Happy Holidays, cyjhope

Who's My IGOT7 Santa? 2015

Gift for cyjhope

Gift from ???

Title of the gift: Is this?

Pairing: Youngjae x Reader

How many words: 2881

Rating: n/a

Warnings: None

Note to my giftee: So sorry this took so long but it may be a little cheesy but it was so much fun to write

Is This?


Youngjae was late. This wasn’t anything new, getting away from the dorm could sometimes be hard and schedules often overran, you understood that so waiting around didn’t usually bother you. But today was different for a number of reasons. One reason being that Youngjae had been the one to decide on the place and the time, not you so really he should have been a little more on the ball. The second reason being it was freezing outside and outside was where you currently were. You’d come prepared, winter coat, scarf, hat, gloves but the cold was still biting. You shoved your hands deeper into your pockets and stamped your feet trying to warm yourself up. If he didn’t turn up in the next five minutes you were leaving. He could pout and moan about it all he wanted, anniversary or not you weren’t going to risk hypothermia. And there it was, the third and main reason you were so annoyed. It was your one year anniversary and he couldn’t even be bothered to turn up for your date on time.

With a frown you fished out your phone from your pocket. Your frown only deepened as you saw there were no new notifications. He hadn’t even texted you to let you know he was going to be late. Phone still in hand you started towards the playground gate. You’d thought it was sweet, the fact Youngjae had wanted to meet you here. It was the place you’d first met a little over a year ago. You’d been babysitting that day and had taken the kids you were watching to the park. It was only later when you’d been putting them to bed that you’d realised the youngest kid had taken his favourite action figure with him but returned without it. He’d been distraught and had needed many hugs and cuddles before bed. So as soon as his parents had returned you’d headed back to the playground hoping to find it. It had been dark by then, the playground illuminated only by the streetlights running alongside the fence since it had no lighting of its own. It had been more than a little creepy and you’d wanted to get out of there as quickly as possible. So you’d gone in and headed straight for the corner that was set aside for the younger children, totally focussed on finding the action figure you’d come for. You were the only one there you kept assuring yourself. Teenagers who were up to no good were loud and there was no such thing as ghosts. You’d be fine. So when someone had cleared their throat behind you you’d almost had a heart attack.

Thankfully that someone had been Youngjae who while technically a teenager was not the scary type that hung around in empty playgrounds at night drinking with his friends and nor was he ghost. In fact he’d been incredibly helpful, asking why you were there and offering to help when you told him what you were looking for. It wasn’t until he’d told you why he was there that you’d recognised him. He’d just finished who knew how many hours of dance practice but once he’d made it back to the dorm he hadn’t been able to switch off and sleep, so he’d come out to get some quiet and some fresh air. Dorm and dance practice had automatically made you think trainee and you’d opened your mouth to ask if that was what he was but then you’d gotten a proper look at his face. “Got7,” you’d blurted and then gone red when he’d looked up at you with wide eyes.

“Yeah…” he’d said slowly, “… Got7. Are you a fan?”

“Sort of.” He looked a little wary and you couldn’t really blame him. The majority of his fans were lovely people you were sure but there he there were no doubt a few that had very little grasp of things like boundaries and personal space. “I like your music.” You’d told him. You owned their last album (and if you were honest it was mostly because of Youngjae’s voice that you’d bought it) and would sing along when their songs came on the radio but you didn’t know if that counted as being a fan as such.

“Thanks.” Youngjae had said with a smile, relaxing a little as it became apparent that you weren’t about to jump him. Then he’d gone back to looking for Iron Man. You’d talked some more, about your work and about his, about your families and the music you both liked.

And eventually you’d found Iron Man, half buried in the sand and you’d thanked Youngjae and said goodbye, thinking that would be that. But it hadn’t been, as you’d turned to leave he’d grabbed your wrist and he’d asked for your number.

“My number?” you’d repeated, somewhat shell shocked.


“Why?” You’d asked.

“I liked talking to you.” Youngjae had said with a shrug.

You nodded. You’d liked talking to him too. What harm would exchanging numbers do? You’d handed him your phone.

After a month or two of texting interspersed with the occasional phone call you’d received a message reading ‘I really like you.’ When you’d failed to reply right away it had been followed by ‘You’re so pretty.’ You’d almost spat out the coffee you’d been drinking.

A week later, once he’d managed to convince you that he a) hadn’t been drunk and b) hadn’t been joking you’d gone on your first official date. That had been a year ago today.

And so far you’d spent almost an hour of your anniversary freezing your off in an empty playground.

You took off one of your gloves and unlocked your phone bringing up Youngjae’s number. You were going to call him and you were going to give him a piece of your mind.

And then there were a pair of gloved hands covering your eyes and someone was whispering ‘Guess who?’ in your ear. And without thinking you were throwing an arm back and elbowing the whisperer in the stomach.

