Happy Holidays, markjincupid

Who's My IGOT7 Santa? 2015

Gift for markjincupid

Gift from ???

Title of the gift: 4 Nights

Pairing: JinMark/Markjin

How many words: 7166 whoops

Rating: M because haha

Warnings: None?

Note to my giftee: I hope you enjoy this oneshot and I hope the plot is interesting enough! Sorry that it's really long.

4 Nights

“JYP Hotel, huh?” Mark ran a hand through his hair as he stood in front of the large building, looking up at the dozens of floors stacked on top of each other. He then lowered his gaze to the entrance of the building. Five sharp-looking men in hotel uniform were greeting guests; they held open doors with wide smiles and even took the guests' luggage inside for them. Mark was too preoccupied watching the men work that he didn't even notice one making their way to him.


“May I help you with your suitcase, sir?”


Mark turned to the source of the voice, a little caught off guard. “Oh, sure..” he mumbled, allowing the man to reach down and grab his luggage off the ground for him. He even went so far as to take the suitcase Mark was already holding. The blonde male wasn't used to this sort of treatment, so it was definitely a new- and pleasant- experience for him.


Mark followed behind the man carrying his luggage, entering the hotel through the large revolving doors. Once inside, the blonde suddenly felt out of place. Not only was the room enormous, it was also extremely fancy. Huge chandeliers hung from the high ceiling and strategically placed potted plants littered the floor. Mark gawked as they passed a fountain beautifully cut from marble, the water gracefully pouring out of the tip of a dolphin statue. Men in suits populated the room, looking as if they were always on business, as if they weren't actual people but instead just objects that represented a successful corporation.


Mark felt a little self-conscious as he glanced at his own attire- a black button down shirt and khakis. He looked like he belonged in a Staples, not a 5 star hotel. How could his boss have afforded to send him here of all places?


Once they made it to the front desk, the man set his luggage down and walked away. Feeling suddenly alone and uncertain, Mark tentatively rang the bell on top of the desk.


After a few seconds, a man came out from the back room and made his way to the desk. Once he saw Mark, a huge smile erupted on his face. “Hello, welcome to the JYP Hotel. How may I help you?”




Mark wasn't sure if it was his fancy suit, his gelled hair, his soothing voice, or his stunning smile that caught him off guard the most. Whatever it was, the blonde was at a loss for words.




, he caught me staring. I wasn't drooling was I? Mark, what's gotten into you?


“A-Ah, sorry!” Mark's voice came out sounding as if he had something stuck in his throat and he quickly coughed, trying to clear it out. “M-My name is Mark, what's your name?”


You ing idiot.


The man behind the desk laughed and Mark inwardly swooned. He pointed to his lapel and Mark felt like even more of an idiot.


“Park Jinyoung?” Mark read off the name tag and the man nodded, smiling. “Wait, is that what JYP stands for?”


“Well yes, but I'm not the owner or anything. My dad's the owner, and he has the same name. So basically I'm Park Jinyoung II.”


Mark barely caught what the dark-haired male was saying; he was too busy letting his mind wander.


Why is this guy so attractive to me? It's not like I haven't been attracted to guys before, but never as much as this. What is it about him?


“You look good in a suit.” Mark blurted out without thinking, then immediately felt like he wanted to run and hide. His face flushed bright red as he took in Jinyoung's surprised expression and attempted to redeem himself. “I-I mean, I was just th-thinking....you know, I d-don't usually-”


“You're cute,” Jinyoung cut off an extremely embarrassed and flustered Mark with a laugh, a huge smile painting his face once again. “Thank you.”


Mark blushed a darker red at the comment, this time deciding it was probably a good idea to shut up.


“So how can I help you today, Mark?”


The blonde tried to ignore how much he liked the sound of his name on the other boy's lips as he gathered himself. “U-Um, my boss got me a room here for a week...I'm on a business trip, I-I guess you could call it.”


“Okay, what's your boss's name?”


“Jackson Wang.”


Jinyoung turned his attention to the computer screen and typed in the name, smiling when something immediately came up in the system. “Yep, he's right here. 4 nights, correct?”


Mark nodded and Jinyoung returned to typing something into his computer. “May I see your ID?”


Mark fumbled with his pocket until he found his wallet, pulling out his drivers license and sliding it across the desk. Jinyoung glanced at it with a grin, shooting a look at the blonde.


“Mark Tuan?”


Mark found himself shivering at the tone of Jinyoung's voice and quickly nodded, gulping.


“So what type of business are you here for?” The other male asked curiously, handing the license back to Mark.


“I'm here to check out a potential new distributor.” Mark paused, then continued. “I'm the manager of a retail store.”


