Happy Holidays, heclgehog

Who's My IGOT7 Santa? 2015

Gift for heclgehog

Gift from ???

Title of the gift: One and Only Mate

Pairing: (subtle) Jaebum x BamBam

How many words: 6,311

Rating: PG

Warnings: Might contain some cringe-worthy fluff

Note to my giftee: I’m sorry for not making it the best as I could! I originally wanted to add more in the middle with action and adventure but I turned out to have no time so I cut it off :(. And I’m just so used to writing serious fantasy it might’ve taken itself a bit seriously here too… again, I’m so sorry, but I hope the story is still okay with you and you enjoy it some bit! I also tried tying it to a bit Christmas, and you might’ve also noticed that the personalities of the two main characters aren’t exactly 100% like their real ones but I kind of did that on purpose because I thought it’d be a bit refreshing to see them with different personalities haha. And then you said you wanted some cliché so I made it a bit fluffy. Overall, hope you like it and Merry Christmas!

One and Only Mate


That kid was fast.

In a few seconds, he had jumped from one train box to another thrice, swiftly weaving through the unmoving crowd effortlessly. His speed was both astonishing and unnerving.

Not to mention unusual for a normal Ord to have, in this dream BamBam was having.

Ord was just a name he had come up with for those unmoving people with blank, hollow stares. They were just figments of his dreams, parts of the different scenes his mind – or sometimes other people’s minds – made up every night. They were just ordinary projections of people. In his dreams there would always be Ords because he deliberately put them there; they made the nightly adventures seem more realistic, more like he was just in a different world to escape the real world, in one he could control by his own will.

And BamBam could. He could manipulate the dreams he had every night: where he wanted to be, when he wanted it to be, and what he wanted to be doing. As a matter of fact, normal people had the ability, too, even though only a small proportion of the world knew this. Their brains just weren’t developed enough, so they could only alter their dreams unconsciously, and they didn’t even know their brains were doing that. But BamBam… he was different. He was a special kind of person.

Not only could he control his own dreams, he could also tap into other people’s and change theirs, too.


The strange kid in dark jeans and a back hoodie landed in the train cart BamBam was sitting in. For the first time ever he was confused; this was his dream, so everything was supposed to go his way. He’d just imagined a midnight train going high speed on a never-ending railway, so he could sit and feel the speed the whole night before waking up to the uninteresting life he was leading. He would’ve known if he’d decided to add a reckless teenage boy swinging around the train carts, right?

Something was off. This boy didn’t feel like a part of his dream. He felt like a… an outsider.

But that’s impossible. I’m the only one who can jump into other people’s dreams and make my own.

Aren’t I?

Suddenly, the boy in dark turned his head of green-greyish hair – apparently dyed, what an awesome color, how did BamBam ever come up with giving an Ord that hair color? – as if looking for something. Then his eyes met BamBam’s.

The shorter boy held still in his seat, not even breathing. He didn’t need to program whether he would be breathing or not in his dreams unless he was dreaming about swimming in the deep ocean or flying in outer space, so it didn’t really matter since the real him was breathing peacefully on his small bed at home.

Something flashed in the boy’s eyes, but was it surprise? Confusion? BamBam couldn’t decipher himself because he then noticed the energy from the boy, and it was different from the energy of his own, which should’ve been on everything in his dream. So that meant the boy was not from his dream. Which could only mean –

In a movement quicker than lightning, the boy turned and jumped out of the open-doored train cart. BamBam jumped from his seat and bolted to the door, holding onto the pole beside to not fall down to the maybe-never-ending abyss, afraid that the boy had fallen to his death.

But as he looked down, he saw something like a white light flying away.

Leaving him standing there, confused, shocked, and utterly bewildered.




A frustrated rustle of paper.

“But this isn’t high school,” a voice said, echoing through the whole lecture hall.

