How to be a Big Girl

One in a Trillion

“Unnie, you’re ready?”


Joy announced her presence as she waltzed in Wendy and Irene’s kitchen. Being an adult is hard work, it was barely 9 am on a Saturday and she’s already up, ready to head out to work. When her Seulgi unnie told her she had to drop off Jennie off at Wendy's first, Joy volunteered to drive her to work, knowing Wendy would always have a complete meal ready.


“Hold on, just give me one second,” Seulgi said as she wipes away the crumbs from her daughter’s face. Joy walked over to the fridge to pour herself a cup of Orange Juice.


“Hey Jennie, did you save me some waffle?”


“No.” The little girl said straight to the point. Seulgi pursed her lips trying not to laugh at Joy’s reaction. She pulled Jennie down from her perch in the kitchen counter, picking up her bag as she’s ready to leave.




For such a scrawny kid, Lisa looked like she just out all the air in the atmosphere. Joy placed her orange juice down in amusement, Lisa points a shaky finger over her direction.




“This girl, seriously.” Joy said before she watched the lanky kid blurred pass by and straight to the legit y unnie from Kindergarten class.


“Did she just call my baby, y?” Seulgi asked, looking more amused than annoyed.


Joy just shook her head, she has just been burned by two kids in the last five minutes.


Jennie quickly hides behind Seulgi for defense. They were on the same soccer team last season and She had seen this overenthusiastic PRE-K girl in school before. She never failed to embarrass her by screaming for her attention every time.


Lisa waved her hand like a robot on a brink of a malfunction.


“Say hi to Lisa, Jennie.”


Jennie groaned before finally saying it. “Hi.”




Lisa came a long way from the quiet girl who only said EHII all the time, from this Lisa that they know and love now who talks like she got a megaphone stuck inside .


“Okay, mommy has to go. Remember if you get too sweaty, you have to change your shirt so you don’t get sick.”


Jennie has no plans of being sweaty or even moving at all. Lisa’s skinny arm shoots up to the skies to nominate herself.




Jennie just frowned at Lisa who gazed at her like a lovesick puppy.


“Now give me a kiss and I’ll see you in a bit, okay?”


Jennie wrapped her arms around her mom’s waist before pouting cutely at her.


“Buy me hotdog please.”


“Okay.” Seulgi pressed a goodbye kiss on Jennie’s lips before standing up.


“Please get me the baby seal.”


“Mommy will try, okay?” Seulgi promised though it’s more challenging than she thought. The infamous fast food chain has around 24 collectible beanie babies in their kid's meal which had become Jennie’s obsession to own each one. But easier said than done when the elusive baby seal is like the Moby of beanie babies.


“Wen, Unnie we’re leaving.”


“OKAY!” Wendy shouted from her home office. “I’ll see you in a bit.”


“BYEEEEE MOMMY!” Lisa screamed as Seulgi and Joy were about to step out of the house.


“That’s your future daughter in law.”


Seulgi opened but couldn’t even think of any comeback for that.




Irene brought down a freshly bathe Chaeyoung and her baby nearly jumped out of her arms at the sight of her friend.


“Is that my bestfriend Lisa?!” Chaeyoung squealed excitedly.


“OH!” Lisa’s eyes brightened up at the sight of her best buddy. “I’LL BE BACK!” She told Jennie. “CHAEYOUNGIE!”










“Okay, that’s enough baby princess.” Wendy pats her youngest on the bottom, trying to lead her upstairs. “Go to your playroom and play with Lisa, okay?”




Chaeyoung took her friend’s hand as they skipped up the stairs to her playroom. Wendy and Irene could only look in amusement at how excited their youngest looked.


“Look at that bag it’s even bigger than her. Is she going to move here or something?”


“It’s like they haven’t seen each other for ages,” Wendy added. “They messed up the documents from last Friday, so I have to sort it out. Can you watch the girls until I’m done?”


“Wen, I haven’t finished the laundry yet.” Irene reasoned out. “I’m pretty sure they’ll be okay.”


“I just don’t feel comfortable leaving them without adult supervision.”


“They are just in the playroom. They will be okay.”


