Happy Holidays, matrix76

Who's My IGOT7 Santa? 2015

Gift for matrix76

Gift from ???

Title of the gift: A Belated Plane Romance

Pairing: OCxJB (I'm actually not sure how to word the pairing.. there's a main character named Sohee who is paired with JB)

How many words: Word shows it as 3881 words

Rating: E for everyone? I guess it's fluff.

Warnings: None

Note to my giftee: I'm not good at one shots I guess, I hope you still like it. And I hope you can imagine the rest because it was more like the beginnings of a relationship. Merry Christmas!

A Belated Plane Romance


“Passport,” the short man behind the desk commands. Obeying without any questions is Sohee who is going on one of her countless trips to the U.S., although her first one on her own. With fumbling hands she hands her renewed passport to the short impatient man. Making sure to fix her dress, and pulling at it to make it stay, she waits until the worker is done, and finally breathes a sigh of relief.

She hurriedly pulls her carry-on to the side in order not to cause any troubles for other passengers. Sitting at a nearby bench she carefully organizes her tiny purse with a few important necessities, and then sets off to find her gate. Her worries that were once bottled in her mind are now reflected onto her eyes, and worsening by making their way down to .

She tries to keep calm with encouraging words to herself, “it’s okay you can find your way. You’re a big kid now. You made it to University you can make it onto a plane. Then the pilot will do all the work from there! And then when you get to America BAM! You’re safe because your uncle is waiting right there!” Keeping up with the whispers to herself, she doesn’t notice how crowded the airport has gotten. Even being pushed around doesn’t take her attention off of her worries. Because, what if she can’t make it all the way to America on her own?!

The crowded airport is sending off the popular boy group GOT7 from Korea to America, where they have a concert in a few different states. They walk through the airport with their bright smiles, easily getting everything done as they’ve been to the airport many times within the past two years, traveling from one country to the next. Singing, dancing, and meeting international fans all over the world.

The members are joking around when Jinyoung spots Sohee pass by, talking to herself, “it must be her first time going on a plane, seeing as she looks so afraid,” he comments nudging a very excited Mark.

“Hmm,” Mark answers not interested. Jaebum, hearing the small conversation follows her right out of sight.

“Worried?” Jinyoung teases.

“No,” Jaebum answers too fast.

“What’s going on?” Jackson asks sniffing the gossip.

“Nothing,” Jaebum answers matching his stare with Jinyoungs. Jaebum does simply believe that it was nothing, however he also knows that this ‘news’ would be a great chew-toy to wear out for the rest of s.

Safely getting to the gate has calmed Sohee down just enough for her to remember just how much she couldn’t sleep last night. The past couple of weeks have been hectic what with it being finals season and everything. Final after final after final. Her last final was the morning before her flight, which only made things harder.

Sohee goes on a little adventure to find some place to drink coffee, as missing her flight is a big worry. If she falls asleep here she’ll die!.. Or just take the next flight if she isn’t being so dramatic. After finding an expensive bar, she settles down and orders a coffee. The bartender spits out a fancy name for the drink however as Sohee doesn’t have the energy to think that hard, she just waves her hand and agrees.

Gulping down two cups in 15 minutes, Sohee heads back to the waiting area, and fulfills the purpose of the room. She waits.

After they get through their gate, Jackson suggests treating s to some food. However after remembering the prices at the airport they decide to settle for the lunch boxes Jinyoung prepared instead.

Happily they eat, spotting the same crazy girl sitting alone, staring at the door they are meant to step through later. Jaebum figures they are on the same flight as the girl at the same time as Jinyoung, meeting eyes once more.

“Should I call her over to eat with us? It’s just that she looks a little scared,” Jinyoung threatens to call Sohee over with his eye smile.

“You just try.” Jinyoung knows that’s nothing but a threat. He could totally still call her over just to be annoying, however he wants to keep all body parts where they’re meant to be.

