Chapter 1


"HAHAHAHAHA!" I couldn't help it as my laughter poured out of me hysterically and echoed against nearly everything in my foster mom's home. I'd been watching BTS' most recent appearance on Weekly Idol, and Cony had made what my brain thought was the most hilarious comment in the last gaziliion years. I was literally crying I was laughing so hard, which, for me, looks more like I'm having a seizure or an asthma attack than actually laughing. "YAH!" My  foster Eomma called from downstairs, presumably from our tiny, cramped kitchen. " AZALEA LEE IF I HEAR ONE MORE HELLISH SCREECH FROM YOU YOU'RE REALLY GOING TO HAVE TO MOVE INTO YOUR OWN APARTMENT!" That made me laugh. She would never kick me out, despite the constant threats.



"NE EOMMA!" I yelled back, hoping she heard me over the sound of the running faucet I knew she had on. After all, tomorrow was the first day back from holiday. We would have to re-stock the cafe with all new foods. Just as I was starting to get back into the show, trying to supress all of my maniac esque laughter, I noticed the smell of baked food in the air. My stomach growled. 'She wouldnt notice if I took ONE tiny piece...' I thought to myself, rather mischeiviously I might add. I glanced longingly back at my episode of Weekly Idol, along with my 7 favorite people in the world. 'They're not going anywhere' I thought, and sighed rather depressingly, looking at Taehyung's smiling face. 'Damn the fact I live so far away' I added to the previous thought, and with that I snapped out of my trance and made my way to the bedroom door.

Inticed by the smell of what could turn out to be my brunch (I skipped breakfast in turn for Weekly Idol), I tugged on a pair of pajama shorts at lightening fast speed, threw my curly hair up into a messy bun, and skidded towards the door in my socks. Unluckily for me, socks inhibit the ability of which I can walk like a normal human, which I can barely do with my own bare feet.  LUCKILY for me though, socks also allowed me to slide across our hardwood floors at record speed, so all I did was just keep praying I wouldn't fall. Just as I flung open my bedroom door, I saw my mom heading for the bathroom. 'Perfect', I thought, 'now I'll be able to steal a piece of whatever it is she's making'. As I began tiptoeing down the hall towards the stairs that lead to the main level, I suddenly pictured myself getting right up to the goodies and BOOM in comes Eomma with a wooden spoon to hit my hand away. 'Damn, hopefully that's just my imagination...' I thought, completely ignoring the fact it may or may not be some sort of vision. After all, that'd be a waste of psychic powers if you ask me...And so, shaking it off, I continued my quest. Psychic vision or not, I KNEW I had to get a piece of that--- (cue sniffing to distinguish what the hell Eomma was even baking)--- "Ahhhhh," I sighed, finally realizing what it was, "chocolate chip muffins." I was in foodie heaven, Eomma always made the best chocolate chip muffins. By the time I had deciphered what the mysterious food was, I had reached the stairs. I checked that my Eomma was still in the bathroom (which she wasn't but I didn't know that at the time)and I put the final steps of my devilish plan into action. Gripping the railing, I walked down half of the stairs, and jumped over the other half, landing with a soft thud onto the main level, right outside the kitchen. I fist pumped the air and did a little dance; man I love food. 

Five, four; four more steps until I'm at the muffins. Three, two; just two more steps! I squealed internally. Just as I was about to take the last step I reached out my hand, only to have it, yep, you guessed, slapped by that God forsaken wooden spoon. "YAH YOU LITTLE THEIF YOU CAN'T HAVE MY MUFFINS!" Eomma yelled as I recoiled in pain, grabbing the slapped hand as though it was falling off. "HOLY ." I screamed as it started to swell. Eomma flicked me right in the center of the head, "YAH DON'T CUSS IN MY HOUSE." I finally gave in and backed off. "Ne, Eomma~" I said cutely. "Aish, just go back up to your room and laugh like a hyena." She chuckled and gave me a warm smile, yet somehow it also warned me; do not go near my damn muffins. Let alone steal one or two. 

Or five.

But she doesn't have to know that.

I nodded my head in response to my banishment (although relaxing in my own bed isn't exactly being banished). I watched her turn back to the muffins, humming softly, and just as I began to walk up the stairs I got an idea. I swear to God in that moment I smiled exactly like the Grinch. Slowly, I made my way back over to my Eomma, careful not to make a sound. As soon as I was within range I got my arms ready, smiled evilly, annnnnnnnnd...

Back hugged her.

Yep, real tough, Azzie, reaaaal tough.

"Eomma~" I pouted as I clung onto her, just like she said she did to her own mom when she wanted something. Sadly though, I didn't quite get the reaction I was hoping for, as she just ignored me and kept on kneading dough and such. "Eomma~ I'm hun-ger-ee~" I made sure to pout as I announced the word hungry; jeez I'm ready to barf at myself. "Ne, well then go eat some fruit, not my muffins!" She scolded, but I just kept going. "Eomma~ Is there anything I can do to get some muffins~" I hugged her tighter as she went to go get the hand mixer. "Hmmmm..." I heard her mumble, just as she always does when she thinks. Suddenly, her eyes lit up, and I swear it's like a goddamn lightbulb had gone off above her head. "Azzie-ah," she began turning towards me with a smirk on her face. 

