do know that you can use a grammar book to learn the structure in TOEFL, right Mingyu?” Seokmin says and Wonwoo still keeps his glare to the giant puppy.

“Yes, but-” He is cut by a sudden open door and a friendly greeting from the youngest member of the team.

“Hey, guys. Good morning? Gutten morgen, Wonwoo hyung! Hyung, can I see the list of new books? I ordered a novel and it’s supposed to arrive this week. Seokmin-hyung, can you check the quiz I made yesterday? It’s for an intermediate structure class. Mingyu hyung, here’s your book. You left it in the TOEFL class yesterday.” Vernon puts a brown book in his table along with his bag. He looks for the quiz in a pile of map besides his messy table.

“It’s my book?” Mingyu runs into Vernon’s table taking the book abruptly, the title of the book clearly states ‘English Structure for Advanced Learners’

“Yeah, isn’t? I mean there are notes slipped inside of the book with your handwriting so…Did I do something wrong?” Vernon starts to feel the unusual tension in the room.

“No, Vernon. You’re not. I can’t tell about someone else though. Here’s the list.” Wonwoo walks past Mingyu putting the list and walks up to the door.

“Wonwoo hyung, wait…I-” Mingyu tries to reach out for Wonwoo’s hand but the other slaps his hand and opening the door. “I have a class, don’t you dare disturbing my class.” with that, he closes the door with a loud bang leaving devastated Mingyu holding the book closed to his chest.

Vernon walks to Seokmin’s table handing out a piece of paper containing a set of questions. “What’s wrong with this morning drama? The first episode is intense.” Seokmin laughs silently actually feels bad for Mingyu who still standing in front of the door.

“There was just a misunderstanding. They’ll be fine.” Seokmin reads the quiz as he writes some notes in the same paper. Vernon sits beside Seokmin while looking for the title of his ordered novel on the list. He is groaning when he doesn’t saw the novel even he already reread the list three times.

“You okay?” Seokmin looks up from the paper.

“No, it’s just my novel hasn’t shipped yet.” Vernon puts the list on Wonwoo’s table.

“Did you pre order it?”

“Yeah and it should be arrived this week.”

“Why don’t you just take it from the bookstore?” Seokmin continues writing some necessary notes.

“It’s only sold in a bookstore next town. Maybe I should check it myself.”

“Or you can call them.”

“Nah, I rather check it myself, you know, just to make sure. Besides, going to a place surrounded by tons of books will never hurt.”

“Yeah, you’re right.” Seokmin chuckles. “Mind if I join? I’ve never been going to a bookstore next town. I practically already know every inch of bookstores in this town.”

“No, that’d be nice. I don’t really enjoy wandering around on the other town alone anyway. By the way, how’s the quiz?” Vernon seats closer to Seokmin who already finished checking the said quiz.

“Oh well, overall, the first part is good but you need to change the option number, 4, 17, and 23, while for the second part…” Seokmin shows him the notes he’s been taking few minutes ago.


Wonwoo gets out of the class only to be greeted by Mingyu and his sad brown eyes. He looks down on the floor though too scared to look at Wonwoo in the eyes. He only stands and does nothing which irritated Wonwoo even more.

“Talk or get the hell out of my way.” Wonwoo said with a stern voice.

“I’m sorry.” Mingyu whispers barely audible.

“What?” Wonwoo leans in to hear him clearer.

“I’m sorry okay! I was wrong! I was stupid!” Mingyu yells and finally looks up with teary eyes. “I’m so sorry.” But his voice turn into whispers again.

Wonwoo covers his ears due to the sudden scream from Mingyu, looked surprised but try to gain his composure as soon as possible. He actually can’t stand if the taller boy looks sad even for a second. He is still mad but not too mad because of those eyes and that little pout.

“Buy me six different ice cream flavors and you’re forgiven.” Wonwoo pats Mingyu’s head walking past him immediately. He can hear the taller boy squeals and Wonwoo can’t help but smile.


AN: Side Meanie, ya’ll!!! I know that this story will be the slow burn type. So, please bear with me, beautiful readers *winkwink*

Midnight thoughts

I high key want a collaboration song between Vernon and my baby Seungkwan. It doesn’t have to be a new song, a cover song already make me feel grateful… (Lucky by Jason Mraz maybe?)

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Chapter 15: This story is really good! I like Seungkwan's character, but Vernon feels a bit agressive? I mean, that's just my opinion. Still, I love how the story is slowly progressing. I can't wait to read more! :)
Chapter 12: I enjoy this story'
Chapter 7: Vernon left him after their graduation and never told him what he was doing (within the 5 years)? Or he typically rejected his confession?
Seun_boo #4
Chapter 7: I really like this ff so far. It’s so cute and I absolutely love everyone all soft and for seungkwan
Iknowthatyousowell #5
Chapter 7: Ohhhh i really like it
Chapter 4: It's weird like most SVT members I ship more than one with them (eg I ship Joshua with a lot of the members) however when it comes to Seungkwan and Vernon, I ONLY ship them with each other and no one else XD
Chapter 6: OOOOOH i'm really excited to read what it's coming! ;) also, i think it's really cute that joshua has a crush with SK idkw.
Chapter 4: ooooh it seems really interesting. good job so far qith the story. i do too only ship vernon with SK haha.
Chapter 4: Welcome to Shipping Seungkwan to everyone...
I can imagine him wearing those cute outfits and it makes me wanna giggle because damnnn he is ADORABLE!!....
And I'm with you... I don't know.. I guess it's because Seungkwan is my ultimate bias in seventeen since the beginning and I just happen to favor Hansol after I noticed his stares (I wanted to know more so I started watching predebut vids of verkwan and I was hooked!!). Not that hansol isn't good enough.Hansol is awesome. It's just that. THAT.. you know? I can't imagine it. Shipping Hansol with someone else that is. But if I do see (or read) Hansol being shipped with someone, I neither hate it nor love it. Well sometimes I don't like it but I don't Hate nor Love it.
The point is I just don't see it happening or plausible. I don't see Hansol stare at someone like how he stares at Seungkwan. And with Seungkwan's personality, it's not hard to fall for him (personal experience (~_^) ). I don't know if I'm being delusional or assuming but just look at someone who looks at, stares at, talking with and talking about Seungkwan (that was kinda confusing).. See it for yourself.. It's like they fell for Seungkwan.. Like Seungkwan is their special someone.It doesn't even have to be romantic.. And let's not forget that Seungkwan is a kind hearted soul that loves everyone (even when he says he doesn't *cough*mingyu*cough*). Caring and Clingy too. Knowing these, it's pretty easy to imagine shipping Seungkwan with someone else may it be platonic or romantic.