Happy Holidays, Jinxsan

Who's My IGOT7 Santa? 2015

Gift for Jinxsan

Gift from ???

Title: Heart knows

Pairing: Markson (Ending has unintentional YugBam)

Words: 2392

Rating: PG:15

Warnings: Slight mentions of , and possible swear words, I think that’s about it

Note to my giftee: Hi Ella! I hope you like this, I tried my best >< I also hope you have an amazing holiday and wish you a merry christmas ♡ ~('▽^人)

Heart knows


"Go to sleep goddamn it" Mark mutters to himself. "Be happy, smile...ignore the darkness...run" Mark continues muttering, but he can't fight the tears, he's alone completely alone. It's odd, he's in a house alone, and he wants a hug from anyone, but there's no one he can go to, his friends all have that someone, his siblings at least have a close friend, and his parents have each other, but he is alone, these are the thoughts Mark has been fighting and battling to keep away, but there was a time when Mark had someone special, but they’d parted ways once high school was over, all feelings left silent, now on a cold night they all hit him and once and all he wants is a hug, but instead he's meet with a bitter loneliness. Mark grabbed his phone, scrolling through the numbers but putting the device down beside his head with a heavy sigh.

It’d be a burden” Mark whispered. The idea of a walk ran into Mark’s mind so he pushed himself out of bed, grabbed jeans, essentials and left in an attempt to escape the dark and heavy trap his mind had pulled him to.




You’re too much” “You’ll find someone better than me” “We’re over” “I can’t handle you” “This isn’t what is looks like” these were things Jackson had been sick and tired of hearing, his heart was shattered, the words “I love you” became a lifeless, bitter, and dark bunch of empty words. It took a strong gust of cold wind for Jackson to realise he was crying again.
“This is your fault, why are you so sad?” Jackson muttered to himself, wiping the tears and pulling his coat collar higher to cover the bottom of his face. Jackson had just been dumped again, well more cheated on, for 1 years of a just reaching 2 and a half year relationship, great anniversary gift, the sight of your boyfriend having with “just a friend” on the bed you once shared.

You were too much, and not enough at the same time, and I couldn’t handle you, I’m sorry” Was the last words Jackson heard, it wasn’t a surprise, Jackson felt like he was in a movie with someone constantly and cruelly hitting rewind every time Jackson got to a happy point. Right now Jackson just wanted a friend, maybe just to talk to a complete stranger, have someone who’d listen and not tell him he’s too much, not give him an empty ‘I love you’ just someone who could hug him, tell him everything was okay, and for the words to be believable and trustworthy, two things Jackson has never found in anyone, well there was one, but he was long gone out of Jackson’s life, so long Jackson could only remember what the male looked like in high school, along with the name YiEun, damn Jackson’s awful memory.




Mark sighed into the cold air, he was prepared to hug anyone, even a stranger, just to feel some sort of security for at least a second. A sense of belonging, someone who could bring light to the darkness in his mind, make the blurred areas clear, and give him that warm feeling he’d lost years ago. Someone who could trust him with their problems, but accept his as well, someone who he could just listen to, and have stay, not someone who just decides he’s quiet so they can say what they want and think “Nothing could be wrong with Mark, nothing's ever wrong with Mark” even when Mark is in tears he gets shunned by most, and the ones willing to listen, Mark has already called himself a burden to.


Mark stopped taking a deep breath, and looking up he found himself face to face with a stranger. It was a man with puffy eyes, probably from crying, Mark could faintly see tear marks trailing down his cheeks, but the man was looking up at the sky, eyes seeming to dance from star to star. It was beautiful, the sight was purely beautiful, a sad kind of beauty, but still undeniably the most beautiful thing Mark could imagine looking at. Mark shook his head, this person was a stranger, a stranger Mark could hug, but still a stranger.


Suddenly without Mark thinking about it he found his arms sliding into the others open coat and wrapping themselves around this stranger’s waist, head snuggling into the other’s chest, this guy was warm, like so warm Mark felt bubbly and sleepy all at once, his heart beating rapidly but nothing telling him to let go, everything yelling to stay.




Jackson took a deep breath, noticing tears trying to cloud up his vision he stopped, looking up at the stars and tracing pictures from one to the next, finding silly things, but none made him smile, his mind replaying scenes from the break up before a voice entered his mind, it was YiEun’s, telling him everything was okay, and then memories of younger days when Jackson would go on and on about anything and everything to Mark, and Mark would do the same, then they’d just enjoy the other’s company. Jackson felt his chest ache and more tears threaten to spill. He seemed to be completely oblivious to the stranger standing in front of him, until he felt two arms wrap around him and a cold stranger snuggle into him. When Jackson looked down and their gazes met, slightly blurry, but something seemed familiar.

