Happy Holidays, bambamsprincess

Who's My IGOT7 Santa? 2015

Gift for bambamsprincess

Gift from ???

Title: Magic Hands

Pairing: 2jae

Word Count: 1,542

Rated: PG-13 for foul language and touchy scene

Warning: Slight groping, molesting (very short sorry, it was for the one shot to progress faster)

Message to giftee: Hello, I know this is really crappy, but I was very busy with school. I hope you like it at least a little. Magical girl au is fun. If you enjoyed this, then know that it’s not the end, I am planning to turn this into a full on chaptered story.

Magic Hands


Youngjae was walking from home from school. He was donning the uniform fully with the blue blazer, white dress shirt, black tie, and black pants held up by a black belt. Which now that he thought about it, was largely impractical as the weather was getting increasingly hot. He was at the usual vendor and was buying a snack on the way to hagwon when he heard an ear piercing scream. He quickly paid the woman for the bungeoppang (fish shaped bread filled with red bean), stuffing the pastry in his mouth.


Crumbs fell as he munched on the soft and fluffy dessert hastily while running. He found a secluded area vacant of people and threw down his book bag in the dirt and began his transformation. Ephemeral lights started swirling through the afternoon sky before dissipating, softly dusting him with a warm glittery glow that enshrouded him in a new layer of clothes. His outfit was mostly white and much lighter than what he was previously wearing. On his head sat a beret with black lining, a navy ribbon tacked on the side with its tails flowing down delicately. A white sailor shirt formed across his chest and a navy tie knotted around his collar whilst black shorts covered his lower body- stopping at less than half of his thighs. Attached to the shorts were suspenders that looped over his shoulders. Thin chains wrapped around his neck adorning a silver otter with a sapphire embedded on its stomach. Black socks went past his knees. Shiny midnight blue shoes buckled around his feet.


He reopened his eyes as the change finished and sniffed the air. The foul smell of blood permeated his senses and he grit his teeth. He tracked down the scent and the sight before him was troublesome- a man was bent over a woman with a small pocket knife. The woman had a gash on her face oozing thick crimson. Judging from his tight grip on the weapon with his left hand that was his less dominant hand. The man had taken it from the woman who had pulled it out in self-defense. As he swiped it from the lady, he unintentionally cut her.


Youngjae observed the situation. If he attacked the guy haphazardly, it might hurt the victim so instead he'll lure him out! He cupped the air in front of him and his talisman turned luminary, neon cyan. He muttered, "Siren's song!"


A pentagram expanded beneath his feet. This is his least favorite part, but it was necessary. His hair lengthens- silky, luscious, dark blue. His bust enlarged (yes he grew s, they’re part of the illusion) A mini-skirt replaced the pants. He loosened the tie and popped a button loose for good measure. He his lips turning them glossy and pink. Dark wings lined his eyes- accenting the milk chocolate color of them.


He sashayed towards the man. The male spun around angrily, "Who's there?"


"It's me, oppa!" he cries out with a high pitched voice. “Oppa!” Youngjae tried not to grimace as he saw the older man raked his eyes over his body. It was so uncomfortable, he felt like he was burning inside the way you feel when you've had too much fast food and the high sodium, sugar, and fat intake was gripping your stomach making you feel pathetic and greasy. The woman took the chance to take off from the scene, successfully escaping. Her footfalls echoing across the pavement.


Youngjae leaned against the side of the building in the alley, waiting to make sure she had gotten a good distance away. When he gave a glance in the man's direction he realized that he was much closer than Youngjae would have preferred. There was a erse gleam in the older's gaze and an insufferable stench of ashy cigarettes as he opened his mouth, "I s'pose you'd want to know what I was doing to that woman earlier?"


He nodded although he really wanted to leave before this whole incident went askew.


The man chuckled darkly, "She's my wife. I was just about to off her for the insurance money when you came."


Youngjae let out a tremulous breath, "Oh?"


“Yeah. So I can pay some to spend the night with me,” the criminal growled lowly. “But, I think I’ll take you tonight.”


Youngjae was filled with disgust, “No amount of monetary compensation would be enough for me to do that!”


He slipped a hand against the magical boy’s curvy hips and d his , “Who said I would give you a single cent. I’ll take you for free!”


Heat coursed through the young boy and he punched the man square in the eye, “You horrible human being!”


“You ist bastard! Take back your words! I don’t even know how you got yourself a wife!” he shouted as he planted his foot onto the guy’s chest. Dust billowed around him from the super strength he exuded.


