Happy Holidays, Vanessa_kaeth

Who's My IGOT7 Santa? 2015

Gift for Vanessa_kaeth

Gift from ???

Title of the gift : Your banana cupcake kisses

Pairing : Markbam

Words : 2490

Rating : PG13

Warning : Ugh, I made it short, and english is not my first language so sorry for grammar mistake.

Note to my giftee : Hi Vanessa, hello, happy holiday and Merry Christmas. Hmm, fluff is not the thing i'm comfortable to write, but I do write it, romance, and fluff, for you. Hope you enjoy it. It's quite short, i know. But, I made it so you can read it in one go, and enjoy another story from other authors. Hope you like it :)

Your Banana Cupcake Kisses

It’s usual time for Bambam, when he slowly got so sleepy because there’s no customer. He glanced at the clock, still 4 hours till his shift ended, so he decided to make another espresso to keep him awake. Well, he didn’t know if it’ll help him or not, but it’s not wrong to try, he thought.

He worked at this coffee shop for almost three months now. This coffee shop is his aunt’s, so actually he just helped a family while helping himself too. The reason is, because he needs money, and he loves to baked. It took seconds for his aunt to actually accepted him as their new bartender, and it took shorter time for his aunt to let him put his famous banana cupcake on the display to be sold to the customer. All families already knew that his banana muffin is the best.

The bell rang, made him yelped from his position and looked at the door. Usually there’s no costumer at this time, and he sighed found out that it’s just his best friend from college.

What are you doing here, jerk?” he walked to the cashier, greeting his friend with a cup of espresso on his hand.

That’s not how you handle customer, jerk.” said a guy with dark-brown hair, way taller than him, using baby blue scarf around his neck actually made him cuter than his usual. “I need my usual.”

Your usual? Okay.” Bambam touched something repeatedly on his monitor to put his best friend order. “It’s cafe latte, non-fat milk, no-sugar.” he mumbled to himself as he touched the monitor. “Anything else?” he looked at his best friend.

A boy with dark-brown hair shook his head before leaning on the counter. “Ah, wait.” He suddenly remembered something, “Give me the best sweets you got here then.” he grinned at Bambam.

Sweets?” Bambam furrowed his eyebrows, looked at his friend with confused expression. “I thought you hate sweets, Yugyeom?”

Nah, it’s from Mark hyung.” Yugyeom slightly pouted.

Mark?” Bambam felt that name really familiar for him. “Ah, Mark hyung?” He yelled as he remembered the guy.

Mark is Yugyeom’s cousin from America. Bambam never met him though, but by the amount of times Yugyeom talked about how amazing his Mark hyung is, he already feel as he known Mark for the longest time. Mark hyung who never failed to impress their parents because of his amazing brain in class. Mark hyung who loves to play skateboard that he got a huge scar on his palm because of this one accident when Mark fell after he did somersault on the air. Mark hyung who loves soups like himself. Mark hyung who couldn’t stand a cold, also like himself. And Mark hyung who loves mango and banana, like himself.

Mark hyung just broke up with his girlfriend before flying here.” Yugyeom jutted his lower lip, and Bambam unconsciously smiled because of that. “He’s been in a super bad mood because of that. I’m sad you know Bam.”

Bambam ruffled his hair. “I know i know.” he smiled before walking to the counter and took out four banana cupcakes from the display. He put it inside a box and write something on the card before he slipped it inside.

Start making the cafe latte from his friend, hummed to his favorite song as he brewed the coffee. Lately, his clothes always smelled like coffee and it made his younger sister annoyed, but he actually didn’t care. He loves coffee smell.

He took all the stuffs after he finished, a cup of coffee and box of cupcakes. “Here, your coffee, and sweets for Mark hyung.” Bambam smiled, giving the younger his stuffs, “Say hi to Mark hyung from me.” He said again as Yugyeom paid him, say thanks and waves as he walked to the door, outside the cafe.

Bambam just chuckled, sat on the chair and rests his chin on his palm, waiting for next customer.

So, Mark hyung is here, eh?” He asked to himself. Wondering what is this Mark looked like. Well, he only heard about Mark, he never really met Mark in person, and from the story, this little crush developed inside his heart. Little crush that made him sad when he heard that Mark hyung already had a girlfriend, a little crush that made him happy at the fact that Mark broke up with his girlfriend. Little crush. He chuckled to himself at how stupid it is to love someone he never met before. But then again, it’s true.


In the busy street at Seoul, Mark finally found a place to hide. Hide from the cruel cold wind outside. He never liked cold weather. He loves beach and summer. So, visit Seoul in the winter definitely not his choice, but he couldn’t help. He need to get away and tend to his broken heart that caused by cheating girlfriend.

