The F word

One in a Trillion

Five Years.


Some say it goes by in a blink of an eye, some say it goes by agonizingly slow. Some people couldn’t tell the difference between themselves from five years ago, while some people look drastically different.


And if there is somebody who is living proof of that, it’s Kang Seulgi.


In five years, she had her whole existence wiped away. The dancing world who once orbit around her had forgotten she existed.


In five years, just when she thought her world had ended, all it took is the tiny miracle in her hand to prove to her that it hadn’t even begun.


In five years, she thought she’ll be okay with the life she lives in. After what happened with Jennie’s dad, she felt like there is really no reason to find someone, not when her whole world revolves around Jennie. She’s happy and in five years, she could admit that she’s contented with just the two of them and her sisters and their little girls.


But in one night, she was proven wrong, so wrong.


And after five years, she realized there is more to love and life.


When her body is tangled in messy sheets with hers, it was a mess she’s not rushing to untangle herself. When just the brush of her fingertips and Seulgi’s entire body just tremble.


When kisses felt more than just kissing. When kisses drown her and yet she would rather be breathless her entire life than to pull away for air. When lips are bruised and swollen yet the only remedy was her lips on yours. When kisses drifted to places that stirred her back to life, kisses that took her to heaven and pulling away felt like descending back to Earth.



And after five years, Seulgi realized that her mornings will never ever be the same again, not when the first thing she sees is this ethereal beauty next to her.


Seulgi was exhausted and sore in all the right places, but that beaming smile was undeniable. But even if her entire body belonged to Eunae last night, the moment she woke up, the first thing in her mind is still her baby girl. A simple task of lifting her arm made her grimaced in pain, padding around sleepily for her phone, finding it between pillows and sheets before she sends a quick text.


Just when she was about to succumb to sleep, she felt warm kisses and playful nibbles being peppered on her bare skin enough to spark her awake.


“Who are you texting?” Her girlfriend’s voice groggy but just as sweet as it was last night.




Seulgi flips herself on her back, grunting as Eunae crawls back on top of her. This was a side of Eunae she had no idea if she’ll ever get used too, a bed head, eyes tired but still gleaming, lips red and bruise but still every bit kissable. Eunae in the mornings is just too heavenly for the sight.


“I told her to call me when Jennie wakes up. Waking Jennie up is like asking for hell to happen.”


“Jennie is so lucky to have you.” Eunae’s eyes disappear into lovely curves.


“I’m lucky to have her and you.”


Their lips meld once again, drowning themselves in kisses as if last night’s wasn’t enough.


“You know what I want, what I really, really want?”


Behind Eunae’s sleepy gaze, still holds a little twinkle at Seulgi’s question, “I was gonna say a line to a song, but that might be too cheesy for you.”


Seulgi laughs before pulling Eunae closer to her, “Probably but you could make it work.”


“Nahhh… I’ll pass, so, what would you want? What you really, really want?”


“I want some…” Eunae lifts her head up, waiting for Seulgi’s answer as Seulgi relishes this few seconds. “Some waffles.”


“Some? Some waffles?”


“Why? You’re expecting something else?”


Eunae buries her head in her pillow, shaking her head in the process.


“I’m more of a pancake person.”


Seulgi fake gasps at the revelation from the girl with a cheeky, dozy smile.


“Yup. You’re dating a pancakes girl.” Eunae added.


“I think this might start some issues between us.”


“I think so too. But Ihop is not called international house of pancake for no reason.” Eunae reasons out.


But Seulgi refuses to lose in this breakfast debate.


“Waffle House would like to say Hi.”


The young teacher responded to the tease by pulling the other girl by the waist. The entire apartment filled with her melody. Seulgi answers back with a laugh that reminded Eunae of trinkets and wind chimes all mix into one.


“What?” Seulgi asks breathlessly.


Eunae tucks her hand underneath her cheek and just stares back at Seulgi.


“I could listen to you laugh all day.”


“Jo Eunae, is this your way of trying to convince me that pancakes are better?”


“Did it work?”


“Nope. How about you?” Seulgi brushes Eunae’s long locks away from her face, and just when Seulgi thought she’ll fall nonstop, her heart just froze at the sight of the beautiful girl in front of her.


