This Love is a Sure Thing part 2

One in a Trillion

If Seulgi would sift through her memories, she would honestly say it’s been too damn long that she’s been this excited about something or more specifically someone.


Nowadays her life revolved on mainly two things, her daughter and the dance academy. It wasn’t the life she had dream of, but her reality now with Jennie is so much better.


But something magical has been happening these days. There is this weird sense of happiness that is so obvious that even Seulgi's coworkers about it. They playfully ask if she’s dating (some wishing Seulgi says no to spare their hearts the pain).


Its been a week and this magic felt like it isn’t going away anytime soon.


When she picks up Jennie, her eyes go now from her daughter to her kindergarten teacher. Sometimes Ms. Jo would be coloring at the table surrounded by kids. If Seulgi’s a bit late, they would be on the playground and Ms. Jo would be in the swings, laughing and playing around with her students. And it’s like being a teenager all over again, the blushing cheeks, the heart racing, the butterflies in your stomach. It’s a symptom of having a crush and Seulgi don’t know if she could manage it.


Seulgi has a crush on her daughter’s teacher for God’s sakes, isn’t that illegal or something? She finds it quite juvenile and rather foolish to have a crush. She feels like she’s too old for this .


But still, here she is now, taking a deep breath, before trying to fix her hair and smoothen her shirt before stepping inside that playground. But when she saw what’s going on, the excitement quickly fizzled out.


The happiness was short lived when she saw a man hovering over Ms. Jo. The teacher was too gorgeous if you asked her, so it’s not really surprising to see other parents show interest in her. Seulgi couldn’t see his face but from the hulking back and towering height, she could tell that it was Im Jaebum, Nayeon’s dad.


Seulgi knew Jaebum from way back, he was a dancer for a different company infamous for his playboy reputation. Joy used to call him a DILF. He is tall and extremely handsome, and Joy told Seulgi to go for him, knowing that he’s clearly thirsty for her. Yeri backed Joy up saying they could score some free gym membership, knowing that he owns a couple of those luxurious gyms where if you are lucky you get to see an idol.


It doesn’t even have to be a relationship, Joy said. She continues by saying just to help you release the tension because from the looks of it, Im Jaebum looks like a good stress reliever.


Seulgi just forced a nod, but she knew better than that. She doesn’t want Jennie to be exposed to a revolving door of suitors. Seulgi always promise to herself that when she finally found someone it would be somebody who would love Jennie more than anything else in this world.


But as handsome as he is, he never really captured her attention as much as… her.


“Hey babe… Are you ready to go?” Seulgi asked Jennie as she was ready to just bolt out of there.


“Yes.” Jennie took her mom’s hand in hers, but turn back to check on her teacher who was trying to get away from Nayeon’s daddy.


“Let’s say goodbye to Ms. Jo!”


Jennie tugs on her mom, trying to pull her over to her teacher with all her four year old might.


“What? Jennie. It’s okay, she looks busy.”


“No! C’mon…”


“Jennie? What’s with you? Slow down or you’re gonna fall.”


Jennie keeps on pulling, if there’s someone who’s going to fall around here, it would be her mom for her teacher.


Ms. Jo tilts her head to the side and flashes that sweet smile and shy wave at her. And just that quickly, Seulgi could feel the butterflies raging inside her stomach again.


“I’m glad to hear that my princess is doing well,” Jaebum said in that tone of voice that gets most women screaming bloody hell.


“Of course, I am!” Nayeon proclaimed to entire playground. “I’m the best student in our class.”


Nayeon was the self-appointed queen in their class. The girl comes to school and wears a tiara all day and cast a spell on the other girls in class with her wand from Toys R us. She once attempted to cast a spell on Jennie, but when Ms. Jo turns around Jennie leans over and said, “That wand won’t work if it’s in little pieces.”


After that, Jennie has been spared from Nayeon’s spells. In fact, Nayeon even declares Jennie as her knight, Jennie is not working for no one especially for a fake queen with an 8.99 dollar tiara.


“My daddy said you’re going to be my new mommy!” Nayeon announced.


“Wai- what?!”


Ms. Jo had never heard a man’s pitch that high until now. The charismatic voice that Jaebum had earlier turned such a high pitch like someone is squeezing his balls.


“What?! No! I did not say that, Nayeon.” Jaebum forces the most awkward smile while trying to give his kid a threatening look, hoping to shut her up.


