Just One. Just Her.

One in a Trillion

This fic is like  93 percent Diggy and 7 percent everybody else. hehehe... Hope you guys still enjoy!






Eunae lets out a sigh to the heavens, begging for the Lords or whoever is in charge of keeping time, to make the clock tick a little bit faster. But unfortunately, the timekeepers are working against her as the time remains perfectly at ease.


In the last 7 hours and 40 minutes, Eunae had:


Heard about 864 mind-boggling tattles.


Wiped about 23 snot filled noses.


Tied about 64 pairs of shoelaces.


Had to play referee to about 135 fights.


Add to all that, she had to teach these kids their spelling words and addition and solid, liquid and gas. Teaching gas which ends up with her prized student Bobby making farty noises that got the entire class of 4-6 year old kids all hyped up.


But that’s the thing about teaching kindergarten, you look at the job description and you are expected to teach about letters, and words and numbers and planets and everything in between. But you ask any teacher who makes out alive. Only a quarter of your time (if you could hold their attention that long) is ever devoted to teaching. The rest of the class, you spend chasing the little rugrats, tying shoelaces, wiping snot filled faces, listening to the same silly tattles over and over and over again.


By the end of the day, you crawl out of it alive and wake up to do it all over again.


How she’s still alive, she could only credit it to one.


Just that one good morning text from her.


Just that one tender smile when she was dropping Jennie off to school.


Just that one stolen brush of her arm as she was bidding her goodbye.


Just that one text during lunch, asking how she was and if she ate.


Just one. Just her.


“Thank Goooooddddd…” Jennie moans thankfully to the heavens as she sees her mom walking through their class window. From across the hallway, Eunae could barely hide her smile as one of the teachers made the most exaggerated lecherous face, her lips as Seulgi passed by.


“Hey my baby, how’s school?” Seulgi leans down to greet her little girl who has that adorable frown on her face.


“What took you so long?” Jennie got on her mom.


“What? I’m on time.” Seulgi’s eyes darted back inside to find her, and when their eyes meet exchanged shy smiles before Seulgi turns back to her baby.


Jennie turns to the clock above their whiteboard and narrows her eyes suspiciously at her mom. “You are 10 minutes late.”


“Oh, I am?”


“You are supposed to be here at 3:30, when the long hand is at 6, now the long hand is at 8. So, you’re late.”


“I guess I am. Ummm… Seulgi steals another glance at the teacher, who is doing a terrible job trying to hide her amused smile. “I’m just gonna go talk to Ms. Jo for a little bit, and then we will go, okay?”


“But why? I did good today. Not Jisoo she got on timeout.”


Seulgi’s eyes fleeted back inside and try to stomach a laugh as she sees Jisoo’s new hairstyle with her personally cut zigzag bangs. Wendy and Irene unnie would freak today.


“Okay, Your aunt Irene would talk to her.”


Jisoo’s mouth dropped to the ground at the horror, the belt maybe she’ll finally get to have it.


“No. no.no. no. Don’t tell mama!”


“My mommy don’t need to tell Aunt Irene,” Jennie defends her mom from the bangs monster. “Your mama will see it when she walks in.”


“Eeeehhhh…” Jisoo quickly turns to her teacher, hoping to get rescued. “Jennie is gonna tell on Chichoo.”


“No, she won’t,” Eunae reassures her little mischief with a hug. “I think your haircut is cute, but next time you should let an adult do it.”


“Chichoo will think about it.”


Eunae stands up from the tiny chair and Seulgi never realizes how tall Eunae is until she is looking at her walking towards her, and these little kids barely making it to Eunae’s stomach.




“Hi.” Seulgi stepped closer but took a step back, when she sees another teacher walking by. “I should blame you for making my daughter too smart.”


Eunae turns away to hide another smile, before regaining her composure to face the gorgeous girl in front of her. “I guess I am.”


“I like Jisoo’s new hair.”


“One minute we were cutting out shapes, next thing I know she’s already chopping her bangs. She wants to be like her bias in Red Velvet.”


Seulgi smiles in amusement and admiration on how her girlfriend can still keep it together.


“That kind of day, huh?”


“It’s Friday. I’ll be okay.”


“Yeah, ahhh. Wendy is going to have like dinner at her house tonight, she is an amazing cook. So if you want to go, It’ll save you some cooking for tonight. We could just relax, I promise the kids won’t be a bother.”


Eunae highly doubts that.


She loves her job. She loves the kids. And she especially loves the girl standing right in front of her. But tonight, if she wants to save her sanity then she just has to say no. Tonight, all she wants is some peace and lots of sleep.