“Ahh.” Jinyoung smiled at the blonde and handed him a card. “Here's the key to your room. 9th floor, room 922. If you ever need anything, just call the front desk and ask for me.”


Did he just wink at me?


“S-sure thing...” Mark didn't want to look away. “Thanks.”


Mark finally ripped his gaze from the other when a man, a different one than before, grabbed his luggage and started walking toward the elevator. He followed him, wanting to look back at the desk but forcing himself not to.



Night 1:


“It's great, isn't it!?”


Mark had to distance the cellphone from his ear at the voice, cringing at the volume. “Jackson, how the hell did you manage to put me up here? It's a 5 star hotel!”


“I have my ways, Mark. Don't doubt your boss's connections! I know the owner.”


“Park Jinyoung?”


“Yes...do you know him too?”


“O-Oh, no, but I know his son.”


“You do?”


“Well, kind of. He works at the front desk. He helped check me in.”


“Oh really? Is he handsome? The owner is always going on about how handsome his son is.”


“H-He's handsome...” Mark blushed a bit, remembering earlier that day. “A-Anyway, do you have any suggestions on where I should eat for dinner? I'm starving.”


“Just go to the bar downstairs! Great liquor and delicious bar food. 10/10 would recommend.”


“Alright. I'll call you tomorrow after I check out the distributor.”


“Ta ta!”


The bar was just as fancy as the rest of the hotel. Hundreds of wine glasses hung above the bar and dozens of various alcoholic beverages were on display on the opposite wall. Feeling out of place once again, Mark took a seat on the far end of the bar and looked around. The bartender appeared out of no where, wiping a shot glass with a rag. “What can I get you?”


“I'll take a whiskey I guess. And can I see a menu?”


“Will do.” The bartender reached under the counter and handed him a laminated piece of paper stating their appetizers and entrees. He then busied himself by grabbing a glass and throwing a few round ice cubes in it, then pouring in the liquor and sliding it across the counter toward Mark.


“Thanks.” Mark took a sip of the drink and contorted his face a bit, momentarily forgetting the strength of the whiskey. Holding up the menu, he scanned the options and tried to find what he was most hungry for.


“I personally like the scallops, but that's just me.”


Mark nearly choked on his drink.


He spun around on his stool to see that someone had decided to sit down next to him. Well, not just someone- him.




“Heya!” Jinyoung smiled, waving cutely. He then turned his attention to the bartender. “I'll also take a whiskey, Yugyeom.”


“W-What are you doing here?” Mark was still a little caught off guard, clearing his throat and trying not to stare.


“I like to come here after my shift ends.” He mumbled a thanks toward the bartender when his drink was placed in front of him, then glanced back at Mark. “How do you like your room? Is it sufficient?”


“Sufficient? It's more than sufficient! I've never been to a place this fancy before.”


“Really? I think you fit right in.” Jinyoung brought his drink up to his lips.


“How so?” The blonde asked, a little curious as to what he meant by that.


Jinyoung shrugged and set down his drink after taking a sip. “I don't know,” he paused and glanced back at Mark, “you just have the right look, you know?”


Mark didn't know, but he still felt his cheeks heat up a bit.


I hope that was a compliment.


“You fit in too, but I guess that's because you work here.” The blonde laughed softly, causing Jinyoung to smile.


“Mmm.. but I hope you know, I'm not exclusively the professional 5 star hotel worker you met earlier tonight.” Mark saw something flash in the other's eyes, causing a warm chill to run up his back. He didn't really know what Jinyoung meant by that, but something in the dark-haired male's voice made Mark's cheeks redden once again.


They both ended up ordering the scallops, which Mark definitely didn't regret after tasting how amazing they were. The two of them continued to converse as they dined, getting to know a little more about each other as the night progressed. Mark discovered that Jinyoung was supposed to inherit the hotel ownership when his father retired, but that Jinyoung didn't necessarily want to work in a hotel his entire life. Mark shared his own thoughts about working in retailing, and even a few funny stories of ridiculous customers. Jinyoung could relate to that, since they both worked with people all day long.


Neither realized just how long they had been talking until the bartender, Yugyeom made their way over to the two. “Hey Jinyoung, I think I'm gonna close up. It's already 1am.”


“1am!?” Mark shot up from where he sat on his stool, a panicked expression on his face. “, I have to get up early tomorrow and see that distributor. I'll take the bill, please.”


“Hey, don't worry about it.” Jinyoung sent a reassuring smile in Mark's direction then glanced over at Yugyeom. “He's on me.”


“That's very kind of you Jinyoung, but totally unnecessary.” Mark sat back down and reached a hand into his pocket to search for his wallet. The blonde paused his actions when he felt a warm hand on his inner thigh.


