A Surprising Question

Surprising Visit

(Sara's POV)



My schedule starts soon, I could probably make a cup of tea before I have to go. 

*Knock Knock*

"What in the world? My schedule doesn't start for a while there shouldn't be anyone coming to get me yet." I walked out of the kitchen and look through the peep hole in the door to see a familiar face. I quickly unlocked and opened the door. 

"Annyeong." Leeteuk stood right outside my door smiling while saying hello.

"Leeteuk-ssi, What are you doing here at this time of day?" I stood there looking at him wearing a baggy tee shirt with some comfortable pants, confused as to why he was here. Not that it upset me. I always had a happy spirit when around him. 

"I came to see if you were doing alright. I know you haven't been feeling the best lately." It's true. With all the schedules that I have been doing I've hardly had time to rest. 

"Ah, Would you like to come in?" I stepped aside so he could come in.

"Komwoa." He walked in a took off his shoes. "Very nice place you have." He said looking around from where he was standing.

"Kamsahamnida. Feel free to sit down and make yourself comfortable." I closed and locked the door behind him and headed to the kitchen. "I was making tea. Would you like some?" 

"Sure." He replied going into the living room and sitting down on the couch. "Don't you have a dog?" 

"Ne, she's with a friend who's taking care of her while I'm busy with my schedules." I grabbed the two cups of tea and headed toward the couch and handed him one of the cups.

"Komwoa." He took a sip of the tea while I sat down. The handle slipped and the tea burned his finger slightly. "Ah." He jumped slightly and quickly put the tea down. He grabbed his slightly red finger.

"Ah. I'm so sorry I should of mentioned that the tea was really hot." I quickly put my tea down, opened one of the drawers of the coffee table and grabbed a band-aid. "Let me see your finger." I reached for his hand and revealed the slightly red finger. I put the band-aid over his finger, and let go of his hand. I didn't notice the slight blush on his face until I looked up. "Better?" I asked as I got up to throw away the trash from the band-aid.

"Ah, it still hurts a little." I walked over, took his hand and kissed the finger with the band-aid. He blushed.

"Now is it all better?" I aksed while sitting back down and taking a sip of my tea. He just nodded. "So what did you come here for again?" 

"Ah, right, I actually came here to ask you something." He sat there for a minute then continued. "We have known each other for a while, right?"

I took another sip of tea. "Ne."

"We've done a lot together, whether it was variety shows, music shows, radio brodcasts, commercials, or dramas." He had a more serious look on his face now.

"Yeah we've done so much together that now they are starting to ship TeukRa." My heart jumped a little when saying the name of the paring or me and Leeteuk. 

"Yeah... How would you react if I asked you if you wanted to make TeukRa real?" Right when I heard this, the tea in my mouth immediately went down the wrong tube, and I started to cough. He quickly grabbed the tea from my hand and set it down before I dropped it. "Yah, Are you okay?" 

I cough a little more then cleared my throat. "Yeah..." I said with a high pitched voice then cleared my throat again. "... I'm ok, you just caught me off guard." 

"Well, what do you think?" He asked sitting on the edge of his seat.

"Hmm? Ah right, TeukRa, a real thing." I regained my composure and continued. "To be honest I don't dislike the idea, but we both have our own schedules and even thogh a schedules are similar now they will probably change soon to totally different things." 

"Then I'll come visit you when I'm able to." He was still hopeful trying to find a way around ever obstacle I threw at him.

"What about the managers?" I was trying to cover every detail before giving him an answer.

"Well, I hinted to my manager about a guy and a girl being together. He told me that If I got a girlfriend then he would be happy. Just becareful about it, and to make sure it didn't interrupt with my schedules." He still sat on the edge of his seat.

"Another thing, I'm an actress, and that means I'll have to kiss other guys." 

"If you're only acting I won't get jealous, but you would have to give me as many kisses plus some." I blushed when he said this.

"What if the relationship goes public?" 

"I'll protect you from my fans." He said trying to act big and strong in a cute, handsome body. 

"I'm not worried about your fans, I'm worried about my fans." 

"Then I guess you have to protect me then." He said having his cute, to-die-for smile on his face.

I giggled. "I could try."

"Then it's settled?" He was literally about to fall off his seat waiting for a reply.

"Well..." My phone started to ring. It was my manager. I answered it. "Sara... ne... ne... I'll be right there." I ended the call. I quickly grabbed everything I needed ,and started pushing Leeteuk out the door politely. "Sorry my schedule starts really soon." Once I got both of us out the door, I locked it and turned to him.

"But..." Leeteuk was still waiting for a reply.

"I have to go now, but I'll tell you later. I promise." I kissed him on the cheek and smiled. "I'll go first." I quickly entered the elevator and pushed the button to go to the lobby. I saw him with a blush on his face and a small smile before the elevator doors closed.





OK guys, so what did you think. Yes I left it for you to decide whether she said yes or no. I always hated those stories, so I had to write one. But tell me whether you liked or hated it or you can tell me ways to become better. Maybe I'll write more stories in the future. You never know. But thanks for reading!


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nice fic~!
PCbuhBAM #2
LOL how daring~<br />
Kissing a boo-boo makes it go away~<3 xD <br />
My, my I cam definitely see you doing this xD<br />
And it's so obvious she said YES!!<br />
The story plot was very good and it was so kawaii~ x3<br />
Nothing to say or complain~<br />