Forever Young

One in a Trillion


Annie’s Organic Fruit Snacks?




Organic Granny Smith’s Apples?


Check on that.


Unsweetened Organic Almond Milk?


Got it…


“Let’s see…Fruit snacks, apples, milk… and here we go…”


Wendy stood on her tiptoes to reach over the small bananas, unknown to her, the little passenger in her grocery cart has her full attention. Those cute little brown eyes were trailing the little banana joining the other organic food on the grocery list.




“Poor banana, they didn’t wait for it to grow up,” Chaeyoung exclaimed, those brown eyes sorrowful.


Wendy blinks confusedly at what her youngest just said. She follows Chaeyoung’s line of sight, looking mournfully at the little bananas.


“Ahhh… baby, they’re just fruits.”


“But they’re living things and they have feelings.”


“You know what? You are right, my smart baby.” Wendy in a deep breath and exchanged the little bananas for the “grown ones.” She should really start toughening up her three year old, but she’s too darn cute that all Wendy wants to do is to protect her from the world.


Wendy pushes the cart with their little girls riding happily, turning the corner to the cereal aisle. Wendy is against having her children raised by IPADs and phones, but if she wants a smooth ride through the aisles she needed to have a distraction for her girls and for now, minion rush is her go to savior.


But now she’s regretting the decision really quickly as she figures out a way to take her phone from her little girl.


“Jisoo, can I have my phone really quick, please? Mommy needs to check the list.”


“Chichoo busy…” Jisoo told her mom straight up, not even glancing away from the contraption.


“No, Jisoo, mommy needs it now.”


“Chichoo needs it more.”


“Okay, Jisoo. Look, sweetheart, the faster we can finish the faster we could go to Panera Bread.”


No reaction after hearing the healthy selection for dinner.


“Zoe’s kitchen?”


The only thing Jisoo is looking at is her game.




Jisoo finally looks up, narrowing her eyes at her mommy.


“Irene, did you get the-“


“Take the phone! Take the phone!” Jisoo scrambled to get rid of the phone as soon as she heard her mommy calls out for her mama.


Wendy didn’t know if it’s a win or a loss for her, for her daughter to listen only when her wife gets into the mix of things.


Jisoo turns around nervously until she realized that her mama is nowhere in sight.


“You tricked Chichoo.”


“No, I thought I saw your mama.”


Wendy-1 Jisoo- 2


But hey at least she won one round, but Jisoo isn’t someone who’s going to let things slide. For someone who has short arms, she had no trouble at all reaching over and pulling down a box of cocoa puffs.


“Look Chaeyoungie,” She shakes the brown box on her baby sister’s face. “Shimmie shimmie cocoa puff I think I like it.”


“Jisoo, noooo,” Wendy warns once again. “We are getting Kashi… do you guys like Kashi?”


“Nooo…. Cocoa puff.”


“Okay, how about Cheerios instead?”


“It goes down, down baby…”


“Okay, Jisoo that’s enough.”


“Ms. Son?”


Ahhhh to be young and single and going to the grocery store with only yourself in mind.


Wendy could only sigh dreamily at that faraway thought when she spotted her young coworker dress up in her lululemons and pushing around a grocery cart that is going to make organic fiends drool.


“Oh hello, Shannon…”


“Ohhhhh she sounds like Peppa Pig!” Her youngest pipes out excitedly.




“Oh, sorry, sorry, Chaeyoung sweetie.” Wendy looks at her daughter. “It’s a show. Chaeyoung, remember what mommy told you? That people from different places speak differently? Well, Shannon here is from England just like where Peppa Pig is from.”


“And Harry Potter…” Jisoo added.


“Oh wow,” Shannon ooohhhh… “You already know Harry Potter?”


“She almost finished The Philosopher’s stone.” Wendy humble bragged about her daughter.


“I don’t know how to read yet,” Chaeyoung said, disarming the adults with a pout.


“Oh my Gosh, Ms. Son she’s so cute. She’s just like a little you.” Shannon coos at the round face little girl.


“Alright, Wen!” Irene walks over to their grocery cart places the downy and tide bottles in their cart. But today, Irene has her hair up in a bun, baggy sweater and thick rim glasses. “I got the stuff- Oh. Hello?”


Irene paused thoughtfully, eyeing the woman with her family who looks like she was pulled out of a Nike Catalogue.


“This is my wife, Irene. Irene, this is our new media coordinator from London, Shannon.”


“Oh hi… I’m her wife and the mother of her kids.”


“Oh yes, I met your little girls, there are too cute.” The Nike model gushed, but Irene doesn’t look the least bit awed.