That’s her wife. The one who doesn’t mind getting their girls scratched up and bruised so they could toughen up, yet she’s the one who panics when Chaeyoung stumbles and puts on that cute pouty face.




It was Wendy’s way of saying she surrenders in this argument.


“Just do your work and I’ll promise I’ll check up on them when I’m done.”


Call it maternal instinct but Wendy has a bad feeling about this. But her wife always cajoled her for being such a helicopter mom, saying that the girls aren’t even done with kindergarten yet. Irene always reasoned out that they need to get hurt and get scratched and get bruised so they’ll toughen up. But Wendy didn’t grow up that way, her parents have always been so gentle and loving, pampering her for every bruise and cut.


Balance is supposed to be the secret to a harmonious marriage. You give in, you take back, she gives in, she takes back.


So, for now maybe she should be the one that takes a step back, Irene would just make up for it later.




Shimmer and Shine, Elena of Avalor, Sofia the first…


Jennie heaved a long sigh as she skims through her IPAD. Too many shows to catch up, too little time. Her mommy did warn her not to spend all day on her IPAD. And she won’t, she’ll nap after before watching some more, that doesn’t count as all day, right?


Jennie already had made a mark on her property in the playroom. The little babies are excitedly playing on the kitchen set but it’s not them who’s she’s worried about it’s her…


She narrowed her eyes at the sight of that troublemaker coming over.


How dare Jisoo come over to her, after trying to steal her mommy?


“Do Jennie want to play?”


“Not with you.” Jennie shooed the other girl away, wanting to watch her Elena of Avalor marathon in peace.


“What are you watching?”


Jennie grunted in pain as Jisoo just climbed on top of the couch and plopped herself on Jennie’s stomach.


“Get off me!”


But Jisoo might have heard Jennie to get on because she clambered on. She could push Jisoo right now but she made a promise to be nice to her. So, fine, Jennie leans over closer and whispered.


“I’m gonna hurt you.”


That was enough for Jisoo to jumped off her quick. Jennie let out a grunt before going back again to her show, leaving a playmate-less Jisoo behind.


Seeing that Jennie doesn't want anything to do with her, Jisoo decided to move on to her next potential playmates.


Those little babies.




“So, who wants to play with the most awesome unnie ever?!” Jisoo announced as she walked in pushing in their baby carriage filled with art supplies.


Her baby sister and Lisa look like little make believe chefs, as they have their apron and chef's hats while playing in the girls toy kitchen.


“JENNIE UNNIE?!” Lisa said excitedly.


“No. Chichoo.” Jisoo corrected her and pointed to herself. “Chichoo unnie.”


“Oh,” Lisa said in disappointment before turning 180 and started excitedly clapping. “ME! ME! ME!”


“Do Chichoo unnie want to eat my cupcake?” Chaeyoung tilts her head, before showing her toy cupcake to her unnie.




The two little girls looked at each other strangely. What is this word, Pong?




“It’s a cool new word that only big kids used. It can mean whatever you like.”




“Yes,” Jisoo said to Jennie’s fan.


“THEN PONG!” Lisa declared her pledge for this newly invented word.


“PONG!” Jisoo raised her arm back.




Jennie just looked at Lisa with a strange look on her face before she returns to her IPAD.


“So, what game does Chichoo unnie like to play?” Chaeyoung asked as she plopped down on the rug.


“Chichoo is gonna make Chaeyoungie look so pretty.”


“That’s a bad idea.” Jennie cuts in.


Jisoo just answered with a snort before turning over to her little sister with a grin.


“No. It’s going to be like magic.”




Finished at last, Irene sighed in relief as she pulled out the last batch of her laundry. Her job might not be as fast paced and stressful as Wendy’s but being a volunteer coordinator is hard work too. Her laundry time on Saturday is usually her only version of me time, (sometimes Chaeyoung joins in and tried to help fold or make more mess). But now her baby is busy socializing, as much as she missed her, Irene couldn’t deny that this quiet time is much appreciated.




Well, that didn’t last long.


Irene looked away from the clothes she’s folding and went upstairs. It’s probably not a big deal but knowing her wife she’s most likely hyperventilating right now.