At 8:56 in the morning, the general atmosphere in a classroom could be classified into two: sleepy and full of the smell of coffee, or bustling and noisy because people would be ranting to others about how late they’d stayed up for a paper, clubbing, or even just sleeping.

There were people who went to sleep at 10 p.m. and would still complain it wasn’t enough. BamBam knew that too well.

It was Tuesday, the second day of school, so people were mostly just catching up on how other’s summer break went, or meeting new people in this Human Religious class of 120 students. The classroom was buzzing with energy, but with his hood on and head down, BamBam estimated that it would take approximately 9 days for it to change into the dead, stressed atmosphere hanging around like a never-leaving cloud.

More than a hundred pairs of eyes suddenly turned to the boy in the front, standing before the professor with just the lecture stand in between them. The boy, in contrast to the professor, was tall and lean, with his backpack slung over one shoulder, and although his back was to the class, it was obvious that he was upset.

Or, to be more specific, annoyed.

“In this class, you are required to sign in on this sheet when you enter – “ the professor was explaining while pushing his glasses up, clearly appalled.

“But also when we leave, you said. Like checking in and out of a hotel.”

“I wouldn’t really put it that way – “

“Aren’t we supposed to have more freedom in college? Aren’t we supposed to be able to leave whenever we want to? If I want to leave in the middle of your class, I should be able to without you physically attaining me. I mean, it’s my free will to leave or stay. Why would you still want to be monitoring us like a kindergarten teacher?”`

A few snickers arose among the seats, along with a few gasps and laughs. “What a blow to the professor’s ego,” commented a girl just a few seats away from BamBam, in a whispered laugh. The other students around her laughed.

“Stop it, guys. That’s just disrespectful. Try thinking in the professor’s shoes.”

The students around BamBam – and himself too – turned behind them to look at the girl who had just spoken up, although still in a rather quiet voice because the tall boy in front was still quarrelling with the professor. This girl seated behind them also had dirty blond hair like the boy in the front, but hers was put up in a bun that clearly meant ‘I don’t care what anyone thinks about my messy bun I woke up and put it the way I liked it.’ Her clothes were just a T-shirt and sweats, but she looked like she could own a catwalk in that exact outfit.

BamBam remembered her name. She had been in front of him when they had walked into the classroom to “check-in.”

Ashley. Don’t know her last name because I didn’t pay attention, but still.

“And who are you to act so noble and concerned about this puny professor?” Asked one of the girls who had laughed. A few of her friends snickered again.

Ashley ignored her question. Instead, she said, “You might think it’s funny to make fun of the professor and his feelings, but it’s disrespecting everything he’s working for and as. What he does might not agree with you, but everyone has their own reasons for doing things.”

The girl didn’t reply, but another guy behind her snickered, “Yeah, I guess. Like how someone hides his entire face in an ugly black hoodie.”

Once the words registered in his brain, BamBam stiffened and tried not to show that he had heard their conversation.

“I bet you have your own reasonable reason, don’t you?” The boy asked straight at BamBam. He knew he had been listening. He was probably just another one of those bullies who were freshmen and were still not transitioning from the stupid bullying jock at high school.

Oh, god. This is not high school, this is college. No one bullies people anymore! Immature punk!

BamBam kept his thoughts in and attempted to ignore the boy, but then he felt a shift in the chair next to him. He glanced over and stifled an inward groan because the annoying boy had just jumped into the seat next to him.

“Don’t ignore me,” the boy said. “I know you were listening to us. You were probably cheering for Ms. I-Am-So-Noble, too! So pray tell me, why are you wearing a hoodie like this in class?”

None of your business –

“Did you think this is cool? So you could seem mysterious and grab all the girls’ attention? Are you trying to pretend you’re in a gang and act all shady and cool?”

You have no idea what I can do to you –

“Are you a freak?”

Before BamBam could whip his head toward the boy and threaten how he could invade his dream tonight and turn it into the most horrible nightmare ever – or really just give him a right hook –, a backpack all of a sudden plopped onto the desk of the seat the boy was sitting at with a loud thunk.

