Can I have this date?

Sour Candy

“Is it just me or Seungkwan is actually a cutie pie? (AN: IKR!!!?and no, it’s not just you, honey)” Minghao sits in the couch scrolling through instagram. They are currently are enjoying their free day in Vernon and Minghao’s apartment. Wonwoo, Vernon and Seungcheol take turn playing video game while Seokmin and Mingyu in the kitchen trying a new recipe Mingyu found online. Vernon sits up straight feeling alarmed by the sudden question.

“Who?” Seungcheol takes off his attention from the screen while Vernon tries his best to survive in the video game but still paying attention to the conversation behind him.

“Seungkwan. Boo Seungkwan. The Korean language teacher we work with.” Minghao types something on his phone.

“Well, he is actually not bad. Why do you say so?”

“Not bad? He is a charmer! Look at this!” Minghao shoves his phone to Seungcheol. “and this…and this.” He keeps scrolling the instagram feed, Seungcheol only nods approvingly.

“He is quiet cute.” Seungcheol says after seeing a couple of selfies.

“That’s what I’m talking about.” Minghao retorts back to the other side of the couch, continues scrolling the feeds.

“Ha! You lose! Seungcheol hyung, your turn.” Wonwoo settles back to his position ready for the next match. Vernon sighs moving to the couch before looking at Minghao almost giving a glare.

“What’s wrong, Vernon?” Minghao asks without his eyes leaving the phone. Vernon tries his best to act nonchalantly by controlling his voice.

“Nothing. It’s just…what do you mean by….how can you….you know, you’re talking about Seungkwan earlier.”

“Hmm? I don’t really get your question but I’m stalking his instagram right now.”

“His instagram?” there is surprise in Vernon’s tone.

“Yes. Look at this. I didn’t really pay attention before but actually he is pretty charming and I love his style.” Minghao shows him Seungkwan’s feeds. Vernon does know that Seungkwan has an instagram account. He just doesn’t want to check on it. It is because deep down on his heart, he is afraid that in some point he will see a photo of Seungkwan’s wedding someday. But forget about the wedding right now, instead, his hyung apparently thinks that Seungkwan is attractive and that’s never be a good sign. Minghao is the type to score a date with whoever he finds attractive and the next person could be Seungkwan. The last thing he wants is his fashionable hyung has a date with his forever crush. It is because every person who had a date with Minghao will always want a second date and next dates. He is a good talker and knows how to make someone comfortable around him.

“Do you….like him?” Vernon quietly asks praying that the answer is not the least answer he wants to hear.

“What? I don’t know. Maybe? But well, if he asked me on a date, I certainly will not reject the idea.” Minghao puts down the phone then reaches out his coffee in a table beside the couch.

“! NO! YOU CAN’T!” Vernon yells making Minghao widens his eyes and the two other guys stop their game.

“Everything’s okay, guys?” Seokmin peeks from the kitchen with a pan on his hand.

“Well, Vernon is not okay apparently. Hey, you okay, buddy?” Seungcheol puts down the console game patting Vernon’s thigh.

“You should have a good explanation for yelling at me, Vernon.” Minghao looks annoyed but concern at the same time. Vernon snaps back and realizes his impulsive action a minute ago. He can feel all of the attention on him making him feels anxious even more.

“I…I’m sorry, hyung. I-I gotta go.” Vernon stands abruptly and grabs his phone and wallet before storms to the front door leaving a loud bang when he’s gone. Everyone is silent processing the youngest attic which never happens before. Seokmin sighs, puts down the pan and walks to the living room where the three guys still in silent.

“Care to explain?” Seokmin inquires. Wonwoo and Seungcheol just shrug because they were too immersed on the video game before. Seokmin’s attention turns to Minghao who still thinks about his previous conversation with Vernon.

“Ehm…I don’t really know why did he like that. But I just showed him photos and-”

“Photos?” Seokmin rises his eyebrow before sits on the couch.

“Do you mean Seungkwan’s photos?” Seuncheol peeps in.

“Yes. And I said that he is pretty charming and I kinda want to date him. Then Vernon suddenly yelled at me…But, hey, that’s usual for me to do, right? I don’t know why he looked so surprise. I mean, we’ve been roommates for years and he didn’t have any problem before.”

“Seokmin, where is the pan? Oh, what’s wrong with the atmosphere? Did I miss something?” Mingyu enters the living room wearing an apron and a spatula in hand. Seokmin rubs his temple contemplating whether he should tell them or not. He should ask Vernon’s permission first but it seems that the concerned boy is nowhere to be found now.

“Well,” Seokmin stops for a while thinking his choice of words. “I believe that all of you are grown adults and I expect you guys to not doing stupid things with the information I’m going to give you. You know, like teasing, asking unnecessary questions, and other stupid things which will make Vernon upset or even worse angry.” They nod waiting for Seokmin to talk again.