“What’s wro- Oh wow.” Irene covered , trying to resist the urge of laughing out loud as she saw Chaeyoung’s face. If there is such a thing as a clown panda, this is it. As Jisoo decided to play makeup artists and used her chalk, markers and color pencils to draw on her sister’s face.


“Look at this!” Wendy started massaging her temples, as she could feel that she’s about to pop a vein. She told her wife this and she's ready to tell her wife I told you so. “Look at this.”


“I am.”


“Twenty minutes, Hyun! Twenty minutes! No! not even twenty minutes that we left them unsupervised and this is what happens!”


“I told you this is a bad idea,” Jennie told Jisoo.


“Jisoo, did you do this?”


Jisoo dropped her colored chalk on the floor. “M-maybe.”


Jennie should just let Jisoo take the brunt of everything, the little dork had it coming. But somewhere deep inside she felt it was wrong. “Auntie Wendy, I help too.”


Wendy turned to Irene and Irene turned back at her. Both looked clueless on what to do. They’re sure Seulgi doesn’t mind them disciplining her girl but Jennie is Jennie.


“I’m going to talk to your mommy about this,” Wendy said, trying hard to be an adult but one dark look from Jennie and Wendy had to clear , forgetting for a second that she’s the grown up. “I mean I’ll think about it.”


“Jisoo, you do not do this. You use your art materials for art.” Irene stepped in, seeing how her wife is about to have a cardiac arrest right now.


“But Chichoo is a makeup artist.”


“Jisoo, you use makeup to be a makeup artist, not chalk, not marker, not color pencils. You use those on paper, not on the wall, not on the floor and especially not on your sister.”


“Oh. Sorry.”


Jisoo doesn’t sound sorry at all, how could she? When her sister looked like a piece of art.


“Go sit down in timeout and think about what you did. When you’re ready, we are going to talk about this. Come here, Chaeyoung, let’s clean you up.”


Wendy took her mini-me hand in hers as she leads her to their bathroom.


“Look, Jisoo even did contouring.” Irene pointed out at the stripe of pink chalk marks on the apple of Chaeyoung’s cheeks and jawline.


“Not helping, Hyun.” Wendy reached out for her facial wipes before turning over to her little girl.


“Do I look pretty?” Chaeyoung asked, fluttering her now panda eyes.


“W-what? Of course! You always look so pretty to mommy.” Wendy cooed her youngest before turning over to her wife. Her wife who looked more amused than anything. Wendy turned back to her daughter and find herself chuckling.


“Why is mommy laughing?”


Wendy just kissed her little girl in her hair before smiling at her little clown face.


“Because you are just amazing.”





As soon as the clock hits 10:00, Jisoo almost fell on her knees to praise God in happiness.


Finally… it was the long awaited moment that Jisoo has been waiting for.


TV time…


She took the remote of her TV and before she could pick, she heard a cute voice from behind her.


“Can we watch team umizoomi?” Chaeyoung asked. Her little sister took another bath again, wiping away all that chalk and markers on her face. It was good while it lasted.


This was harder than she thought.


“Pong!” Jisoo extended her hand out. “Team umizoomi are for babies. Babies like Chaeyoungie and Lisa.”


“I’m not a baby! I’m three!” Chaeyoung defended herself even showing three fingers to prove her point. “Mommy said I’m a big girl!”


“Pong! Big girls don’t wear diapers.”


“It’s not diapers!” Chaeyoung was getting annoyed now, stomping her light up skechers in irritation. “It’s pull ups! And I only wear it when I go night night.”


“Still big girls don’t sleep with pull ups and sleep with their mommies.”


Jennie looked away from her IPAD and gave Jisoo a look.


“I sleep with my mommy, are you calling me a baby?”


Jisoo squeaked in fear, “N-no.”


“When I grow up I’m gonna be bigger than unnie!” Chaeyoung tried her best to sound as intimidating as she could but her chipmunk cheeks and cute voice failed her big time. “Me and Lisa!”




Jisoo and Jennie looked at each other before they burst out laughing. These silly three-year-old babies…


“That’s not going to happen!”