Nayeon scowled at her dad, if he doesn’t remember then she’ll have no problems reminding him.


“Yes, you did!” Nayeon crossed her arms over her side, narrowing her eyes accusingly at her father. “You told uncle Jinyoung that Ms. Jo has a hot .”


“Oh.” Ms. Jo suddenly went pale, the opposite of Nayeon’s dad who looks bright red he could stop traffic.


“I didn’t… I didn’t… I didn’t say that.”


“Daddy, you always tell me that lying is bad but why are you lying?”


“I meant assets… assets… princess,” He defended himself from being savagely dragged by his own daughter. “I meant you are truly an asset to this school.”


“Nooooo… you did not.” Nayeon corrected her dad. “You even said you want to tap her .”


“Whoah! Whoah! Where did you even hear that?” Jaebum swoops in to pick up his daughter. He laughs or more like started wheezing in embarrassment.




“I didn’t say that,” He turns back up at his daughter’s kindergarten teacher, trying to salvage what little pride he has left. “Kids… they say the funniest things. C’mon Princess, it’s time for us to go.”


“Maybe if you say please, daddy, Ms. Jo would let you.” Nayeon offered her dad some love advice.


“Alright! That’s it! C’mon Nayeon!”


He storms out as fast as his long legs could, barely even saying anything to Seulgi as they cross paths. Ms. Jo just shakes her head and for once Nahyun and Euijin’s invite of going to Happy Hour has never sounded so good. She looks up and that tired look quickly changed to a heart fluttering smile.


“Hello, Ms. Kang.” She bows down.


“Ummm hi, ummm…” Seulgi takes a deep breath. “How are you? Ummm… How’s Jennie?”


“She’s doing awesome. She’s been such a big helper and she’s getting better with her addition drills.”


“That’s good to hear. I’m a… not so good at math, so I try to work on that with her.”


Jennie narrows her eyes at her mom, why is her mom selling herself short?


“My mommy is very good in math, she teaches me to count my nuggets,” Jennie said, playing as wingman for her mom.


“Jennie…” Seulgi whines at her daughter.


“Well, I think your mom is very good at math cause you’re quite awesome in math too, Jennie.”


Seulgi could feel her face just heating up at the compliment.


“Thank you so much for helping us tomorrow.”


“Tomorrow?” Seulgi blinks in confusion.


“For the field trip?”


“Oh yes. Tomorrow.”


“Ms. Jo!!!! Momo is dying!!!!!” A little girl with boyish haircut screams her lungs out and Ms. Jo responded with a tightlipped smile, hoping her amused grin won’t show.


“I have to go,” Ms. Jo smiles at them. “Make sure my student is alive.”


Seulgi smiles back, seeing how the little girl was wailing too loud to be dead.


“Thank you again. I’ll see you later.”


“You too.”


Ms. Jo gives her one sweet see you later smile before walking over to the crowd of little girls. Seulgi watches her maybe longer than anticipated as she felt Jennie tugging on her arm.


“C’mon mommy, you have to look extra pretty for tomorrow.”




“So, Ms. Jo can be your girlfriend.”


Seulgi’s daydreams of the beautiful teacher were put on brakes, she turns back to her daughter with a horrified look on her face.


“What did you say?”


“Ummm… nothing?”


But judging from the mischievous quirk of Jennie’s lips, it’s obviously something.




“Okay, I got the bag ready for you two.” Wendy places a duffel bag that feels like a ton of bricks on Irene’s lap as soon as she puts her car on park. “I got cooling tissues, ice bottled water, an extra shirt…”


“Wan-” Irene interrupted her wife.


“- her lunch is there and some snacks…”


“Wan-” Irene calls for her wife’s attention again.


“Yes?” Wendy looked up at her wife, blinking softly.


“We’re just going on a field trip. It’s not like we’re going to be out for a whole week.”


“Well, better safe than sorry,” Wendy assures her wife before she turns around to her eldest daughter, who’s already on her first balancing act that morning with her sippy cup on her shoulder.


It’s stunts like this that made Wendy wondered what Irene was eating while she was carrying Jisoo. Was she eating circus food? Was she watching circus movies? What on earth is the reason for all of this?






Wendy sighs, even the way Jisoo responds is out of this world.


“You listen to Mama Irene, okay baby?”


Jisoo just answers with a naughty smirk.