“They are. We made them.” Irene said with no hint of hesitation.


“Irene,” Wendy’s pitch jumped higher. “Well, we are gonna go ahead, if you need anything just let me know.”


“You are always so helpful, Ms. Son.”


“Anything I could do to help.”


“Well, it was nice to see you around. I’ll see you in the office.”


“You too, Ms. Son. It was nice to meet you girls. Mrs. Son.”


While their little girls excitedly waved goodbye from the girl who talks like Peppa Pig, Irene answers with a low hum. It doesn’t take a genius to tell that Wendy is in deep now.




“Babe, can you pass me the beans?”


“Jisoo, give this to your mommy.”


Jisoo who usually has no qualms protesting when she has to lift a finger, wouldn’t even dare mess with her mama right now. That tone of voice and that look on her mama’s face is the same when she gets red in her behavior chart. Her mama Irene has always been quiet, but when she’s this quiet it’s much scary, like a volcano about to erupt.


She and her mommy Wendy are smart enough to know to leave it alone, but poor, poor, poor Chaeyoung doesn’t quite think like that yet.


“Is my mama mad?” She asked with a cute tilt of her head.


The question was enough to make Irene and Wendy fret in their dinner seats. It was a good thing that Irene has a weakness for her chubby baby.


“No, no, no, Chaeyoungie, mama is just tired.”


“Maybe Mommy could give you the massage that you like?”


Wendy and Irene ended up exchanging awkward glances before staring back again at their food.


“No, Mama is going to be okay. I just need sleep, baby, Thank you.” Irene’s stoic face switch into a tender look of love as she pats Chaeyoung’s hair.


“I can do massage too, like mommy.” Chaeyoung raises her pudgy little hands, willing to offer her services.


“You know that’s a good idea.”




Wendy stood back at the sight, her wife giggling in bed as their two daughters made it a mission to give their tired mom a massage.


“Mama, no giggling,” Chaeyoung warns.


“But your little hands tickle, baby.”


“Okay, guys, it’s a school night.” Wendy walks inside their room, the little girls not even looking her way, their lips jutted in determination as they continue to massage their mom. “Time to go night night now.”


The only answer she got was a collective groan, both little girls objecting but all it took was a hum from Irene.


“Listen to your mommy.”


And the two stood in full attention, pouting but both little girls know better than to tell their mama no.


“Come here, give me kisses then it’s time for night night, okay?”


Wendy couldn’t help but quirk a small grin at the softness of her wife’s voice. Irene always has this authoritarian voice. The type who don’t even need to raise her voice to get people’s attention. The depth of it, makes everyone’s back go ramrod straight and their daughters are no different.


Jisoo was the faster of the two climbing on Irene before Chaeyoung catches up, both girls drowning her wife in kisses while Irene who had always had such a competitive streak just surrenders to her babies love and kisses. Her laugh is just the most beautiful melody Wendy had ever heard.


And maybe, just maybe what Wendy needs is to remind Irene that.




“Oh, someone looks hot today.”


Eunae knew that the other teacher was talking about her, she could almost feel that playful gaze boring at the back of her head.


“What?” Eunae asked back, her focus more on her little student wrapping her tiny arms around her teacher than engaging in a bicker with her fellow teacher.


“Trying to look good for someone?”


Eunae can’t really say that she blames her for saying that. Today she opted out of her usual cardigan and slacks outfit and decided to wear a floral blouse and a black pencil skirt.


“I ummm… no… I just woke up early, so you know, I had more time to get ready.”


Her fellow teacher smirk at her like she knew whatever is rolling in Eunae’s mind. “Well, just saying, if you’re trying to impress a parent or something.”


“A Parent?” Is she too obvious when it comes to Seulgi? “Ummm… which one?”


“Duh… the one every teacher in this school is thirsting for. Well, let me say something that Ms. Kim will have my head for,” The other teacher backs away from her door, leaning closer to Eunae as if she’s about to whisper a secret. “I think Ms. Kang likes you.”


If she froze, Eunae wished it wasn’t too noticeable.


“What? Why would you say that?”


“Oh yeah… you don’t see it, but after she drops off Jennie and turns around, she still has that pretty smile.”


“Maybe she’s just happy?”


“Oh no… I know if someone is crushing on someone.”


“Oh…” Eunae could barely say it, not when she’s too busy trying to manage her blush.


“Ms. JO!!!!”


Eunae was caught off guard when Jennie jumps into her arms excitedly. She rarely sees this side of Jennie. It was a side she only shows with her mom and a part of her heart swell to think that Jennie was starting to feel this way for her.