“You know what big girls watch?”


Lisa and Chaeyoung looked at each other, ready to learn the secret of being a big girl.


“We watch Beauty and the Beast.”


Chaeyoung gulped nervously before shaking her head. She saw the picture of the beast and she doesn’t think her three year old heart can take it.


“But he’s so scawy.” Chaeyoung squeaks nervously, thinking that maybe she’s not ready to be a big girl yet.


“Pffft… Chaeyoungie thinks that’s scary? You’ll be more scared to know that the Beast is real.”


The three year olds jumped back in fright.


“The candle invites people and they say, be our guest, be our guest, but what they mean is be our Food and then feed it to the BEAST!”


Chaeyoung quickly went to defense mode and curled herself in a ball, while Lisa fell on her , trying to crawl away from there.


Jennie was just narrowing her eyes at the ridiculousness of it all. But it’s Jisoo, so why should she even be surprised?


“And you know what kind of people the Beast favorite food is?”




“Nope. Eating Lisa is like eating chicken feet. The beast likes…” Jisoo looked at her cute baby sister who’s already trembling in fear. “Cute…”


Chaeyoung shook her head.




Chaeyoung’s lips started to quiver.






“Like… Chae” Jisoo took one step closer and Chaeyoung is shaking her head. “Yo-”


“LIKE JISOO!” Chaeyoung quickly looked up and saw her savior, her Jennie unnie standing next to her, wrapping her arms around her. “It’s okay, Chaeyoung, the Beast is just make believe, okay?”


“M-make believe?”


Jennie tried to calm down the little girl. “It means it’s not true.” She smiled tenderly at the little girl and it was enough to ease Chaeyoung’s worried heart.




Seulgi opened the kid's meal and immediately groaned as she saw the toy inside. It was nothing against Leopard beanie babies, but she needed the baby seal. She walked over to the counter and the teenager manning the counter, looked like he’s about to have a heart attack with this beauty in front of him.


“Hi. I’m sorry to bother you,” Seulgi said. “It’s just that I already have the Leopard one. Can I please switch this with the baby seal one?”


As much as the boy who looked like a member of NCT dream was stammering at the almond-eyed beauty talking to him, he knows his job is hanging on the line.


“L-l-let me just asked my manager really quick.”


“Okay… thank you.”


Seulgi took a step back from the counter, wondering if she should just head to another chain to get the baby seal.


“I’ll switch your Leopard one with my baby seal one if you like?”


Seulgi turned around and she didn’t even know how she remained so calm in front of her. The tall girl standing right next to her is nothing short of beautiful. She looked out of place or more like she stood out in that crazy fast food chain with her gorgeous looks. Slim figure, long legs, shoulder length dark hair, she could easily be mistaken for a model, if only the kid's meal in her hand didn’t give her away.


“No… no… it’s okay.”


“No. I already have the baby seal one at home.” The lady said with a smile “So I don’t mind switching.”


“Are you sure?”




They exchanged beanie babies and Seulgi could feel a shiver shot through her spine when their fingers brushed against each other.


“Thank you. Thank you so much. It’s for my daughter she’s been wanting to get the seal for some time.”


The gorgeous girl only looked so much prettier as her lips curved in a sweet smile.


“She’s lucky to have you as a mom.”


Seulgi could feel the heat on her cheeks from the compliment.


“Is that for your kid too?”


“Oh no… I don’t have one.”


The blush on her cheeks didn’t get any better from the mistake.


“Oh God! I’m sorry.”


“No.” She laughs. “I’m a teacher so I need to be in on these things.” She admits sheepishly and Seulgi just couldn’t help but smile a little bit wider with how adorable she looked.


“Well, your students are lucky to have you too.”


The pretty lady was about to say something when someone called for her attention.


“Eunae-yah? You ready to go?”


“Yeah. I’m gonna go ahead, thanks for the Leopard.” She said waving around the toy leopard.


Seulgi just smiled back and watched her go. Maybe if their circumstances were different, she would have chased after her, maybe exchange numbers. But maybe, for now, this is all there is meant for them to be. A hello and a goodbye. But one thing’s for sure, Seulgi would never see this place the same way again.