“I’ll see you later.” Wendy and Irene share a goodbye kiss before the two moms step out of the car. Wendy went to her side and took Chaeyoung out of her car seat, while Irene watches amusedly as Wendy grunts at the weight of their youngest.


“Is Chaeyoungie too heavy?” Their cutest baby blinks in wonder.


“What?!” Wendy’s brows shot up dramatically. “Of course not, it’s just that Chaeyoung is such a big and healthy girl now.”




Irene was ready to unbuckle Jisoo but the girl already got out of her seatbelt and ready to jump out of the car, before Irene caught her.


“Okay Chaeyoung,” Irene lowers herself to look at her pretty baby. “If your teeth bother you remember to tell Ms. Choi, okay?”


Chaeyoung blinks confusedly, trying to process what her mom just said. “But I don’t have teeth anymore.”


“I meant your mouth, okay?” Irene kisses her daughter. “Be a good girl, okay? Mama loves you.”




“Bye baby,” Jisoo says to her little sister almost wrestling the little cutiepie to the ground.


“Gentle, gentle Jisoo,” Wendy warns her daughter. “Remember okay, be a good listener to Mama Irene.” Wendy’s whole expression softened up as she gazes at the excited eyes of her eldest girl. “I really want to go visit the museum with you so you have to tell me all about it when you get home, okay?”




Jisoo answers with a snappy nod before she started marching back and forth. Wendy and Irene could only exchange worried looks. Wendy squeezes her wife on the shoulder before saying.


“Have fun, babe.”




“Okay, so remember our three rules in the museum. First, we use our inside-“


“Inside voice!” The group of kindergarteners yelled out excitedly.


“Wait... that’s not our inside voice.” Ms. Jo frown thoughtfully at her little kids. “Let’s say it one more time, now this time more softly.”


Irene playfully nudges Seulgi as the two moms wait in the corner of the museum watching Ms. Jo work her magic with her students. Seulgi has obviously fallen under a spell as she just watches the kindergarten teacher with that oblivious smile on her face.


“And then when we walk, we use our-“


“Walking feet…”


Meanwhile, Irene finally sees her daughter in action, watching as Jisoo pats Jennie on the shoulders, then play dumb when Jennie turns around to catch her.


Irene just watches in amusement knowing well that Jennie isn’t a fool. Sure enough on Jisoo’s third try, Jennie snapped her head back, catching Jisoo in the act before Jisoo tried to play innocent and hid her hands behind her. The act didn’t work because she sees Jennie stepping closer and mouthing to Jisoo what looks to Irene as…


“Touch me one more time and I’ll break your finger.”


Or something along those lines, Irene wasn’t sure but whatever it is, it works because she could see her eldest visibly gulp.


“And we have to keep our hands to ourselves…. Yes, Sana?”


Ms. Jo called in the cute little girl eagerly raising her hand.


“How about our lips?” She asked while she points her pouty lips.


“Yes Sana, we keep it to ourselves too.” Sana already has her eyes set on Jennie, but Jennie throws her a glare so fierce it made Sana whimper. “C’mon Bobby, we’re partners today.”


The little boy who has mischief written all over his face, almost yanks Ms. Jo down to the ground but Ms. Jo was able to recover herself, glancing over to Seulgi’s direction. Seulgi could only manage to clear before turning away.


“You better ask for her number after today.”


“What?” Seulgi looks at Irene in shock. “No, no I can’t do that.”


“Why not?”


“I just… I just can’t.”


Irene just answers back with a knowing smirk, before turning back again to her daughter.


“Thank you for coming today, Ms. Kang, Ms. Bae.” Ms. Jo bows thankfully while trying to keep the unruly boy in check.


“N-n-no… We both are excited to be here.”


The two exchanged shy smiles and everyone but them could notice the spark between them.


“So, we could divide into groups. We have fourteen kids.”


“I think Ms. Kang and I could watch some,” Ms. Kim offered before throwing a gaze so sticky over Seulgi’s way. Seulgi pretended not to notice and just smiles and waves at Jennie. Her daughter is eyeing the guidance counselor as if she’s ready to bulldoze her if she tries anything with her mom.

“Okay, Thank you Ms. Kim.” Ms. Jo said before smiling softly at Seulgi. If Seulgi caught it, she might have noticed the slight disappointment on Ms. Jo’s face.


“I could watch over some kids if you would like,” Irene asked while trying to wrangle Jisoo with her other hand.