Mark entered the coffee shop, a small coffee shop with pretty design. The smell of the coffee already filled his nose, he smiled for a bit after stepped to the cashier to place his orders. There’s no one there, he thought at first, before noticing a boy sleeping, using his own arms as a pillow. The boy with grey hair color, but he couldn’t see his face clearly.

Excuse me?” He spoke slowly, not wanting to scared the boy or something, but the boy only squirmed in his sleep. He smiled again, not sure why he felt so calm watching the boy sleep. He looked around the shop, it’s so dangerous to left the shop open like this, so he decided to go somewhere first, flip the open sign to ‘close’ outside. “Should get back again later then.” He mumbled to himself, put his hands inside his pocket and walked away.


Bambam squirmed on his sleep, heard the bell ring again and sat up. Rubbed his eyes as he still feeling sleepy, and glanced at the clock. It’s almost 6 p.m, and he sighed to himself. “Oh , I slept for 3 hours.” He looked around, questioning in his head if there’s a customer before or not, until he noticed that the door sign already flipped over.

Ah so someone was here?” he blinked repeatedly, and walked to the door. Flipped it open again, he still need to stay here till 9 p.m anyway. He stretched his arms, and went back to his chair. Opened his book so he won’t sleep again, and decide to read while he waiting for the customer.


Mark looked into his phone, it’s -2 degree celsius. “Damn it Yugyeom where are you?” He cursed under his breath, waiting till his cousin arrived. He was standing there, at the intersection, and it’s already late. It’s 9 p.m, and he really regretted the fact that he didn’t stop at the previous coffee shop. Because a hot coffee will be a good company now.

Ugh whatever.” He finally decided to walked back into the coffee shop, only found someone with thick padded jacket, hoodie put all over his head, mask covering half of his face, and his dark grey hair covering other half of his face. He chuckled, the boy from before.

It’s already closed?” Mark asked, looked so disappointed. He walked closer to the boy who's now locking the door to his coffee shop.

The boy looked at him, blinked repeatedly. “It is, I’m so sorry.” He said through his mask.

Mark was amazed at the boy’s soft voice, he wasn’t sure if it’s because of the bell and christmas decoration from the store, but the boy’s voice sounds like a jingle bell. “Oh, okay then. I think I should get going.” He chuckled as he turned around. “Oh,” he looked back, made the boy looked at him again, confused, “It’s dangerous to left your sign open when you sleep inside.” He chuckled, watching as the boy more confused. He waved and run to the intersection again, waiting for his cousin to take they both home.


Bambam was dumbfounded. He didn’t know what that guy talking about, until he finally clicked something on his mind. “Oh!” he yelled, as he looked back quickly but the previous guy already disappeared on his sight. “Huh, too bad then. I should say thanks at least earlier.” He pouted slightly, fished out his phone from his pocket and texted his mother, informed her that he just closed the store and on his walk back home.


You jerk decided to leave me die out there or what?” Mark hissed as he took of his thick coat and steps inside the living room, throwing his coat elsewhere and he quickly set the heater to high temperature and flopped on the couch.

Sorry hyung, but that Jerkson is the one who keep me late. He keep asking about this problem even after i told him many times.” the younger sighed, set the box of cupcakes on the table. “Ever since Bam work on his aunt’s coffee shop, my job became harder, he’s better at explaining things. Now he’s busy.” Yugyeom flopped on the couch also, sat beside his cousin. “But I got something for you. Here, to tend your broken heart.” he snickered and push the cupcake towards his hyung, watching as Mark sat up straight on his couch.

What is this?” The older asked, opened the box and found four cute cupcakes inside it. “Where did you get this?” he took one of the cupcake and tasted it. Widened his eyes as he chewed on it, “It tastes really good.” he said. The smell though, reminded him about something but he couldn’t pin-point what.

Bambam made it.” Yugyeom answered, leaned back on his couch.

Bambam, how is Bambam doing?” Mark asked, suddenly, feels the heat start building up on his face.

Hmm? Bambam? Well, he’s fine i think. What happened?” Yugyeom asked,

Nothing.” The older said, continue eating the cupcake and chuckled to himself.

Bambam, his cousin friend. Something that made him break up with his current girlfriend, at the thought that he keep mentioning Bambam to that girl. Well, not like he knew Bambam. He never met him, but from Yugyeom story, Bambam is the very bright kid, with adorable smile and amazing personality. And somehow, just hear his name already made him heart jump in excitement. It’s stupid to love someone he never met, he knew that, and that’s why he buried it, deep down inside his heart.


Another day at the coffee shop, Bambam feeling frustrated. He’s not supposed to be, but then his mom keep asking him about his grade. Well, not like he got a bad grade, he got a super good grade that will make his mom show it off to the other family members, and he will be his siblings laughingstock for the whole 3 hours of the party.

