I want kisses until the morning tells me no...

One in a Trillion

It's a line from a song since I'm not creative at all with titles.


It's again Diggy centric... hehehehe... enjoy! Nothing too steamy... since like authornim mentioned, there are kids in here.




“So, are you allergic to any eggs, seashells or dairy, Eunae-shii?”


“Oh ummm no,”


It took Eunae a couple of seconds to process that Ms. Son- Wendy was talking to her. And it took another few seconds for Eunae to realized that she isn’t in her classroom talking to one of her parents about their child. That’s when it all dawned on Eunae that this relationship with Seulgi is going to push some boundary lines but being a teacher is just one part of her. This part the one that is falling so fast and hard for this wonderful girl, this is who she is.


She stole a quick glance up the stairs, wishing for the hundredth time to see Seulgi come down. It’s not like Seulgi’s friends have been hounding her and throwing judgmental shade her way, but being a natural worrier, she just couldn’t help but overthink.


What if they think that she’s just taking advantage of their friend? What if they think that Seulgi deserves much better than a preschool teacher? What if this? What if that? All those questions running in full speed inside her head, and there’s no way to put the brakes on it.


“I pretty much eat everything, I mean not everything but you know I...” Eunae could barely string her words along.


“Relax, we don’t judge.” Joy who notices Eunae’s cute stammering just waved her off. “Okay we do, but you’re good, Eunae-shii. You got our votes.”


A little breath of relief there…


But Eunae being Eunae just had to ask, “Does she get a lot of… you know admirers?”


“Well, you see how the teachers react in your school.” Joy explained it in such a patient tone, it reminded Eunae of times when she has to teach over and over again about something that is supposed to be quite simple. “So, it’s pretty much like that.”


“Especially after a performance,”


“Yup. Especially after she dances. But they all just want bone her nothing much.”


“Guys c’mon-“ Wendy hissed when she sees how Eunae’s expression faltered.


“What? It’s true.” Joy defended her stance. “None of them wants any part of Seulgi especially the being a mom side. They’re just like J-“ Joy caught herself before she mentioned he shall not be named. “Him…”


“Unnie fell hard for him but you know how it turned out, that’s why unnie is more cautious than anything. So, just-“


Yeri didn’t get a chance to finish her warning, when Seulgi appears on the stairway.


“Sorry, Jennie just fell asleep,” Seulgi says stepping down from the stairs and the feeling of relief instantly washed over Eunae. Their gaze met, both unwilling to look away to the point that Seulgi almost missed a step, before luckily catching herself. Eunae almost flew up the stairs just to catch her.


“Are you okay?” She asked worriedly, as soon as Seulgi reached her side and slipped her arms around Eunae’s shoulders.


“She’s alright!” Yeri answers for Seulgi. “She’s just naturally clumsy.”


“Yah Yerim!” Seulgi whines and Eunae couldn’t help but smile at Seulgi’s reaction. She was so used to seeing the mature, devoted mom that it was amusing to see the childlike side of Seulgi.


“I got you a plate, I don’t know which taco you would want more so I just got you everything.”


Seulgi flashes that crescent smile that had her backpedaling a bit, her eyes darting on those red lips and Eunae never realized how much she misses kissing until that time. The urge to kiss Seulgi has never been this strong. Good thing Yeri was there to stop this gooey mess.


“Don’t worry Ms. Jo, Seulgi unnie eats everything.”


“Not everything. She doesn’t eat vegetables.” Joy chimes in.


“And you wonder why your daughter won’t eat it.”


Irene stepped in and gave the two a good whack on the back of their heads.


“You two. Stop.”


“It’s okay, I don’t eat vegetables too.”


“This is too much, Eunae, we could share.” Seulgi says before leading Eunae to the couch where she squeezed herself in, while tugging Eunae next to her. Eunae reassures her with a tender squeeze on the knee and a twinkle in her eyes that Seulgi had never seen from anybody else. They were sitting so closely that Eunae’s skin brush against Seulgi at every breath, but for some reason, this wasn’t close enough for Eunae. The word more just plaguing inside her head, but all she could do is a squeeze and a caress, an unconscious action that is slowly forming into a dangerous habit.


