Everyone has a weakness

One in a Trillion

“Okay, so listen to this babe.”


So, this is what they have been warning her about marriage.


Irene had heard it from many couples, those who are still together and those who are already divorced, and couples older than her and some a few years younger. They told her, no, more of warned her that no matter how much you love your significant other, there is always going to be that one quirk that is going to drive you bat crazy.


And after almost a decade together, it wasn’t just one or two quirks that Wendy has, it’s like a bunch of them.


  1. Irene couldn’t stand it when Wendy brings her laptop to bed or if it’s already bedtime and Wendy is still in her home office.


  1. She can’t deal with how much of a health nut Wendy is. Her wife wakes up at 5 am to go jogging or run on the treadmill for an hour, and she feeds their family all the greens in the world. Wendy always reasoned out that it’s out of being chunky growing up. Now Wendy is far from it, must be her short height but Wendy always has that youthfulness in her that adds to her legion of admirers, which leads to Irene’s third quirk.


  1. Wendy is kind to a fault. Even when they were still in college, and she got these guys and girls trying to talk to her and Wendy, the angel that she is, entertains them. She would reason out that she’s being polite, on good days Irene would answer with a scoff, on bad days Irene is ready for a fight.


  1. It’s this… when Wendy would just overthink everything, like what she’s doing right now.


Irene was just doing the dishes with her little Chaeyoung trying to help (or break) by drying their plates, when Wendy came over them with her notepad, ready to push Irene’s buttons. It was a Saturday morning, and their breakfast was filled with Wendy going over the rules for their playdate. Their baby Chaeyoungie was nodding, though Irene doesn’t know if she understood what she agrees about. While Jisoo has her eye on a grapefruit, itching on trying to balance it on her head.




Her youngest is so much like Wendy. It’s both amazing and frightening at the same time. Not only did Chaeyoung inherit the cute, chipmunk cheeks but her sunshiny personality as well.


While Jisoo disappeared to the living room with her sippy cup, Chaeyoung clung to her pajamas and walked over to the kitchen counter with her. Although Chaeyoung does more damage than good, by dropping almost every plate, bowl and glass on the floor, Irene could never find it to get mad at her. Not when she looks at Irene with those cute, puppy eyes and those squishy cheeks and then says her cute oopsie with an “I’m sowee.”


Wendy always jokes that Chaeyoung is her weakness to which Irene couldn’t help but agree. Because here she is, finding Chaeyoung’s quirk too endearing.


But her wife’s quirk is a different story.




“Huh?” Irene hummed her interest more on doing the dishes.


“So, listen to the schedule I wrote. Jennie and Lisa are going to be here at 9:00, so maybe they could play upstairs until around 9:30, we could get them snacks, do you think animal crackers is okay? Or how about some apples instead? Maybe I should just cut some apples up.”


Wendy answered her own question as she scratched animal crackers from her list and changed it to apples.


“Then, they could go outside at around 10, but wait… wouldn’t it be too hot? I could just switch-“


“It’s a playdate, babe.” Irene cuts her wife before Wendy could mark out anything on her notebook. “Let the girls just play.”


“I know that,” Wendy turns to her side, eyes blinking in wonder. “But wouldn’t it be fun if they get to do a lot of things?”

“They are three and four. They could just watch Peppa Pig all day, and it’ll be the happiest day of their lives.”


“B-but they can’t watch TV for so long.”


“It’s a Saturday, and yes they could.”


Wendy answered her with a huge sigh, before turning over to her little helper.


“Hi there cutie,” Wendy grinned at her mini me. Her mini-me looked back up, fluttering those lovely eyes. “Are you being a big helper?”


“Yes! Ooops!” Chaeyoung dropped her sippy cup on the floor. “I’m sowee.”


“It’s okay, baby love,” Irene answered before giving Chaeyoung a peck on the lips.


“By the rate, she’s going we won’t have any plates by lunch.”


“Go bathe the girls,” Irene said, shoving Wendy along. “Before Jennie and Lisa comes.”