“I insist, Mark.”


Mark felt heat immediately rush to his face as he gazed at Jinyoung. It was like he was paralyzed. “O-okay, thanks...”


Jinyoung smiled with satisfaction, removing his hand and standing. Since Jinyoung was the son of the owner, he wasn't required to pay. So basically Mark just got a drink and a meal on the house.


The spot on Mark's thigh where Jinyoung's hand had previously been burned hot.



Night 2:


Jackson wasn't very happy.


After staying up too late the previous night, Mark overslept that morning and ended up being late. Not only did it make him look bad, but it made his retail store look bad as a whole. If they wanted to make some type of deal with this potential new distributor, Mark would need to act completely professional.


After talking on the phone with Jackson, Mark was completely exhausted. His shoulders ached from stress and his head hurt from thinking too hard.


Hopefully I'll have better luck tomorrow.


Mark had been laying on his bed trying to relax when he heard his stomach growl. Immediately, Mark's thoughts went to the hotel bar.


Maybe Jinyoung is there right now.


Needing some type of pick-me-up, Mark decided to visit the bar. Even if Jinyoung wasn't there, he wouldn't mind getting another order of scallops to fulfill his hunger.


Jinyoung was there.


Mark smiled to himself when he noticed the familiar figure on the same bar stool as last night, sipping from his drink and chatting a bit with Yugyeom.


Without announcing himself, Mark made his way to the dark-haired male and sat down on the stool beside him. “Can I have a whiskey please?”


“You got it,” was Yugyeom's reply, repeating the same routine as last night while fixing him his drink.


“Good evening, Mark.” The blonde heard the deep voice beside him, causing something warm to bubble in his stomach- and it wasn't because of his hunger.


“Good evening, Jinyoung.” Mark smiled at Yugyeom when his drink was placed in front of him then glanced over at the male next to him. He had styled his hair differently, making him look even more attractive.


“You clean up nice.” Mark shivered when he felt Jinyoung's gaze run all over him, but he tried to convince himself it was only because he was wearing a suit and he wasn't trying to check him out like that.


“T-Thank you.” He took a sip of his drink and tried not to think of Jinyoung's eyes on him.


“How did it go today?”


“It was...,” Mark sighed, placing his drink down on the counter. “tough.”


“I'm sorry to hear that. Tomorrow will probably be better.”


“Hopefully.” Mark turned his attention to the bartender and ordered the scallops, Jinyoung following suit.


“Turn around.” Mark was a bit surprised by the other's words, but spun on his stool so he was facing away from Jinyoung anyway. He felt a pair of hands rest on his shoulders and begin gently massaging the tensed area. Without even meaning to, Mark let out a satisfied moan.


“, you're really good at this Jinyoung.”


“T-Thanks. You seemed a little stressed, so I just thought...” He trailed off, but Mark was too preoccupied with the immense relief Jinyoung was providing him with.


“Right there, ahh yeah...” Mark sighed with pleasure, leaning back into Jinyoung's hands a bit.


“You like that?” Mark could almost hear the grin on Jinyoung's face.


“I really like that.” Mark was letting out another satisfied sigh when something clicked.


Something about the situation was almost...ual.


Mark felt heat rise to his face and he quickly spun his stool so he was facing the bar again. “T-Thanks, Jinyoung. I really..needed that.” Ever since he made the dirty connection in his mind, that's all he could think about.


“My pleasure.” Jinyoung smiled, facing back toward the bar as well. “If you ever need any other type of stress relief, just let me know.”


Mark practically choked on his whiskey.


“Are you okay?” Jinyoung asked, voice laced with concern as Mark recovered.


“Fine!” Mark coughed awkwardly, setting his drink down again. “I'm totally f-fine...”


Thankfully, their scallops had just arrived and Mark was able to change the topic of conversation.


Paying much closer attention to time than the previous night, Mark paid his bill around 11pm despite Jinyoung's offer to have it 'on him' again.


“I'll walk you to your room.”


“No need to do that!” Mark laughed, as if Jinyoung was merely being polite and didn't have any intentions to do so otherwise.


“I want to.” Jinyoung stated with a smile, leaving no more room for debate.


The elevator was unusually crowded. Mark supposed that everyone was just getting back from all of their schedules and wanting to get to their rooms to sleep after a long day. The same was true for him.


Because of the crowded space, Mark found himself in especially close proximity to Jinyoung. He noticed a hint of cologne radiating off of the other and found himself swallowing down a blush. They lost people to each floor as they ascended until the elevator was nearly empty besides them. Even then, however, Mark hadn't moved away from Jinyoung. There was a ton of space in the large elevator now, but Mark still stood directly next to the dark-haired male. Jinyoung didn't seem to mind, otherwise he would have moved away himself.