“Oh no, it’s okay Ms. Bae,” Ms. Jo bows politely at her. “just watch over Jisoo.”


Irene could tell it’s the teacher’s polite way of telling her to guard her kid. Ms. Jo went ahead and tried to talk to her students once again while the little boy Bobby is trying to escape her hold. Irene decided it’s the perfect time to give her child a good one on one talk too.


“Okay, let’s have a promise right here.”


Irene knelt in front of her little girl, locking her gaze at those pretty brown eyes blinking back at her.


“I need you to be on your best behavior today. Like the very best.”


“Oh okay.”


Those two words are nothing but empty promises, Irene needed to make sure that her daughter, her own little version would be on task today and not make her crave for something alcoholic by the end of the trip.


“No, look at me. If you do really good, I promise I’ll give you-”


“A puppy?!” Jisoo’s eyes sparkled at the thought.


“N-no. Not a puppy.” The thought of an animal running around their home was enough to give Irene shivers.


“A Jikin?”


“Nope. Even better than Chicken.” Irene taps her chin thoughtfully before smiling at her daughter. Thinking of something that her daughter couldn’t refuse. “You and me are going to have an ice cream date later.”


“An ice cwe-“ Jisoo blink confusedly, the little engine inside her head trying to process everything.


She had date nights with her mommies and Chaeyoungie but not just Mama Irene and Chichoo. Jennie always tells her that she has date nights with her mommy every Friday. They go to museums, watch shows, watch new movies, they eat frozen yogurt together, and then, they go back home for movie nights. And she often wonders why she doesn’t have date nights with just her mama. But maybe that’s because she’s a big sister and like her mommies always say, she has to share, not just her toys and TV time but also her mommies.


But now, it’s finally sinking in, her entire face glowed with happiness looking like she won a lottery or better yet a lifetime supply of fried chicken.


“Ice cweam, ice cweam gimme dat, gimme dat ice cweam?”


“Yes. But only if you’re a big girl, if you’re not. No ice cream.”


Jisoo stood so straight she will put the militaries to shame.


“Chichoo going to be a big girl. Chichoo going to have ice cweam date with mama. Chichoo is going to see the Ankylosaurus with Mama!”


“The what now?”


“The Anklyo-“ But realizing that her mom probably can’t tell the difference even if she said the name, Jisoo just said. “The Dinosaur that can beat the Trex.”


Irene’s brow raised in disbelief. “Really?”


“Yes! She beats the Trex by swinging its tail.” Jisoo demonstrated animatedly that had Irene smiling at how adorable her daughter look.


Irene wasn’t as well versed in the dinosaur world like her wife and daughter. Little tidbits that she knows about dinosaurs she learned from watching Dinosaur Train with her girls. Being married to Wendy means they go to museums almost on a weekly basis. It’s Wendy and Jisoo who are usually more buddy-buddy with this. Irene just watches in fascination and a bit of envy that her wife and child could walk around hand in hand around the museum and have a full blown conversation about dinosaurs.


Maybe Wendy is right about the fact that she’s the much cooler parent. While Irene is the one who demands discipline and order in their home. She’s the one used as a scare tactic to put Jisoo on the line.


Irene knew better that this isn’t a competition, but a part of her heart hurts a bit when Jisoo runs to Wendy to read her a bedtime story, a part of her hurt when Jisoo expects Wendy to pick her up instead of her. But it was a feeling she kept inside, knowing how wrong it sounds to compare herself to her perfect wife.


And she wonders if Jisoo would have been happier if it was Wendy who came today than her.


“Chichoo gonna teach Mama about dinosaurs.”




Irene turns to her little girl and sees Jisoo’s face practically glowing in excitement.


“Chichoo gonna show Mama the different dinosaurs.”


“I have such a smart baby,” Irene said with a quirky, playful grin and she saw how Jisoo’s eyes just magically light up before bursting into a proud smile.


But Irene really has nothing to worry about, Jisoo is more than excited just to have her Mama all to herself for once. Jisoo doesn’t mind at all that her Mama wasn’t an expert when it comes to dinosaurs as she happily tugs her along, ready to teach her about those ferocious lizards.






“Oh Hi!” Seulgi beamed at the adorable dollface fluttering those doe eyes at her. “What’s your name, pretty girl?”