Both BamBam and the boy turned to the side, and were met straight-on with a pair of brown eyes.

Brown eyes BamBam had seen before.

“What the – “ the boy started.

“I believe you’re in my seat,” said the owner of the brown eyes, the tall, lean boy who had been quarreling with the professor in the front. Or at least, BamBam guessed it was him who said that. He had been so focused on staring at the boy’s face to even pay attention to if his lips had moved or not.

It’s him.

The boy from the freight train last night.

In my dreams.

The… the impossible invader.

He couldn’t believe it. It felt like he was suddenly back in the dream last night again, looking into the same eyes, before their owner turned around and jumped out of the train car and turned into a flying white light. Although the boy in front of him had a different hair color and different outfit, he knew it was him. That kind of face was impossible to forget. Everything else around BamBam seemed hazy, his heart was beating faster, and he couldn’t tear his eyes away from those brown pools that were looking straight back at him –

The boy who had picked on BamBam scoffed, but the noise sounded faraway. “Why on earth – “

“Would I want to sit here?” The brown-eyed boy tore his gaze away, breaking the moment he and BamBam were having. BamBam didn’t even realize he had been holding his breath. “Maybe,” said the boy, looking now at the other, “because I like sitting next to people with ugly black hoodies.”

“Hey, you were the one in front – “

“If you don’t get out of my seat now I’ll just sit right on top of you.” By his tone, BamBam could tell he really meant it.

“You – “

The boy scooted into the aisle and went into motion to sit right onto the annoying boy’s lap. Mr. Bully-slash-Annoying shot up and scrambled out the chair in a speed that could’ve been comically hilarious, but he was shooting looks of disgust and unbelief at the boy. “You are all weirdos,” he spat before going back to his own seat down the row.

“This isn’t high school, kid,” the lean boy shot back. “Might want to tone down a bit on your immatureness.”

More snickers than before emerged and, due to Bambam’s secret satisfaction, embarrassment flared on Mr. Bully’s face and he scowled and looked away, but nothing more.

Man, he wanted to clap the boy next to him on the back and say thank you. Or, for some weird reason, “Checkmate.” He’d never played chess and didn’t really know how it worked, but still, he’d once or twice caught people saying that when they’d won a chess game. So he assumed it would be an appropriate word to use here.

“He was a jerk,” the boy next to him whispered, and it took BamBam half a second to realize he was talking to him. His heart rate picked up again. Why is he talking to me ohmygod why what when how –

“Sorry I couldn’t come to your rescue sooner,” the boy continued. “Was busy asking for my rights as an adult up there, as you might’ve noticed, just like the others in here. I’ve probably made a scene.”

BamBam still didn’t talk, still didn’t turn his head.

Maybe my abilities are developing. Maybe I can also see into the future now and my dreams would materialize people I’m about to meet and what am I even saying that’s impossible –

Then again, what I already can do is impossible –

“But I got him to get rid of that stupid check-in list. I feel accomplished now. I even feel like I can jump out of trains into the night sky.”

BamBam’s head whipped toward the boy. He hadn’t realized what he was doing until he found himself looking into those brown pools again. His own eyes widened and he tried to go back in his mind and rewind what he had just heard but he knew what he had just heard and it was impossible –

If I think of the word “impossible” one more time I’m going to strangle somebody!

The boy was studying him, his face not betraying a single emotion. He looked like he was going to say something, and BamBam was so tempted to ask him if what he was suspecting was possible, but then the professor cleared his throat into his microphone and started addressing everyone.

On instinct, BamBam turned his head back around and lowered it again, just high enough to see the professor. He didn’t turn back to talk to the boy next to him, who arose so many questions in him, but he could feel the boy’s gaze still on him. It would’ve been creepy, but for some unknown reason he didn’t feel scared at all, and after maybe five minutes the boy turned back to focus on the professor, too.