There was an oof and suddenly you could see again. As the shock of being snuck up on wore off the second thing you were once again able to do was think logically. And the first thought you had was ‘oh crap’ because that voice had been familiar. You hadn’t been jumped by a stranger you’d been surprised by your boyfriend. And you’d elbowed him in the stomach. Best anniversary ever so far.

“Um… I’m sorry?” you offered as you spun around to look at him.

“I made you jump the first time we met too.” He reminded you. “There was less hitting but you did jump.”

Thankfully he didn’t look mad. In fact he was smiling. It was a rather nervous looking smile and it reminded you why you hadn’t been paying attention to your surroundings in the first place. You’d been too focussed on what you were going to say to him when he picked up the phone. “You’re late.” You told him with a frown.

“I know.” He said, his smile flickering a little. “And I’m really sorry. I just… I had something to pick up and the place was really busy and it took longer than I thought it would… and yeah. I’m sorry.”

He looked repentant and his apology sounded sincere but you didn’t know if you should give in so easily. You’d been waiting there almost an hour. It was a long time. “If you knew you were going to be late you could have let me know.” You protested. “But you didn’t even call.”

“I didn’t think.” He admitted. “I had a lot on my mind if that’s any excuse.”

You didn’t know if it was. It rather deepened on what exactly it was that was on his mind. If it was something trivial like his plans for tomorrow or what he was going to have for dinner, then no, it was not an excuse. But from the way he was shifting his weight from foot to foot you had a feeling it was something more serious. “Has something been worrying you?” you asked, feeling a little nervous yourself. Maybe he hadn’t had to stop and pick something up. Maybe he was late because he’d been thinking about what to say when he got here. Got7 had a tour coming up, there was lot to prepare for, maybe he didn’t have the time or energy to invest in a relationship right now. Maybe he wanted to break up with you. “That’s not it.” You said out loud. “That can’t be it. You can’t do something like that on someone’s one year anniversary. That’s just cruel.”

Youngjae’s brow furrowed in confusion. “What?” he asked hesitantly, obviously having no clue what you were talking about.

“You can’t break up with me. Not here, where we met, not on our anniversary. That’s not fair.”

“I’m not breaking up with you.” Youngjae protested. “Why would I want to break up with you? Do you want to break up with me? Is that it?”

“No!” You said quickly. “I don’t, I really don’t.” And it was a relief that he didn’t want to break up with you either. But it also made what you’d just said become incredibly embarrassing. “Um… because you’re so busy?” you said, feeling your face start to heat up. You needed to start thinking before speaking. “I wouldn’t blame you if you wanted to put things on hold.”

“I don’t.”

“Neither do I.” You assured him.


“Good.” You echoed back at him.

And then things went quiet.

The silence was broken by Youngjae clearing his throat. “So…” he said, “…the reservation I made, I’ve probably lost it now…”

He went quiet again.

“Oh.” You said when it became clear that he wasn’t going to continue. “Was it somewhere nice? The reservation?” It was probably your fault the atmosphere was awkward. You had just accused him of wanting to break up with you after all.

“Yeah, it was at that place by the river that you were talking about.”

If it was the restaurant you thought he was talking about he’d been lucky to get a reservation at all. The place was always packed. “It’s okay.” You said trying to make him feel better. “I’ve heard it’s really expensive, maybe it’s a good thing you were running late. It’s a special day but that doesn’t mean you have to spend a lot on me. In fact I’d rather you didn’t.” He was always willing to treat you and that was nice but you knew how hard he worked for that money. It didn’t feel right letting him spend it on you.

“Yeah…” he said, he didn’t sound convinced but he wasn’t arguing with you, that was good. “… but if we’re not going there then that means I should probably do this here.” He continued. “Before I change my mind.”

“Do what?” You asked. He looked nervous again and that worried you.

“The thing I had to pick up, it was this.” He told you. Then he was pushing a small velvet box into your hands.

“Earrings?” you queried. The box was small. It most likely contained earrings. That was sweet of him but it probably meant he’d spent more money on you than he had to.

“Just open it.” He told you.

The words had been practically snapped at you and you almost scolded him for being so impatient but when you looked up you saw that he was staring at the floor, his hands bunched in his pockets as he worried at his bottom lip with his teeth. “Okay.” You said slowly, perplexed by his behaviour. Was he worried you weren’t going to like them or something?

You opened the box.

There were no earrings.

“Is this a couple ring?” you asked as you carefully took it from the box and turned it over in your hand. It was platinum, smooth, the band slim. There was a blue circular stone set in the middle, two smaller clear stones set either side. It was fancy, you felt a little guilty about not spending as much on his gift as he’d clearly spent on yours. Couple phone cases were not quite as expensive as couple rings. “Oh…” you breathed as you realised there was something inscribed on the inside of the band. “Are those our initials? That’s cute.”