“Okay, C’mon Baby…”


Wendy took her youngest in her arms and was about to walk in the living room. But her expression changed to a full shell shocked when she sees what’s on the screen.


“Wait- what? Jisoo!”


Their daughter turned to her with that evil grin on her cute face, the remote control in her clutches. And in their household, one unspoken rule remains. Whoever holds the remote, holds the power that’s why Wendy always made sure to hide it especially from her cunning eldest daughter.


“I told you to ask mommy Irene or me before you could go to youtube.”


“I just want to see the baby shark.”


“How did she do that?” Wendy asked her wife. “What if she clicked on a baby shark getting eaten? It would traumatize her and Chaeyoung.”


“She probably saw Yeri do it, and you know Jisoo. She could pick things up really quickly.”


The doorbell rang, and Irene ran to get it before Wendy could say anything.


“Morning unnie,” Seulgi greeted. “Say good morning to Aunt Irene, Jen.”


“He- oh…”


Jennie’s hello was barely audible and her arm barely halfway for a wave as the TV lured her. There it was on the TV screen, her latest obsession, the one thing she asks her mom to play over and over again on youtube. The fourth best thing in the world, next to her mommy, milk ice cream and Sophia the first.


There it is, the cartoon sharks singing the shark song.


Jennie acts like such a grown up sometimes that it was rare moments like this where Wendy and Irene are reminded that she’s still a four-year-old who gets fascinated by silly things like dancing sharks.


“She loves that song.”


“Irene hates it.”


Seulgi trailed behind the couple, chuckling at how intense her daughter’s gaze look as it’s glued on the TV screen.


“I’m sorry I had to come early. Our director wanted a meeting before we start rehearsals. I just need to give her breakfast, before I go.”


Seulgi placed the brown paper bag on the granite counter before taking out what’s inside.


“Hey, if you have to go we could give it to her in a bit.” Wendy offered.


“No, it’s okay she’s such a picky eater. She doesn’t even eat with me sometimes.”


Seulgi weaved around Wendy’s kitchen expertly, placing Jennie’s breakfast on a plate before sticking it in the microwave.


“Did you finally get a chance to meet the girls' new teacher?”


“No. not yet. I received the email though for the one on one meeting.” Seulgi groaned in frustration before setting the timer in the microwave. “Rehearsals have been nuts. Joy has to pick up Jennie almost all week. How is she?”


“Ms. Jo?” Wendy pouted thoughtfully. “She’s pretty good. She has this list of stuff to help Jisoo focus in class, and it seems like it’s working, Jisoo has been coming home with a star on her behavior chart all week.”


“Jennie seems to like her a lot too. Maybe next week when we're finally done with the show, I could finally meet her.”


“I think you would like her. She’s awesome with the kids.”


Seulgi answered Wendy with a soft smile before she turned over to her daughter who’s still stuck in the living room watching the dancing sharks.


“Babe, come here. Eat your breakfast first before mommy leaves.”


Her daughter is too stunned by the sharks to listen.




Jennie responded with a disinterested grunt.


“We’re not going to watch Beauty and the Beast tonight if you don’t eat.”


That got Jennie’s attention as she turned to pout in disapproval at her mom.


“No. I don’t want to!”


This has been how her daughter is these days, a little monster. Rehearsals have been taking over her schedule lately, barely spending any time with her baby girl this past week. Because of that Jennie has been acting difficult, being extra stubborn and at the same time extra clingy, making it both frustrating and stressful at the same time. Seulgi is surprised and at the same time relieved that Jennie still has good behavior marks and work at school, at least she’s not bringing her brattiness out in public.


Seulgi knew it was her fault and she hates herself for it. This is what she always promised herself she wouldn’t do, to put work ahead of Jennie. But look where she’s at right now? Just hi and not even a goodbye and coming home to her sleeping little girl. But this has always been what’s it all about, sacrifices and in the end, she knows this is for both of them.


“Oh, is that so? Are you not going to listen to mommy?”