“Weeeeh unnie quit trying to be all shy around Eunae, we know you could eat five plates of those,” Yeri adds while munching on the taco.


Seulgi reacted with one of those cute whines again that had Eunae just smiling from ear to ear. She could watch this Seulgi all day, the one who is not afraid to let go, the one who has no qualms letting loose, and just when she thought she already fell hard enough, here is Seulgi just changing her mind.


“You should have told me that Jennie couldn’t sleep, unnie. I know just the way to make her sleep.”


“No Yeri, just no,” Seulgi says firmly that even Eunae is taken aback. Seulgi had always been so loving and gentle that to see her get her mama bear on was a surprise for Eunae. A good surprise. “I still can’t forgive you for telling her about Sadako.”


“You did what?” Saeron gasped, looking at Yeri like she couldn’t believe the monster she’s dating. “You told her about the Ring?”


“But it worked!” Yeri said in her defense. “Jisoo thought it was hilarious.”


Wendy narrows her eyes warningly at her sister in law, “I had to block youtube cause she’s searching for it. Imagination if Chaeyoung sees it.”


All of the adults simply cooed at the thought of the chunky baby in tears.


“So, Ms. Jo- I mean Eunae, can I call you, Eunae?”


Eunae was about to bite into her taco but pauses midway just to nod at Yeri.


“Eunae, other than my Seulgi unnie’s here gorgeous looks, and that teddy bear cuteness and her ability to make drop with her dancing, what is it about her that you like?”


“Ummm well,” Eunae turns to Seulgi and regretted it when she felt like she had forgotten how to breathe. “I haven’t actually seen her dance yet.”


“Wait… you haven’t?”


“No, not yet.”


Yeri and Joy even Wendy and Irene turned to Seulgi with jaws dropped on the floor.


“Unnie… how rude of you! You haven’t shown your girlfriend how you dance?”


“Well, we don’t have any shows until next month. And besides, Eunae knows that my life right now doesn’t just revolve around dancing.”


“I know.. I know…” Yeri waves her off. “It’s about that grumpy little kid.”


“Hey, Yeriii…”


“By the way, Eunae, just to let you know, Yeri and Jennie are mortal enemies.”


Eunae chuckles softly and thought it would be better to spare them the details of when Jennie draw a family picture and Yeri has horns and a tail in them.


There is a special bond in Yeri and Seulgi’s relationship that until now no one could comprehend or even tried to understand. Even if Yeri is Irene’s kid sister, it was Seulgi who have a more profound bond with the youngest girl. They blame it on Seulgi’s adventurous, childlike personality and game-for-anything spirit which made her and Yeri just the best of buddies.


Before Jennie and Jennie’s dad came into the picture, Seulgi and Yeri would go hunt down for the latest cafes, they would hit every arcade and when they’re both at home, would end up watching movie marathons.


When Seulgi tearfully announced that she was pregnant, Yeri as much as she tried to hide it was the one who is the most devastated. The word disappointed didn’t even cover it, she was frustrated, upset, all of the above on how her beloved Seulgi unnie would allow herself to make a mistake like that. She didn’t speak to Seulgi for a couple of days, it was Joy who reminded Yeri that this is the time that Seulgi needed them the most.


Yeri saw the emotional rollercoaster that Seulgi was put through, but in this rollercoaster, all it ever did was take a nosedive. But Seulgi was stronger than they all thought and with the smile she has these days, it was clear to see who won.


Yeri might make Jennie’s life a living hell, but there’s no doubt that Yeri would be the first one who throws a punch if anybody messes with her unnie’s baby. (Unless Jennie already beat them up).


“I think one of unnie’s fangirls went, which teacher was it?”


“Yeri c’mon…”


“Ms. Kim?” Eunae says, looking back on her taco to avoid looking childish.