“It’s not a couple ring.” Youngjae told you, his voice quiet.

“It’s not?” It looked like a couple ring.

You looked up to find Youngjae was now looking at you. He’d gone back to chewing on his lip. He shook his head ever so slightly.

If it wasn’t a couple ring then was it just a ring? A gift of jewellery? But if it was just a gift then why did Youngjae look so scared?

“Wait…” you said slowly as realisation dawned. “… is this an engagement ring?” No. It couldn’t be. You were mistaken and you’d just put your foot in it again, said something incredibly embarrassing and…

And Youngjae was nodding.


“Yes.” Youngjae rasped. He cleared his throat for the second time that day. “I mean yes.” He said, his voice a little clearer. “It’s an engagement ring.”

You opened your mouth to reply but no words came out. There were no words. You had nothing. This was all too surreal.

“I know we’ve only been together a year and I know we’re young and you have your job and I have Got7 and people might think this is crazy but I love you.” He said, the words coming out in a rush. “You’re smart and you’re kind and you’re never one to judge, even if other people are quick to judge you. I really admire that about you. And you make me happy. Really happy. I have a bad day and all I have to do is think of you and that’s enough to make it better. I can’t imagine you not being around. I can’t imagine ever wanting to be without you. So that’s why. That’s why I bought that ring. To let you know how much I love you and that I want to be with you forever. To let you know I want to marry you.”

You loved him too. So much. He was funny and thoughtful and bright. And so beautiful. You couldn’t imagine losing him either. And you wanted to tell him all that but all your brain managed to come up with was. “Oh.”

“You don’t have to answer now.” He said, clearly shaken up by your reaction. “And just so you know, if you do say yes, we don’t have to get married straight away. If you want to wait until we’re older we can wait. That’s fine.”


“And if you say no, well we can pretend this never happened. If that’s what you want.”

“No.” you blurted, the response automatic. Pretending nothing had happened, that wouldn’t be fair to him.

“Okay.” He said, and he shot you a wavering smile. “Fair enough. It was worth a try. I can take the ring back if you want, exchange it for something else.”

Maybe you should have given that no some context you belatedly realised. “That’s not what I meant.” You said quickly.

“It’s not?” Youngjae asked, sounding more bemused than hopeful.

“I shouldn’t have said no. I should have said yes, right back at the beginning.” You told him.



“As in…”

You sighed. Was he going to make you say it?

Apparently so, he was nodding at you to continue.

“As in, yes, I want to marry you.”

There was a beat of silence during which Youngjae stood frozen, seemingly trying to process what he’d just heard.

And then he was grinning.

“Aren’t you going to say anything?” you asked, suddenly worried that this was some kind of joke. You glanced around but couldn’t see any cameras. It probably wasn’t a joke then. No, it definitely wasn’t a joke. Youngjae wouldn’t do something that mean. Would he?

You were beginning to wonder if he in fact would, he had a really weird sense of humour, when you felt arms around your waist and you were lifted off your feet.

“Put me down!” You scolded as Youngjae spun you round in a circle. You weren’t exactly feather light, the last thing you needed was for you both to go stumbling into some playground equipment and end up in the hospital.

Thankfully this didn’t happen, Youngjae listened and set you back on your feet. “I love you so much.” He breathed, as he pulled you closer.

“I love you too.” You mumbled, the words muffled by the fabric of his jacket. He had such a tight grip on you it was a wonder you could breathe but you couldn’t find it in you to complain. Not when he was so happy. Not when you were so happy. You thought the world of Youngjae, he was as beautiful on the inside as he was on the outside and that was a rare thing. And he’d asked you to marry him. You were the luckiest person in the world.

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SeSa2015, 2016.10.11: One more gift for a pitch hitcher will be posted in a few days. Please look forward to it~


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Chapter 64: So cute <3
Chapter 5: It's so sad that i just got to know about this later.
Chapter 44: this is the sweetest and the most well written one shot so far. plus i adore the idea of jaebum as a father of an adorable
lil five year old.
Chapter 67: Whoop! Hopefully the other two writers get their stories as well!
amatsukishi #5
Chapter 20: I'm in love with this story. I really love a good long read. Ty to the one who made this.
JinyoungsMark #6
Chapter 66: Yes..markjin!! I hope authornim update the sequel..Fighting!!
Chapter 6: I think its better for you to include pairing along with fic title, author + for who...
JinyoungsMark #8
Chapter 42: I love this authornim..2jae is soo sweet rooting for mark to ask out jinyoungie..soo cute!! ^.^
Chapter 5: Can't wait for Christmas to be near again, I want to join again. This was the first event that I joined and it turned out fun ^^
mxwang #10
Chapter 20: Wah so long. But love it <3