“Good morning Birthday Girl!”


“Look at what my mommy got me.”


Jennie turns around, proud to show off her new Shopkins bag.


“It looks so nice.”


“My mommy got it.”


Eunae gazes up, a proud smile gracing her lips at the beautiful girl in front of her. Her girl.


“I have a five year old now,” Seulgi said, her voice sounded both excited and melancholic at the same time. “So ummm…”




There were so many things to say, but they relegated it all in shy smiles and soft blushes.


“I ummm… I’ll bring the pizza, cupcakes, and juice later. 12:00, right? That’s their lunch?”


“Yeah, the kids will be so excited. Thank you.”


She’s going to be so excited. Eunae meant to say.


“Okay, I’m going to be back later for your birthday with your aunt Joy, okay?”


“Okay! And then I can go home with you?”


Seulgi gives Jennie a sweet peck on her lips before she stood up.


“Yes of course. Oh!” The young mom starts digging inside her purse before pulling out a birthday ribbon for her little girl “Don’t forget your ribbon.”


Jennie’s entire face creased in disbelief as she sees her mom holding a ridiculously pink birthday ribbon.


“Mommy, Nooo…” Jennie whines. “That’s for babies.”


“But you’re still my baby.” Seulgi pouts.


“I’m not a baby; I’m five,” Jennie says with emphasis, even putting out her little hand to show her mom that she isn’t a baby anymore.


“Fine… fine…” Seulgi answers with a smirk. “Can I get a kiss?”


“Bye bye mommy.” Her little five-year-old fingers cups her mom’s cheeks before pulling for a kiss. A habit she learned from her mommy.


Seulgi looks at her little girl darting inside the classroom, all the little girls crowding around oohing and aaahing as Jennie shows all the cool pockets her new backpack has.


“She’s such a big girl now.”


Eunae didn’t have to look over to know how bittersweet Seulgi feels as she confesses those words. Seulgi hands her the pink ribbon as she exhales deeply, as a sign of defeat.


“Here. Maybe you’ll have more luck.”


“It’s okay, they just take pride in being older. But look at her, such a big girl and you raise her well.”


The young mom stole a glance at the teacher next to her, the smile evident on both their faces.


“Thank you. You are an amazing teacher too.”


Eunae have always been known for her restraint, but it’s taking all of her strength not to reach out and pull her girlfriend and just drown in their kisses.


“T-thank you.” She manages to say politely, tilting her head in a polite bow.


“You’re welcome,” Seulgi says back. She steps closer stealing a quick brush of her arm before whispering words only meant for Eunae to hear.


“You look so beautiful. Your girlfriend is the luckiest girl in the world.”


If Eunae could barely say anything earlier, now the symptoms have just gotten worse, tongue tied and gulping but before she could mumble a quiet thanks, her girlfriend already walks away.




“Oh, unnie.”


Irene’s pretty face twisted into a scowl after hearing the teasing singsongy tone of her coworkers. She works in a small nonprofit organization which is a far cry from her wife’s multi million dollar international company. But what they lack in resources and billions, they made up in a strong, sisterly bond. Irene might give off a cold air, but everyone in their organization knows that as soon as she warms up to you, Irene is the very definition of a caring unnie.


Occasionally, the younger girls poke and prod their unnie, just like any younger sister would, making their jobs feel less like it is and more like home.


She jerks her head away from her monitor, just enough so she could send a glare to shut her younger coworker somehow.


But instead, she could see is the most beautiful woman in the world beaming brightly with a bouquet of flowers in tow. The flowers fail in huge comparison.




“Hey…” Her wife’s smile just grew wider. “This is for you.”


“What?” Irene blinks curiously, ignoring the eating grin pasted on all her coworkers faces. “Is everything okay?”


“Yeah, I was just…” Wendy’s lips curl in a sweet grin, seemingly amused by Irene’s reaction before she continues. “I was just wondering if you would like to go out to lunch.”


“Oh. But I-”


She glances back at their small office. All her coworkers are all egging her on, not even bothering to be discreet about it.


“Go ahead, unnie. We got this.”




“Unnie, it’s okay. We know Mina can type faster than you could ever will. So, take the rest of the day off.”


“But what if-“


“Unnie, trust us, we got this… If anything happens, we will call you.”


Irene turns to her cubicle, stacked with folders that wouldn’t do themselves and then standing in the other corner, is her wife with that hopeful smile on her face. The kind of smile that reminded Irene of college days, the one she looks forward in seeing after a long day of tests and lectures.


Even if the urge to be responsible is there, It is not even a question who she will pick.