The elevator finally opened to the 9th floor and the two of them made their way out, heading down the hall toward room 922. As they came to the door to Mark's room, the blonde's mind suddenly filled with thoughts.


Should I invite him in? No, it's too late in the evening to do that. Would I seem impolite if I don't? What would we do if I did invite him inside? Maybe he'd think I'm weird if I invite him.


“Well, good night Mark.” Jinyoung smiled, waving. He was about to turn and begin walking away when Mark reached for his wrist instinctively. “Hm?” Jinyoung hummed with confusion, glancing back at the blonde.


“U-Uh, d-did you wanna come inside? I-I mean it's pretty messy and I don't really have anything we can do b-but-”


Jinyoung cut him off with a laugh. “Thanks for the offer, but I'll pass for tonight. You've had a long day, so you should get to bed. You still have 2 more nights here though, right? We'll definitely do it before you leave.”


His choice of words caused warmth to pool in the pit of Mark's stomach. “Y-yeah, definitely.”



Night 3:


Mark arrived back at the hotel a later than yesterday. It was just reaching 9pm when he walked through the revolving doors, exhausted from another long day with the potential distributor. Although it was a tiring day, it was definitely more successful than the day before.


“Hey Mark!”


Mark turned his head upon being addressed, smiling when he noticed who the source of the voice was. Jinyoung made his way out from behind the front desk and headed toward the blonde.


“How did it go? You're back much later today.”


“Yeah I am, but it went really well! I think we're gonna have a contract set up by tomorrow.”


“That's great!” Jinyoung smiled brightly and Mark found the image a bit breathtaking.




“Hey, I wanna show you something. Are you free right now?”


“I'm free, but aren't you still on the clock?”


“My shift just ended. Come on.” Jinyoung smiled and took Mark's hand, leading him away from the elevator and down the hall. The blonde felt his hand start to sweat a bit and prayed the other didn't notice.


“W-Where are you taking me?” Mark finally asked after they had turned a few corners.


“To the staff lounge.” Jinyoung answered.


“The staff lounge? But I'm not a staff member..”


Jinyoung laughed, “Of course you're not.”


Mark was still confused, but decided to just go with it as Jinyoung continued to pull him along. They finally arrived outside a door with “STAFF” written on it and Jinyoung pulled a keycard out of his pocket, unlocking the door and stepping inside with Mark close behind him.


“Good, there's nobody here.” Jinyoung said with a smile, closing the door behind them. Mark suddenly felt a little nervous.


“W-Why is that good?”


“Because you're not supposed to be here, of course.” The dark-haired male grinned.


“O-Oh...” Mark took the opportunity to look around. This room was less fancy than the rest of the hotel, instead going for a more comfortable and cozy atmosphere. There was a kitchen on the other side of the room as well as a vending machine and multiple armchairs scattered about. “S-So...why did you bring me here again?” Mark asked, trying to fill the awkward silence.


Jinyoung shrugged. “I don't really know.. I just wanted to show you this room, I guess.”


Wow, he sure is hard to believe.


Both male's heads turned at the sound of footsteps outside the door. “,” Jinyoung grabbed Mark's hand again and pulled him toward the closet at the sound of a keycard unlocking the door. The dark-haired male closed the closet door behind both of them and instinctively put a hand over Mark's mouth even though he wasn't talking. They heard two women open the door to the lounge talking about how messy one of the occupant's rooms were, and Mark reached up to remove Jinyoung's hand from his mouth.


“Why are you hiding? I'm the only one who isn't supposed to be here.” Mark whispered.


“Actually...I'm not really supposed to be here either.” Jinyoung whispered back, laughing softly. At Mark's confused look, he elaborated. “This lounge is for maintenance staff. It's actually...a woman's lounge.”


He truly is incredible.


“S-Sorry,” Jinyoung whispered, “I just wanted to explore with you, I guess.”


Mark sighed, smiling reassuringly. “It's okay, it's actually kinda exciting.”


“Yeah, really exciting...”


Mark blushed when he noticed Jinyoung was still holding his hand. He let go and tried to step back a bit, only just realizing how small of a space they were in was. It was also very dark; Mark could hardly make out Jinyoung's facial features. As time went on and the women outside continued to chat, however, Mark's eyes started to adjust to the darkness. He could clearly make out Jinyoung's face now, only causing him to blush at how close it actually was. It seemed like Jinyoung's eyes had adjusted too, because Mark could swear he saw his cheeks redden as well.