“What about me?”


“What would you like to eat?”


Seulgi was anticipating for Eunae’s answer, but the only response she got was a cheeky smirk. The curious expression on Seulgi’s face turns into a red blush when it dawns on her what the grin meant.


“Yah!” She shrieks while weakly slapping Eunae on the arm. “Didn’t you have enough last night?”


Eunae just shook her head, “You want me to have enough?”


It was Seulgi’s turn to bite her lower lip and with a soft shake of her head. “No.”


Eunae’s eyes curves into crescents, their lips lingered in a kiss before Eunae’s lips descended lower and lower.


And as the early morning was filled with giggles and moans, Seulgi knew that her next five years and five generations after that would be so beautiful as long as she has her girl beside her.




“Mama… Mama…”


If there is one thing or someone who could make Irene responsive on the unforgiving hours of Saturdays, it was their baby girl. Those round cheeks, those brown eyes and that voice that reminds Irene what a little Wendy might be when she was little, was just too hard for her to resist. But blame it on old age, and the lack of sleep and the only response she could give was a groan in frustration and a hard nudge on her wife’s rib.


Her wife, her wife must be catching on the age too because she knows she married someone who goes to the gym at the wee hours of the morning. Who is this woman sleeping in? And what did she do to her wife?




The only answer she got from her wife was a cross between a grumble and mumble.


“Your daughter is calling you.” Irene’s voice is equally muffled


“She’s your daughter too.”


“They’re my kids from Monday to Friday from 7 am- 6 pm… you take night shifts and weekends.”


“Seriously?” Her pretty wife finally peered those eyes open.




Their daughter obviously doesn’t know the meaning of quit. When she realizes she’s being ignored, she doubled her cuteness level.


“Mama, Mama… Mama…”


“I’m off the clock, baby. Go to mommy, okay?”


Chaeyoung might be a cute little bub, but this clueless baby knows perfectly who runs this household. She understands that her mama is the boss. When mama says yes, mommy Wendy can’t say no. But when mommy Wendy says yes, mama can still say no.


“She came out of you.”


Wendy finally raised her head, just to make sure Irene saw the fiery glare in her eyes.


“Oh, you’re gonna go that route, huh?”


“I already did.”


“Fine.” Wendy turns across her bed and came face to face with her three year old and her round face cuteness. “Good morning, baby princess.” Wendy mustered the best fakest smile she could come up at 7 am on a Saturday morning.


“Look at my toys!” Chaeyoung says with a squeal and a jump for glee.


“Baby, I buy your toys, mommy knows how they look like.”


Irene, on the other hand, was giggling in victory just listening to her wife. One sign that Wendy is exhausted is when Wendy starts talking sarcastically. Unfortunately, it never works for Chaeyoung.


“Please see them, please please, please, please, please, please…”


Wendy collapsed back in bed, but it wasn’t just the fluffiness that Chaeyoung inherited from her. Obviously, the stubborn af personality is hereditary too. But instead of getting her way through throwing a major hissy fit, Chaeyoung wins over people by her side with those adorable pout and puppy dog sad eyes.


“Pretty please,” Chaeyoung asked now adding clasped hands to her artillery.


And even Wendy who she obviously got it from wasn’t immune to the fluffiness.


“Pretty please with a cherry on top.”


And just when Wendy thought that this was the limit to Chaeyoung’s cuteness level, Chaeyoung pulled out her last resort, fluttering those pretty brown eyes, refusing to take no for an answer.


“Okay, okay, okay, mommy is up. Mommy is up.”


Wendy swings out of bed, ready to march to her defeat but not before giving her wife a smack in the .




“Ohhhh wow…”


Wendy whistles in both surprise and awe as she walks in and saw how immaculately clean the girls' playroom is. All the dollies and stuff animals lined up so neatly along the wall. They look like they’re ready to go to war. Even the colored blocks are arranged by color inside the bucket.


Her wife who is a stickler for cleanliness usually avoids the room, knowing it gives her a heart attack with how it looks like a dumpsite. Irene uses every threat known to parenting to get the room clean, from timeouts, to I’ll throw your toys away, or we won’t buy you anymore toys if you guys don’t clean up. It works for a day or two, a week the most but in the end, the room still look like it got hit by a hurricane.