“Yes her. I wouldn’t know she was a teacher with how her cleavage is all coming out.”


“Yah! You were checking those out?” Saeron said with a smack on the arm.


“I couldn’t help it. It was all out there for the world to see. They were nice.”


“I don’t care for those,” Seulgi says, before squeezing Eunae’s lap in reassurance.


"Because Eunae got both."




Yeri played stupid before shrugging, "Nothing..."


“So, Eunae… Between our two nieces,” Joy leans over, her eyes twinkling mischievously that had Eunae mumbling in fear. “Who is your favorite student?”


“Of course… she’s going to say Jennie,” Yeri blurted out like Joy just asked the world’s most stupid question.


Eunae looks nervously at Seulgi then both at the two moms watching her intently. Wendy has that eager smile and even if Irene tries to hide it, you could tell that’s she’s just as curious to hear her answer.


“Well… ummm… they’re 4 and five so they both have their good days and bad, just like their other friends.”


“Such a beauty pageant kind of answer.”


“Don’t put pressure on Eunae like that,” Seulgi defended her girlfriend.


“Unnie, so protective of her girlfriend.”


The teasing didn’t stop there and Eunae just watch in fascination to see this side of Kang Seulgi. She often wonders why her friends call her a teddy bear and it’s not until today when she sees this sweet, almost childlike Seulgi that she knew why. And to say Eunae likes this side is a bit of an understatement because as far as Eunae knows, she doesn’t know when she’ll stop falling.




“Hey Seul,”


Seulgi turns away from the dishes she was putting away and over at Wendy who was placing them back in the cabinets. “Hmmm?”


“It’s kinda late so if, you want to stay over for tonight.” Wendy the always good host offers. Seulgi spares a glance at Eunae who looks more relaxed now than earlier as she chats and laughs with the rest of the girls.


“Oh ummm… it’s okay.” Seulgi turns back at the dish in her hand, hoping to hide that deep red blush that her cheeks are nursing. I ummm-“




“No… ummm… forget it.” Seulgi waves Wendy off but her blush tells her bestfriend more than Seulgi wished.


“Oh okay…” Wendy whistles away, not wanting to add fuel to Seulgi’s already blazing flames.


“I don’t know what to do, Wan.” Seulgi let it slip, cause if anyone could know about her woes it was no other than her bestfriend.


“Do what?”


“Was it this bad with you and unnie?” Seulgi gazes over her girlfriend again, and the blush on her face only got worse.


“What is?”


“Like you just couldn’t have enough?”


This time it was Wendy who was grinning at her bestfriend’s admission. But it was more than that because Wendy saw the look in those crescent eyes when she’s staring at Eunae. Seulgi looked like she had forgotten how to breathe.


“It would feel like that. And it’s only going to get worse.”


Seulgi responded with a groan, “It’s been ummm… so long you know? Last time I did it, it was with- him. And look where that got me.”


“Forget about him, you got a beautiful baby and a girlfriend who is crazy about you.”


Seulgi ducks her head down, a tiny wistful smile playing on her lips.




“She sacrificed sleep over this.”


“I don’t know how to start these things anymore, and I don’t know if I could even… you know.”


“Hey, here let me get that.”


Before Seulgi could react, she sees Eunae taking the plate from her before turning at Wendy.


“I’m sorry, Joy-shii was talking about that new gym downtown. Where would you like these plates?”


“Well, here is just fine. You know what? I got this, you two should go.”


“What? No…” Eunae shakes her head before placing the dishes inside the cabinet, and Wendy couldn’t help but feel relieved to have someone with her height helping with the dishes. “You made that awesome dinner, this is the least I could do. Thank you so much for inviting me.”


Seulgi and Wendy exchanged looks that only the two of them could comprehend.


“Anytime Eunae-shii, anytime.”




“My friends love you.”


Seulgi could only smile when she sees the look of relief on Eunae’s face. They were walking along the park now, just trying to shed off the extra pounds they gain from dinner. Her arm was wrapped around Eunae’s waist while Eunae’s arm is around her shoulders. And never did love looked so obvious.