“Will you..k-kiss me?”


Mark's stomach erupted with butterflies, heat rushing to his cheeks. The blonde's heart was beating so quickly and loudly, he was almost positive Jinyoung could hear it. Without really even thinking, Mark leaned in and connected their lips.


The kiss was gentle and tentative, but something was definitely hidden beneath it. Before his heart could fail him, Mark pulled away. He wasn't expecting Jinyoung's hands to reach behind his neck and pull him back in, connecting their lips once again.


This kiss was deeper, their lips moving in sync with each other. Mark placed a hand on the door behind Jinyoung to balance himself, wanting to taste more of the male in front of him. Mark felt Jinyoung tug gently on the ends of his hair, an action that turned the blonde on more than it should have. The dark-haired male seemed to be as well because Mark could swear he felt some type of bulge poke his leg.


Jinyoung pulled away first this time, holding onto Mark's shoulders and switching their positions to push the blonde up against the door. Mark watched as Jinyoung grinned, moving in to kiss his neck. The action turned Mark on even more and he shamelessly found himself trying to press his lower half against Jinyoung's to amount to as much friction as possible.


Mark watched with eagerness as Jinyoung slowly lowered himself down to his knees, his hands fumbling with Mark's belt and pant zipper. The blonde blushed, his clearly visible under his pants. Jinyoung undid his pants with ease, lowering them along with his boxers to reveal his .


Jinyoung grinned up at him, taking Mark's in his right hand and beginning to rub it slowly. The recipient sighed with pleasure, raising a hand to run his fingers through his hair.


“You've been working really hard, Mark. Let me help you relax.” Jinyoung mumbled softly, his sultry tone sending shivers up Mark's spine.


The blonde wasn't prepared to feel hot warmth envelope , so when it did, he let out a deep moan.


“Shh...” Jinyoung grinned. “You have you keep quiet if you don't want us to be found out.”


Mark nodded, placing a hand over his mouth to keep himself from making more noise. The warmth returned to his , causing his knees to buckle. Jinyoung's mouth worked wonders; running up and down his and letting his tongue swirl around the tip teasingly.


“F- Jinyoung...” The blonde whispered, a hand coming down to rest on the back of Jinyoung's head.


Mark's hips moved on their own, ing into Jinyoung's hot cavern slowly. The other didn't really seem to mind, so Mark continued. His s gradually became faster, his moans muffled by his own hand.


The talking in the lounge soon stopped, but neither of the males noticed because of Mark's heavy breathing.


“S-, Jinyoung... I-I'm gonna !” Mark whisper-shouted, unable to control his s anymore.


Jinyoung's hands moved up and pressed Mark's hips against the door to stop him from ing. The blonde allowed him to take control again, heat pooling in the bottom of his stomach. Jinyoung brought one hand back to Mark's , jerking it quickly while having his tongue work around the tip. He pulled his mouth away to grin up at the mess above him. “ for me, Mark.”


Once the dark-haired male's mouth returned to his throbbing heat, Mark toppled over the edge. He released into Jinyoung's mouth, strings of shooting down his throat as he attempted to swallow it all. In the midst of his ecstasy, Mark threw his head back with a gasp, bumping it on the door with a 'thump'.


Jinyoung pulled away from Mark and his lips, grinning. “You must have been keeping that bottled up for a while.”


Mark blushed dark red, reaching down to pull his boxers and pants back up. “S-Sorry...”


Jinyoung shook his head and stood up. “Don't apologize,” he leaned in close to Mark's ear and whispered, “I swallowed it all.”


The blonde shivered at the thought, his twitching back to life slightly. “D-do you need me to... y-you know...”


Jinyoung smiled. “It's okay, I can deal with mine in my room.” He pecked Mark's lips quickly. “But you can repay the favor tomorrow night.”


Mark blushed at the thought, excited to find out what tomorrow held for them.



Night 4:


The contract had finally been made and Mark's retail store now had a new distributor. Just when he thought this day couldn't get any better, Jinyoung popped up into his mind. He had been thinking about the dark-haired male periodically throughout the day. The favor he was supposed to repay Jinyoung acted as a sort of catalyst for Mark as he did business with the distributor. Now that he was finally back in his own hotel room, all he had to do was wait for Jinyoung to finish his shift.


At about 5 minutes until 9pm, Mark picked up the room's phone and dialed the front desk. He could tell it was Jinyoung when a voice answered, “Hello, this is the front desk. How may I help you?”


“There are many things you could help me with, actually.” Mark grinned.






“And what, exactly, can I help you with?” Mark could tell Jinyoung was grinning as well, causing heat to accumulate in his stomach.