“I’m sorry, Seul… I’m just really tired today. Maybe next time?”


“Oh. Okay.”


She hated the disappointed expression on Seulgi’s face and hated it more that’s she’s the reason for it.


“Maybe next time?”




Eunae winces at the ear piercing voice of one of her little girls, she doesn’t even need to turn around to figure out who.






The Kindergarten teacher sees her girlfriend, pursing her lips trying to hide her smile.


“I’m not smiling.”


Eunae just rolls her eyes at the blatant lie, she turns around ready to play referee when Nayeon takes justice in her own hand against the booger picking boy.


“You look here, young man!” Nayeon waves her glittered finger at the boy. “I’m gonna tell my daddy on you and he’s going to whoop you’re a-“


“Okay, okay,” Eunae steps in before Nayeon could drop the A word and a whole round of ruckus starts again. “That’s enough Nayeon.”


“Oooooooooooooooohhhhhhhhh…” Bobby wasn’t going to let this girl end this. “Nayeon said her daddy is gonna whoop me in the …”


Well… there it goes.


“OOOOHHHHH Msssssssssssssss……. JOOOOO…. Bobby said a very, very, very, very, very bad word.”


Eunae groans in reply, surrendering to her fate. “Bobby, we talk about the kind of words we say at school, didn’t we?”


“I DIDN’T SAY IT!” Bobby screamed his lungs out, his entire face turned red. “NAYEON DID!!!! BOOGER GIRL!!!!”




But the damage has now been done and before Eunae could stop it, Nayeon had already channeled her inner dramatic actress and started weeping dramatically, good enough to earn her an Oscar nomination.


“Okay that’s enough,” Eunae turns to Seulgi and tries her best to muster a smile while wrangling her little student who is ready to wrestle the entire class. “I’ll text you. Have fun tonight, okay?”




“So, how did unnie react to Jisoo’s haircut?” Seulgi asked and quickly regretted it when Wendy almost cut her finger off while she’s chopping carrots.


“She actually laughed about it.”


“Wait…” Seulgi’s expression looked completely puzzled when Wendy just said it. “We are talking about the same Irene, right?”


“Right. She didn’t laugh in front of Jisoo and got on her of course, but yeah, as soon as Jisoo went to her room, she burst out laughing.”


“Hairstyle is kinda cute.”


“I had to take her to the salon tomorrow to get her hair fix.”


“I saw her hair…” Joy walks into the kitchen, dropping her contribution of juices and adult juices on the counter. “You don’t need a hairstylist, you need a monk cause that needs a miracle to get fixed.”


“Yah! That’s still my little girl you’re talking about.” Wendy defended although she couldn’t help but agree with every word Joy had said.


“I don’t know how your girl does it.”




“Yours… Ms. Jo…”


“Yeah. I saw how she is with them and I’m…” Seulgi had so many good things to say about Eunae. “I’m just so amazed until now.”


“I called it!” Joy exclaims with such pride. “I said, yup, you and her will be hot together. But God, you are falling so bad…”


“Well, did you invite her tonight?” Wendy asked her bestfriend.


“I did but she can’t. She’s just exhausted.”


“I don’t blame her.” Joy agrees. “Imagine handling 13 Jisoos for 8 hours 5 days a week? And seeing the parents of her students?”


“What?” Wendy looks appalled. “Me and Irene don’t discuss those things with her, and Ms. Jo is very professional, like if you don’t tell us, I wouldn’t know. She talks about Jisoo a lot and going to first grade.”


“I don’t know how she does it, she just… amaze me everytime.”


“God…” Joy rolls her eyes at such cheesy declaration, but still couldn’t help but feel a sense of pride at the two that she knew would end up together. “Marry her already.”


“What? No… not yet.”


“Marriage is a whole different thing, Seulgi.”




Speaking of marriage.


“Yes, babe?”


“Come here and get the TV to work.”


Wendy looks back at Seulgi and gives her a “see-what-I-mean” look before going over to rescue her wife from technologically failing in front of the children.




“CHICHOO WILL DO IT!” Jisoo whines impatiently as she sees her mama wrestling with the remote control to put Lion King on. The three girls were waiting patiently on the couch, all too scared at the low growls and expression on Irene’s face.


“Shhhh…” Irene hushed her eldest daughter. “If you cut your hair, you don’t get to talk. You are lucky; I’m making you watch TV.”


“What’s going on?”


Irene grunts before almost lunging the remote control. “Why do we have some many remotes?!”