Wendy decided to use positive reinforcement, a method that failed but Wendy is willing to give a try once again. They made a deal with their little girls (most specifically targeted at Jisoo) that if their playroom is clean and they get all happy faces in their behavior chart in one week, they get to pick where they can go for the weekend. It looks like Chaeyoung took that promise to heart.


“You clean this all by yourself?”


“Jennie unnie help me.”




Oh … she completely forgot that her bestfriend left her child here. That little girl could have grabbed her keys and drove back to her apartment now.


“Auntie Wendy?”


Wendy breathes out a sigh of relief when she sees the pretty little girl standing by the doorway. It was one of those rare looks that Jennie has where instead of that RBF that she has, she looks like she’s ready to break down into tears.


“Hey Jennie, what’s wrong?”


Jennie padded inside the playroom, her voice quivering like she’s about to burst into tears, “Can you call my mommy?”


“Oh, ooohhhh yeah. Your mommy texted me this morning to call when you wake up.”


The last thing that Wendy wants to do is interrupt whatever Seulgi is doing. Her bestfriend have been single for so long, and she deserves this love that she’s drowning in right now. But on the other hand, she knew Jennie is Seulgi’s entire world, and it won’t even be a surprise that Seulgi would drop anything for her little girl.


It’s not like Jennie never had sleepovers, she does maybe once or twice a month. When she wakes up, Seulgi is usually downstairs having coffee with her and Irene. It’s not surprising that Jennie is about to go on a panic mode when there were no signs of her mom.


A part of her wants to give Seulgi a little bit of time for herself, but a much bigger part of her knows that Seulgi would get mad at her if she hesitated to call when Jennie needs her.


“Okay, I will. Let me go get my phone. Well, thank you for helping Chaeyoungie clean their playroom.”


Jennie just answers with a whimper.


“Can we go to Fun place today?!” Chaeyoung clasps those chubby little hands together.


“Well, mommy Irene and I were talking that since it’s a nice weather today, we could just go to the backyard and swim in the pool. Would you like to do that too, Jennie?”


Jennie was still in her pouting mode. “No.”


“Oh,” Chaeyoung said in such a sad tone that Wendy refuses to look at her.


Oh God, here we go again with this deadly pouty face, murdering people with her cuteness.


“What’s wrong, Chaeyoungie?”


“I want to go to the Fun place.”


The Fun place looks like what a Child’s dream would look like. The area painted in every bright color known to mankind. There are looping slides, and gigantic bounce castles, a huge ball pit, a candy buffet (that’s right… a buffet of candies) and arcade games.


The place to put it, is a heaven for children, a hell on Earth for parents.


“Well, how about we get a pizza that you like and you get to pick a movie?”


Chaeyoung answers with a pout and a determined shake of her head.


“I want Fun Place.”


“I know you do, but we can’t go today.”




“Because… we have other plans.”


“But it’s not fun.”


If it was her wife that Chaeyoung is dealing with, she doubts that Chaeyoung would even ask the second time. But since it’s her, even Chaeyoung knows she could push her. Now she’s in a push and pull game, but this time, she’s determined to win against the three year old.


“Because I said so.”


“But why?”


Time for Wendy to get her stern mommy mode on.


“Because when mommy says no, it means no.”


“But why?”


This is going to take them all day.


“Because like I said earlier because I said so.”


“But whhhyyy?”


Oh no, now those big brown eyes are starting to get all watery, don’t fall for it, Wen. Don’t.


“Look, we’re going to have fun at home too, Chaeyoungie is going to be the boss today. Isn’t that fun? Right, Jennie?”




Oh Great…


“Then, if Chaeyoungie is the boss, then we go to Fun Place.”


Hold on, since when did her baby cheeks became so aggressive?


“W-well, not yet, you’ll be boss later.”


“But why?”


Before Wendy could get back to her bedroom to get her phone, her wife meets them by the hallway. Wendy's own little version deserting her, sobbing in Irene’s legs that Irene just had to pick up the baby to coo on her.