“I need you to help me with the TV in my room, it doesn't seem to be working. But don't send up a mechanic, I want you to come look at it.”


Jinyoung seemed to get the message. “My shift ends in 4 minutes. I'll come straight up.”


“I can't wait.” Mark smiled, biting his lip.


“Well, you'll have to wait. It's only 4 minutes.” He could hear Jinyoung laugh softly on the other end.


“Okay fine. I'll see you soon.”


“See you soon.”


Those were the longest 4 minutes of his life.


Mark made sure the room was spotless, even the shower in case Jinyoung wanted to take one after. After taking a once-over about 3 times, he heard a knock on his door. Twitching with excitement, Mark made his way to the door and slowly opened it.


“I heard you needed some help with your TV?”


Mark froze, his stomach dropping. It was a mechanic.


What the hell are you playing at, Jinyoung?


“U-um..actually, I think it just started working again. Thanks!” He closed the door before the man could say anything else.


He's not really bailing on me, is he?


Mark walked over to his bed and sat down, tapping his foot on the floor impatiently. He was uncomfortably on edge.


It was only a prank, right? I bet he'll be here any minute laughing in my face for falling for it.


Another 4 minutes went by, feeling even longer than the last 4 (if that was possible). Then another 4, then 10.


Unable to wait any longer, Mark called the front desk again. This time, the voice wasn't familiar. “Hello, this is the front desk. How may I help you?”


“Is Park Jinyoung there?”


“The owner?”


“No, his son. He works at the front desk too. I think his shift just ended.”


“Oh, he's not here right now.”


“Okay, thanks.”


Mark hung up.


If he's not there, where the hell did he go? I swear, when I find him he'll be the one paying me a favor.


Mark left his room and made his way to the 1st floor, heading straight for the bar. When he got there, no familiar figure sat on that certain stool, instead occupied by some other hotel guest. Mark sighed with frustration, walking over to the bar. “Hey Yugyeom,” the bartender turned at the sound of his name, “do you happen to know where Jinyoung is right now?”


“Jinyoung? Why?”


“Uh, no reason. I just need to talk to him.” Mark scratched the back of his neck, looking around the room.


“I haven't seen him tonight, but he might be in his room. I can show you where it is after my shift is over, but it may be a while.” Yugyeom offered, drying a wine glass and hanging it from the ceiling.


“That's alright, can you just tell me what room number it is?”


“It doesn't have a number, but it's on this floor. If you go past the front desk to the hallway on the right, it's all the way down on the left.


“Okay, thanks!”


Mark followed Yugyeom's directions, which ended up bringing him to the entrance to the pool room.


Okay, he's gotta be playing some prank on me.


Mark reached for the handle, expecting the room to be locked since it was after pool hours, but it surprisingly wasn't. He entered tentatively, looking around for any trace of Jinyoung. He was just about to turn around and go back to his own room when he noticed a piece of paper hanging on the door to the hot tub room.


The blonde walked toward the sign and noticed something written on it in red marker. 'Well? Was it funny? It's your last night here, I thought I should mess around with you a bit, and I mean that in multiple ways. ;)'


Mark huffed when he finished reading, shaking his head with a smirk.


This guy really is unbelievable.


Mark reached for the handle and pushed the door open, finding Jinyoung sitting inside the hot, bubbling water. When he noticed the door open, his head turned to look straight at Mark.


“Finally! What took you so long?” He was grinning, a mischievous expression on his face.


“You little er.” Mark grinned, shaking his head.


“Hey, you can't deny that it was clever.”


Mark just laughed, closing the door behind him.


“Well, what are you waiting for?”


That was all the invitation Mark needed.


The blonde pulled his shirt over his head, enjoying how Jinyoung's gaze never left him. He tossed the clothing aside, reaching down to undo his belt and pant zipper. He slipped off his shoes and socks then pulled his pants down, his boxers coming off with him. He was already semi-hard at the thought as he stepped into the water, sighing a bit as he got used to the hot temperature.


Jinyoung watched him as he climbed in and sat beside him, biting his lips. Mark turned to gaze back at him, neither saying anything. After what seemed like ages of them just staring at each other, Mark finally made the first move and leaned in to kiss Jinyoung. The dark-haired male responded eagerly, leaning into the kiss and placing a hand on the back of Mark's neck. The blonde slid his tongue inside Jinyoung's mouth, wrestling the other's tongue with his own.


Between kisses, Mark reached his hands under the water and grabbed Jinyoung's waist, pulling him on top of his lap so that he was facing him. Both of them blushed slightly when their s brushed against each other, but they continued kissing without any interruptions.