Then he stared of into the distance like those cool action heroes until, a deep attractive voice murmured, “He’s staring up into your skirt.”




The shadow disappeared and Youngjae stared down at person beneath his feet. He was indeed peeping into his skirt. The ert held contact with Youngjae for a second before closing his eyes, “Eh, I wasn’t doing anything.”


Youngjae raises a fist.

*black out*


Youngjae woke up in his quiet bedroom with the lights flooding in and his alarm from his phone ringing annoyingly, it was 8:00 AM! He was going to be late, late, late!


As he rode his bicycle to school haphazardly, a student probably older than him was leisurely walking and got in the way. He squealed to a stop too late and accidentally fell forward. The force flung him at the other male, while his bike kept going until it stuttered to a stop.


He blinked rubbing his eyes. Luckily, they landed on grass.


He held his hand out, “Oh my god, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to hit you!”

The male looked through him through a curtain of black hair, accepting his help quietly, “Ahh, it hurts.”


“I’m sorry,” he apologized again. “Do you have any cuts?”


The brooding person shook his head, but Youngjae gasped as he saw blood on the other boy’s ankle. He quickly tore a bandage from his pocket and stuck it on gently as he could with his shaking clumsy fingers.


The guy steadied Youngjae’s hand with a thick finger, “Hey, do I know you? From somewhere?”


Youngjae frowned, “No, I don’t think so.” He pocketed the wrapper of the band aid and stood up.



He held his hand out, “I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to hit you!”

The male looked through him through a curtain of black hair, accepting his help quietly, “Ahh, it hurts.” He put a hand against his back and winced. Youngjae grimaced sympathetically.


He brushed back his dark hair, “Well bye now.” He walked away slowly.


“Hey, wait. What’s your name?”


“My name?”


“Who else?”


“Me, hmmm how about you tell me your name.”


“Why don’t you tell me first?”


“How about you?”


“What? Me?”


“Yeah, you.”


“Choi Youngjae. You?”


“Im Jaebum,” the raven haired boy smirked, his eyes creasing emphasizing the two beauty marks on his eyelid.


Youngjae shivered as he felt the older male brush past him. He thought to himself, His aura is strong. He’s not normal either.



Then the boy shouldered his bag and walked along the path, getting ushered in through the gate of the school. He surveyed the area around him as he was walking, but Jaebum was nowhere to be seen.


He went to his locker to store some of his books away when a white envelope fell out. It was sealed shut. He stuck his things in and shuffled them around making a poor attempt to be organized.


Youngjae carefully slid his finger underneath the flap cautious of the letter inside. In thin, but large letters, it said, ‘I SAW YOU CHANGE.”


What kind of ert would peek at me? Youngjae squealed in his mind. Was it a joke from somebody who had gym class with me?


The boy gripped the side of his head, his hair tickling his fingers. It couldn’t be!

But, it might have been somebody who had seen his transformation! His hands felt cold and he stuffed the mysterious message in his pant pocket, before dejectedly closing his locker.


He had been too careless on his missions. He must find out who it was before it was too late! There could be countless possibilities.


Or it could have been Yugyeom and BamBam, they were the only ones who knew.


Eh, even though with this newfound information, he could hardly stop it and he had to go class.


He was so worried he kept taking the letter out hoping there was a least a clue somewhere.


Then he felt it, a familiar sensation pulling at his gut. It was the feeling of being submerged in cold icy water. There was the the scent of sawdust and wood.


He stared at the paper in his hands, the ink was running down and forming new words.


Welcome to hell.

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SeSa2015, 2016.10.11: One more gift for a pitch hitcher will be posted in a few days. Please look forward to it~


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Chapter 64: So cute <3
Chapter 5: It's so sad that i just got to know about this later.
Chapter 44: this is the sweetest and the most well written one shot so far. plus i adore the idea of jaebum as a father of an adorable
lil five year old.
Chapter 67: Whoop! Hopefully the other two writers get their stories as well!
amatsukishi #5
Chapter 20: I'm in love with this story. I really love a good long read. Ty to the one who made this.
JinyoungsMark #6
Chapter 66: Yes..markjin!! I hope authornim update the sequel..Fighting!!
Chapter 6: I think its better for you to include pairing along with fic title, author + for who...
JinyoungsMark #8
Chapter 42: I love this authornim..2jae is soo sweet rooting for mark to ask out jinyoungie..soo cute!! ^.^
Chapter 5: Can't wait for Christmas to be near again, I want to join again. This was the first event that I joined and it turned out fun ^^
mxwang #10
Chapter 20: Wah so long. But love it <3