An hour of waiting later Sohee finally gets on board, and is about to clap. Thinking to herself that most clap at the end of the journey, and that it would be odd if she alone were to clap for simply getting on, she stops herself.

Finding her seat is made easier thanks to a hostess that is standing at the front of the plane, helping passengers by telling them where to look for their seat. With that little assistance, Sohee easily finds her seat. As she had planned ahead and checked in online, she picked a window seat. Oh, the glory.

Finally, Sohee thinks, I can let go of this pesky carry-on, having to carry it around is harder than she expected. She lifts her pink luggage with all her might only to put it right back down. First of all it’s too heavy, and second of all, she made a mistake by wearing such a short skirted dress, it rode up when she raised her hands. While staring at her troublesome luggage with regret, she starts getting anxious again. I bet everyone’s staring at me. She looks around only to confirm her worries, there are a few eyes on her waiting for her to complete her task and get out of their way.

Trying to mentally prepare herself, Sohee clears and bends down to pick up her carry-on one more time. Lifting it up to her waist she pauses and looks up. With all her might she takes the next step, and with an audible grunt she lifts her bag up over her head. At this point, it’s all on her mental power, can she force herself to make the small movement it takes to stuff the luggage into the overhead compartment? Ladies and gentlemen she does it! With a flick of her wrist she pushes it forward and the bag flops right into the compartment leaving a panting Sohee below. With a proud look on her face, she fixes her dress and takes her seat.

Let the wait begin! Being used to waiting on planes, Sohee is prepared and pulls out her iPod in one hand her, and a book in her other. Ever the prepared little nineteen year old, she also pulls out a small snack to tide herself over until the planes weird dinner. Smiling to herself she opens up the blind next to her and stares outside waiting for the exciting lift.

She turns to her left just as seven handsome boys walk over and start sitting down one by one. They seem to be a little late, and Sohee can’t believe how relaxed they look in their fancy clothing. If she was late, and wearing such uncomfortable clothing she wouldn’t look so cool and relaxed. Heck, she’s comfortable and came early, and she still doesn’t look that cool. It’s as if they walked right off the runway and onto the plane, she thinks.

After realizing a member has to take the seat next to Sohee, who they keep noticing, Jinyoung orders all members to sit anywhere but there, making sure Jaebum is the one to sit in the designated spot. Jaebum, like the man he is, simply says, “I’ll see you guys later,” raising his pointer finger in a threat, and sits next to the mystery girl.

Sohee hurriedly looks away as an orange haired Jaebum examines the numbers and makes his way over to the empty seat next to her. She squishes closer to the window and looks out while feeling his presence get closer and sink into the seat next to her. She feels him settle down and can’t help the glances she’s stealing from him. She’s nervous… and he’s hot. While stealing glances she also notices the hotter blonde Jackson next to him. She had spread the plane blanket over her bare legs in an attempt to get comfortable under it, but was it getting hot on the plane or what?

Trying to distract herself she picks her book up from her lap and flips to her bookmarked page. She skims through to find her spot and reads in her head, He slammed her against the wall and got closer to her. Another inch and the two would be touching. Another two and she could feel his lips. She closed her eyes, her heart smashing against her ribcage, waiting for the magical moment to swoop her off her feet. Then it finally happened, the smash his lips onto hers started a wild fi-

Sohee can’t read on any longer, she shakes her head to clear it of any thoughts. The plane keeps getting hotter and hotter and all she is wearing is her dress. It isn’t as if she can just take it off, and if the blanket is lifted her skirt is too short to stay in place. She looks to her left one more time and comes eye to eye with the stranger. She smiles in an attempt to make it look like she isn’t a ert, and gives herself whiplash while turning back to the window.

Keeping her eyes on the road below is a harder task than she can manage so she decides to steal one last glance to her left. Right as she turns her head around, she sees Jaebum scanning her from next to her. Her jaw dropping to the floor she can’t keep her bewilderment hidden and scoffs. Misunderstanding what was really going on in his head, she turns her head away without saying anything, thinking she’s being the bigger person by letting him off.