He tried paying attention in class, but it was hard. He couldn’t stop thinking about the possibilities of what was happening and why it had happened; maybe it was a very miraculous coincidence that he had dreamt of a guy he’d never seen before and met him the next day. Maybe someone was behind this, but that was kind of unrealistic because no one knew his abilities – at least no one still alive or around. He didn’t know where his parents had gone off too again for their trip that was always happening every two weeks he knew it was more like abandonment with only money still coming in every month, but he doubted they knew because he’d never told them.

Maybe – and deep down he hoped this was true – the boy sitting next to him had the same abilities as him and he actually wasn’t the only one in this world.

But he didn’t talk to the boy next to him. Not when the girl behind, Ashely, introduced herself to the boy and complimented on his “actions of protest.” Not when he had heard the boy introduce back, “Thanks a lot. I’m Im Jaebum.”

Not when the professor ended the first class early. Not when everybody started filing out the classroom like they couldn’t escape this room fast enough; not even when Jaebum stood up, turned to BamBam, and seemed like he was about to extend his hand to him.

For earth-knows-what reason, instead of sticking around to find out whether the boy who had just pushed his world off its axis was going to introduce himself, BamBam just turned around.

And rushed out the classroom.


BamBam remembered the first time he had found this restaurant on campus.

It was in his sophomore year, first semester. Living in the dorms the first year, he’d never really come out to explore the whole campus; it was just go to class, then go straight back to the room. But then second year at this school came and he had more time wandering around the campus during the breaks between classes, and he had found so many more interesting places. Like that one room on the third floor of the Student Union that gave out free cookies every day from 10-12. Or that study room in the back of the library that had the perfect view of the soccer field.

Or this restaurant in the corner of the whole campus, so secluded and hidden behind trees and another building that it was always only half-full.

He liked coming here on breaks, sitting by the window and watching people walk by without even giving a second glance to this restaurant that actually sold the best scones one could ever have, while also having peace and quiet.

“Nice to see a familiar face here,” a voice came from behind.

Next in line to order what he wanted, BamBam didn’t turn back to see who it was. Maybe it’s just a random girl talking to someone else. Or on her phone. She isn’t talking to me, please don’t be talking to me, I don’t have the mental energy to deal with another crazy girl wanting my phone number –

“Hey, I’m talking to you, Boy-In-The-Not-Really-Ugly-Hoodie.”

Caught off guard, he turned around.

“Ashley,” he said before knowing he even opened his mouth.

Ashley widened her eyes before flashing a beautiful smile. “You noticed my name.”

“I – no – I was just – “

“No, no it’s okay,” she laughed. “I don’t think you’re low-key creeper-ish or anything. It’s actually nice that you know.” Adjusting the backpack on her right shoulder, she added, “I’m sorry for what happened in class today, by the way. That was just such stupid behavior and shouldn’t even happen in college.”

Tell me about it. The line moved, and BamBam had his order taken. In no time his food and drink were ready, and he moved to a table, his usual table by the window. He thought about how his and Ashley’s conversation just got cut off – he actually didn’t dislike her talking – but then it turned out he didn’t have to worry about that because a few seconds later she sat down across from him at his table with a drink in her hands.

Uhm, okay, feel free to take a seat I guess...?

“And I was actually starting to think that boy was cute,” she was still saying. “I mean, yeah he is on the outside, but wow now I know on the inside it’s a totally different story. He’s like that Chinese story of a tangerine with a shining outside but rotten inside – “

“Aaaand I find two people in one of my classes! It’s just like Christmas!”

Before BamBam could comprehend how a very loud noise had just erupted in the restaurant – an occurrence never to have happened before – something big and heavy landed into the seat next to Ashely.

Something like a boy with dirty blond hair and a name of Im Jaebum.

“Hey,” Ashley greeted him, surprise painting her face with a flicker of amusement. “What kind of protest or negotiation does this place require of you now?”