“My name is YooA.” She snickers cutely while continuing to sway back and forth but Jennie isn’t buying this cutesy act. “Can you be my mommy?”


Jennie stomps her baby Stan Smith shoes down with vindication before her bug eyed classmate gets any wild ideas of taking her mommy away.


“I’m already Jennie’s mommy. But how about today, I could watch you and make sure you’re alright?”




Jennie has no problems airing out her frustration with a pout and a loud hmmmp. Seulgi was quick to pacify her little girl, pulling her daughter closer and tries to calmly reassure her with a kiss and a hug.


“Look YooA’s mommy is not here, so I have to make sure she’s going to be alright.”


“That’s not my fault, her mommy isn’t here.”


“Jennie…” Seulgi scowled at her little girl. “That’s not a nice thing to say. How would you feel if it’s YooA’s mommy who’s here and YooA says that?”


“Then, I’ll go with Ms. Jo.”


Seulgi could just raise her arms in the sky in surrender.


“Why can’t Ms. Kim watch YooA? She’s a teacher?”




“Oh Seulgi.”


Jennie saw the woman and was ready to call it quits. She was ready to throw a gigantic hissy fit in the middle of the Triassic Period exhibit but Seulgi just rubs her daughter’s back whispering for her to breathe.


“It’s okay, I’m here because guess what?” Seulgi smiles at her pouty little girl. “I want to see the dinosaur bones with you.”


Seulgi smiles playfully tickling Jennie. The girl wouldn’t budge, but Seulgi could see the little girl cracking at the seams, a little smile playing on her lips.


“Okay,” Jennie says in defeat.


“Good, we’re going to have so much fun today.”


“Are you ready, Seulgi?”


“Oh, ah yes!” Seulgi plants a kiss on Jennie’s Hair before taking her daughter’s hand.




“Now isn’t this cute?” The guidance counselor interrupts Seulgi while she takes photos of Jennie and Jisoo around the arctic animals.


“They are.”


“I meant us.”


“Wait?” Seulgi turns away from her phone, looking at Ms. Kim with a befuddled look on her face. “Us?”


“Us.” Ms. Kim took a breath closer, wrapping her manicured fingers around Seulgi’s toned arm before whispering. “It’s like we’re a family.”


“Ahhh yeah, sure.”


Seulgi just brushed the advances away, but her daughter won’t let it slide that easily.


“Ms. Kim got issues.”


Ms. Kim’s head whipped around so fast, Seulgi was scared that it’ll break off from her neck.


“Excuse me?”


Seulgi swooped her daughter away before Ms. Kim could decapacitate her daughter right then and there.


“Hi… hold on Ms. Kim, I need to talk to Jennie.”


The young mom run out of there as quickly as she could, finding refuge from Ms. Kim’s sizzling rage around the corner.


“Jennie,” Seulgi said as soon as she puts her daughter on the ground. “We do not say stuff like that.”


Jennie, her beautiful, precious but too stubborn baby Jennie just answers with a cute frown and a cross of her arms.


“Why not?”


“Because it hurts people’s feelings. Where did you even heard that?”


“Aunt Joy and Aunt Yeri were saying that Ms. Kim got issues.”


Seulgi heaved out a sigh of defeat, like talking to those two would even work.


“Baby, baby…” Seulgi approached her daughter gently, knowing well that antagonizing Jennie would only make hell break loose. “Do you know what it means when people say that?”


Jennie bats those pretty eyes in confusion. “Ummm no?”


“It means they have problems. You have to understand that there are some things that we don’t say out loud to other people.”


“But maybe Ms. Kim needs to know it, so she’ll know she has issues.”


Seulgi opened but no motherly words would come out. Instead there were incoherent stammering as she tries to counter attack her four year old daughter’s logical explanation.


“Just… Just promise mommy that you won’t say it anymore. Promise me? Jennie? Jennie?”


Jennie pouts in defeat before finally saying.






“C’mon Mama over here!”


Irene almost topples over as Jisoo yanks her over to the Stegosaurus exhibit. She was ready to tell Jisoo to calm down, but her words hang by the tip of her tongue when she saw the way Jisoo’s eyes just glow with so much fascination. Jisoo turns to the museum label, trying to read but even the words are too hard for her smart brain to process.


“It says-“ Irene leans over to read the words for her little girl. “This Stegosaurus lived about 150 million years ago, during the Late Jurassic, in a fairly harsh and arid environment. They usually eat plants like ferns and conifers.”