“Oh God, what now?” Wendy groaned underneath her breath. She and Irene always get into this argument about her being soft, but when she tries to stand firm, Irene does this.


“What’s wrong, baby?”


Those cute cheeks pout, “Mommy hurt my feelings.”


“She did?” Irene throws a raised brow her wife’s way, where Wendy throws her arm in surrender. “Why? What did Mommy do?”


“She-“ sniffles “broke” more sniffles “her” sniffle, sniffle, sniffle. “promise.”


“Oh no, she did?” Irene looks at her like Chaeyoung just told her that she caught her with some other mommy.


“I was a big girl and clean my dollies, but she doesn’t want to go to the Fun place.”


“Do you want to go to the Fun Place?”


Wendy wasn’t going to lose this fight, making sure that her wife takes her side.


But they were saved by the bell.


She almost died right from a heart attack when Jennie flew off from the second floor all the way to the first floor.


Well, if she didn’t die, Seulgi would definitely kill her if anything happens to her baby.


Wendy trails downstairs, watching Jennie maneuver every lock before opening the door. There is a glow radiating in Seulgi’s face that Wendy had never seen in what felt like forever. The smile only grew wider when she welcomes her little girl.


“Hi, my baby! I miss you” Seulgi sweep her daughter in her embrace, cradling her lovingly in her arms. Eunae’s gaze sparkled at the warmth between the mother and her girl.


“What took you so long?” Jennie whines, trying to sound stern but the crack in her voice betrayed her. “I woke up and you’re not there.”


“I’m sorry, my love. I’m sorry.” Seulgi asks forgiveness with kisses press on Jennie’s hair. “I just overslept. But I’m here now.”


“I thought you gave me away.”


“What? Of course not. I will never do that. You’re my baby.” Seulgi continues to coo, peppering kisses on her baby girl. Jennie wraps her arms around her mom; it took her a few seconds to realize that her teacher is standing next to her mom.


“Ms. Jo?” Jennie raised her head from her comfortable perch.


“HI Jennie, good morning.”


“Did you sleep in my house?” The five year old interrogated.


“What?!” Seulgi almost drop her child after that question. “No, no, no, no, no, no…” Seulgi’s cheeks were dark red from the question. It was technically not a lie, cause Eunae didn’t sleep in her house, it was her who slept over in Eunae’s place.


“I ummm we went home, then ummm… we came here this morning so we can see you.”


“Oh okay.” Jennie who is usually too cautious about these things seems satisfied with her mom’s answer.


“I brought your clothes so that you can take a bath here and we could go, okay?”


“No,” Jennie’s pout grew cuter. “I want to go home now.”


“I’m gonna go make some breakfast. You want to stay and play with Jisoo and Chaeyoung for a bit? You too, Ms. Jo you should join us.”


“Thank you, Ms. Son.” Eunae bows down politely, “But I would have to say no for right now.”


“Oh no. Are you sure? There’s gonna be plenty for everybody.”


“I’m positive.” Eunae glances at Seulgi but quickly looked away when Seulgi throws a mischievous smirk her way. “Thank you so much though.”


“Oh alright, but next time, okay?”


“I definitely would.”


“I’m just gonna walk over Eun- Ms. Jo to the door, okay? I’ll be back.”


Jennie clutches her mom’s hand tightly, refusing to let go.


“Baby, go play with Chaeyoungie for a bit?”


Her little girl just gave her the look, and Seulgi had to get on her knees just to ask a favor.


“Please? I just need to talk to Ms. Jo for a little bit. I promise we’ll do fun things today.”


“You’re not going to leave, right?”


“What?” Seulgi kisses Jennie on her nose. “Of course not. How could I leave my baby?”


“Okay, Bye Ms. Jo,” Jennie grumbles before hugging her teacher softly.


“Bye Jennie, you have a good weekend, okay?”




As soon as the coast was clear, Seulgi didn’t waste any second longer as she wraps her arms around Eunae’s shoulder while her girlfriend wraps her arms around her waist.


“Hey… are you sure you don’t want to eat some breakfast?” Seulgi pleaded with a pout.


“I would love too, but I need some sleep.”


Seulgi chuckles, both in embarrassment and in pride.