“I already explained this to you. This one is for turning on the TV, this one is for the DVR, this one is for the Roku. Where is that paper?” Wendy searched around through a mess of coloring sheets, remote controls and popcorn on their coffee table.

“What paper?”


“The one where I wrote the directions?”


“I don’t know. I forgot.” Irene didn’t hesitate in saying back.


“Obviously,” Wendy mutters under her breath, before masterfully putting on Lion King in a few seconds which might take her wife all night.


“What did you say?”


“Oh, hi Lisa!” Wendy changes the subject as she sees the lanky girl from next door, with those gigantic smiles. “I didn’t know you were coming over.”


“Jennie unnie is here, so I’m here.”


Jennie just narrows her eyes.


“I’m a Jennie magnet.” Lisa, the Jennie fangirl adds.


Well, there goes Jennie’s patience.


“No, you’re not!” Jennie growls out.


“Is that my Jennie yelling?”


Jennie plops back on the couch, arms crossed, chest puffed up in annoyance.


Seulgi coos on her frowny little girl, “What happened?”


“She’s wrong! She is not a Jennie magnet!”


“Jennie, you have to be nice to Lisa. She really likes to be your friend.”


“I want her to be my Bae.” Lisa corrected her hope to be future mother in law.




“Bae?! That’s my name!” Chaeyoung says proudly. “Son- Bae Chaeyoung.”


“But you don’t know how to spell it.” Jisoo pokes at her baby sister.


“Sometimes I do.”


“That’s okay my baby, we will practice more, okay?” Wendy reassured their youngest.


The doorbell rings and Wendy spring up to her feet to answer it.


“That’s probably Yeri and Saeron now.”


Everyone settles in their seats, Seulgi placing Jennie on her lap but her daughter was ready to leap out of her lap when she sees who walked in.


“MS. JOOOOO!!!!!”


“MS. JO!!!!!!!”


The four little girls look awestruck to see the pretty teacher away from the vicinity of their school. To see Ms. Jo in jeans and shirt and her hair down, instead of her cardigan and hair being held together in a bun by two pencils. For the girls, she’s the prettiest lady they had ever seen.


The power of four could almost wrestle Eunae to the ground with their big hugs.


“She’s like a celebrity to them.”


“Hey, Ms. Jo.”


“Oh, ummm, It’s Eunae. You can just call me Eunae.” Eunae bows politely. A feeling of awkwardness seeping in her expression, as she steps into this new world, not as a teacher, but as the girlfriend of their closest friend.


“Then, you can call me Wendy and you know my wife, Irene.”


“Hello, I apologize for our girls.”


“No, no… nothing to apologize about. I’m sorry about the haircut.”


“No, if Jisoo wants that haircut,” Irene waves her off. “She’s going to make it happen.”


“C’mon! C’mon! C’mon!” Jisoo starts dragging her teacher up the stairs. “Chichoo will show her room!”


“My room too!”


“Ms. Jo has already been to my house!” Jennie brags.


“But she’s in Chichoo’s house now!”


Wendy is about to interrupt another epic war between the two kindergarteners, but Eunae knows all too well how to calm and distract the two by pulling out a My little pony coloring book. Chaeyoung being the huggy monster than she is, hugs their teacher.


“Look, look,” Eunae kneels down as the four little girls crowds around her “we can color it, okay?”


And that does the trick, making the girls oooohhh and aaaahhh as they flip through the different pages.


“I want Twilight Sparkle.”








“I like Jennie unnie.”


“There is more twilight sparkle here,” Eunae says, stopping another fight from happening.


“Do you guys want to watch the movie or color right now?”


Without missing a beat, the girls scream out in unison.




“They can color by the breakfast table, Ms. Jo.” Wendy, always the accommodating hostess leads them over to the kitchen. Passing through the living room where Eunae and Seulgi exchanged sweet gazes.


Eunae smiles back in relief.


“Ms. Joooo! C’mon!”


The teacher bows once again, stealing a tender squeeze on Seulgi’s shoulder before going over to the little girls.


“Marry her, girl.” Joy told Seulgi, her voice almost demanding. “Just marry her.”


The girls turned over to the breakfast table as Eunae lead the little girls in a coloring frenzy.


“She wanted a little break and some peace, but she is still here to be with you.”


“Like I said, marry her. What are you two going to do tonight?”


“What? Nothing.”


“Nothing… You should take her out.”


“I agree,” Wendy says while snuggling closer to her wife. “Jennie could sleep here tonight.”


The thought of that somehow scared Seulgi.


“But I didn’t bring any of her pajamas and her toys… she can’t sleep without her brown bear these days. And she gets grumpy when she doesn’t have any sleep.”