He really hate that. Not the he didn’t like spending time with his family, he just hated it when his family became too overboard. “Maybe having a date for Christmas won’t be that bad,” he thought, “But who will go with me anyway.” he sighed to himself just before someone entered the coffee shop. Made his eyes widened in shock.

It’s you! The guy from yesterday!” he yelled excitedly as a guy with blonde hair stepped inside the store and walked towards the cashier.

Yes, the guy from before.” Mark chuckled. “Finally I can buy something from this coffee shop. The last time i came here, the barista dead asleep on the table.”

Bambam pouted slightly, “Well, i was really tired okay. And the weather not helping. This coffee shop really warm and it’s so comfortable sleeping here.” the younger said, made Mark laughed.

That’s fine. Can i get hot cafe latte please?” Mark asked which Bambam answered with a nod.

You’re not from here? It’s the first time i see you.” Bambam asked as he put the order into the machine.

Yeah, I’m actually from America. Just come here for the vacation.” he answered, watching the younger setting up everything in smooth movement.

I know someone from America.” he excitedly said.

Oh really?” Mark chuckled at the younger cute gesture.

Yes, My friend’s cousin is from America, he even got a cool name.” Bambam laughed as he mixed the skim milk with espresso.

Oh, what is his name?” Mark took the cup from the younger.

He’s Mark.” he laughed before pressing the machine again,

You’re Bambam?” The older widened his eyes, couldn’t believe the whole

How did you know?” Bambam asked, furrowed his eyebrows, feeling suspicious.

I’m Mark.” He chuckled, “Yugyeom’s cousin. Yesterday he gave me banana cupcake and said that you’re the one who made it?”

Ah..” Bambam blushed, unconsciously his heartbeat getting faster as time goes by, hearing Mark’s voice. “Well, yeah, you would like some too, i made those too yesterday?” he asked and the older nodded before walking to one of the table and waited.

He walked to the display counter and took out one cupcake, put it on the plate. “I heard you’re in the middle of healing, from your breakup?” Bambam asked as he place the plate on the table in front of the older.

Yeah, but i think I already over it now.” Mark smiled, once again, made Bambam heart going crazy.

Ah well. That’s good for you then.” he said as he sat in front of the older, smiled too.

Mark blushed at the sight in front of him. He never believed in love at the first sight, but maybe that’s real.

How’s the cupcake?” He asked, and quickly regretted it as Mark looked at him with some of the cream smeared around the corner of his lips. And it looks adorable.

Bam, I don’t believe in love at the first sight.” Mark said suddenly, made the younger blinked confusedly.

I don’t too.” Bambam finally said, after a while.

But then, maybe that thing exist.” Mark smiled at the younger.

Yes..” Bambam rubbed the back of his neck.

Do you want to know how the cupcake tastes like?” Mark leaned closer to the younger, and Bambam just nodded even though he’s confused as hell.

You can taste it by yourself.” Mark smiled before leaning closer to kissed the younger on the lips, nibbled on Bambam’s bottom lip a little before he pulled away. “Wow, even your lips tasted so sweet like a cupcake.”

Bambam felt his heart racing, he looked down, hide his blushes that appeared again on his face.

Bam..” Mark called out, lifted the younger’s chin with his finger, “Will you go on a date with me and spend christmas night together?”

Bambam looked at the older for awhile, before smiling and nodded. “Yes.” He said shyly. And with that, Mark leaned closer again, kissed the younger on the lips for a long while, tasting all the sweetness that filled his heart, healing his broken heart.


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SeSa2015, 2016.10.11: One more gift for a pitch hitcher will be posted in a few days. Please look forward to it~


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Chapter 64: So cute <3
Chapter 5: It's so sad that i just got to know about this later.
Chapter 44: this is the sweetest and the most well written one shot so far. plus i adore the idea of jaebum as a father of an adorable
lil five year old.
Chapter 67: Whoop! Hopefully the other two writers get their stories as well!
amatsukishi #5
Chapter 20: I'm in love with this story. I really love a good long read. Ty to the one who made this.
JinyoungsMark #6
Chapter 66: Yes..markjin!! I hope authornim update the sequel..Fighting!!
Chapter 6: I think its better for you to include pairing along with fic title, author + for who...
JinyoungsMark #8
Chapter 42: I love this authornim..2jae is soo sweet rooting for mark to ask out jinyoungie..soo cute!! ^.^
Chapter 5: Can't wait for Christmas to be near again, I want to join again. This was the first event that I joined and it turned out fun ^^
mxwang #10
Chapter 20: Wah so long. But love it <3