Jaebum laughed, and to BamBam’s ears it was like a gong that reverberated deep in his bones straight to his very own soul. But for some otherworldly reason, he didn’t want Jaebum to stop.

“I just came here on a whim,” Jaebum replied. “Was exploring the campus and then was just… drawn to here.” BamBam noticed he was looking at him, but his facial expression was unreadable, like he was trying to tell him a silent message. Then Jaebum took his eyes off him and flashed a smile at Ashley. “Then I saw you two!”

“Yeah I just came here without intention and ran into…” Ashley stopped, looked at BamBam, and he watched as guilt and embarrassment crept onto her face. “Oh my god, I’m so sorry I didn’t even realize I don’t know your name yet.”

A fog of awkward silence rolled over the table and at that moment BamBam just wanted to cover his eyes and pretend this wasn’t happening.

“I mean, I walked up to you to talk to you first but I never asked your name I’m so sorry I just feel like I’ve known you for a long time, you know? Like it’s just so weird – “

“It’s BamBam,” BamBam blurted out. Then, in a smaller voice, “Short for a very long Thailand name, but just BamBam now.”

“I like your name,” Jaebum said. “It suits you.”

BamBam could only sit there and curse his heart for beating harder by the second.

Should he ask him? Ask Jaebum if he knew anything about him being in his dreams and jumping out a train?

“Thailand? That’s amazing!” Ashley clapped her hands together. “I’ve always dreamt of traveling around the world, and Thailand is one of the places on my Must-Go list!”

“Me too,” Jaebum nodded. Then, all so suddenly, Jaebum turned to Ashley, his focus now entirely on her. “Speaking of dreams…”

On instinct, at the mentioning of the word dreams, BamBam tensed.

“Have you been having, I don’t know, bad dreams lately, Ashley?”

Everything stopped for BamBam for a moment.


What did he just say?

Surprise flashed in Ashley’s eyes. “How… how did you know that?”

A millisecond of hesitation passed before Jaebum’s serious face disappeared and he flashed his all-white smile again. “Just a wild guess. I noticed the black bags under your eyes.”

BamBam doubted that was the truth. He couldn’t even see any hint of black under her eyes.

“Is it that obvious?” Embarrassment flickered on her face for a second. “But you know, I don’t really care if it makes me look ugly or anything. I’ve just been studying for my RN license test and I guess the stress has been getting the best of me; these bags are evidence I make good use of my life instead of just partying and goofing around all day.”

“Indeed they are.” Jaebum laughed at her confidence, and although his mind was on something else, BamBam couldn’t help but crack a smile. Damn, he was really starting to like this girl.

“Oh shoot,” Ashley said, checking her phone. “I’m going to be late for this one stats class I barely got in. I can’t afford being dropped out by being late to the first class!” Grabbing her stuff, she smiled at the two boys. “Nice to finally meet you, BamBam. And nice seeing you again, Jaebum.”

They watched as she scrambled out the door and vanished into the street crowd. After her blue backpack was nowhere to be seen in sight, neither of the two boys spoke.

About three minutes later, BamBam couldn’t take it anymore.

“Okay, you know what, I can’t do this anymore, I really want to ask you and I am going to but if it makes no sense to you then I would know what I’m thinking is wrong and you could just think I’m a freak and oh my god I’m so afraid to ask you but if it turns out to be true then – “

“You mean the fact that I saw you in my dream and you made me jump out of a train?”

With his mouth wide-open due to being cut off, BamBam just stared at Jaebum.

And stared.

And processed what Jaebm had just said.

And stared some more.

“It was my dream!” BamBam finally blurted out. “A-and you were the one who just suddenly jumped out like no one’s business – wait, so…” if possible, his eyes widened even more. “You know. You…”

“Being a miracle, yes, I know that somehow I had gotten into your dream and not only that, you’re also a Weaver, like me.”

Temporarily, BamBam lost the ability to speak.