“Look what I have here!”


Joy walked in the home with three boxes of pizzas in tow.


“Auntie Joy!!”


The girls all screeched excitedly because for them it only means one thing, the party don’t start until Aunt Joy walks in. Joy walked over and plopped herself on the couch with the girls.


“What are we watching today?”




“Beauty and the Beast?”


“Oh? Okay.”


Jennie looked around the living room, her heart sinking as she sees no sign of her mommy. She walks over to the opposite side of the couch, tugging on her Auntie Joy’s shirt.


“Where’s my mommy?”


“She just texted me and she said she’s on her way. You want me to go you some pizza?”


“No thank you. Mommy is going to bring me a hotdog.”


“Don’t worry she’ll be here soon. You want some juice?”


“No,” Jennie said before plopping sadly on the couch.


“Jisoo come get your pizza,” Wendy called out from the kitchen.




“No Jisoo.” Wendy tried to sound stern. “You already had chicken nuggets for lunch today.”


“Jisoo, come get your dinner now.”


Jisoo’s cute little head pop out from the couch at the sound of her mommy Irene.




But not even five minutes into the movie and Chaeyoung already screamed in fright at the sight of the Beast. She quickly turned around the couch stretching her arms out for her mommy.


Wendy was about to drop the pizza to run over her little girl but Her wife was quick to swoop in. Irene took their youngest in her arms cooing gently at the sobbing little girl.


“It’s so scawy.” Chaeyoung buried her face in her mommy’s shoulder. “He’s going to eat Chaeyoungie.”


“No. No. Mommy Irene and Mommy Wendy are not going to let that happened.”


The mother and daughter walked out to the backyard with Irene swaying her in her arms. But then a different kind of fear took over Chaeyoung, what if the Beast gets her mommy?


“But I don’t want you to get hurt,” Chaeyoung said, her face full of worry. Irene smiled sweetly at her daughter's innocence. She took Chaeyoung's hand in hers before pressing a soft kiss on it.


“Oh no. mommy Irene is so strong, the Beast would be scared.”


Wendy watched from the doorway as she saw Irene settle in their lawn chairs with Chaeyoung in her embrace. She listened to Irene humming softly to Chaeyoung, gently rubbing her back. Irene always joked that it’s Wendy who has the voice to calm their little girls. But judging from Chaeyoung’s pretty eyes fluttering sleepily before nuzzling on Irene’s shoulder, Wendy is pretty sure Irene’s voice has the same effect too.


For Chaeyoung she and Irene are invincible, a force to be reckoned with. A superhero so strong and powerful that no beast or monster could ever get to her.


If only Chaeyoung knows, how Irene jumps at every loud noise or sound. How her wife would screech in fright at a flying insect.


But maybe her wife is some kind of a superhero that would do anything to protect her girls. 




“Hi guys!”


“Mommy!” Jennie said happily, almost trampling on Jisoo and Lisa as she tried to make her way to her mom.


“Hi, my love.” Seulgi greeted Jennie with a kiss. “Have you been a good girl?”




“I’m going to ask your auntie? Wen?”


Wendy turned to look at Jennie and clears as she saw the taunting gaze on Jennie's pretty face.


“Oh yeah, yeah. Jennie has been helpful today.”


“I’m so happy to hear that,” Seulgi said before carrying Jennie in her arms before putting the kid's meal on the kitchen counter.


Jennie squealed happily, “Is it the baby seal?”


“I don’t know, I didn’t check.”


“Oh.” Jennie opened her kid's meal and Seulgi instantly smiled as she watched Jennie’s face glow at her baby seal. “Mommy, it’s the baby seal!” Jennie thanked her mom with a giant hug. She went over to her bestfriend, who is busy munching on her pizza, eyes glued to the TV.


“Look Jisoo.”


Jisoo took the baby seal and place it on top of her head. Jennie snatched it away before turning to Lisa who got that huge grin on her face as y unnie approached her.


“Do you like it?” Jennie asked.




Joy hollered at the pick up line, obviously this kid has more game than any of them.


“I told you unnie.”