“Jennie misses you, so I think she’ll be happy to have you all to herself.”


The mischievous smirk on Seulgi’s lips switched into this loving smile.


“Thank you for that.”


“Of course.”


Seulgi cups Eunae’s cheeks before pressing a gentle kiss on those lips.


“Get some sleep and come over tonight?”


Eunae answers her with a kiss and smile before saying, “I will.”



“That good, huh?” Wendy playfully nudges her bestfriend, Seulgi almost dropping the plate on the ground.


“Hey, Jennie might hear you.”


The two looks up passed the kitchen counter, sighing in relief to see Jennie and Chaeyoung and judging by the messy crown of hair, a newly woken up Jisoo engrossed in Peppa Pig.


“But ummm…” Seulgi’s attention was solely on her fidgety fingers, refusing to make eye contact with Wendy. “we had a good time.”


“I bet you did.”


Seulgi just answers with another nudge, this time harder than earlier.


“We walk around, watch a movie… well I did, Eunae was asleep the entire time and then we ummm… we spend the night in her place.”


“No need to get into details.”


“Yah Seungwan! I won’t do that.”


“I’m glad to see you happy again.”


The frown in Seulgi’s face fades away at the sincere, hopeful tone from her bestfriend. Wendy who have been there from the very start to when she was falling hard until she was at her lowest until now when she finally could say that she’s happy again.


“Me too.”


“Good morning!” Yeri announces her arrival in style, bursting into the kitchen door like she’s ready to put on a show, followed by her more modest girlfriend. “Everyone’s favorite auntie is here!”


Chaeyoung gasps loudly before zooming out as fast as those chubby legs could go. She peers around in confusion.


“Where is aunt Joy?”


Yeri’s huge smile instantly soured, “She’s not here.”


“Aunt Irene is my favorite Auntie,” Jennie says loud and clear.


“By the end of today, I’ll be your favorite auntie, Jennie bear.” Yeri mortal enemy with a pinch on the cheek.


“Yeri,” Seulgi voice dipped lower than usual. A warning tone that she uses once in a blue moon. “Leave Jennie alone.”


“What? Just saying…”


“I want to go the Fun Place.”


“Fun Place?”


“It’s like Dave and Buster’s but for kids.”


“Well, Jisoo doesn’t want to go,”


Irene stilled her expression trying not to let her daughter’s sad face affect her.


“What’s wrong, Jisoo?”


“Mama said Chichoo didn’t clean, but Chichoo did!”


“Jisoo just hid her toys underneath her blanket. Is that how we clean?”




“Well, if you guys like, we could take the kids there.”


Yeri’s neck has never twisted so fast after hearing her girlfriend’s suggestion. But it wasn’t only her who had the shell-shocked expression, all the adults in the room look equally surprised.


“What now?”


“I think it would be fun to take the girls there.”


“Says who?”


Yeri’s offer got three very different reactions from the little girls. There is Jennie who is shaking her head like she would rather jump into a pit full of snakes than be with Yeri. There is Jisoo who has no idea if she’s going to be happy or sad, depending on her mom’s reaction and, then there’s Chaeyoung who’s already all bubbled up and ready to go.




Everyone turns to the little girl who until now no one could figure out how she gets in, without anyone noticing.


“Oh, Lisa? Since when did you get here?”


Lisa only responded with her, “Hihihihihihihihi…”


Wendy and Irene exchange debatable looks, mentally bickering the pros and cons of this offer. Their babies, the most precious things in their lives in the hands of Irene’s immature little sister. What’s worse is that it’s not even in their home but at a very public place. But Saeron would be there, so that should make it all better, right?”


“Ummm… I think that would be a good idea.”


“What?” It was Irene who aired out her disagreement, making her sister narrows her eyes at her. “With Yeri?”


“Whoah unnie, is that doubt I hear?”

“Yes, it is.”


If there is one thing that both flowed in the sister’s blood, it’s the intense hatred of losing. From the pettiest things as who has more skittles to life altering decisions like who went to the better university. There is this unspoken rivalry that even their friends don’t even want to point out.


As they grew older, the rivalry died down, only to resurface once again.


“Well, You girls want to go to Fun Place with Aunt Yeri and Aunt Saeron?!”