“Oh. Ahhh… that’s good to hear. You know I’m not really good at striking conversations so-”


“You are being hard on yourself, you know you’re quite amazing.”


Eunae responses with another sigh of relief and those smile that had Seulgi reeling.


“And if you ever forget that, I have no problems reminding you,” Seulgi confesses before nuzzling closer to Eunae. “Well even if they don’t like you, all that really matters to me is that Jen-“ But Seulgi caught herself before she could finish what she’s about to say. “Oh my God, here I go again.”




“Mentioning Jennie.”


“What’s wrong with that?”


Seulgi half shrug and half shook her head, “I don’t know… Joy and Yeri just sort of mentions it. They say if I’m trying to get rid of a pesky admirer just talk about my kid.”


Eunae Seulgi’s arms sweetly, her smile was just as sweet.


“Remember the first time I saw you?”


“In Big Macs?”


“Yeah… you were the prettiest girl in there and everyone is just looking at you. But I would have never approached you if you weren’t talking about the baby seal. What I meant is…. The way you love Jennie is one of the most amazing things about you, and if other people sees it as a turn off, then they’re missing out on you.”


Seulgi shifts her gaze to the ground, trying but failing miserably to hide her smile, “Too bad, I’m taken, huh?”


Eunae grins a little too cutely for Seulgi’s heart. “Yeah, for them. So, ummm Ms. Kim came to see you, huh?”


“Oh. Ahhh yeah.”


“So, How did that go?”


“How did you think it went?”


“Ummm… she probably asked you out for drinks?”


Seulgi smirks playfully before shrugging. “Yeah, but she ummm… she scares me. You’re not jealous, are you?”


“Me? Ummm… ahhh no.”


“Oh okay.” The smirk on Seulgi’s face just grew naughtier. “Don’t worry I’ll let her know.” Seulgi tugs Eunae closer to press a reassuring kiss on those lips. “I will never give you any reasons to doubt anything.”


“I would really like to see you dance though.”


“Well, our shows might be a bit different.”


Eunae turns to Seulgi with a raised brow. “In what way?”


“Let’s just say I won’t ever let Jennie see those until she’s 18 or something.”




“N-n-n-n-no…” Seulgi quickly waves her arms, when she sees the stunned expression on Eunae’s face. “It’s not like I’m stripping or anything, it’s just you know… more mature?”




“But I would love for you to see it.”


Eunae is not too sure what the effect of Seulgi’s dancing is for her. She’s already so head over heels over Seulgi, watching her dance is just going to make it much worse.






“I know I have been asking you about this a lot. And you’re probably tired of hearing it too. But you’re really okay with this, right? With our situation?”


“With you and Jennie?”


“Yeah. I mean… you’re beautiful, sweet and smart. There are others out there, single ones who don’t have any kids. Who’s going to make you their world- and I- I do want-”


“Come here,”


Before Seulgi could process Eunae’s words, she felt a pair of the sweetest lips on her forehead before being wrapped in the most loving embrace. And anyone in that park that night, strangers or what not, couldn’t deny that there isn’t a sight as loving as this.


“I want to be with you and Jennie.”


“I’m falling for you so bad, Eunae,” Seulgi confesses weakly.


“Me too.”


They shared another soft smile before melting in a kiss.


“I don’t know how I could ever try again if this doesn’t work out.”


“Don’t say that. Don’t say that. We could make it work.” Eunae tilts Seulgi’s chin before smiling reassuringly. But before Seulgi had the chance to say anything, Eunae had captured those red, trembling lips in a kiss.


It has been so long. So long since Seulgi felt her entire body short circuit, when all her nerves are firing up in rapid successions. They kissed before that felt more like tender affirmations but tonight, under the chilly winter night and bright skies above them, their kisses have never felt so intimate. When their tongues dance around their mouths, their breaths turned ragged from the cold while they seek refuge in their warm kisses. But this kiss, the one she’s melting in right now, felt so real that the past kisses were wiped away from her memory.