“And,” Jaebum laughed, “who knew the quiet boy in class who was being picked on can actually talk this much and practically spit fire.” A hint of amusement hung on the corner of his lips. “I was afraid to ask you, too. That’s why I dropped that obvious hint this morning. I didn’t know if you had just been a figment of my highly-developed brain or a new ability of mine where I could predict my future and see people who I’m about to meet in my dreams.”

“Those were my thoughts exactly,” BamBam said. “But I – I mean like – I don’t know – how is this even possible – what do you mean ‘Weavers’?”

The taller boy scratched the back of his neck. “Well, it’s really just a name I came up with myself. I thought it sounded cool, you know, and since I thought I was the only one of my kind I didn’t expect I’d be sharing it… but I came up with it because I know that what we’re doing is just using the energy threads around, and… weaving them, I guess?”

That made exact sense. “How did you know I was like you?”

Jaebum studied the smaller boy. “You were different,” he replied. “In most of my dreams or other people’s dreams I enter, the people in there are just looking at nothing, or doing what they’re doing without ever paying me attention. But when I entered yours, the moment I stepped into it I felt a strong energy; unlike other dreams that felt dull and plain, yours felt more alive and inconstant. And then I saw you in the train, and you were looking right at me with a look like I had just invaded your private dream…” he laughed. “When I woke up I thought it was impossible, that it was just a crazy dream. But then I saw you in class today, and I realized.”

BamBam noticed that his drink had already gone cold and his scone untouched, but he didn’t dare move. He wanted to keep listening to Jaebum; he wanted to keep asking questions.

“Realized what?” He asked.

“I was drawn to this school, BamBam. I transferred here this school year because for some unknown reason, it just felt like the right thing to do. And there’s something else about me…” he hesitated.

BamBam understood his hesitation. A loner though he was, he was great at observing people, a gift both learned and innate, he guessed, a side effect of his dream-controlling ability. “You’ve never told anyone this. I get it if… if you’re not comfortable with telling me everything. I honestly don’t even know why you’re telling me all this, what if – “

“You are actually a Dark Weaver and I’m a Light Weaver and after me gushing out all my secrets you decide to be my undoing?” Jaebum finished for him.

“I wouldn’t put it in those terms…” BamBam slouched a little, but then he saw the grin on the other boy’s face.

“You’re right, BamBam. And I am grateful you understand my concerns and hesitations. But I decided to confront you, and I was right. And I wanted to let you know who I am too because… because I guess I’m just tired of being alone all the time. Thinking I’m the only one in this world and no one will ever understand me. It’s like finding your one and only mate in this world you know?” If he saw the blush on BamBam’s cheeks, he didn’t show it. “It’s exciting to know that there’s someone else like me, when I thought it would be impossible. It’s warming to know I’m not alone, that I’m not fighting a one-man battle. And I just know, I guess. That you’re not an evil person or anything like that. I trust my guts.”

The smile on Jaebum’s face made BamBam’s heart unconsciously melt a little, and he tried to shake it off. But then something he had just heard processed through his mind, and he creased his eyebrows. “Why did you just say ‘one-man battle’?”

The smile slid off the taller boy’s face, and he looked out the window for a moment. “I was guessing this is where we’re still a bit different. You don’t seem to be having the same problem as I.”

“What problem?”

Jaebum lowered his voice. “BamBam, I… I don’t just Weave – my term for ‘entering other people’s dreams at night and having the ability to change them,’ as I know you can also do. I can also sense when someone is having… bad dreams. Not just ordinary nightmares which normal people have time from time; no, something more… sinister. I could go all sci-fi on it and be like it’s an evil force going around darkening people’s dreams and watch as you call me crazy, but nothing’s impossible. I mean, just look at us; what we can do is already mind-blowing. I was born with this ability, and have been secretly helping people with overly-frequent nightmares ever since I can remember.”

