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Time Corrodes Steel
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He knew his eyes were open, but still he could see nothing, not even single ray of light touched his wide and bewildered eyes. He tried moving but panic gripped his chest as he felt restrictions on his limbs, a rough, squeaky blanket of some sorts that kept him from raising his stiff body.   He opened his mouth to scream, but only a scratchy noise that was once his voice came out. He flailed his limbs around, kicking, thrashing, screaming until he heard himself. Still he felt constricted, unable to free himself from whatever restraints holding him down, all senses escaping him, save for his hearing. He can clearly hear his own breath, his heartbeat, his screams, the tight fabric restraining him, and the soft clunking sound as he thrashed around.   And all of a sudden, everything was jerked backwards.   Then light flooded his eyes, momentarily blinding him.   With his eyes shut closed, his hands blindly searched for something to hold on to, finding something quite sturdy and warm. And he clung to it like his lifeline, which in his panic-stricken mind, was what it was. He felt the warmth surround him and he burrowed himself deeper in its depths, wanting nothing of that frigid environment he was in just moments ago. He whimpered, slightly taken aback by his own sounds and he slowly felt his senses return to him.    First, he felt hot tears slide down his cheeks, dripping on to his arms, warming the frozen limbs as well. He felt the comforting warmth that he clung to, y
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