The two exchanged shy giggles, reminiscent of how high school lovers blush at the thought of first love.


“So?” Eunae wraps her arms around Seulgi while they make their way. “Tell me what you want to do, like really want to do, and we will do it.”


“What I want to do? Is that how a date is?” Seulgi says jokingly, poking fun at her girl.


“Yeah, yeah… of course, it is.”


“Okay, ummm… well… The one thing that I want to do like really want to do is… Watch a movie.”


Eunae stops in her tracks just to cast a surprised look over Seulgi’s way.


“A movie? Really?”


“Yeah, why?”


“It’s just that when I ask Jennie what she did over the weekend, she always says you watch movies together.”


“Oh Yeah. Trust me, I have watched every children’s movie that came out. Emoji movie, Boss baby, My little pony the movie.”


“Those are hours that you will never get back.”


“Hey,” Seulgi playfully bump Eunae in the hips. “Don’t knock down my little pony, that was a pretty good movie. And the best movie I saw last year was actually animated, Coco. But I haven’t watch a rated pg movie in like forever.”


Eunae’s lip curved into that pretty smile that had Seulgi blushing like a school girl once again.


“Then, movie it is.”




So, when was the last time you watched a movie?” Eunae asked while holding a giant tumbler of popcorn in her hands, while Seulgi leads the way to the middle aisle with two giant soda cups in tow.


“My little pony the movie.”


“Oooooooohhhh…” Eunae says before plopping some popcorn in , but not before she offers Seulgi some which Seulgi gladly takes in.


“Right? It was with Jisoo and Chaeyoung and Wendy. Jisoo and Jennie are just like… a nightmare sometimes. So, we just got out of there before they kicked us out. Poor Chaeyoung was crying because she wanted to watch it. Me and Jennie watched it again, it was more peaceful.”


“I have to separate those two, Jennie gets on Jisoo, but she’s actually protective of her. Some of the teacher's joke that they would probably end up together.”


Even in the dim theatre with only the movie screen providing light, the pout on Seulgi’s face couldn’t be more obvious.


“What’s wrong?”


“Yeri and Joy says it too. But I just don’t want to think about it now. That’s my baby you know.”


Eunae slips her arm around Seulgi’s shoulder and rubs Seulgi’s arm in comfort. That seems to be the cure that fix it all for Seulgi as she flashes a smile back, before leaning on Eunae’s shoulders.


“It’s so empty here.” Eunae pointed out, other than them, it’s a couple of stragglers here and there and a couple on the far back already into deep.


“This movie has been out for awhile, I’m surprised that it’s still playing,” Seulgi presses a kiss on her girlfriend’s lips. “Thanks for watching with me.”


“Of course.”


They kiss once again before Eunae offers Seulgi a popcorn.


“With that rate you’re going, I’m gonna get a few pounds heavier in a month.”


“I don’t think it’ll matter. The teachers in West Chester would still want you.”


“Tell them I only want you.”


That answer was more than enough for Eunae as she leans closer, and in that dimly lit movie theatre, gave Seulgi a kiss she’ll remember.




Now this was a show that Seulgi could watch forever…


The movie has been playing for a good fifteen minutes now but all she could look at is how Eunae looks so funny with her head lolling around as she struggles to stay awake.


And just when Seulgi thinks that Eunae has finally succumb to her sleep, Eunae would sit up straight, blinking furiously around her before her eyes starts drooping again.


Seulgi who is armed with a naughty grin just shakes her head. She was expecting lots of cuddling and maybe some kissing during the movie, but Eunae must have been really too tired. After twenty minutes of constantly trying to stay awake, Eunae finally surrendered.


Seulgi was about to nudge her awake, but Eunae looked too tired and too adorable that it would almost a sin to wake her up. Seulgi giggles back before letting Eunae’s head lay on her shoulder, sending the sleeping beauty off to her dreams.




“So, the girl actually did it… with the fish guy?”