“Come here Jen. I’m not playing.” Seulgi said in a more commanding tone.


“I said no!” Jennie turns back to the TV screen, ignoring the pleas of her mom.


“Do you want m-“ Wendy tried to help out, but Seulgi just shook her head. She walked to the living room and sat on the couch with the plate in her hand, ready to face another head to head battle with her four year old.




Jennie continued to play deaf. And at four, she looked like such an expert at it. Seulgi couldn’t even imagine what she has to deal with when Jennie turns 16.


“Look, if you’re not going to listen to mommy, then maybe you want another mommy.”


That finally grabbed Jennie’s attention as she whipped her head quickly to look at her mom. Jennie looked straight into her mother’s face searching for any sign that her mom was kidding when she didn’t find any, she answered back.




“Well, no. you’re not listening to me anymore so maybe you’ll listen to a new mommy.”


Jennie shakes her head, her face looks unbreakable, but her eyes are starting to glisten with tears.


“No,” the four-year-old said, her voice sounded less forceful and more like the little girl that she is. “You’re my mommy!” She tried to say as tough as she could, even if her voice is quivering.


“Maybe me and your aunt Wendy can switch. I’ll take baby Chaeyoungie she always listens, and you can come and live here.”


It wasn’t just Jennie who looked terrified, the adorable three-year-old Chaeyoung was shaking her head, taking a step away before they could snatch her. She was going to run to her mommy Wendy, but she’s too close to her aunt Seulgi. She loves her Auntie Seulgi, but a life without her mommies is just unimaginable.


“No Thank you.” Chaeyoung squeaked between her tears. “I want my mommy.”


Both Wendy and Seulgi have to pursed her lips to stop themselves from gushing at the little girl’s reaction. And just like on cue, Irene walked in the living room with the laundry basket, and Chaeyoung quickly ran over to her, cutely sobbing as she hugged her mommy’s legs.


“Wait… what’s wrong, baby?” Irene cooed at her baby, dropping her precious laundry in a heartbeat to picked up her little girl.


“I want to stay here.”


“Of course you’re going to stay here.” Irene gently whispered at her youngest daughter, wiping away her tears from those chubby cheeks. “What happened?” Irene mouthed at her wife, and Wendy expertly played dumb by shrugging.


But Jennie remained with that expression on her face.


“I’ll just take Jisoo instead.”


Their eldest reaction was completely different though.




Wendy and Irene exchanged glanced and mentally said to each other.


Why this little …


“Come here, Jisoo.” Seulgi opened her arms for Jisoo, but Jennie is quick to take over, jumping on her mommy’s arms before Jisoo can even manage to get close. “No, you stay here.” Seulgi firmly told her daughter as she picked her up and moved her to the side.


It broke Seulgi’s heart when she saw Jennie starting to get teary. Her daughter had always been such a fighter, refusing to cry or to let anyone see her cry. Yes, there is the occasional fits, but crying is a whole different story. It’s killing Seulgi right now, but maybe this is what Jennie needed, some tough love.


Seulgi playfully nuzzled on Jisoo’s neck, making Jennie whimper.


“Baby Jisoo smells so good.”


“And Chichoo didn’t even bath yet!” Jisoo said in all excitement. “Auntie Wendy, do Chichoo need to bath?”


Wendy had no idea whether to be amused or shock or both at how her daughter is acting.


“Can we eat chicken all day?” Jisoo asked her.


“Sure. At least you eat.”


“No, Jisoo. That’s MY mommy!” Jennie said between her tears.


“No, Chichoo’s mommy now,” Jisoo said proudly, smirking at her friend.


Wendy and Irene exchanged confused looks, wondering if their daughter is such a good actress or if she really wanted a different mom. Wendy would have loved to stay and see how all this played out, but a phone call made her step out and go to her home office.


“You can go night night in Chichoo’s bed.”


“You can stay here, Jennie,” Irene said. “You don’t have to eat if you don’t want too.”


“You eat vegetables!” Jisoo confessed. “YUCKY!”