The little girls yelled, with only Jennie being the most sensible one who shakes her head, knowing how disastrous it would be.


“Well,” Wendy turns to her wife who gives her a warning glance. “I think that’s a good idea.”

“Oh? You do now?”


“Yeah, let the girls spend time with their aunties. Maybe we can go somewhere too.”


“Awwwww, Chaeyoung is going to be a big sister.”


“Shut up Yeri.”




This rivalry was sounding and looking and feeling a little too much of a bad idea. Yeri has no problems playing and bullying her little nieces, as long as their parents are there to get them drinks, listen to their incessant tattles and in Jisoo’s case who looks like a chicken set on fire, need to go to the restroom.


“Chichoo need to goooooo…”


“I know you do, but hold on this lady is not going to let us in before we pay.” Yeri throws a scowl over to the cashier’s side who barely register any reaction. The girl obviously loves her job.


“That’s 60 dollars.”


“What?” Yeri’s eyes look like it’s about to pop out of their sockets. “For two adults and three kids?”


The cashier’s face remained as stoic as it was earlier, it was like she’s working in prison rather than this Chuck e Cheese on steroids.


“Well, since they’re over the height limit they get to pay full price.”


“What the he-?” She was about to let out a cuss, when she sees the warning look on her girlfriend’s face.


Watch your language Yerim, you are around kids.


“Last time I check this isn’t Disneyworld. You got freaking Mickey mouse in there?”


“Yeriii… stop making a fuss…” Her girlfriend gives her a jab on the rib. “It’s for the kids.”


Yeri could only answer back with a couple of deep breaths.


Seriously Fu-“ Then Yeri remembers the young minds that she might accidentally pollute once she let it slip. “F that…”


“Aunt Yeri, Aunt Yeri…”


“What Jisoo?” She turns to the little girl pulling on her sleeve.


“What does F mean?”




“See? This is what I was telling you.” Saeron continues. “Jisoo sweetie, it means…”


“It could mean a lot of things, like you know, ummm… friend, funny, orrrrr… favorite…”


In the back, she could hear her girlfriend in distress at this.


“So, when something is your favorite you go, F you…”


The three little girls exchanged confused looks, wondering what their aunt is trying to teach them.


“F you?” Jisoo asks with a tilt of her head.


“Yeah… that…” Yeri answers with a hiss, ripping the credit card out of the cashier’s hand. “F you.”




“Hello guys!” Seulgi walks in with her frowning daughter in tow. But no matter if Jennie has that bulldog expression on her face all Lisa could see was love.


“Jennie unnie! F YOU! F YOU! F YOU!” Lisa screams out happily.


Jennie’s signature scowl twisted into a look of confusion, wondering what on Earth this lanky little girl is yelling about. She felt her mommy pressing her closer to her.


“Yeri… what’s going on?” Seulgi said in a defensive tone.


“See what I told you?” Saeron hissed in warning couple it with a sharp nudge on her girlfriend’s rib. “I’m sorry, unnie. It’s not Lisa’s fault, it’s Yeri.”


Yeri’s face contorted in a deep scowl.


“Gee…. Thanks.”




“Aren’t you glad we went to the Farmer’s market, babe? I don’t know if Jisoo and Chaeyoung would be able to-“


Irene blames it on climate change on why a spring day already feels like a scorching Summer day. But her wife seems to be in Farmer’s market heaven, buying and cooing over vegetables and fruits like they’re adorable puppies. Every now and then, mentioning what she’s going to bake their little girls or how much Jisoo wouldn’t like the fruits or that their girls need to eat healthier.


And Irene has no problems pointing it out.




“What?” Wendy brushes it off, her attention more on the plump tomatoes than what her wife is saying.


“Twenty. That’s the twentieth time that you mention the girls name.” Irene pointed out to her wife, with that cocky smirk on her face. That warranted a reaction from her wife.


“Well… I was just…”


“Where’s the let them have fun with their aunt while we go out?”


It was more along the lines of a joke, but Wendy knows there’s a lot of truth to it.


“I didn’t mean too. I just- you know… I mean I’m having fun, it’s just that.”