“It’s a herbivore!”


“It is.” Irene smiles proudly at her daughter. “Stand right here so I can take a picture of you and the stegosaurus.”


Irene chuckles, her daughter the face of complete bliss as she flashes that wide, toothy grin.




Jisoo’s sticky little fingers have now found its target as she reached out for the Dinosaur leg. Irene's heart stopped beating before her mommy reflex was put to the test and caught Jisoo just in time.




She had never move that fast in her life, but she caught her daughter before the entire Trex exhibit came crashing down. The worried mom could only exhale shakily, thanking the heavens that she won’t be known as the mother of the child that ruined an entire exhibit and be banned for life from the Natural Science museum.


“You can’t do that.”


“Chichoo will put it together,” Jisoo reassured her mom, who looks like she’s about to have a heart attack.


“No. you cannot! There are archaeologist-“


“Paleontologist.” Jisoo corrected her mom.


“In the museum, you just look but you don’t touch anything. Remember our promise.”




“I said if you’re not going to be a big girl then we can’t go get ice cream.”


Jisoo’s entire expression look like her heart has been ripped out of her chest, Irene had to clenched her jaw to keep her heart from stinging.


“Bu-“Jisoo tries to defend herself, but Irene cuts her off before she could say anything.




“But Chichoo didn’t touch-“ Jisoo answers, her tiny voice cracking as she tries to reason out.


“But you were going to touch it.” Irene remains firm and stands her ground. “And what’s our promise, Jisoo?”


“Oh. No more ice cweam date?”


Irene took a deep breath before breaking her little girl’s heart. “When mama says no, it means no.”




But just when Irene thought that Jisoo’s expression was heartbreaking enough, Irene realized that she didn’t know heartache until Jisoo pulls her hand away, refusing to hold her.




“Bye my teddy bear mommy…” YooA said like she’s overdosed with saccharine, but as soon as she heard the low growls from Jennie, she whimpered and hid behind their teacher.


“No baby,” Seulgi whined at her daughter and Jennie just hugs her, marking her territory. “Say bye to your teacher and friends.”


“Bye Ms. Jo.” Jennie steps closer to her teacher, giving her a huge hug.


“Bye Jennie. You did so awesome today.”


Seulgi opens , but she’s finding it impossible even to breathe a sigh. But she lost her chance when before she could say a word, Ms. Jo bows once again before going over to her class.


If Seulgi would worry less maybe she would have caught the sweet grin that lingered on Ms. Jo’s lips.


“Thank you again for coming, Ms. Bae. Jisoo has been so excited that you would come along.”


Irene turns over to her daughter who was just standing in the playground, instead of bouncing around like the Jisoo that she is.

“Well, she got in trouble today.”


“Oh.” It was Ms. Jo’s turn to look at the kids and instantly notice how different Jisoo is behaving. “She told me before she’s trying to be good so you won’t get mad.”


“Oh.” Irene’s voice crack at the thought that all her daughter could see her is as someone who gets angry at her. “So, what do you do when Jisoo gets in trouble in class?”


“Well, I tell her that she’s more than her mistake and no matter what she does I’m still so happy to be her teacher.”


Those words cut deeper than Irene thought she’ll even allow. Jisoo is her little girl and her love for her should go beyond the limits of her naughtiness and quirks. She is trying so hard to be the parent that her parents are, that she takes her daughter’s uniqueness as a mistake because she constantly wants to mold her into her own.


If Ms. Jo, Jisoo’s teacher could still tell Jisoo that she loves her more than her little, quirky mistakes, why can’t she?




The heartbreaking expression that Jisoo has was hurting Irene worse than she thought.


Her parents would have told her to stand her ground, and this is how her little one is going to learn.


But she’s not her parents and Jisoo is not their daughter, she’s hers. This beautiful, smart and quirky little girl is hers.


“Mama? Are we going to pick up Chaeyoungie now?”


Irene smiled before turning to her little one.


“No. Mommy Wendy will.” Irene reaches out for the hand of the little girl walking right next to her.


“We going home?”


“No. If it’s okay with you, I would like to take you out on an ice cream date.”


Jisoo’s jaw dropped to the ground as she heard those words from her Mama. “An ice cweam date?”




“But Chichoo has been naughty.”