“What the-“ Irene exclaimed as her daughter just savagely destroyed her.


Jennie had never looked so fragile in all her four years of life. The thought of not being with the person she loves the most is scary. Yes, she's not a good girl these days, it’s just because her mommy was making her mad. But it doesn’t mean she loves her mommy any less. Does her mommy not love her anymore?


Jisoo has her own room, unlike her who sleeps next to her mommy. But how can she sleep if her mommy is not next to her? They also got a playhouse and a pool in their backyard, but it’s too hot to play outside anyway. And Jisoo and Chaeyoung has one whole room filled with awesome toys that Jennie just sees on TV, unlike her who’s toys could only fit in a toy box and a basket at the corner of her living room.


She started to whimper once again. She didn’t want her own bedroom or her pool or a room full of toys, she wants her mommy.


“No.” Jennie’s resolve was sounding weaker by the second. “I want to eat now.” Jennie started tugging on Seulgi’s sleeve. “Let’s eat now, mommy.”


Jennie leaned in on Seulgi’s side. Her tiny fingers curled on her mommy’s sleeve, refusing to let her mom go.


“No, your new mommy said it’s okay.”


“No, Kang Seulgi is my mommy, not Wendy.” Jennie sound defeated, yet still, clings hope to have her mommy back.


Irene looked back and forth between the two and couldn’t hide her amusement at Seulgi’s expression. She could see how hard Seulgi is resisting her baby. Everyone has a quirk and a weakness, and she could see Seulgi is about to falter to her own now. So, before Seulgi loses, Irene steps in.


“Okay, that’s enough my little stinker.”


“What the-“ Jisoo wondered when out of nowhere her mom just pulled her up and carried her.


Irene kissed Jisoo on the cheek. “Lisa is going to be here soon. Time for your and Chaeyoungie’s bath then you can play with Jennie, okay? Right now, Jennie has to eat.”


“B-b-but-“ Jisoo said helplessly as she and Chaeyoung are being carried away by their mommy. “Do Chichoo stink?”


Irene blew a raspberry in Jisoo’s neck then at Chaeyoung making her girls giggle. “Nope. My babies smell good.”


“Then why do Chichoo needs to take a bath? Why? WHHHHHHHHHHHHYYYYYY?????”


Jisoo whined all the way to the bath, collapsing in defeat in her mommy Irene’s arms. As soon as they went upstairs, Seulgi reached over and pulled her baby girl in a hug.


“Come here, my baby.”


The second she had her little girl in her arms, Jennie finally broke down and started crying. Seulgi stood up and carried Jennie with her to the backyard.


“It’s okay. It’s okay…” Seulgi softly hushed, her daughter’s hair.


“You’re my mommy,” Jennie said, her voice muffled as she burrowed herself in Seulgi’s neck. “Not Jisoo, Mine!”


“I know.” Seulgi leaned her forehead against her daughter’s, and couldn’t help but smile softly at those teary eyes. All her close friends have told her that Jennie got her daddy’s eyes, but Seulgi begged to differ. She can’t remember a time that he ever looked at her the way Jennie does. Seulgi had seen and felt more love from her four years old than he could ever do. When pressed people pointed out that she made a mistake, Seulgi tells them, Jennie is not a mistake, her dad is.


“You know mommy loves you so much.”


Jennie whimpered again before hugging her mom with all her might. There is no way that Jisoo is going to have her mommy.


“Listen.” Seulgi tilted her baby’s chin so they could look at each other again. “Mommy loves you so much, and it makes me sad when I can’t be with you.” Seulgi nuzzled her forehead against Jennie. “But what makes me sadder is when you don’t listen and talk back. Mommy feels like Jennie does not love her anymore.”


“Noooo,” Jennie squished her mommy’s cheeks on her little palms before shaking her head. Seulgi took her baby’s hand in hers and kissed it. “That’s not true. Do you love Jisoo now more than me?"


Seulgi's heart broke at Jennie's question, her daughter should have never doubted her love for her ever.