It was the first question that boggled Eunae’s mind as soon as they stepped out of the theatre. But the shocked and almost too innocent tone in Eunae’s voice had Seulgi chuckling.


Seulgi chuckles, “You are really affected about that, huh?”


“Very much so. Aren’t you?” Eunae looks at her girlfriend, who just responded with a cheeky smile.


“Well, I knew it was gonna happen.”


“Wait…” Eunae narrows her eyes at Seulgi before shaking her head and just pulling Seulgi closer to her. “this is… no forget it.”


“Forget what?”


“Nothing…” Eunae hums, trying to drop the subject.


“Don’t start things you can’t finish Eunae,” Seulgi whines, nudging on her girlfriend.


“You didn’t pick that movie for that scene, right?”


“What? No.” Seulgi playfully smacks Eunae on the arm, a blush rising too quickly on her face. “It’s more than just that, it was a love story and it got a bunch of nominations. You woke up just in time for that one.”


Eunae pouts that had Seulgi laughing even more, “I’m sorry.”


“You owe me now.”


“I do. I’m sorry I slept. You should have woken me up.”


“I won’t do that, especially with how cute you look when you sleep.”


Eunae just answers with a snort, earning a playful jab from Seulgi.


“I’m the worse date ever.”


“No, best date ever.”


“So, ummm… it’s almost midnight.” Eunae says. “It’s kinda late so if you want me to take you home and ummm-“






“I…I…I ummm not really tired yet.”


“Oh. Anything else you want to do? Are you hungry?”


“No…no… ummmm…”


Seulgi lets her fingertips linger along the sides of Eunae’s palm, letting her touch speak the words that she wished that Eunae could hear loud and clear. She leans much closer, her low tone sending shivers down Eunae’s spine as she whispers,


“Come stay the night with me.”

“So, this is my place-” Eunae barely finished her sentence when she already flew in, inside her home scurrying around, trying to make it look livable.


Seulgi tried, she really did try to hide her grin. But in the end, she ultimately failed, not when Eunae looked too adorable rushing from corner to corner to clean her place.


It’s her first time in Eunae’s studio apartment, a whole tour of her home in just a few second glance. Her home a bit in disarray, her bed unfixed, clothes hanging on her chair, jeans on the floor and a chips wrapper on her coffee table. So, Eunae is human after all.


“You saw my place, it’s like a kid’s home.” Seulgi tugs on Eunae’s wrist, the two landing with a thud on the couch. “I have a freaking tent in my living room.”


“Hey, don’t knock down that tent.” Eunae says, her brown eyes twinkling mischievously, the opposite from the worried ones earlier. “It’s very pinterest worthy.”


Seulgi answers with an eyeroll and a scoff. “Thanks.”


“Would you like anything to drink?”


“No. I’m still full from dinner. Thank you though,” Seulgi smiles back, burrowing herself in the couch, when she sees the unruly stack of test papers on Eunae’s coffee table. “You have papers to grade?”


“Ummm yes, it’s their math test and spelling test. I was planning to do it after tonight, so…”


“I could help you.”


“What?!” Eunae was back to her superhero antics again, almost jumping across the table to take away the papers away from Seulgi’s grip. “No…no… it’s okay, I’ll go do it tomorrow.”


“No, it’s okay. How bad could it be?”


Seulgi could tell that Eunae looks conflicted at this point. She is still a parent of a student, a kindergarten student if that makes a difference which it should.


The boundaries were starting to form around once again, but all Seulgi had to do was flash that playful smile and Eunae was instantly reeling back again.


She paused, lips jutting thoughtfully, “You’re the mom of my student though.”


“Oh yeah. I might fix her answers, so she could be kindergarten valedictorian.”


Seulgi sees that cute scowl forming on Eunae’s face, she smiled and Eunae easily fell back in surrender.


“You’re not gonna stop, are you?”


“Nope.” Seulgi reaches out for the red pen and the stack of test papers across the table and began grading. Eunae just stares at her and Seulgi just kept her eye on the paper, her smile not fading one bit.