Seulgi just answered with a soft chuckle before taking Jennie in her lap. She kissed her daughter on her temple before Jennie offered Seulgi a piece of her hotdog.


“Thank you, baby.”


Wendy settled on the couch and Jisoo crawled on her lap, plopping herself comfortably while eating her pizza. Wendy was about to tell Jisoo to sit nicely so she could eat, but after seeing her little girl so relax in her hold, the young mom decided to just let it go.


Besides, what’s a little indulgence every once in a while?




“Jisoo, time to go to sleep.”


“Okay…” Jisoo yelled out, maybe it will stop her mom from- “ACK!”


Jisoo screeched as her mommy Irene popped her head back inside her room.


“I told you it’s time to sleep,” Irene said with a much more effective stern voice. “Come here.”


Jisoo waddled over to her mom as Irene kisses her on the head.


“Jennie is going to stay for a little bit with you. But you have to go to bed soon, okay?”




“Good night Jennie,”


“Good night auntie Irene.”


As soon as the coast is clear, Jennie turned over to Jisoo who now has a block on her hand.


“I’m sleepy,” Jennie announced.


“Okay,” Jisoo answered. She wasn’t going to let her sleepiness get in the way of balancing this block on her head.


“If you don’t sleep, I can’t sleep.”


An embarrassing squeak came out of Jisoo’s throat as she saw the dark gaze in Jennie’s sleepy eyes.


“And if you don’t sleep now, I’ll make you sleep…” Jennie paused, leaning closer so Jisoo knows that she’s not playing.




Jisoo squeaked again before hurriedly crawling over to her bed. Jennie gets into the bed with her, cuddling close to her bestfriend with Jisoo in one arm and her baby seal in another.




Seulgi let out a satisfied hum as the red flavored drink sips down . God knows how much she needed it. Work has been hell, her baby has been acting up, but finally, she could let out an exhale as she took a break with nothing to worry about.


Wendy hands a drink to Joy, but for once she declined. Irene looked at Wendy with that certain gaze, it was nothing indecent but still it was enough to make Seulgi and Joy look away.


“No. I can’t drink much I’m going out with Hayoung and Yerin after. Unnie?”


She nudges Seulgi out of her peace.


“You should come with us, you know?”


“No.” Seulgi shook her head. “I’m good for tonight.”


“C’mon, you know what you need? To get laid.”


Seulgi almost jumped out of her seat and Irene and Wendy burst out laughing at how she reacted.




“N-no… you don’t have to be in a relationship, just you know to get it on. You know who you should see, unnie?”


“No… no… were not getting into that topic again.” Seulgi tried to put an end to this conversation, but Joy had other ideas.


“Ms. Jo.”


Both Wendy and Irene looked at each other and even they couldn’t help but nod in approval.


“See? Even unnie approved. I have been telling her!” Sooyoung yelled out. “That the girl's new teacher is just… hot as .”


“No! No!” Seulgi said, her cheeks have a crimson glow now. Was it from the drink or from the thought of someone, she doesn’t know. “Don’t you know how wrong that sounds?”


“It’s not like you’re her student, Seul.” Even Wendy joined in on the job of playing matchmaker.


“I didn’t see a couple ring, so she’s single and you’re single. So…”


“You should just see her Seul,” Wendy said. “She’s beautiful, she’s sweet with the kids. If you felt like there is no spark, then, we move on. If you feel that this could be something then… ”


“Nope.” Seulgi shook her head. “I have no plans to date, I mean… maybe later when Jennie is maybe 12 or 13.”


“She’s still four!”


“I know. I just don’t think I have the time or the money. West Chester ain’t cheap. And…”


Seulgi took a deep breath.


“Besides, Jennie is number one. I don’t know if I could meet someone who’s just happy to be second priority.”


“Well, they don’t necessarily have to be second place. I mean… I love Irene and our girls as much but differently. And you will meet someone who will be okay with that.”


“I did saw someone.”


A pretty smile lingered in Seulgi’s lips as she recalled the memory from earlier. Her friends leaned in with all their interest on her, knowing it takes more than something to make her smile like that.


“I saw this girl today in Big Macs.”


“Big Macs? How romantic.”