“Me too,” BamBam said. “I remember being able to… Weave… ever since I could talk. But I’ve never done that before. Sense and help… people with their dreams. All I’ve ever done is watch and have fun in other people’s dreams. If I ever ran into a nightmare I just left, or when I was really in the moment I would try to alter it a bit to give it some more lightness.”

“So you’ve never changed a great magnitude in someone’s dreams before?”

BamBam shook his head. “I’ve just always thought people have their dreams for their own reasons, and I’m not supposed to change them too much. It’s a… force, I guess, that I’m not supposed to tamper with. I guess I just believe in fate and the idea that one deserves what they deserve.”

Jaebum was deep in thought. “I don’t know then… I was thinking of asking for your help, but you have your beliefs…”

“You said a more sinister energy is contaminating people’s dreams. Making them unnaturally worse. How worse?”

“More than you could ever imagine,” Jaebum replied. “Like endless black holes and more.”

“And you…” something clicked in BamBam’s mind. “You were asking Ashley about her bad dreams. You think – no, sensed that it’s on her now, too?”

Jaebum nodded. “I know this is all too much at once for you, for both of us really, like I feel like my world had just shifted knowing your existence, but I know for certain whatever this negative energy is, it’s affecting Ashley, too. I haven’t known her for more than six hours to be honest but I want to help her.”

Taking a deep breath, BamBam looked at Jaebum. “I want to, too.” He knew for the usual him, he would want time to see if he could actually believe what Jaebum was saying and trust him; but for a reason he couldn’t explain, he did. Trust him. Already. And the same instinctive feeling was telling him that trusting this guy across from him, in his casual attire and killer eyes and smile, was not the incorrect decision. “I want to help Ashley, no matter what.”

For once, BamBam finally found something that made him want to come out of his shell and do something. Venture into something uncertain yet personal, because it was a journey only the two of them could embark on. He knew where what he was about to say would lead them, and he to be honest was starting to anticipate it. Be excited for it, for helping a friend, for exploring his abilities further, with someone else who also shared the same abilities.

This was going to change his world, his life; a path with no going back.

A smile grew on Jaebum’s face. He didn’t doubt BamBam’s ability to help or suggest that he didn’t have to help; he knew that when BamBam said he wanted to help with all he had, he meant it. Suggesting that he could back out would be none more than wind to his ears.

“Then I guess we’d better start moving. Operation Regain Our Dear Friend’s Happy Dreams: Start!”




-Three months later-

“There! Perfect!”

Smiling up at her work, Ashley climbed down the ladder and looked behind her. “How do you think of it now?”


“Um… a Christmas tree is always better with a star on top,” BamBam suggested.

“I guess it’s kind of beautiful,” Jaebum answered with a shrug.

Ashley smirked. “I can tell by your tone that you mean the exact opposite, Mr. Im. But you can only it up because I put the star up there in my perfect angle and I think it’s beautiful and no one else is moving it. Period.”

BamBam laughed, and Jaebum cracked a smile. “Ouch girl, your confidence is actually stinging me today.”

“Happens when I’m in a really good mood, as you both should’ve noticed by now, after these four months of seeing each other every day like a high school clique.” Although her words meant distaste, genuine happiness shone on her face. “I think the better sleep I’ve been having since last month really helped. I feel more energized, thus leading to productiveness and happiness.”

The two boys exchanged a secret look.

“Well, I’m going to go pick up the wine I’m kind of illegally getting since I won’t be 21 until next week but yeah, you know I’d never forget it for a Christmas dinner between us, the Three Musketeers.” Grabbing her cloak and purse off the sofa in her apartment they were all in, Ashley opened the main door and looked back at the boys. “Be right back. Don’t forget to check on the turkey, Jaebum! Don’t let Bam ruin it!”

The door closed and for a moment, BamBam had a flashback of how the three of them had met together the first time, in that restaurant in the corner of campus. It had been more than three months already, and during that whole time of hanging out with Jaebum and Ashley almost every single second, he enjoyed it so much he couldn’t believe it was already the end of this semester.