In reality, Jaebum is looking at her blanket, trying to figure out how to get one for himself. He understands what this strange woman is thinking but does not fix her. Realizing that that’s a mistake he tries tapping her shoulder. Him, and s are on the line here, what if she’s a sasaeng fan who will spread false rumours about us? She looked so innocent from the outside a little while ago, but now she poses a real threat.

She is astonished that he has the guts to even look at her when she caught him red handed! What does he want? She thinks. Nonetheless, with a worrying mind she turns around to face him with the meanest look she can muster. “Yes?” she asks.

With a purpose in mind, he starts talking, “I was just wondering where you got your blanket? I don’t have one and yours doesn’t seem to be your own as I noticed the logo on the corner.” He states nearly everything that went through his mind at that moment, leaving out that she was kind of right in her assumptions. In order not to look like a ert, he had to filter his thoughts, and put on an innocent looking expression. He couldn’t have just said he wasn’t a ert and have her believe it right away. Those acting lessons came in handy today.

She is embarrassed of her own vain thoughts. “Oh,” is all she can say before she realizes the man in front of her is asking her a question. “The blanket…” she starts, thinking back to where she got the blanket from. “Oh yeah, it could be here,” she says reaching forward for the pouch in front of the man next to her, and digging through to find his blanket.

Jaebum is taken aback from this sudden closeness, and is thankful that this mystery woman has given him the gift of warmth. From his many trips abroad, he knows how cold a plane can get, and he had already packed his coat away before boarding the plane. He expresses his gratitude with a simple, “thank you,” and turns away to plug his earbuds back in. Sohee simply nods.

He thinks to himself that he has to stop his nasty ways, and focus on performing in America. It isn’t as if he can date right now anyways, only two years of his three year ‘no-dating contract’ have ended. What am I thinking?! The contract has nothing to do with anything! You don’t date random women that you just met and checked out! Get your senses straight, he thinks and closes his eyes, trying to sleep.

As time goes on, Sohee can neither think about how tired she is nor can she think about Jaebum next to her. All that goes through her mind is how badly she needs to go to the washroom, and how badly her bladder is hurting. She tries to hold it in until the end of the flight, however with three hours remaining she might just combust if she tries to move. If she had only eaten the dinner on the plane without drinking the coffee before the flight she might have made it to The States safely. She knew coffee made her like this, so she couldn’t remember what on earth made her think she should drink it. Plane toilets are the most disgusting toilets on earth, and she saw more than a hundred people enter and leave the tiny washroom on this flight alone.

She decides to go to the washroom throwing away her last bit of hygiene. Health is always more important, all she has to do is wash herself in bleach when she gets to her uncles house.

Jaebum watches Sohee from the side, trying to figure out why she is squirming in her seat. Before he can close his eyes back up pretending to sleep, she catches him. “Excuse me?” she says to him in her urgent state. He sighs, and reaches into his backpack tucked under the seat before him, pulling out a pen and paper.

Signing it right before her eyes, he asks “name?” He knew she must have been a fan, or else why would she keep staring at him all flight long? He thinks to himself that if he can just smile through this flight, he can avoid the negative comments online.

“Sohee,” she answers in bewilderment. “I mean no wait! That’s not what I was asking.” She has a hard time understanding the situation, and can’t believe this guy has the nerve to give her his signature. She stands up in fury before the strange man can hand her the piece of paper, taking away her last shred of pride. “I just wanted to get through,” she says firmly and makes her way before Jaebum can react.

Just as she’s passing by Jackson, she feels herself lose balance due to a sudden turbulence in the plane. She squints her eyes while trying to grab onto something, anything! As long as she just doesn’t fall onto the man below her. Just as she grabs the seat in front of her, she feels a hand pushing on her , and springs right back up into the hallway. Looking back with daggers in her eyes, she sees the orange haired man looking at her with wide eyes and an extended hand.