“So, to put it simple, Vernon and Seungkwan, back in the high school, had a ‘thing’ going on. I don’t really know the details because he told me the story when he was heavily drunk. But it obvious that he loves Seungkwan and Seungkwan loves him. But, they have a kind of problem between them which is not sorted out…yet. Even though I think their relationship right now is becoming better and better, unlike when they first met a month ago.”

“Wait, let me get this straight. Vernon and Seungkwan have a couple problem and they were in bad condition but somehow they meet up again because of the project and now they make up or something?” Minghao inquires.

“No, not yet. But they are working on it. But don’t worry, this problem will not affect the project. You guys already know that, right? I mean, you didn’t notice their problem before this, cause they didn’t show it at all.”

“Mingyu, why are you crying?” Wonwoo rubs the taller boy’s back who is now sniffling.

“It’s-It’s just so sad…they looked fine on the outside but actually sad on the inside. I’m such a bad friend…not knowing my friend’s struggle.” Mingyu wipes his tears with his apron.

“If you say like that, what about me?” Minghao sighs.

“They are fine, just need time. And you’re not a bad friend, Mingyu, you too, Minghao. He is the one who doesn’t want you to know in the first place.” Seokmin pats his head. “Now, I want you guys to act reasonably after knowing this fact, okay? If Vernon and Seungkwan want to act like there’s nothing happened while working the project so be it. And please, don’t ask Seungkwan regarding to this. He’ll feel uncomfortable around him and that the last thing Vernon wants to get.” Seokmin says with finality on his voice. They are in silent for a while processing the information before them.

“Well, we should know where Vernon is right now. It’s getting late and he’ll miss the dinner.” Seungcheol takes out his phone. “I’ll call him.” he walks out of the living room.

“Ah, my mashed potato!” Mingyu runs to the kitchen followed by laughing Seokmin while Wonwoo turn off the video game. Minghao sits quietly in the couch. He unlocks his phone opening instagram which is still on one of the Seungkwan’s photos. He stares at the photo for a while before smirking thinking about a plan. A plan to ruin his roommate sanity.



The community is in the school doing a post test to several classes. Seungkwan sitting in the cafeteria by himself eats his usual healthy food. He doesn’t have any class left for today while Seokmin helping Mingyu and Vernon giving post test. Minghao who was done with his job goes to the cafeteria to buy a cup of black coffee. He smiles spotting the guy he’s been stalked for few days.

“Hey, Seungkwan.” He sits right beside Seungkwan too close, invading his personal space. He puts his sweetest smile making the brown haired guy caught off guard.

“Minghao-shii. Can you…can you sit a little away from me. It makes me a little bit uncomfortable.” Seungkwan says quietly.

“Oh, I’m sorry. Your smell is sweet. I like it.” Minghao still smiling, titles his head a little so his bang covers his brows.

“Thank you?” Seungkwan can’t really catch the reason why the Chinese tutor suddenly flirts him.

“Hey, what are you doing to my Seungkwan?!” Jun storms to their table before separating them more.

“Excuse me?” Minghao lifts his eyebrow confused.

“What are you doing to my baby Seungkwan?” Jun folds his hand furrowing not amused.

“Mr. Wen…my baby Seungkwan? Seriously?” Minghao looks at Jun and Seungkwan but the other guy only goes back to his food not bothered.

“No. MY baby Seungkwan.” Jun taps his foot impatiently.

“Are you guys like a thing?” Minghao asks carefully and Seungkwan answers nonchalantly, “No. He is just…unique.”

“No. I just like to treasure my baby Kwannie~” Jun says in sugar coated voice back hugging the brown haired guy.

“Ugh…let go off me, Jun.” Seungkwan peels off Jun’s hands from his neck while the Chinese man says,

“Okay, then. See you, my baby. And you!” He points at Minghao changing his voice, “Don’t you flirt with my baby ever again!” then he walks bouncing on his feet out of the cafeteria.

“He is sure unique.” Minghao scoffs amused by the Chinese teacher because his attitude is completely different when he is teaching in the class.

“I’ve told you.” Seungkwan laughs putting down his spoon. He just finished his food and ready to go but Minghao stops him.

“I heard you like flowers.”

“How did you know that?” Seungkwan sits back on the chair.

“Well, I may have or may have not stalked your instagram account and saw lots of flowers in your photos.” Minghao rubs his back neck sheepishly.

“You did what? oh, okay…that’s kinda creepy. But, yes, I like flowers.”

“Great!” Minghao pulls out a ticket and a brochure and gives it to Seungkwan, “My friend will have an exhibition about Ikebana in the town hall next Sunday. I think you’ll like it.” Seungkwan looks at the ticket on his hand, glances at Minghao for a while then reading the information printed on the brochure.

