I. Hydrangea Part One

Tied Up

Hydrangea | Heartfelt emotions & gratitude


Hanbin sighs, shoving his hands deep in the pockets of his sweats.

He could use a coffee or something sweet to boost his energy for his studio session with Bobby later. They were both extremely picky, especially in regards to their music, so it was bound to be a late night session, or at least until Jinhwan comes dragging them both out.

Still, it's a nice day out, and he figures he'll enjoy it.

Just as he's nearing the supermarket, debating on whether he should get something or not, a girl standing in front of the entrance stumbles, dropping all of her bags as she loses her balance.

He makes sure to avoid the now soiled milk and cracked eggs as he walks over to help her. She's crouched down, staring at the mess in a mixture of frustration and disappointment when he offers her the discarded bags.

She looks up at him then, before a small, hesitant smile graces her features and she speaks so softly he almost doesn't catch it.

"Thank you"

He offers her his hand, which she stares at momentarily before accepting, and wow, she's pretty, Hanbin thinks. Suddenly, he tugs her hand lightly, pulling her into the supermarket. When he glances back she looks extremely confused, but doesn't protest. He takes that as a good sign.

The dairy section isn't that far from the entrance so he spots what he's looking for almost immediately. Remembering exactly what had come flying out of her bags, he grabs the exact same kind of eggs. She seems to realize what he's doing then, pulling her hand back gently.

"You don't have to-"

"But I want to" He says simply, grabbing the milk and heading to the nearest register. Seeing as there was no convincing him otherwise, she followed.

Once everything was paid for and she had thanked him multiple times, even though he had insisted it was no big deal, they stood in front of the supermarket once more, ready to part ways

She offers him another timid smile before turning to leave. He watches her go, but doesn't make any move to do the same. He's a little sad that he most likely won't see her again after this, because she seemed like such a sweet girl from what he could tell in the span of their five minute encounter, that and she was really cute.

She glances back at him, but frowns when she notices he's still standing there. She stops then, turning back around. He raises a brow in confusion when she approaches.

"I don't live far from here. Mind walking me home?"

Hanbin happily agrees, grabbing half of the bags and motioning for her to lead the way.

They walk in relative silence, which on any other occasion Hanbin would find uncomfortable, but for some reason he finds he doesn't mind it. With it being summer time, it was a rather humid day, but it was still just as busy as any other, except now the neighborhoods were filled with kids running about, melted ice cream smeared on their faces, elderly couples walking their dogs, and teenagers scampering to shopping malls.

Usually, on days like this, he would be locked up at the YG building, cooped up in the practice room or the studio, but, he thinks as he glances at the tiny girl beside him, he's kind of glad Jinhwan had locked him out, demanding he get some fresh air.


He blinks, not quite sure if she had spoken or not, but when she covers with her hand to stifle her giggles, he figures she did.

"My name is Rose"

She stares at him then, brown eyes twinkling, and that's when he noticed she's waiting for him to tell her his own name.

"Hanbin" He says and she giggles at the delay, before she offers her hand.

"It's nice to meet you, Hanbin"

He notices two things, how soft her hand is and the quaint white house they've stopped in front of with a picket fence and the greenest grass he's ever seen. It's cute, with little flowers lining the front, just like her, he thinks.

"Thank you, for everything. I hope to see you around sometime."

Hanbin takes his time in handing her the bags back, nodding enthusiastically at her words. She gives him one last gentle smile before turning and heading up the small path.

He watches her go, and when she disappears into the tiny house, he turns back in the opposite direction, heading back to the YG building.


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Lotuspassion #1
Chapter 1: Where's the rest of the story
Chapter 1: Chapter 1 : Cant wait for your next update ~~
Shyheart14 #3
Chapter 1: Can't wait to see what happens next.
_naenasty #4
Chapter 1: I'm excited to see where this story goes and how it develops. The plot is so nice and does not seem so complicated like other ambw stories I've read. Really looking forward to the next chapter!
blackpearl77 #5
Chapter 1: This is very cute. I really like this story, can't wait for you to continue.