Not only had he met two people he knew he would always hang onto for the rest of his life, he also got to learn more about his ability, and save Ashley and so many more from the sinister dark energy Jaebum had talked about and he had finally seen in person when they had gone into the dreams together.

It was a semester that changed his life, in a good way.

“I’m really glad Ashley is feeling so much better now,” Jaebum’s voice reached BamBam’s ears like a wake-up call from his thinking.

“Huh? Oh yeah – “

“We worked so well together these past few months, helping those people. We’re like, the best partners on earth and in between, if you get what I mean.”

A blush unwillingly crept up BamBam’s cheeks. “Who said we were partners?”

As he turned around to face him, the taller boy put a hand on his chest. “How heartbreaking, your cruelty,” he said with a mocking hurt face. Then his usual killer smile appeared. “Yet, somehow I find it intriguing.”

BamBam rolled his eyes, but his cheeks were still red. “Oh yes, my sole purpose here is to intrigue you and it delights me to know that I’m succeeding.” Ever since the two of them had grown close, he was getting more and more comfortable of talking like the true him around Jaebum, without holding back. He hadn’t felt so… comfortable and relaxed around someone for… since forever, really. And he had to admit, he really liked it.

Jaebum let out a hearty laugh, one that echoed around the living room and sent involuntary tingles down to BamBam’s toes. But then the laughter faded, and Jaebum’s voice suddenly became small. “Bam? Would you like to keep being with me?”

Those words could’ve meant so many different things; he didn’t know how to respond. “Uh – “

“I don’t know what’ll happen in the future; we don’t even know what’ll happen tomorrow,” Jaebum cut him off. “What I do know now, is that there is a unique you and a unique me, where we both share something in common that normal people don’t. That probably no one else has. Maybe we’re the only two on this world who can Weave. Maybe there’s more, and we’ll randomly bump into them tomorrow at the grocery store. No matter what, I… I actually do like you by my side, Bam. Not just when ‘working.’ And I want to… I want to keep it that way. I know that as long as I have you near, I feel less empty inside and I feel like you feel the same, too.”

A thousand thoughts ran through BamBam’s head. They were so overwhelming he couldn’t really pick out one and read what his mind was thinking; but he could feel his overall emotional reaction, and it was joy. Pure joy and happiness. Of course he wanted it to stay this way, with the two of them near each other often. Of course he felt the same. Maybe it was okay, with Jaebum, to actually voice out all the emotions he had instead of hiding them. Maybe, for the first time, there was actually someone in his life he could start opening up to, stop putting up walls against.

The smile and other intense emotions in Jaebum’s eyes that made BamBam shudder gave him the courage he needed, for the first step.

And definitely not the last.

He looked up, meeting the taller boy’s stare straight on.

“I’m not going anywhere, Jaebum.”



Little did they both know, if they looked up, they would see a mistletoe above them.



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SeSa2015, 2016.10.11: One more gift for a pitch hitcher will be posted in a few days. Please look forward to it~


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Chapter 64: So cute <3
Chapter 5: It's so sad that i just got to know about this later.
Chapter 44: this is the sweetest and the most well written one shot so far. plus i adore the idea of jaebum as a father of an adorable
lil five year old.
Chapter 67: Whoop! Hopefully the other two writers get their stories as well!
amatsukishi #5
Chapter 20: I'm in love with this story. I really love a good long read. Ty to the one who made this.
JinyoungsMark #6
Chapter 66: Yes..markjin!! I hope authornim update the sequel..Fighting!!
Chapter 6: I think its better for you to include pairing along with fic title, author + for who...
JinyoungsMark #8
Chapter 42: I love this authornim..2jae is soo sweet rooting for mark to ask out jinyoungie..soo cute!! ^.^
Chapter 5: Can't wait for Christmas to be near again, I want to join again. This was the first event that I joined and it turned out fun ^^
mxwang #10
Chapter 20: Wah so long. But love it <3