My Flashback...My Truth...

Will you be mine?

It was getting late but Jessica still wasn't home...

Donghae positioned himself by the window to wait for her but no shadow can be seen outside. 

So she did went out with ny brother, he thought; remembering that Tiffany was so excited in invinting them not knowing that she was so obvious in setting Jessica and Taecyeon together.

"I hope they had a great first date" he murmured to himself and to the soflty litted room he's in.

At that time a shadow appeared, her shadow. He felt a surge of happiness rushed through him that made him leans closer to the window. After a few seconds he snap back, questioning himself as to why he is so happy to see her but his mind didn't give much time to answer when he saw that she's not alone.

Shocked, but shouldn't be that it's Taecyeon.

Both of them laughing and a spark between them can be seen from afar. 

As Taecyeon is leaning closer to Jessica, Donghae did too on the window. He should be happy! This is what he wanted right!? This is why he made up this stupid plan!...Stupid plan!...but  why?...why does it hurt so much. Sinking below with every inch his brother comes closer as he can not bear to watch. It hurts!

All of this thoughts comes rushing through his. Next thing he knew he opens the window and throws an apple outside hitting the bushes not knowing it would hit a cat that shrieked and suprised the three of them.

Donghae hid through the curtain, wishing they hadn's seen him. He ppeks through the crack and sees them saying their goodbyes to each other. Showing no signs to continue what they began earlier but just a slight peck to the cheeck of Taecyeon comes the consolation.

Jessica was not anymore in sight of Donghae, only meaning that she went in already and what only remains is his dancing brother uprofnt. He closes the window and oulls the curtain. "What a stupid thing to do." He faintly said 

His brother had already left and Jessica tucked in her bed. The cold wind of the night embraced him as he went outside the apartment.

He stood under the tree, thinking and waiting...for something, anything or maybe he's waiting for an apple to hit him also. "What the hell did I do!" He cursed himself "More like why!?" Curse all he wants but deep inside there was relief and that what makes him feel scared...what would happen next.

His thinking was interrupted. He did get an apple or just getting it back when he heard a meow rustling through the bushes. When he went nearer he sees a white cat or mostly white just darkened because of being abandoned here.

He crouched down to get the apple beside the cat.Tossing it through the air and catching it, deeming it to be worthless now with the bruised it got. How hard exactly did he throw?

He turns his attention to the cat. "Hey..." he reached out his hand but then got stratched back and he immediately withdraws his hand. "I'm sorry I didn't know you were there" For the second time he reached out his hand again. This time he successfully touched him.

He doesn't know what happened tonight but he murmured to himseld "Maybe..."

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lovelyJD #1
Chapter 11: Where is next chapter?? 12,13,14 till final?
zicky_yun #2
Chapter 10: HaeSica yes!!!! Thanks for the update
aidenjung #3
So, jessica is with taec? Am i right? Or wrong?
Bluecold10 #4
Chapter 8: Looking forward to more haesica's moment!
Chapter 8: ow ow ow they are being closer
good :)
Chapter 2: ouch my taecsica hearteu :" but the plot is interesting