“Unnie,” Yeri finally steps in to give that final push. “Jennie is always grumpy, lack or if she has too much sleep.”


“Only to you,” Joy snorts in Yeri’s expense. “she loves me.”


“I keep her on her toes!” Yeri isn’t going to lose the who is the better aunt game. “I’m the fun one.”


“Okay, but anyway… you know spend time with her.”


“She deserves it.”


“MAMA!!! Look! Look!” Chaeyoung proudly squeals as she clambers on her mommy’s lap. “Ms. Jo help me write my name.”


Both her moms lean in closer, trying to make sense of what intriguing handwriting this is. It looks like a caffeinated blind puppy wrote with their tail.


“Woooowww… that’s amazing.”


Irene just gives her wife a look, this is the reason why children nowadays can’t handle failures cause parents praise them for everything. But before Irene could correct Chaeyoung, she sees how her baby’s eyes just glow with excitement. Wendy places her coloring sheet on their fridge next to Jisoo’s A+ addition drills and 100 percent spelling test and Irene knows better than to stop Chaeyoung’s happiness. Jisoo might be nuts, but she’s a brilliant nut. A special brilliant kind of nut.


“Your coloring is so nice.”


Chaeyoung turns to her mama, mouth agape in so much happiness.


“Thank you!”




majimakcheoreom ma-ma-majimakcheoreom
maaficmdsowkadosmdoamx Love
majimakcheoreom ma-ma-majimakcheoreom

“MY TURN! MY TURN!” Lisa yanks the microphone away from Jisoo.


And Lisa continued to murder the song, mumbling gibberish all throughout what’s supposed to be some nasty hot rap verse.


“They’re ruining the song,” Jennie grumbles to her mom, as she watches her frenemy murdered Blackpink’s song.


“If YG hears this version, he’ll never let them out of the dungeon ever,” Yeri who finally joins them, chimes in.


“Hey.” Saeron elbows her girlfriend. “They’re kids.”


“They better learn quick,” Yeri says before chomping half of her pizza slice.


“Why don’t you go sing with your friends?” Seulgi whispered-tickle to her little girl, making Jennie squirm from the tickles.






One of the girls airs out. All the girls screaming at the time, the other adults couldn’t tell, but Eunae knew immediately that it was Jisoo.




“NO! NO! NO! NO!” Wendy was quick to object. These kids are too young to be pining their hearts on bad boys. “Not Bad boy, how about rookie?”


“Lookie, lookie, my supah lookie lookie lookie.” Chaeyoung sings to her favorite red velvet track that instantly made all the adults go awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww….


But her unnie already determined what song she’s gonna murder next.




“Jisoo, what did I say?!”


Seulgi looks at Eunae who just looks all kinds of pretty as she just smiles amusingly at the three girls screaming/ singing their hearts out. Seulgi finally taking a step closer, as she stood up and went to sit down next to Eunae on the couch. This was the first time that they were that close to each other in front of other people and she honestly doesn’t know how Eunae would react. Seulgi knows Eunae values her profession and how she looks in front of the parents, and Wendy and Irene are technically still her student’s parents.


But to Seulgi’s surprise, Eunae move in closer, laying her head on Seulgi’s shoulder while lacing their fingers together.


“They’re a mess, huh?”


“They are.”


It was the least romantic place in the world, the little kids singing and dancing to some kpop tunes and here they are, cuddled on the couch. But Seulgi isn’t complaining, in fact, she loves every minute of it. Tonight, Jo Eunae isn’t the Kindergarten Teacher of Jisoo and Jennie, Tonight Jo Eunae is her girlfriend.


Realizing that the kids aren’t stopping anytime soon, Wendy pulls out her last resort.


“Time for a movie!”




As soon as the back door closes behind them, Seulgi quickly links her fingers around Eunae leading her to the wooden backyard swing. And it’s as if this is all they have ever wished for, to finally have time just for each other without having to worry about people around them.


The place couldn’t have been more perfect too, Wendy and Irene’s backyard was picturesque, the backyard swing overlooking the glimmering pool. Seulgi sighs in relief to finally be able to snuggle close to Eunae, they have been officially “dating” for two weeks, but even if she’s dying to get more intimate, she’ll never try to step the boundaries.


“They have a nice home.”


“They do.” Seulgi snuggles closer to Eunae, while Eunae wraps her arm around her waist pulling Seulgi close to her. “Would you like to have a home like this?”


“Hmmm… actually, I would love to have a Hanok.” Eunae eyes twinkled and Seulgi leans over, trying to catch Eunae’s face if she’s joking or not.