Feeling courageous and wanting to take control first, Mark's hand slipped down and gently gripped Jinyoung's . The other bit Mark's lip in response, making the blonde even more . Mark pulled away from the kiss and began to on Jinyoung's neck. As he did so, his hand began pumping the ravenette's member. Jinyoung moaned, holding on tightly to Mark's shoulders.


The blonde continued his hand's motions, rubbing Jinyoung's base and occasionally using his thumb to tease the tip, until the male on top of him was a mess of moans.


“A-ah.. Mark...” Mark loved the way he moaned his name, his own throbbing from neglect.


After a few more s of his fist, Mark felt a hand grab onto his wrist and stop him. Confused, the blonde looked up at the other male.


“I-I want to go to my room.”




Jinyoung shakily stood up and stepped out of the hot tub with some help from Mark, then reached for a clean towel and wrapped himself in it. Mark did the same, drying himself off a bit before grabbing his clothes from the ground.


The dark-haired male grabbed his own clothes then reached for Mark's hand, leading him out of the pool room and down the hall. They stopped in front of a door after turning a corner and Jinyoung fumbled around with the pocket of his pants before pulling out a keycard, sliding it into the door. He led Mark inside, closing the door behind him. Both males dropped their clothing the second the door shut and Mark was quick the pin Jinyoung to the back of the door by his wrists.


“There better not be any more interruptions.” Mark said with a grin and Jinyoung laughed.


“I promise, there won't be.”


Mark leaned in to kiss him again, this one short compared to the others because he soon moved back to where he had been working on Jinyoung's neck. The other let out a satisfied sigh, closing his eyes. Mark let go of Jinyoung's wrists and reached down to undo the towels wrapped around both of them. Holding onto his hips, the blonde picked Jinyoung off the ground and guided his legs to wrap around his waist. Mark then carried him to the bed, laying him down and climbing on top of him.


Mark moved a hand down to grab at Jinyoung's once again, wasting no time and rubbing it roughly. The recipient grunted in surprise as he felt warm chills spreading throughout his body. Mark grinned when he heard Jinyoung moan out his name a few more times, his heart beating faster now that he had full control of what was about to happen.


“You're beautiful,” the blonde found himself saying, blushing a bit when Jinyoung opened his eyes at that and smiled up at him.


“Only when I'm your name with pleasure?” He teased and Mark laughed, tugging on Jinyoung's a bit harder and soliciting a gasp from the boy below him.


“You've always been beautiful, but my name enhances it.” Mark enjoyed the lustful look Jinyoung sported at his words, the male reaching up and pulling Mark's face down to his yet again. Between kisses, the blonde managed to breathe out a few words, “Do you have-”


Jinyoung cut him off, knowing exactly what he was about to ask. “Bottom drawer.” His words were muffled by Mark's lips, but the male on top heard him perfectly.


Mark momentarily released Jinyoung's member to reached for the bottom drawer of the bedside table, his hand feeling for and finding a small bottle of lube as well as a box of condoms. He pulled his mouth away from Jinyoung when he found what he desired, sitting up as he closed the drawer.


“These are new.” Mark mused, opening the box and pulling out a packaged .


“I-I bought them yesterday.” Jinyoung was blushing, which somehow only turned Mark on more.


The blonde grinned, grabbing the lube and squirting some of the clear gel onto his fingers. He was shaking with nerves, yet somehow he managed to keep his hand steady as he brought it between Jinyoung's legs. “Ready?”


The dark-haired male nodded, also nervous like Mark but more eager than ever. Mark leaned down to kiss Jinyoung again as he pressed a finger inside of him. Jinyoung took in a sharp breath against Mark's lips, holding on to the blonde's shoulders. Mark him gently, deepening the kiss as he stuck his tongue inside. He soon slid another lubricated finger inside him and massaged his entrance, jumping a bit when Jinyoung bit onto his lip in response.


“S-sorry,” he mumbled, a bit embarrassed. Mark just smiled and kissed him again, feeling a sudden burst of adoration for the male below him.


He then inserted a third finger and panicked a bit when Jinyoung grunted with pain. “A-are you okay?”


Jinyoung let out the breath he was holding and loosened the tight grip he currently had on Mark's shoulders. “Y-yeah, I'm f-fine.”


Mark not only adored the boy below him, he admired him for letting the blonde do what he was doing.


Jinyoung relaxed a bit as he got used to the feeling of his three fingers. Feeling a bit sorry that Mark's hard was being neglected, he reached for the small package beside him and opened it. Mark watched him as he lowered his hands and slowly rolled the latex onto his excited . Jinyoung then grabbed the lube beside him and squirted some onto his own fingers. He brought his hand down again and held onto Mark, his thumb circling around the tip. He then he spread the lube around his entire shaft, Mark's breath hitching as the cool lube surrounded his hot, over the .