"I love Jisoo but there's no one in this world that I love more than you."


"Even if I'm not being a good girl?"


"Well, I'll be sad because I know my Jennie is a really good girl. So, when your feelings are getting to you, remember you still have to be strong and make good choices."


"I'll try."


Seulgi pulled Jennie in an embrace, whispering to her a promise that she will keep for a lifetime and lifetimes to come.


"You're my little girl and no matter what, I would still love you so much."


Jennie was too young to comprehend the gravity of Seulgi's promise. But she knew the word love, and she perfectly knows how great it is to be loved. She wanted to tell her mommy many things, but her mind didn't know how to say it. So, she poured out her feelings the best way she knows how, by giving her mom a great, big ghug. And it worked because Seulgi felt all the love that Jennie could give in that one hug.


“I promise I love you right.”


That promise had magically wiped away Seulgi's every frustration and fear. Seulgi held Jennie a little longer and a little tighter and let everything else in the world pass them by. Jennie was still four but Seulgi believed every word of it. She wiped away her baby’s tears before pressing a soft kiss on her cheek.


“Now c'mon, let’s eat before your cute little tummy starts grumbling.”


Seulgi said before tickling Jennie in her tummy.


“Are you my baby shark?”


Seulgi teased Jennie, blowing raspberries on her little girl’s neck and tickling her sides. The frown on Jennie’s face instantly poofed away, turning into smiles and giggles.


“No. I’m Jennie, silly,” Jennie said between her giggles. “You are mommy shark!”


“Mommy Shark that likes to eat Jennie.” Seulgi playfully nibbled on Jennie’s shoulder, and Jennie’s laughter couldn’t have been louder. “You have to be a good unnie and help Chaeyoungie and Lisa.”




“No punching Jisoo too?”


It took Jennie more than a few seconds to think about it, before finally saying.


“I’ll try.” Jennie promised.






Everyone has a weakness they say. A kryptonite that will leave you weak and helpless. Seulgi had countless of those before Jennie was born. The need to be perfect, the need to be loved, of being alone. When she got pregnant with Jennie, those fears grew into something bigger, an emotion that was ready to consume her. A lot of people are telling her that there is an easier way out, but she was not going to take it, not when she has a baby now.


When Jennie was born, Seulgi felt like her daughter was a superhero, just that small bundle of joy who easily took away all her fears. Seulgi’s life started to have meaning once again, the unconditional love that they were all talking about was right here in her arms.


As Jennie grew up, she became Seulgi’s weakness. That pouty face, those lovely eyes, those tears, everything that she does, Seulgi sometimes have no answer for. She goes weak at the sight of her baby. But at the same time, there is no one else in the world who can make her feel so strong than her daughter. And she's perfectly okay with that.




The doorbell rang and interrupted the mother and daughter. Seulgi was about to get the door when she heard Wendy yell out.


“I’ll get it.”


With her phone cradled between her neck and shoulder and her other hand opening the door, Wendy didn’t know what to expect until she sees the scrawny pretty girl with that cheeky smirk on her face.


“Hey, Lisa.”


The smile on Lisa’s face grew wider before she pulls out a comb from her back pocket, combing her bangs like the little dork that she is.


She looked back at Wendy and with another smile greeted her.






Next update will be the girls' playdate. I hope you guys enjoy and have a great day or night! 

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Chapter 7: This story is my favorite if I'm in the mood to read Wenrene's family
love this fic! time to re-read it
Chapter 1: I can't believe I finally found this fanfic 😭
Chapter 1: what a cute beginning for this story. :) i will try to finish this in maybe 4 days? story is super cute. XD
Chapter 3: Kenapa rene takut ya anakmu tumbuh besar
Chapter 2: Apasih gini aja gw ngakak
Chapter 1: Cerita yang lucu
Ini sepertinya cerita lucu
Saw a very cute chaennie pic today so here I am hahaha I might re-read this later :p
Chapter 15: Wow the end!!!!
Thanks for the story author-nim, well done