The Meaning of Us

One in a Trillion


Wenrene date chapter and a little hint of their past hehehehehe... Enjoy... and apologies for the super late update.




The world is full of s.


That’s a fact tried and confirmed in different corners of the world.


No matter what language, what gender and what race it is, the world is just b with them.


There’s that boss who turns you alcoholic after every shift. There’s that rude motherer in Starbucks who doesn’t realize the long line behind them, and there’s that smug A-hole behind the computer screen who probably is just as spineless in real life.


But as much those people ruin your day, at the end of it all, there are still those genuinely nice people who somehow brighten your life.


You have people who are nice…


People who are too nice…


And then there is one at the very bottom of life’s barrel, the Wendys of the world.


And if there is one issue that Irene both love and truly hate about her wife, it’s this.


It’s quite easy to spot the Wendys in society, they’re the one with a perpetual smile on their face, and their vocabulary is limited to two things, “Don’t worry, it’s okay,” and I’m so sorry…”


During the earlier part of their relationship, this Wendy is way too nice, and Irene couldn’t even count in both hands how many times they argue about it, with Wendy apologizing at the end of it.


The apologizing had gotten better over the years, but tonight in their anniversary dinner, Irene is reminded about the kind of woman she’s married to.



While she has no problem airing out a disgruntled snort at the sorry excuse of a dinner they have, her wife just answers with a smile, too polite for Irene’s taking.


While Wendy is trying her best to mask her expression to something less disappointing, Irene has no problems airing out her qualms over the 60 dollars three shrimp and five lettuce plate.


“That’s why rich people don’t get fat because they eat things like this.”


“Babe…” Wendy hushed her wife, “I’m pretty sure, it’s going to be the best tasting shrimp in the world, babe.”


Almost ten years and this goes to show that even if she thought Wendy had gotten better with the apologies, in the end, her wife is still the champion of all the Wendys in the world.


Somehow this teleported Irene back to their university days and she was ready to unleash a quick witted retort. But blame it on old age and blame it on love, when all Irene could do is smile in defeat before turning over to her shrimp, moving it around the plate thinking maybe it’ll look more appetizing in another angle.


“I’m so-“


Knowing her wife, Irene could already predict what the next word is going to be. But before her wife could utter her apology, Irene cuts through it.


“Thank you, Wan.”


Wendy looks up, the apology still hanging at the tip of her tongue, her face looks completely taken aback by what she just heard. It’s not like Irene never says thank you, she says thanks when Wendy passes the food during dinner, or when Wendy opens the car door or simple things like that.


But not like this… not in a sweet and soft tone that makes Wendy feels like she’s drowning in warm affection.


“Wait what? Thank you for what?”


“For this…”


“For taking you out on a date?”


Irene reaches out across the table of stale bread and 60 dollar shrimp and locks her fingers with her wife.


“That and so much more…”


Irene then saw an expression in Wendy that she hasn’t seen in a while. It’s not the mommy Wendy look, or Wendy, her wife, or even babe. That soft smile brought Irene back to the café when she first uttered those I love you until… and all Wendy could do was smile. The same exact smile, from the gentle curve of the lips to the way Wendy’s eyes just glow and Irene swore that very second that this is the girl she was going to marry.


Now, eight years of marriage, two kids, a mortgage, and car loans later and how despite everything, the things that drive her nuts and homicidal about her wife, she’s willing to go through all of that, through hell and back to see the pretty smile on her girl’s face.






“So, this is Demarcos, huh?” Irene says, the disappointment clear in her mocking tone. She instantly regretted her tone when she sees the guilty expression on her wife’s face.


“Yup. This is it… It’s about the ambiance.”


“I could tell.” Irene pulls Wendy’s hand to her lips, pressing a soft smile to it.


“You know there’s this place; I have been wanting to take you.”


Wendy a curious brow before asking, “Where to?”


To where Irene only answers with that playful grin before saying, “You’ll see.”



A month after their wedding...

“I’m so sorry about all of this, Hyun…”


If Irene had been keeping count, then it’s probably the 100th time that Wendy apologized to her since they stepped into their studio apartment. These endless apologies were both a blessing and a curse for Irene. But it wasn’t just the sorry that felt a bit heavier; her wife called her Hyun.