“No,” Irene kneels in front of her little girl, reassuring Jisoo with a warm and loving smile. “Chichoo is a very good girl. She’s also very smart and knows a lot of things about dinosaurs. But she could be a little naughty.” Irene teases her with a light tickle.


“Hmmm? Like 1 percent naughty?”


“Maybe 2 percent naughty, but Mama still loves her so much.”


And for once, the wisecracking five year old was at a loss for words. So, she thanked her Mama Irene the best way she knows how, with a gigantic, warm hug.


“Aghhh my smart, good and beautiful baby.” Her mommy whispered, making Jisoo giggle as she gives her an Eskimo kiss. “Ready to go?”




Jisoo’s mind started whirring again, talking to her mommy about the different things that she’ll put on her ice cream. Gummy bears, gummy worms, snickers, lots and lots of chocolate.

“I’m so excited to go on a date with you.”


“Just Chichoo and mama Irene?”


Irene smiles at her little darling who still has that cute lost look on her pretty face.


“Just Chichoo and mama Irene.”




It was rare for Seulgi to be out and about on a Saturday without her little girl tagging along. Saturdays are saved for grocery shopping, and she usually takes Jennie with her. But today Seulgi has a long to-do list that she needs to take care of. She dropped off Jennie at Wendy’s house before trying to do as much as she could in that morning.


Finally, she’s on her last checkbox on her list as she’s finishing up her groceries. She was about to reach for the Original flavored Pringles can when she saw her over by the Hot Cheetos. Ms. Jo was dressed down as expected on a Saturday morning. She looked like she just finished working out. Her daughter’s teacher has on her running shoes, running shorts, a tank top and barely any makeup on but God, she still looks so gorgeous.


Seulgi was about to approach her when she stops in her tracks and thought that maybe Ms. Jo didn’t want to be bothered. But maybe she sensed someone was looking cause she turned over to Seulgi’s direction, jumping back as she saw her.


“Ms. Kang?”


“Ms. Jo?”




“Ummm hi.”


“I don’t usually see you around,” Seulgi said making the taller girl blush.


“Oh ummm… I’m new here, so I’m still trying to see which grocery store is the best.”


Seulgi unconsciously glances over the Teacher’s grocery cart before she purses her lips, trying not to smile when she sees the cart filled with chips, ramen noodles, and canned goods.


“I live by myself and I…I…I don’t cook, Ms. Kang.” Ms. Jo defended herself.


“Just call me Seulgi.” Seulgi waves her off.


“Seulgi? That’s a lovely name.” Ms. Jo confesses. “I’m Eunae by the way.”


“Your name is gorgeous.”


“Thank you.”


Seulgi paused for a second, waiting for something she has no idea what.


“I better go ahead,” Ms. Jo spoke up, ready to push her cart out of there.


“Sure. Nice seeing you, Ms. Jo- I mean Eunae.”


“You too, Ms. Kang- I mean Seulgi-shii.”


Seulgi could only groan in despair as Ms. Jo once again got away. But it’s only a few steps, a quick jog and she’ll catch up to her.


So, here goes… it’s now or never.


“Ms. Jo- I mean Eunae…”


“Oh, Seulgi-shii? Is everything okay?”


“Yeah, I just wonder if…ummm… you know this is going to sound really weird but ummm…”


Here it goes…


“Would you like to go grab coffee after?”


Seulgi was setting her heart ready for the word no. She clenches in her emotions just in case this beautiful lady who she has been crushing on for weeks will refuse.


But instead, Ms. Jo’s lips curved into a lovely smile before she says those sweet words.


“I would love too.”




And here we go.... hehehe... As always, I really appreciate reading everyone's comments and seeing upvotes and subscribers. You guys have been awesome. Thank you so much for reading and keep supporting these awesome, talented girls. hehe. 


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Chapter 7: This story is my favorite if I'm in the mood to read Wenrene's family
love this fic! time to re-read it
Chapter 1: I can't believe I finally found this fanfic 😭
Chapter 1: what a cute beginning for this story. :) i will try to finish this in maybe 4 days? story is super cute. XD
Chapter 3: Kenapa rene takut ya anakmu tumbuh besar
Chapter 2: Apasih gini aja gw ngakak
Chapter 1: Cerita yang lucu
Ini sepertinya cerita lucu
Saw a very cute chaennie pic today so here I am hahaha I might re-read this later :p
Chapter 15: Wow the end!!!!
Thanks for the story author-nim, well done