Mark removed his fingers so quickly that Jinyoung gasped at the sudden emptiness. His heart was beating irregularly as he grabbed his newly lubricated and positioned it at Jinyoung's entrance. He pressed the tip against him as his lips found their way to Jinyoung's.


For the second time today, Mark asked the male below him if he was ready. For the second time today, Jinyoung nodded.


Mark's hips forward slowly, immediately enveloped by Jinyoung's . The latter let out a whimper, wrapping his arms around Mark's neck. The blonde froze his actions for a minute, not only because Jinyoung needed time to adjust, but Mark needed it as well. The tightness was incredible, making his muscles weak.


By the time Jinyoung mumbled that the other could start moving, Mark was already shaking with anticipation. He drew his hips back slowly then immediately bucked back inside him, both of the males gasping at the sensation.


“F-...” Mark breathed, his eyes shut tight.


“That's right, Mark. F- me...hard.” Jinyoung added, lust laced into his voice. The blonde wasn't really expecting Jinyoung to , but he was not complaining.


Mark obeyed the other's orders, his hips ing at a fast yet steady pace. Jinyoung moaned his name, causing his to pulsate inside of him. Jinyoung's constant grunts of “harder” sent Mark's hormones into a type of frenzy. He pounded into him, thirsting for Jinyoung's moans of approval. Mark wanted to find his prostate, but with their current position, he was having a bit of trouble. Without warning, the blonde slid out of the male below him and stood up from the bed. Jinyoung gasped at the loss, his eyes shooting open and staring at Mark.


“W-what are you doing!?” he whined, propping himself up on his shoulders.


Mark grinned at Jinyoung's reaction, finding it utterly adorable at how needy he was. “Come here.”


Jinyoung didn't hesitate. He slid to the side of the bed and stood, feeling Mark's hands holding onto his waist and turning him around. He bent Jinyoung over the bed and the dark-haired male let him, resting his forearms on the mattress. He spread his own legs a bit, eager for Mark to just get on with it and continue ing him. “I-I need you back inside me..Now.”


Mark suppressed a laugh as he fulfilled Jinyoung's request, ing deep inside his once again. The blonde grinned at his success when he hit a spot that had Jinyoung's knees buckling. He groaned Mark's name, giving him all the more motivation to pound that same spot and make Jinyoung weaker and weaker for his . Both of the males were a mess of moans and pleasure, feeling more and more heat accumulating in the pit of their stomachs. They felt their balls swell, eager for release.


“I-I'm gonna c-!” Jinyoung confessed, his hands gripping the sheets tightly.


“M-me too!” Mark's breath was heavy, his hands unsure of where to hold any more as they ran up and down Jinyoung's back.


The dark-haired male reached out for Mark's hands, pulling them closer so that he was hugging Jinyoung's torso as they both hit their limits. Jinyoung released ropes of onto the sheets, much louder than before, if that was even possible. Upon hearing the noises Jinyoung was making, Mark's hips bucked forward and he came hard into the . He hugged the other's torso tightly as he shuddered, ing through his and leaving both of the males overwhelmed with pleasure.


Once they both recovered a bit from their highs, Mark reluctantly slid himself out of Jinyoung. Although his legs were quivering, Jinyoung straightened his back and turned around to face the other. Both were blushing with lust and breathing hard, eyes clouded from their s. Jinyoung smiled, leaning forward and kissing Mark deeply.


Looks like Mark would be visiting his new distributor often.

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SeSa2015, 2016.10.11: One more gift for a pitch hitcher will be posted in a few days. Please look forward to it~


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Chapter 64: So cute <3
Chapter 5: It's so sad that i just got to know about this later.
Chapter 44: this is the sweetest and the most well written one shot so far. plus i adore the idea of jaebum as a father of an adorable
lil five year old.
Chapter 67: Whoop! Hopefully the other two writers get their stories as well!
amatsukishi #5
Chapter 20: I'm in love with this story. I really love a good long read. Ty to the one who made this.
JinyoungsMark #6
Chapter 66: Yes..markjin!! I hope authornim update the sequel..Fighting!!
Chapter 6: I think its better for you to include pairing along with fic title, author + for who...
JinyoungsMark #8
Chapter 42: I love this authornim..2jae is soo sweet rooting for mark to ask out jinyoungie..soo cute!! ^.^
Chapter 5: Can't wait for Christmas to be near again, I want to join again. This was the first event that I joined and it turned out fun ^^
mxwang #10
Chapter 20: Wah so long. But love it <3