There were different levels of Wendy’s name for her.


In public, she calls her Irene unnie, among close friends and around each other she was babe, but Joohyun and especially Hyun? She could pretty much name all the times that Wendy ever calls her that. If Irene thinks about it, the only time that Wendy calls her Hyun is when she’s at her most vulnerable. Think of it like if Wendy is falling off a cliff, she won’t be screaming out Irene unnie or babe, she’ll be calling Joohyun or Hyun.


Irene never really knows Wendy’s logic to all this and she’s not even sure if Wendy ever realizes this. But a part of Irene relishes this little secret.


This is the woman she chooses to spend forever with, someone who’s generous and too kind to a fault. And if there is something that Irene regretted, it’s not marrying Wendy soon enough.


But things were a little bit different for her wife. After the small yet intimate dreamlike wedding and the romantic honeymoon in Palawan, reality came at a turbulent pace in front of Wendy. The second they stood in the doorway of their apartment, a wave of regret instantly hit her. She married the stunning, beautiful Bae Irene who gets offers from chaebols and even a rumored kpop idol. Irene is the woman who deserves to live in a castle or a place where there is a red carpet waiting for her as soon as she steps out of the door. Definitely not this. Her wife doesn’t deserve this cramped apartment fit for one mouse.


And if Wendy hasn’t been too blinded by too much love and had hinged in reality more, she would have chosen to propose to Irene when she’s more financially stable. Not seconds after their graduation, on one knee, holding a ring in a shaky hand in front of the most beautiful graduate in the world.


Wendy snagged the first job offer she got after college just to be able to afford a place to stay. Her wife deserves the best and Wendy might not have it now, but she will someday.


So, for now, all she could offer was her apologies, something that Irene is probably growing tired of hearing.


“It’s okay, Wen… I promise. I’m more OG than you think.”


“Wait…” Wendy almost dropped the box of fragile in her hand at her girlfriend’s choice of word. “OG? You’re borrowing words from your sister again. You know what OG means, right?”


“Original Gangster…” Irene answers her, with a mischievous twinkle in her eye.


“Original gangsta…”


“I mean it means tough, right?” Her wife blinks curiously at her and Wendy responds with a sweet smile.




“Then yeah, I’m OG. And it’s not like this place is so terrible, I mean look at this, it’s small but cozy.”


Irene took a step closer, smoothing those wrinkled brows before laying her forehead against hers.


“This place is perfect for us.”

Wendy answered with an exasperated sigh, “You deserve better.”


“I already have you, how much better can it get?”


Wendy looks up, expecting to see Irene’s usual devilish smirk that has varying effects on Wendy. But instead, she finds the sweetest smile that only she has a privilege of seeing. A look that was filled with love only meant for her to see.


“Like seriously, Wen. How much better can it get?”


The initial worry that suffocated her was now washed over with relief. But knowing herself, Wendy is sure she’ll have those kinds of nights where she’ll stare at the ceiling, just wondering what she got Irene in the first place. But for tonight, at least she knows she could sleep a bit soundly, with the love of her life by her side.


“You’ll see.”




“Seriously Bae Irene?”


Irene only responded with that infamous -eating smirk before leading their tangled fingers into the karaoke room.




“A karaoke room?” Wendy bobs a brow, but the glimmer in her eyes is something Irene couldn’t deny.


“Brings back memories, doesn’t it?”


Wendy leans back against the leather couch, chuckling softly as the memories drift back into her mind. Her wife is right. Her wife is so right about this.


It was both funny and sad now that Wendy thinks about it, how much she loves to sing. Her mom always jokes that she came out of the womb, singing. There are hobbies, there is passion, and then there’s Wendy’s love for singing. A life she almost builds her own world around, until reality has to set in. And unfortunately, it takes more than talent and passion to succeed; sometimes you need that odd of luck to make it anywhere. But Wendy has always been too kind, as she sets aside the dream and her life to chase for reality.