“You shouldn’t apologize, c’mon… let’s go the fun place.” Irene loops her arm around her wife’s, leading her back to the parking lot.


“Funnest place on Earth?” Wendy said with a taunt.


“With Yeri and the girls? Sure.”



“She touched me!” Jennie yells, pointing an accusatory finger at Jisoo.


“Jennie touched Chichoo too!”


“You touched me first!!!!”


But Seulgi already hauled her daughter away before they go MMA on each other in the midst of this supposed to be Fun Place. Lisa skipping behind...




“Oh God,” Yeri lets out a loud groan to the heavens, blaming all this stress on her girlfriend. “what now?”


“I hurt my knee,” Chaeyoung sniffles, showing her barely red knee.


“What? There is nothing there!”


“It’s broken.”


“Trust me, Chaeyoung, you would know if it’s broke.”


“But it hurts… Mommmmmyyyyyy….” Chaeyoung who supposed to have a broken leg broke into a sprint straight to her mom’s embrace. Wendy immediately going into her mommy mode, cooing and cuddling her daughter.


Yeri could only snort at all this lovey-dovey.


“This is why kids are so soft these days.”




“Mama! Mama!”


Irene looked away for what felt like a few seconds from Jisoo, and now a few seconds later her daughter already got herself into trouble.


“Chichoo foot it’s stuck!” Jisoo said in distress.


Irene turns and sees Jisoo’s foot stuck in the railing of the mini bridge. Which child does this? Of course, it’s hers.


“Hold on, let me-“


It’s rare ever to see Jisoo in distress.


Irene looks back at her wife and sighs in relief when she sees Wendy and Chaeyoung, her two fluffballs squeezed in the mini motorcycle together.


“Oh no, I think you’re going to be stuck here forever.”


“Eeeeeehhhhhhhhh…” Jisoo starts to burst into tears, the possibility of being stuck there forever is beyond her. Is there even chicken here?




“Hey Seul,”


“Everything okay?”


Irene just grunted as she tries to pull out Jisoo’s leg out, but all she got is a whimper from Jisoo.


“Okay, hold on.”


“Oh my God! Jisoo…” Wendy finally sensed the distress call and storms there, ready to go into super mom mode as she sees one of her babies in trouble.


Oh God… here we go.


“Let me try, Irene… I can’t… I can’t…” Irene is willing to step back and let Wendy tries to work her magic. “Maybe if I get a screwdriver and unscrew these bars, ask for a screwdriver- oh.”


Wendy and the rest of the adults watch in embarrassment when the four year old Jennie just pops Jisoo’s foot out without a hassle.


“Wow… Jennniiiieeeee…” Jisoo cries out for her bestfriend, who just scoffs at what her frenemy just got herself into, before nudging her mom’s hand.


“I think I’m ready to go.”


From a safe distance, Yeri and Saeron watched the entire spectacle, both in distress and relief as the adults try to wiggle the trouble magnet out of another hairy situation.




“So?” Saeron turns to Yeri.


“You still want kids?”


“Do you?”


Yeri turns towards her, scoffing before sipping her sprite.


“If it’s like them, hell no…”


Saeron shouldn’t have expected more. But Yeri link their fingers together and very gently rub Saeron's palm in circles.


“But if it's ours, then maybe.”




“Okay, I got some popcorn and because it’s a Saturday night I have some choco milk for my ba- Oh…”


Irene presses her finger to her lips to hush her wife, who walks in their planned family movie night with a massive bowl of popcorn and the girl's sippy cups. Their two babies were both passed out in their queen size bed, snoring loudly, looking both exhausted and yet so happy at the same time.


Wendy crawls into bed, pressing a kiss on their little girls before snuggling in her spot, she’s a few feet away from her wife, but this spot couldn’t be more perfect for her.


“Mama? Mommy?” Chaeyoung whispers in between her sleep and wakefulness,


“Yes, baby?”


Chaeyoung’s chubby cheeks break into a soft smile before she closes her eyes again but not before telling both her mommies.


“F you…”




“You sounded like you had an amazing time.”


“I could hear the sarcasm in your voice, Ms. Jo.”


No matter how exhausted she was that day, Seulgi finds herself instantly smiling when she hears the chuckle from the other line.