“Day off, huh?”


“Yeah unnie, we promise.”


Irene looks at the girls again, all of them with those cheeky smirks on their face.


“Okay,” She finally surrenders. “Let me go grab my bag.”




“Here, let me get that for you.”


Wendy’s soft smile turned mischievous in one second, before she takes Irene’s bag, slipping the strap of Irene's handbag on her shoulder.


“Is this because of yesterday?”


“Hmmm? Maybe.”


“I’m not mad at you.”


She said to which her wife just responded with an eye roll. “Of course you are not.”


“No, Wen, I’m serious. It’s just-”


Irene finds herself stopping on her tracks, sighing in relief when she managed to hold on to those words before they spilled out.


“What it is, babe?”


Irene tries her best to ignore the question in Wendy’s eyes. But Wendy has always been smart. She knows that Wendy knows what she is talking about. She is just waiting to hear it out loud.


“Maybe I was… remember I was talking to you about one of my unnies at work? And how she found out her husband has been cheating on her?”


“Oh yeah.”

“It’s just- I know that’s not who we are, Wendy but-“


“It’s not who we are.” Wendy took a step closer, pressing a chaste kiss on her wife’s forehead. “When I married you and said, til death do us part, I mean it. So, are you hungry?”




There were more words than they meant to say but Irene realized that maybe there is no point to it, not when she gazes into her wife’s eyes and all she could see is love.


“So, are we picking up the girls?”


“No. It’s Jennie’s birthday today, so I think they’re having a party in Jisoo’s class. And looking at the school’s menu, it’s spaghetti day today and you know how much Chaeyoung loves her pasgetti.”


Irene chuckles, softly slapping on her wife’s arm. “She loves to eat everything.”


“You’re right. But she’s still a growing baby.”


Irene snorts, knowing full well that their little baby always do no wrong. But she doesn’t really blame her wife, because if there is anyone who was guilty of spoiling their favorite people, it’s her.




“Okay guys, Jennie’s mommy is here.”


The entire class of kindergartens erupted in oohhhs and aaaahhhsss as the pretty mommy came in holding four pizza boxes, juices, chips and cupcakes. They were rambunctious, a little too excited as Eunae tries to settle them down in their seats.


Seulgi already felt bad for her girlfriend.




“My big girl. Oh.” Seulgi’s eyes turned into crescents as she sees the pink ribbon that Jennie couldn’t stand pinned on her jumper. “You put it on?”


“Yeah. Ms. Jo did it.”


Seulgi looks up, exchanging a thankful smile at her pretty girlfriend before she almost tumbled backward.


“You’re around five year olds,” Joy mentioned from behind. “Save the eye for later.”


“Shut up.” Seulgi elbows Joy in the rib, but Joy is too amused to even bother. “Hey Eu- Ms. Jo I could help you pass out the pizza and Jennie don’t really eat it so I got her hotdog.”


“Does Chichoo have her chicken?” Jisoo pointed out from her seat.


“Oh no… sorry, I’ll get you one later, okay?”


“Have you been good, though?” Joy asked and Jisoo’s dumbstruck expression was a good enough answer.


“Has Jisoo been good, Ms. Jo?”


“She is.” Eunae smiles at the little girl while multitasking passing out the pizza. “She helped one of her friends read their book.”


“YooA got big eyes, but she can’t read,” Jisoo answers a little too honestly.


“Jisoo you can’t-“




“Nurse Park… I need a bandaid!” One of the little boy pipe in when they see the school nurse walk in their classroom.


“Oh ahhhh no, Hanbin.” Nurse Park chuckles, her laugh sounding a bit awkward. “I’m not here to give you guys bandaids. I’m here because it’s your friend Jennie’s birthday. Happy Birthday Jennie!”


Jennie takes a step back when the nurse hands her a big gift.


“Oh, Thank you.” Seulgi made it a point to elbow Joy on her side. “Jennie, what do you say?”


“Oh, thank you.”


“My birthday is on January 5”


“My birthday is on August 16!”


“My birthday is on September 5!”


“My birthday is Elsa.”


“Elsa is not a day, YooA.” Jisoo corrects her.


“So, is there anything I could do to help?” Nurse Park asked her eyes dripping with honey as she stares a little too longingly at Seulgi.


“Oh ummm… no, I don’t think so. But would you like to have some pizza?”


“Oh no, no. You don’t have too. Thank you.” She said, her tone sickeningly sweet.


Seulgi finds her seat and squeezes right next to her big five year old girl. The beautiful mother and daughter pair exchanging a sweet smile before Jennie serves Seulgi a chip.