“It’ll be fun. I just want to have someone to go with, someone who shares the same interest. Well, I don’t really specifically like flowers, but I love nature photography so I think it has the same idea.” Minghao sees Seungkwan still reading the brochure. “So, what do you say?”

Seungkwan smiles, “Thanks, Minghao-shii. It’s very sweet. Okay, I’ll come with you.” Seungkwan puts in the ticket on his wallet then excuse himself. Vernon saw all of the event in front of him clenching his fist until his knuckles turned to white.

“You can come out now, Vern.” Minghao glances back from where Vernon standing behind the wall. He walks to the table and don’t bother to hide his irritated expression.

“Did you just… ask Seungkwan for a date?” Vernon breathes out the question frustrated.

“Yes.” But before Vernon can snap at him, he shoves the same ticket he gave to Seungkwan earlier while grinning, “But, it’s not my date, it’s yours. Thank me later.”

“Hyung…” Vernon looks at the ticket with teary eyes.

“Yeah, yeah…save the ‘you’re the best hyung ever’ for later, think about your date first so at least you will not make fool of yourself.”

“But…but, I allergic to flowers.” He looks up from the ticket.

“What the ?! Do you really have to ruin my perfect plan like that? Do you know how difficult I could get the tickets? I-” Minghao stops himself seeing the hopeless younger guy clutching the ticket in his chest. He sighs heavily thinking what he should do to the guy besides him right now.

“Do you have like a medicine to suppress the allergic or something? I don’t know how it works but I think you got my point.”

“I- maybe I still have some antihistamines on my drawer. I haven’t checked them again.”

“Antihi- what? whatever, yes you should check that. Or buy the medicines again. Anything, so you can have the damn date. I suffer enough to get the free tickets.” Minghao unlocks his phone checking the newest message which arrived a minute ago. “Ah, I gotta go. My friend from Thailand just arrived. I’ll e-mail you the post test result and also I can’t teach today.”

“Yes, hyung. Thanks for everything…for this. I’m sorry for almost snapped at you earlier.”

“Nah, it’s okay. You have all the reason to be upset. See you tomorrow, Vernon.” Minghao dashes out of the cafeteria leaving excited Vernon with his potential date on the ticket. He takes out his phone dialing a number.

“Hello, I like to make an appointment with Dr. Ren…”

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Chapter 15: This story is really good! I like Seungkwan's character, but Vernon feels a bit agressive? I mean, that's just my opinion. Still, I love how the story is slowly progressing. I can't wait to read more! :)
Chapter 12: I enjoy this story'
Chapter 7: Vernon left him after their graduation and never told him what he was doing (within the 5 years)? Or he typically rejected his confession?
Seun_boo #4
Chapter 7: I really like this ff so far. It’s so cute and I absolutely love everyone all soft and for seungkwan
Iknowthatyousowell #5
Chapter 7: Ohhhh i really like it
Chapter 4: It's weird like most SVT members I ship more than one with them (eg I ship Joshua with a lot of the members) however when it comes to Seungkwan and Vernon, I ONLY ship them with each other and no one else XD
Chapter 6: OOOOOH i'm really excited to read what it's coming! ;) also, i think it's really cute that joshua has a crush with SK idkw.
Chapter 4: ooooh it seems really interesting. good job so far qith the story. i do too only ship vernon with SK haha.
Chapter 4: Welcome to Shipping Seungkwan to everyone...
I can imagine him wearing those cute outfits and it makes me wanna giggle because damnnn he is ADORABLE!!....
And I'm with you... I don't know.. I guess it's because Seungkwan is my ultimate bias in seventeen since the beginning and I just happen to favor Hansol after I noticed his stares (I wanted to know more so I started watching predebut vids of verkwan and I was hooked!!). Not that hansol isn't good enough.Hansol is awesome. It's just that. THAT.. you know? I can't imagine it. Shipping Hansol with someone else that is. But if I do see (or read) Hansol being shipped with someone, I neither hate it nor love it. Well sometimes I don't like it but I don't Hate nor Love it.
The point is I just don't see it happening or plausible. I don't see Hansol stare at someone like how he stares at Seungkwan. And with Seungkwan's personality, it's not hard to fall for him (personal experience (~_^) ). I don't know if I'm being delusional or assuming but just look at someone who looks at, stares at, talking with and talking about Seungkwan (that was kinda confusing).. See it for yourself.. It's like they fell for Seungkwan.. Like Seungkwan is their special someone.It doesn't even have to be romantic.. And let's not forget that Seungkwan is a kind hearted soul that loves everyone (even when he says he doesn't *cough*mingyu*cough*). Caring and Clingy too. Knowing these, it's pretty easy to imagine shipping Seungkwan with someone else may it be platonic or romantic.