Jaebum opens his mouth to explain what he was trying to do, but without listening Sohee stomps away. He sighs dropping his head down. When he looks back up he sees Mark and Junior in the aisle next to Jackson covering their mouths while snickering. He shuts his eyes, and forms his mouth in a straight line before retreating back to his original position. Eyes closed, straight back, crossed arms. Ready to sleep, and yet nothing seems so far from sleep. Remembering his signature on his lap he looks down.

“Sohee,” he whispers to himself, and then sighs out of frustration. Pulling off the cap from his pen once more, he writes an apology next to her name, and stuffs it into the pouch next to him, making sure the apology peeks out.

Sohee is replaying the whole moment forwards and backwards in her mind while having troubles with her diarrhea. “Creep!” She whisper shouts. I mean I get it, but still, she pouts.

Once she’s done in the washroom, she can’t seem to move her feet forward. She doesn’t want to have to be stuck in that seat for three more hours. Her legs are numb, and a ert is in the seat next to her. A hot ert… “Arg,” she makes a noise while shaking her legs, and then with determined steps, she speed-walks to her seat. She notices that the blonde boy has awoken, and is giving her an “I’m sorry” smile. She can tell that the other man has told this one. She meets eyes with the culprit, and then with a sigh she shuffles to her seat, making sure to grab onto the seats in front of her. She doesn’t want to be showing them her bum, but it seems to be better than meeting eye to eye.

Sohee sits in her seat with a huff, and turns to the window where she see that the sun has come up by the time she came back. She leans her head to the hard wall of the plane and finally notices the signature in her pouch. She reaches forward and snatches it.

Jaebum who notices this keeps watch through the corner of his eye, waiting for her positive reaction. When she doesn’t react and just places it back in the pouch, he can’t say it didn’t hurt his feelings a little. Ungrateful, It’s my fault for writing it. Rolling his eyes shut he sinks into his seat with an angry expression. Sohee who sees this is merely amused.

Jackson, watching the two from his seat smells the gossip and makes sure to engrave this into his mind, however turning to the other boys he notices Jinyoung and Mark watching with great interest as well. They smile at each other trying to suppress their laughter. Through their eyes they say we’ll talk later, nod and turn back to watching the couple by the window.

Jaebum feels the sun directly hitting his eyes and opens them with fury. Taking a deep breath he slowly lets it out before tapping Sohee on the shoulder one more time. “Excuse me?”

Sohee turns to look at him and then before he can say anything she turns back, plucking the piece of paper from her pouch and the pen from his pouch. She slowly uncaps it and signs it extravagantly on the back before handing it over. “Here,” she winks as she slams it into his chest.

Although he was embarrassed Jaebum can’t help but be impressed by this attractive woman beside him. “Thanks but I was just going to ask if you could shut the blinds,” he says as they hear snickers from their left. They see Jaebum’s members unsuccessfully trying to hold in their laughter. It comes out as a form of wheezing and snorting instead.

“Your friends?” Sohee asks, starting up a conversation with this unapproachably attractive, rude man.

Jaebum is shocked with her question, “so you really don’t know us then?” he asks. I thought you could be a sasaeng.

“So you’re actually famous?” she returns. I thought you were just stuck-up.

“I guess not,” Jaebum answers with a chuckle. “We are a group called GOT7, we are from JYP…”

“And your name?” she asks.

Jaebum holds up the paper with his signature saying, “it’s Jaebum, or JB, my stage name.”

Sohee nods and smiles. “Jaebum it is then.” Sohee holds out her hand for a meeting shake, or you could also call it a peace handshake as well. She felt nothing but tortured this whole flight, when she could have been having fun with this handsome singer… or rapper? Jaebum shakes it, getting “ohh”’s from around.