Ah...hi there” Jackson spoke awkwardly.

H-hi...sorry...I just needed a hug, and you looked like you could use one as well, and you looked really beautiful looking at the stars...I’m sorry” Mark replied quickly, letting go of Jackson and stepping back, and trying not to look awkward, and ending up looking at the ground.

It’s okay, I appreciate the hug” Jackson chuckled. Mark giggled awkwardly, not knowing what to say. After a few seconds of silence Jackson took a step closer to Mark.

Since you hugged me, you owe me a drink at least” Jackson spoke, trying to sound serious but his face clearly betraying him with a wide grin, sad thoughts pushed aside for an interesting stranger. Mark looked up, face showing shock, and eyes growing bigger when he properly looked at the other’s face. Soon they both shared the same expressions; Surprise, joy, relief, and longing.

YiEun?” Jackson muttered. Mark could only nod, he’d missed Jackson, but they’d never been able to talk since after high school Mark contact was just dropped, Mark going back to the USA and Jackson going back to Hong Kong, but both only lasting a year away from Korea.

Jacks” Mark chuckled. It took seconds before Jackson had his arms wrapped tightly around Mark, head snuggling into Mark’s neck.

I missed you” Jackson whispered. Mark hugged back quickly, enjoying the other familiar warmth.

I missed you too” Mark replied. There was silence for a little bit, both adjusting to the idea of the other being back in their lives, both adjusting to the sudden return rush of old feelings that never really left. When the hug broke Jackson smirked, before trying to look somewhat angry.

So that drink, now you really owe it to me, why didn’t you tell me you were back in Korea!” Jackson spoke, trying to seem angry but the grin stretching across his face saying something completely different.

I heard from someone you were doing well back in Hong Kong so I assumed you were still there and I wouldn’t know how to contact you anyway!” Mark replied, wearing the same grin.

Soon they both burst out laughing, attracting strange looks but neither caring, nothing had been lost from the old days.

How about you come to mine, I’ll make you a hot chocolate and you can explain that crying face to me, I’m pretty sure I told you if we meet again I want to see that big dorky smile” Mark laughed. Jackson chuckled, nodding in agreement.

Then you have to explain those puffy eyes to me! Last time I remember you weren’t one to cry so easy” Jackson replied. Mark couldn’t help but smile, reaching for Jackson’s hand. Jackson lacing their fingers together as Mark led them to his house.




The night was spent with hot chocolates in hands, tears of sadness and joy shed, memories of happier times revisited, and at some point old feelings confessed, followed by a much overdue kiss.


----2 years later---


Mark smiled hearing the front door unlock and a voice fill their new apartment.

Mark, I’m home” Jackson called through their apartment. Mark jumped off from the couch, meeting Jackson by the door and pulling the other in for a hug. Jackson smiled, giving Mark a chaste kiss. Mark giggled pulling away, grabbing Jackson’s hand, metal engagement rings hitting each other as Mark pulled Jackson to the couch to watch a new episode of Running Man.

I love you” Mark spoke out of the blue, snuggling into Jackson.

I love you too” Jackson replied, a large smile covering his face. They were happy and together, and engaged, Mark occasionally had nightmares that he was still alone, but he always woke up to find Jackson there with open arms, and no matter how many times Jackson asked Mark would always tell him that Jackson is the perfect amount of everything.


----3 years later---


Jackson smiled widely as the words “I do” slipped from Mark’s lips, soon finding himself kissing the other. Their friends cheering, Jaebum and Jinyoung crying like proud parents, Youngjae supplying tissues, a large, proud, grin evident on his face.

Hey Mark, guess what” Jackson giggled, forehead pressing against Mark’s. Mark smiled, giving Jackson another chaste kiss before replying.

You’re stuck with me for the rest of your life?” Mark suggested. Jackson chuckled.

And you with me, but also...I love you” Jackson continued to chuckled. Mark blushed slightly, but smiled.

Guess what...I love you too” Mark giggled.


---8 years later----


Mum, dad, I think I’m in love” A 5 year old Yugyeom announced one day when Mark and Jackson went to pick him up from school. Mark smiled, trying not to giggle, finding it cute that his son was experiencing his first love. Jackson on the other hand looked ready to grab a shotgun and find whatever kid was changing his baby. Mark crouched down, smiling at Yugyeom, both ignoring Jackson.