“Eat mommy.”


Seulgi chuckles softly before taking the chip. “Thank you.”


From the corner, the teacher couldn’t help but smile at how sweet the two are, but that smile didn’t last long when she saw who just walked in.




Jennie answers the guidance counselor with a low growl and if Joy weren’t too busy eating the chips she would have burst out laughing.


“What is Ms. Kim doing here?!” One of the little boys yells out. “I’m not in trouble!!!!”


Eunae quickly jumps over to her student, calming him down before he throws a gigantic hissy fit in the classroom. “No, you’re not, you’re a good boy today, Bobby.”


The guidance counselor just narrows her eyes at the naughty boy who is more than a frequent flyer in her office.


“Yeah Bobby, remember if you're not a good boy, Ms. Kang is not going to give you a cupcake.”




The little boy was ready to flip a table, but Eunae already anticipated the move, cradling him before rubbing gentle circles on his back.


“And you will because you are a good boy,” Eunae whispers. “But remember our promise today, okay?”


“Okay…” The little boy mumbled.


Ms. Kim threw a smirk over their way before letting Ms. Jo know.


“You better know how to control your boy, Ms. Jo.”


“I think Ms. Jo does a wonderful job with the kids.” Seulgi intervenes, she’s not going to let someone just run off on her girlfriend like that. “And I’m lucky that Jennie is in her class.”


Eunae could only press her lips together, hoping not to let a smile break. “Thank you, Ms. Kang.”


Ms. Kim just shrugs and it didn’t take her long to see who was right there.


“Nurse Park?”


“Ms. Kim.”


“Is there a reason why you are here?”


“I was about to ask you the same question.”


“Well, I’m here because I want to give the big five year old a gift, right Jennie?”


“Well me too, right Jennie?”


The crackle between the two couldn’t be more obvious and as Joy takes a step back drinking the Juice all she could say is,


“The thirst is real.”




“We are really getting old, aren’t we?”


Wendy answered her wife’s worry with a peck on her hair, before nuzzling closer in her side.


“We are, but did you have a good nap, though?”


This is how their afternoon ended up, wrapped in each other on their bed. But it wasn’t like how they expected it to be, after carbo loading in the new Italian place, the two decided to go home before they have to pick up their little girls in a couple of hours. What is supposed to be an afternoon of lovemaking, turned into a two-hour nap. A well deserved one if that makes it better.


“I did.” Irene pulls away, Wendy was reluctant to let her out of her embrace, but her wife only moves so Wendy will be more comfortable in her arms. “Remember back in college?”


“Hmmm?” Wendy asks even if Irene could already tell that Wendy knows where she’s going with this.


“After lunch, we would just… go at it.”


“Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays in my room because Seulgi has classes around those time.”


Wendy supplies the rest of the story, a smile quirking on her lips as she the blissful memories drift back in her mind.


“And you have a class too around three.”


“I do…”


“But you are such a good student because you will never skip class.”


“It’s not like you would let me.”


“Well, true. Now look what happened to our free afternoon.”


“What are you talking about?” Wendy asks, mischief in her tone. “I get to wake up to the most beautiful girl in the world.”


“Still a smooth talker, Son.”


“Only for you, Bae.”


The two exchanged looks, both trying to hold on to their smiles not wanting to be the first to break.


“What time do we have to pick up the girls?”


“In two hours.”


Irene scoots closer to her wife, her face a couple of inches before rubbing their noses together.


“Do we have enough time?”


“We could forget about the time for now.”




WOW JUST WOW! Until now the feeling is still overwhelming. It's unbelievable how this cracky, plotless fic could have the chance to be featured like that. I would like to thank everybody who voted and especially took the time to post their congratulations.


I hope this update was something you guys are in the level of your expectations. I haven't wrote in a while, more like here and there. Once again thank you, thank you!


PS Forever Young is of course... from BP Square up hehe. Congrats girls for being amazing and slaying!

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Chapter 7: This story is my favorite if I'm in the mood to read Wenrene's family
love this fic! time to re-read it
Chapter 1: I can't believe I finally found this fanfic 😭
Chapter 1: what a cute beginning for this story. :) i will try to finish this in maybe 4 days? story is super cute. XD
Chapter 3: Kenapa rene takut ya anakmu tumbuh besar
Chapter 2: Apasih gini aja gw ngakak
Chapter 1: Cerita yang lucu
Ini sepertinya cerita lucu
Saw a very cute chaennie pic today so here I am hahaha I might re-read this later :p
Chapter 15: Wow the end!!!!
Thanks for the story author-nim, well done