“A Hanok?”


“Yes. Eversince I was a kid.”


“Okay, I’ll keep that in mind.” Seulgi returns to Eunae’s shoulder. “Those four are fun, but I don’t know about having them for 8 hours a day. I don’t know how you do it.” Seulgi looks up from her perch, eyes twinkling as she stares at her girl. “Thank you for coming tonight.”


“Thank you for inviting me.”


“I would have understood if you didn’t come. I know how tired you are.”


Eunae gently shook her head, “No. It’s not that bad. Besides, I’ll get my sleep tomorrow.”

“How do you do it?” Seulgi asked, her voice filled with pride and awe.




“How can you handle this crazy job over and over again?”


“I don’t know… I couldn’t figure it out myself.”


“Well, I’m more than happy that Jennie has you.”


“As her teacher?”


“Yeah…” Seulgi shifts to her side so she could face Eunae “And maybe more than that.”


Eunae smiles back, bringing their intertwined hand to her lips as she lays a kiss on it.


“I’ll take good care of both of you.”


Seulgi had never heard anything sweeter.


“I know…” Seulgi leans over and steals a kiss. “I’ll take good care of you too.”


“I know.”


Seulgi was ready to promise Eunae things. She was ready to tell her that when Eunae comes home she has food ready for her now, that when she’s sick or exhausted, she’ll be there ready to nurse her back. But those are just words and promises no matter how earnest we try to keep them still could break and that’s the last thing that Seulgi would want to break her promises to Eunae.


But if there is one thing she could promise Eunae this very second, it’s this that it’s just one for her. And it’s just her.


Their kiss was a gentle peck on those red lips, the second one lingered a bit longer and just when Seulgi is ready to dive in for their third kiss,






For someone who’s a sleepyhead, Jennie sure does have trouble falling asleep when she isn’t next to Seulgi. She remembers the first time that Jennie had a sleepover at Wendy’s house, Wendy had to call her at 1 am because Jennie refuses to sleep and just stays by the window waiting for her. Seulgi ended up sleeping over Wendy’s house, the second she took Jennie in her arms her baby was knocked out.


Jennie had gotten better with it, through the years but she still ends up with less sleep and her daughter loves her sleep. So to see her trying to fight it, just proves that if there is one thing that Jennie loves more than sleep, it’s being with her mommy and she’ll fight sleep as long as she could to keep her mom close to her.


While Jisoo is snoring with arms and legs spread out on the bed, Seulgi still has Jennie cradled in her arms. Her little girl is still in the midst of battling her sleep, dozing off before raising her head again, narrowing those pretty eyes before her lids get too heavy and she’s falling asleep again.


It took about 20 minutes until Jennie finally surrendered to slumber, yawning softly in her mom’s arms.


“Good night, baby.” Seulgi kisses her little girl on her cheek. “I love you so much.”


Jennie was too sleepy to reply, nuzzling closely to her stuffed teddy.


“Are you going home?” Jennie manages to mumble out.


“Ummm no, I’m just going to take Ms. Jo back to her home.”


If Seulgi could see it right, she swears she saw a tiny smile on Jennie’s face.


“You’re gonna protect her from the bad people?”


“I… I will.”


“You’re a sweet girlfriend.”


“What? No… I…” Seulgi finally surrenders back and kisses her on the cheek. “You’re my number one love.”


And even with just the girls night light dimly illuminating their room, Seulgi thought that Jennie’s cute little smile shines brightest.


“Ms. Jo is next?”


Seulgi smiles softly, before whispering back.






There is a second part to this story, like when Seulgi walks Eunae home buttttttt it won't be posted here because it's more intimate so it would be posted in my Diggy rated collection, cause it might be rated. heheheheheheheheheheehhehe


I never get a chance to say it, but I'm forever thankful for those people who drops by and comment, and people who gives upvotes and subscribe, I hope you guys enjoy it and I really appreciate it. keep supporting our girls.  

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Chapter 7: This story is my favorite if I'm in the mood to read Wenrene's family
love this fic! time to re-read it
Chapter 1: I can't believe I finally found this fanfic 😭
Chapter 1: what a cute beginning for this story. :) i will try to finish this in maybe 4 days? story is super cute. XD
Chapter 3: Kenapa rene takut ya anakmu tumbuh besar
Chapter 2: Apasih gini aja gw ngakak
Chapter 1: Cerita yang lucu
Ini sepertinya cerita lucu
Saw a very cute chaennie pic today so here I am hahaha I might re-read this later :p
Chapter 15: Wow the end!!!!
Thanks for the story author-nim, well done