Really?” Mark replied. Yugyeom nodded quickly, Mark slightly fearing Yugyeom’s head would fall off.

His name is Kun...Kun...Kunmipok? Well I call him BamBam, he’s from Taiwan, and he’s really cute and pretty but also handsome, and he gave me some of his cookie today, and we went down the slide together, and at nap time he slept next to me, it was cool, he even likes dancing! and and…” Soon everything Yugyeom was saying became babbling, but Mark was still smiling and nodding, enjoying his sons happiness. Jackson had begun to twitch, he was not ready for his baby to fall in love, who the hell did this BamBam kid think he was!


It didn’t take long until BamBam and Yugyeom were having sleep overs, it was seriously hard to believe Yugyeom was younger, they got along like a house on fire, and sometimes Mark and Jackson felt like it was a house on fire, and a blessing whenever the two stayed at BamBam’s house. Mark was 30 now, and Jackson was 29, both felt like they were at least 70 with how active the kids were. Even on their nights off when Jaebum, Jinyoung, and Youngjae would attempt to take them out Mark and Jackson would either worry about the kids, or pass out, but occasionally they’d battle to see who could get the most phone numbers, it usually ending in a tie, or someone getting punched or yelled at for getting too close.


At some point Mark and Jackson found themselves talking to Jaebum, Jinyoung, and Youngjae about Yugyeom and BamBam in high school. Jaebum and joked about Yugyeom being like them in highschool. Anything good left both Mark and Jackson minds, only memories of partying, drinking, , and cringe worthy mistakes.

Please let him be like Mark” Jackson muttered.

No, let him be like you! At least then he’ll have a better alcohol tolerance, and he will stay a for a little longer!” Mark replied.

But if he’s like you he’ll get better grades!” Jackson argued back, by now they’d both forgotten the two small boys asleep upstairs.

But if he’s like me he’d have had by like 14! then what are we meant to do!!! Hell if he’s like me he’ll probably drink far more!” Mark bit back.

If he’s like me he’l get way too drunk and wake up in people’s backyards!” Jackson fought back. The argument continued until small sniffles could be heard from the stair case. Mark and Jackson both going silent and seeing Yugyeom, their precious soon to be 6 year old, crying, holding a winnie the pooh plush tightly in his hand.

Why are you guys fighting?” Yugyeom cried. Mark and Jackson both instantly regretting their argument, and rushing to Yugyeom embracing him in a tight hug, soon BamBam joined them on the stairs, easily being pulled into the hug.

Bam, can you promise me something?” Jackson asked, voice softer than usual. BamBam nodded.

Can you take care of Yugyeom? Make sure he’s safe when you’re older” Jackson asked. BamBam didn’t hesitate to nod, Jackson held out his pinky finger.

Pinky swear?” Jackson asked. BamBam quickly laced his pinky with Jackson’s, still nodding. Jackson smiled widely, pulling Bambam to him and hugging him tightly. Yugyeom pouted at this and snuggled into Mark.

I don’t need someone to take care of me though” Yugyeom replied. Mark and Jackson both chuckled.
“Then you can promise to take care of BamBam” Mark giggled. Yugyeom nodded, holding his pinky out to BamBam. The two kids pinky promising. Mark and Jackson couldn’t be happier that their son had a friend like Yugyeom.


What Mark and Jackson hadn’t expected was the future, and how right Yugyeom was, and how strongly their pinky promises were kept.






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SeSa2015, 2016.10.11: One more gift for a pitch hitcher will be posted in a few days. Please look forward to it~


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Chapter 64: So cute <3
Chapter 5: It's so sad that i just got to know about this later.
Chapter 44: this is the sweetest and the most well written one shot so far. plus i adore the idea of jaebum as a father of an adorable
lil five year old.
Chapter 67: Whoop! Hopefully the other two writers get their stories as well!
amatsukishi #5
Chapter 20: I'm in love with this story. I really love a good long read. Ty to the one who made this.
JinyoungsMark #6
Chapter 66: Yes..markjin!! I hope authornim update the sequel..Fighting!!
Chapter 6: I think its better for you to include pairing along with fic title, author + for who...
JinyoungsMark #8
Chapter 42: I love this authornim..2jae is soo sweet rooting for mark to ask out jinyoungie..soo cute!! ^.^
Chapter 5: Can't wait for Christmas to be near again, I want to join again. This was the first event that I joined and it turned out fun ^^
mxwang #10
Chapter 20: Wah so long. But love it <3