And this is what she loves about her wife, Irene had always been the type who avoids deep conversations, and she had never really pried Wendy about her love for singing. But it was like she always knew how much it meant to her. During university and early days of their marriage as they scrape by, out of all the places Irene could take her out on a date, she always takes her to the karaoke.


Wendy had never said it out loud, but judging how much she gives it her all with every song, it’s obvious how much she appreciates this little escape to her dream.


“It does. It really does.”


“Yup. A karaoke room, so you could serenade me again, Son Seungwan.”


Wendy snorts playfully before pulling out the songbook, “You’re lucky I like you too much.”


“I know…” Irene shrugs smugly.


“Any song request?”


“Surprise me, love.”


“I’ll sing but you have to sing me one too.”


“Since when did I ever sing?”


“Since you can’t stand when Yeri beat your karaoke score.”


“That girl has no sense of melody!” Irene reasons out, appalled by her wife’s taunt. “The only reason she scores higher than me is because she screams into the mic.”


“Yeah sure… But thank you, Hyun.” Wendy says softly, avoiding Irene’s gaze as she skims through the song list.


“For what?”


“For this.”


She moves closer to her wife, tilting Wendy’s chin to face her.


“There’s nothing in this world I love than hearing you sing.”


“At least I know I have a fan.”


Irene nudges her wife before she places her head on Wendy’s shoulders.


Irene never said things out loud, but after years of being together, Irene figuratively said that she loves Wendy. She loves Wendy more than comfort, loves Wendy more than security, loves Wendy more than opportunities. She loves Wendy maybe a little too much that she didn’t even bat an eyelash living in that small apartment. And she loves Wendy way too much that she’s willing to do anything to make Wendy feel like she’s living her dream again.


She closes her eyes, her wife’s angelic voice cradles her like a gentle lullaby.


And if anyone would have asked her how falling in love would sound like, all she’ll tell them is to listen to her wife sing.




First year anniversary

If this was some drama, it’ll skip through some of the mundaneness of adulthood of where Irene and Wendy are huddled in their small kitchen table, figuring out their budget and how everything should fit into the grand scheme of things.


A drama would go straight to the part where Wendy and Irene are at each other’s throats, barking at each other about bills and insecurities about y co workers and how they hate their small as apartment, then somehow the argument ends up in heavy kissing while breaking the bed in the process. Unfortunately, they are far from that.


If there is one thing that Wendy would have wanted, it's she wanted to be the one who takes care of Irene. But how could she takes care of her when her measly paycheck go to their apartment and food and bills?


Irene who landed a job as a preschool teacher was making more than her and if there is one thing that Wendy couldn’t stand, it’s when things don’t go according to her plan.


This thought hasn’t really sink right into Wendy until now, it's their first year anniversary and here they are, walking along the streets of the city, silently searching for a place that fits their budget.


“Someday, Hyun.”


“Someday what?”


“I’ll take you to Demarcos…”


Irene was quick to dampen Wendy’s dream with a sarcastic snort, “You’re still thinking bout that?”


Wendy didn’t appreciate the taunt but knew better than to retaliate.


“I am, I just think you deserve better.”


“I didn’t marry you so you could take me to Demarcos, Wen.”


“Then why?”


“Why what?” Irene tilts her head curiously.


“Why me? Why us?”


Irene let out a soft sigh before saying, “There’s no one else for me, but you, Wen.”


A pang of guilt slowly starts to suffocate Wendy, she had always had that seed of doubt planted, constantly worrying that this is all a dream and one day, Irene wakes up and realize she could have done better. But if a part of Wendy was worried then, the loving gaze that Irene gives her is enough for her.


C’mon, I know just the place for us.”


But before Wendy could ask what Irene was talking about, she figured it all out when she sees the building where Irene stops.


“A karaoke?”


“Why not?”


“Cause… I don’t know.” Wendy stuffed her hands deeper inside her pocket. “I haven’t sung in a while.”


“Exactly. Remember before in university? We go almost every Friday night.”


“Well, that was then. You don’t even sing.” Wendy grumbles.


“Well, I need to practice because Yeri has been beating my score lately.”