Uh oh.  

"Azalea if you promise help me out at the cafe after school tomorrow I will give you five muffins!" My mouth hung open in shock and I started drooling. "RIGHT NOW?" I practically screamed with joy, and my stomach seemed to stop its growling, knowing food may be on its way. "Ne, right now..." She hummed in response. I was about to accept her offer when it struck me. "Yah, Eomma, if I help you, where will I be working in the cafe?" I already knew the answer, but I secretly hoped it wasn't true. "The back, preparing orders and such." "UGHHHHHH." I let out a groan. Of all places why the BACK? It was hot and gross and made me sweat all of my makeup off. I huffed and eyed the muffins. Eomma turned around and faced me, "take it or leave it Azalea~" She said cutely before adding, "oh come on~ help an old Eomma out~" She pouted and her eyes got all wrinkly at the edges.

Well, more than usual anyways.

"Please~" She said again glancing from me to the muffins and then back again. Finally, my hunger won over and as if my stomach was talking for me I agreed. "Fine, Eomma, I'll do it." I gave her my best glare but she was unimpressed. She finally broke the silence caused by our little glare-off by pinching my cheeks. "AIGOO~" She cried, "look at how grown up my Azzie is~" I almost gagged. "Eomma stop with the aegyo you're too old~" I teased, and snatched the five muffins she had grabbed and was holding in her hands. I took one and popped almost the entire thing in my mouth. "I better have time to do my homework though." I mumbled through the gooey pieces of muffin in my mouth. "Ne, ne, ne." She said, not really listening and trying to wipe my face with a napkin. "YAH AZZIE-AH IF YOU EAT LIKE THIS YOU'LL NEVER GET A BOYFRIEND." I just giggled and ran away with my muffins, I had made it halfway up the stairs before I heard her yelling again. "AISH AT LEAST TAKE A PLATE." She cried out in frustration, that only made me chuckle more, and I slid down the hallway in my socked feet to my door. As soon as I had reached it, I threw the bedroom door open, closed it with my foot, and flung myself onto the bed, muffins still tucked safely in my hands. I swallowed my most recent bite and took another. At last I reached for my laptop, logged onto my account and just stared at the faces I had left paused on my less than HD quality episode of Weekly Idol. As soon as I remembered my upcoming task of manual labor, not to mention my first day back in school since the holidays, I groaned. Looking straight into Taehyung's smiling face I sighed, wondering if maybe, just maybe, he could save me from the horrors that would come tomorrow. But I knew he couldnt. I face planted into my pillow and muttered, rather coldly,


"This should be interesting."









Well if you see this, it must mean you read all of my lame, sleep deprived writing (WOOOO) so thanks, I guess HAHA. Please, please upvote or comment or subscribe or whatever!!!! I will definitely update either every night, or even a few times throughout the day. (So either way I will get one or more chapters out per day, as long as I am still on summer vacation) THANK YOU FOR READING THIS FAR AND IT WOULD MEAN A LOT IF YOU TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK AND YEAH SORRY FOR ANY SPELLING MISTAKES IM TIRED AND YEAH ILY~~~~~~ BYEEE~

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samm_XD #1
Chapter 16: IM SO SORRY UGH I FEEL AWFUL I just didn't want anyone to be disappointed by my lack of updates or how crappy the story was because I didn't enjoy writing it. I mean that would've shown straight through my writing ANYWAYS GUYS THANKS FOR READING IT AND IM SORRY
samm_XD #2
Knite-Hyung #3
Chapter 11: Oh my god this was so incridebily cute I am grinning from ear to ear, this story is so shdjskckskfksdgggdscejaisof it's so cute I cannot, and can we all talk about how cute Namjoon is though I mean rEALLy. <33
Knite-Hyung #4
Chapter 8: wrist slashing fun seokjin u r my sunshine
loveberry22 #5
Chapter 10: man u update too fat!
its litrealy 7 am where i m staying at
i was gonna go to sleep but when i got a notification 4m u i was like "HELL NO....I WOUNT SLEEP WITHOUT READING THIS"
~i relly love it~
Knite-Hyung #6
Chapter 7: update ASAP what r u doing y rnt u updating this is my life okay you caNT just cut off a life source jfc
Knite-Hyung #7
Chapter 5: Screaming bc I have a crush on everyone In bts tho like if I was in that situation I think I would just pee on the spot and black out and then cry a lot and marry Namjoon the end happiness thx
Knite-Hyung #8
Chapter 3: Hey Sam omg let me just say it's only like chapter 3 or something but it's amazing ily I'm so proud of you screeches you put me in your chapter that makes mysOul happy and omg this story will slay e please have angst and those are my life sources I believe in you to become an amazing FANFICTION writer ily ily ily LY ily ily ily ilyiLzskckakdjakkskddjskdfuakdjajdaffkasjfd ily
loveberry22 #9
Love this