“I’m sorry about that.”


“Sure, you are.” Seulgi smiled and somehow she imagined Eunae smiling on the other line too. “I’m so sorry, we can’t meet tonight.”


“No, no. That’s not a problem. You need all the sleep you can get.”


“You too…”


“I would. Just got to finish checking the papers, I got distracted last night.”


Seulgi snorted but still couldn’t help but smile.




Seulgi walks into their bedroom with that wide grin on her face; it won’t be until years from now when Jennie would realize what that beautiful smile on her mommy’s face means.


Seulgi jumps into bed with a squeal and a blush before dancing playfully on their bed.


“Ow! Mommy, you’re breaking my rib, you’re breaking my rib,”


The young mom paused, raising a brow at her daughter.


“I’m breaking your rib?”


“Uh huh.”


“But you’re my teddy bear, how can I sleep at night if I don’t hug you?” Seulgi juts her lower lip in a pout that got Jennie break into giggles.


“You can hug me, but not too tight.”


“Is this too tight?”




Seulgi loosens her hold a bit but was still nuzzling on her little girl’s neck.


“How about this?”


“Yes again. How about I hug you instead?”


The young mom looked up from her perch and smiles at her darling.


“You’re such a smart, baby.”


And Seulgi chuckles as she sees Jennie fidgeting to get in a better position, wrapping her arms as wide as she could around her mom.


“Did Ms. Jo made you this happy?”


“No. not just her.”


“Then what?”


Seulgi press a peck on that little nose before, pulling Jennie back in her arms, holding her tight no matter how much her daughter would object. To her surprise, Jennie stayed still.


“Having you and having her. I couldnt be happier.”




“Go get your backpack, Jen.”


Jennie rushes over to her locker to get her bag, while Seulgi enjoyed this few seconds where she could just watch Eunae. Her beautiful girlfriend, whose voice is so soft and sweet reading to her little kids. Eunae glance away from the book to give her a smile before returning to the story. The little boy in her lap took the opportunity to leap out, but Eunae catches him in time to place him back in her lap.


“I’m ready.”


“Okay,” Seulgi smiles once again before taking Jennie’s hand in hers. “Say bye to Ms. Jo.”


“Bye Ms. Jo…”


Eunae turns away from the book, lips curled in a sweet smile as she bids goodbye.


“Bye Jennie, See you tomorrow!”


“Bye Ms. Jo,”


The teacher tries to remain as professional as she could, but she’s finding it harder and harder when the pretty mom just smiles at her that way.


“Take care, Ms. Kang.”


Seulgi turned away missing the sweet smile that lingered in the pretty teacher.




“Wow, look at this, a hundred?” Seulgi coos proudly as she sees the perfect hundred on Jennie’s test paper. “I think we need to celebrate.”


Jennie’s usual stoic eyes glowed at the thought, “Hotdog?!”


“Yes, and maybe some nacho fries.”


Jennie gasps before smirking, “And some sprite?”


“Just a few sips.”




Seulgi presses a kiss on Jennie’s hand. “I’ll get you your milk ice cream. How about that?”




The proud mom was ready to place the test paper back in Jennie’s folder when she flips the test paper and what she saw would guarantee her smile for ages.


that just when she thought her days couldn’t be more beautiful, Eunae continues to prove her wrong when right there, scribbled at the bottom right corner of Jennie’s test paper is Eunae’s little tease.


Let’s get waffles. :P




Happy Easter to those who are celebrating it!!!!!

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Chapter 7: This story is my favorite if I'm in the mood to read Wenrene's family
love this fic! time to re-read it
Chapter 1: I can't believe I finally found this fanfic 😭
Chapter 1: what a cute beginning for this story. :) i will try to finish this in maybe 4 days? story is super cute. XD
Chapter 3: Kenapa rene takut ya anakmu tumbuh besar
Chapter 2: Apasih gini aja gw ngakak
Chapter 1: Cerita yang lucu
Ini sepertinya cerita lucu
Saw a very cute chaennie pic today so here I am hahaha I might re-read this later :p
Chapter 15: Wow the end!!!!
Thanks for the story author-nim, well done