“I don’t know what she’s doing there either, but yeah. She’s like sooo… I don’t know even know where to start to describe it.”


“Did you ask for her number at least?”


“No, no.” Seulgi brushed it off. “I just thought she was gorgeous.”


“Well, if it’s destiny. You guys will see each other again.” Wendy said, earning a playful look from her wife.


“Do you still believe in that?” Irene joked.


“Of course.” Wendy smiled at her wife and until now that sticky gaze could still make Irene blush. “If you did get to see this person again Seul, you better asked for her number this time.”


Seulgi answered with a chuckle. She highly doubts she will ever get to meet her again, but if Wendy is right and destiny does play its part, then maybe… maybe.



Wendy and Irene have been waiting patiently, approximately three years if they’re keeping count to finally have their bed all to themselves. For some reason, Chaeyoung insisted on sleeping in her own bed tonight instead of sleeping with her mommies. Knowing their baby, they should cherish their bed all to themselves before Chaeyoung decides to sleep with them again.


But instead of cuddling and covering every inch space between them, they left a small size indention right in between that fits Chaeyoungie quite perfectly.


“You think she’s alright?”


Wendy turned over to look at her wife.


“Do you want us to check?”


“No…no… I’m just. She was so scared earlier, I really thought she would like to sleep with us.” Irene let out a sigh.


“I guess baby Chaeyoungie is not such a baby anymore.”


Wendy laughs as she heard a soft whine from her wife.


“I can’t remember us acting like this with Jisoo.”


“Jisoo has a mind of her own. She’s been independent even before she turned 3. But Chaeyoung, well… she’s our little baby.”


Irene groaned once again before nuzzling deeper on her pillow.






Even with just the glow of the lamp post, Wendy could still trace that mischievous smile on her wife’s face.


“Maybe we should make a new baby now.”




She didn’t know what she was thinking, but at three years old Chaeyoung now knows the meaning of the word regret. She insisted to her mommy that she’s ready to sleep by herself tonight but it was harder than she thought when the Beast is out there to get her.


“Mommy Irene…”


She prayed softly, scared that if her voice is a little louder the Beast would come and get her. Chaeyoung was ready to scream for her mommy when her blanket was lifted. Oh no! The beast found her and is going to eat her alive and she will never see her mommy again.




Chaeyoung squinted when someone flashed a flashlight at her.


“U-unnie…” Chaeyoung squealed in fear. “I want mommy Irene.”


“It’s okay.”


“But the Beast-“


“He’s a prince now, he can’t hurt you anymore.”


“I’m so scawed.”


“It’s okay… Chichoo unnie is here and Jennie too. But she’s in the other room with Aunt Seulgi.”


Jisoo pulled her little sister closer to her, wrapping her skinny arms around her pudgy baby sister.


“It’s okay, baby. It’s okay. When the Beast comes, Chaeyoung and Chichoo go Pong!”




“Pong! And the beast goes Ahhhhhhh…”


Irene’s heart shot up with pride as she saw her two little girls just growing up before her eyes. Her mini me who always has a flair for getting herself in the stickiest situation has now stepped up to protect her little sister. And then her wife’s mini me, who always searched for her mommy is now conquering her fears slowly (very slowly) but surely on her own.


But with that sense of pride came a feeling of loneliness. Her girls are still three and four but Irene felt like they were going to start missing them less and less. 


Before Irene slowly closed the door, she had one tiny request for her two darlings.


“Don’t grow up too fast, my loves.”





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Chapter 7: This story is my favorite if I'm in the mood to read Wenrene's family
love this fic! time to re-read it
Chapter 1: I can't believe I finally found this fanfic 😭
Chapter 1: what a cute beginning for this story. :) i will try to finish this in maybe 4 days? story is super cute. XD
Chapter 3: Kenapa rene takut ya anakmu tumbuh besar
Chapter 2: Apasih gini aja gw ngakak
Chapter 1: Cerita yang lucu
Ini sepertinya cerita lucu
Saw a very cute chaennie pic today so here I am hahaha I might re-read this later :p
Chapter 15: Wow the end!!!!
Thanks for the story author-nim, well done