“Fine.” Eunae ultimately surrendered. “But I’ll check Jennie’s paper.”












Seulgi blinks furiously, struggling to stay awake. How can Eunae do this for a living? The teacher pressed closer to her, lips pressed on Seulgi’s hair as she asks. “You’re tired? I could get the bed ready for you.”


“No…no…” Seulgi rubbed away any signs of drowsiness. “I couldn’t remember a time, I had this much fun.”


“Really?” Eunae’s brow raised in disbelief. “This is your definition of fun?”


“Being with you is my definition of fun.”


The playful gleam in Eunae’s eyes turned to a different kind of glow after hearing Seulgi’s words. “Me too. Thanks for giving us a chance.”


“Thanks for taking a chance on me.”


“So, any other plans for tonight?”


Eunae was getting dangerously close and Seulgi could only respond with an embarrassing stammer. She didn’t have the opportunity to answer, when Eunae reaches out to snatch the paper from her grip, letting it flutter back in the coffee table. She traps Seulgi between her arms and that intense gaze in those brown eyes. It was Seulgi who faltered first, turning away to avoid the hazy gaze on Eunae’s eyes.


It wasn’t just Eunae who Seulgi felt she was trapped in, she felt caught in her own inhibitions and fears, of a feeling so brand new that Seulgi doesn’t know where to begin.


She was the single mom who got knocked up and Eunae was the earnest girlfriend that got dumped. Their experience with love or some kind of version of it, was a little less ideal but here they are, ready to love again, ready to be piece together one more time.


“I…I…I don’t know how to do this. I mean I… it’s been so long, Eunae and I haven’t done it with a- ummm- a girl.”


“Hey,” Eunae furrows her forehead against Seulgi, a gesture so tender and so loving that the tension that was suffocating Seulgi earlier had dissipated into thin air. “It’s okay, it’s okay, I’m here. I’m here.” Eunae whispers so softly, it sounded more like a lullaby than anything else. “I’ll take care of you.”


“Have you?”




“Done it with a girl?”


Seulgi was expecting a no, but when she sees Eunae’s eyes flickered with hesitation, she knew she was being naïve.


“I ummmm… I explored a bit.”




“Hey I’m sorry,”


“It’s okay,” Seulgi lied, the faint hurt still evident in her face. “I mean… you’re an adult you could be with whoever you want.”


Eunae gently caresses Seulgi’s face, her eyes silently asking for forgiveness.


“I haven’t met you then.”


“I know. It’s okay, I…”


“I stop believing in relationships, Seul and for a time I did. Relationships felt like a waste of time. But then, you just have to come along.”


“I ruin relationships for you, huh?”


Seulgi could blame the foolish side of her for getting too wound up about this. Eunae is her first, and she wished she was Eunae’s too.


Eunae on the other hand, wasn’t blind to this. She instantly regretted her choice when Seulgi’s body’s stiffened from her admission. But she had already said it, and there’s no point in wishing she could take it back. All she could do right now is promise, that now until whenever that she’ll only be devoted to Seulgi. And even if she spends her entire life trying to prove it to Seulgi then she would.


“No, you made me believe in it.”




I apologized for promising y times, but yeah you guys could fill in the blanks on what happens next. a lot of cuddling...




Once again, thank you for checking this fic out.


Next chapter will be fluffier… Baby BP going arcading with their mommies (inspired from BP house episode 9.)

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Chapter 7: This story is my favorite if I'm in the mood to read Wenrene's family
love this fic! time to re-read it
Chapter 1: I can't believe I finally found this fanfic 😭
Chapter 1: what a cute beginning for this story. :) i will try to finish this in maybe 4 days? story is super cute. XD
Chapter 3: Kenapa rene takut ya anakmu tumbuh besar
Chapter 2: Apasih gini aja gw ngakak
Chapter 1: Cerita yang lucu
Ini sepertinya cerita lucu
Saw a very cute chaennie pic today so here I am hahaha I might re-read this later :p
Chapter 15: Wow the end!!!!
Thanks for the story author-nim, well done