After the joke she made, she was feeling giddier, and more comfortable around Jaebum. It was such a pity to have just met him and be losing him so soon.

“I’m Jackson,” she hears from the boy next to Jaebum, and smiles as she looks up.

“Mark.” She looks further.

“Jinyoung.” The other boys introduce themselves after eavesdropping the whole plane ride.

Sohee thinks that’s all when she hears the row behind her start, “Youngjae.”



Sohee whips her head around and waits. “Is it done?” she whispers, giving Jaebum a quick glance.

“And the row in front of us are our managers but they’re probably sleeping,” he laughs.

“Okay that is a lot,” she clears and then with a smile she adds, “I’m Sohee.”

“We know,” Jinyoung says from the side, cracking everyone up. Mark is clinging onto Jinyoung while laughing his off. Everyone is having a hard time breathing, and are all holding their stomachs from the pain of laughing until Jaebum takes matters into his own hands.

“Shh! We’re on a plane!” he whisper shouts.

“This is your captain speaking,” they all hear at that moment, and can’t help the pang of sadness they all feel. The plane ride is coming to an end.

It’s a bitter sweet end, with everyone able to stretch out their sore legs. Sohee sighs looking at her carry-on once more and takes a deep breath to reach up when she sees Jaebum’s arm reach faster. He lifts it in one fell swoop and safely places it to the floor.

“Thanks,” Sohee blushes. She tries to conceal her feelings, this is the last time you see him, just don’t ruin anything and end things on a good note.

Jaebum smiles at her and making a line they leave the airplane.

In the U.S. airport, they all wait in different lines. Jaebum and Sohee are silently watching over each other, making sure not to lose each other before one last conversation.

GOT7 walk over to the luggage area first, and as everyone else is looking for their bags, Jaebum is waiting for Sohee to appear. When he finally see her off in the distance, he runs to her.

She isn’t expecting this and is surprised, in a good way.

Jaebum clears his throat, “Hey.”

“Hey,” she smiles.

“So, um,” she nods for him to continue. Getting courage from her small movement he doesn’t beat around the bush and just pounces, “can I have your number?” he asks.

She’s flustered, but acts confident, “only if I can have yours.” Wow, a plane romance.

Jaebum is taken aback and pulls out his phone before she can refuse, “I thought that was how it was supposed to be. You give yours, I give mine.”

Switching phones, Sohee and Jaebum enter their numbers in with mouths to their ears. They walk to the luggage area together and then they finally have to part because of Jaebum’s schedules.

“Mine is just a Korean number by the way, so I won’t be getting any messages for a month,” Sohee pops on him last minute.

“Oh.” Jaebum sounds upset.

“Sorry,” Sohee looks down.

“Well, I have a ‘no-dating contract’ for three years and only two years are up. So I guess we’re even.”

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Thank you!
SeSa2015, 2016.10.11: One more gift for a pitch hitcher will be posted in a few days. Please look forward to it~


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Chapter 64: So cute <3
Chapter 5: It's so sad that i just got to know about this later.
Chapter 44: this is the sweetest and the most well written one shot so far. plus i adore the idea of jaebum as a father of an adorable
lil five year old.
Chapter 67: Whoop! Hopefully the other two writers get their stories as well!
amatsukishi #5
Chapter 20: I'm in love with this story. I really love a good long read. Ty to the one who made this.
JinyoungsMark #6
Chapter 66: Yes..markjin!! I hope authornim update the sequel..Fighting!!
Chapter 6: I think its better for you to include pairing along with fic title, author + for who...
JinyoungsMark #8
Chapter 42: I love this authornim..2jae is soo sweet rooting for mark to ask out jinyoungie..soo cute!! ^.^
Chapter 5: Can't wait for Christmas to be near again, I want to join again. This was the first event that I joined and it turned out fun ^^
mxwang #10
Chapter 20: Wah so long. But love it <3