That was Irene’s reason, but Wendy looks up at her with the thankful smile knowing that there is so much more to Irene’s words than what she’s letting on. Irene may not say much, but she knows that inside that building when her wife sings her heart out is when Wendy is at her happiest. And as her wife, there is nothing that Irene would love to do than to make her wife happy.


“Thank you, babe.”


A soft smile graces Irene’s face and for a second, Wendy is momentarily frozen in time, just locked into that gorgeous girl in front of her. The second Wendy goes back to reality, she’s falling in love once again.


“Of course… now let’s go.”




“Hey, you two…”


Joy glances at the couple's joined hands and quickly flashes that knowing smile. But before she could come up with a sarcastic retort, Irene was quick to stop her.


“Whatever you’re thinking, save it.”


“Oh don’t worry, I don’t need the details or anything.”


Wendy took the sleeping baby from Joy’s arms, before cooing at their youngest, peppering kisses along Chaeyoung’s chunky cheeks.


“They didn’t give you any trouble, did they?”


Joy just answers with a smile, before brushing Chaeyoung’s hair. “Nope, they have been very good.”




“Well, the night is still young, I’m heading out.”


“Thank you again, Joy.”


“No problem, anytime.” Joy turns to the little angel in Wendy’s arms, smiling once again before waving goodbye, but before she could step out of the door, she told the two.


“Stay protected, kids.”



“Hey, you…”


“Oh.” Wendy jumps back from the interruption before turning to her beautiful wife sitting next to her in their backyard swing. “Hey…”


And Wendy admits that this is the kind of interruption she could take any damn time of the day.


“The girls are knock out earlier than usual.”


“Joy really does a good job.”


“I love our babies, but I’m so glad.”


Wendy smirks from the confession, before turning over to her house.


“Our house is nice,” Wendy said modestly. Because their house isn’t just nice, their house is grand. Their house is the kind where people on the street would stop and stare a bit longer just to admire and maybe even put on their IG and snaps. Their house looks like its cut out from an episode of HGTV.


“Our house is perfect for us.”




That word holds a deeper meaning now.


Us doesn’t mean her and her wife. Us means the two of them plus their two little babies. Us means their own little ragtag family with Seulgi and baby Jennie, and Joy and Yeri and Saeron and even that adorable mess next door Lisa.


Their house which is a far cry from their first cramp apartment. But their house is not just concrete and wood. It’s their home, the place Wendy could imagine their little girls growing up.Wendy couldn’t help but feel a sense of pride from that.


More than ten years ago, if you would have asked Wendy she’ll tell you that her biggest dream is to someday sing on stage in front of a crowd of thousands.


When Jisoo was born, both she and Irene would rack their brains out, trying to figure out how to make her sleep, but all it took is Wendy’s sweet voice and Jisoo would be asleep in no time. It was the same case with Chaeyoung, even after a few months after she was born, Wendy never had gotten over that unsettling feeling in the pits of her stomach. She never took her eyes away from, fearing the worse the second she looks away. Her singing has been her saving grace, like a gentle voice reassuring her that this baby angel came down to Earth to hear you sing.


It wasn’t the crowd of thousands that she was dreaming about, but seeing the peaceful look on their beautiful babies' faces was all it took for Wendy to realize that she doesn’t need an adoring crowd to praise her, that all it took was their little girls to prove to her that she’s living her dream after all.


And if for some odd reason, she forgets that, all she had to do is look at her wife to realize that yup, her life is much better than any dream.




Thank you so much for reading!!! Next chapter will be about the flu hehehehehe... So, get your flu shots, kids.


PS... Bad Boy... We're so readyyyy...

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Chapter 7: This story is my favorite if I'm in the mood to read Wenrene's family
love this fic! time to re-read it
Chapter 1: I can't believe I finally found this fanfic 😭
Chapter 1: what a cute beginning for this story. :) i will try to finish this in maybe 4 days? story is super cute. XD
Chapter 3: Kenapa rene takut ya anakmu tumbuh besar
Chapter 2: Apasih gini aja gw ngakak
Chapter 1: Cerita yang lucu
Ini sepertinya cerita lucu
Saw a very cute chaennie pic today so here I am hahaha I might re-read this later :p
Chapter 15: Wow the end!!!!
Thanks for the story author-nim, well done