Happy Holidays, STOPITBOYZ

Who's My IGOT7 Santa? 2015


Gift from ???

Title of the gift: Four Walls

Pairing: JinyoungxOC

How many words: 2029

Rating: PG

Warnig: None

Note to my giftee: 
Merry Christmas Emily~!
The story is based on F(x)'s new song, "Four Walls". To clear a few confusions, the bold italicized texts are lyrics of the song. The italicized texts are what's happening in the films.
I've written four stories for you, all in fantasy, and I thought that this is the best one. I'm sorry that it isn't sort of a happy or fluffy story, because i tend to make stories sad. I tried my best not to give it a sad ending though. I hope you liked it. I really enjoyed writing this for you. 

Four Walls


The flower that is emotion blooms in a short moment. With not one speck of dust it perfectly overcomes its beginning. An unfamiliar blue light shines the thing that makes me dizzy…”


The world is full of mysteries. It’s an endless maze. No matter how much time you try to spend on it, like a mirror, it just projects, but instead of revealing anything, it mystifies.

The world is a maze. It’s divided into two worlds. These two worlds are known as: Euphoria and Crest-fallen. Euphoria is the world of happiness; no one ever frowns there. Crest-fallen, however, is the opposite of Euphoria. Crest-fallen is the world of miseries; no one ever smiles there. The magic that is dividing these two worlds is known as the “Four Walls”. It has a ceiling with no roof; it has four walls without a door or window. The four walls, legend has it that these four walls held the most mystifying magic ever existed in this world.

This magic was never heard or seen in living memory, until a girl from Crest-fallen mistakenly discovered it.


Emily was walking home from work. She was tired. Her boss had made her work all day without a single break. Her brown wavy hair flowed in the breeze; she was wearing a long-sleeve white blouse, denim jeans and converse highs. Despite of her tiredness, her beauty is still visible in the moonlight.

Emily’s house is near the Four Walls. Feeling dizzy, Emily looked around.

One of both worlds’ mysteries is how a girl like Emily entered the Four Walls…

Opening the door that grew before me, carefully treading towards the light || And I had the answers but now they mean nothing || ‘cuz these walls caught me here with something || Opening a new door, as I open them these 4 walls that grew more with you || These New walls that are different colors again, this New World I’m falling deeper into

Emily looked around. This was certainly not her house. It feels weird but every time she opens and walks into a room, that one wall will close her in and the other wall will open to another one; those processes goes on and on. She finally stopped at a room, with nothing but walls, and letters. The first wall contains “Bogo”, the second one contains “Shi”, the third one contains “Peo”, and the last wall contains “Saranghae”. Five Korean words. Saranghae means “I love you”, if you combine “Bogo”, “Shi” and “Peo”, it’ll mean…

I miss you…” Emily said.

Suddenly, she got a great idea. She knows it’s stupid, but she tried it anyway. She touched the “Peo”, and swiped it to “Shi”. Surprisingly, the two words were connected. It now reads “Shipeo”. Emily touched “Shipeo” swiping it to “Bogo”, creating...

Bogoshipeo…” She said.

There were two words left. Bogoshipeo and Saranghaeyo. Smiling, Emily touched the two words and swiped them together, making them be together in one wall. The letters suddenly change into: “I miss you and I love you, always…” The words lit up like fireflies and the wall opened.

Emily entered. She saw nothing but darkness-

Oh! There are tapes in here!” Emily exclaimed.

She immediately ran into the box of tapes and looked at it. Randomly, she took one tape. She saw a projector, and put the tape on so it’ll project.

The film started playing, and on goes her marvel at the scene…


There was a boy being projected. The boy was lying down, looking like he wanted to rest. There was a smile on his face when the camera got near his face.

Stop that!” He said as he looked at the camera.

There was a girl’s laughter in the background. Emily assumed that it was a girl taking the video.

No!” There was the girl’s voice again. “You look beautiful.”

Stop it right now.”

I don’t want too~”

It was quiet. The boy suddenly looked around.

Jinyoung~” The girl said.

The girl is still behind the camera, unseen, filming the guy, who Emily assumed is named Jinyoung.

Jinyoung~” The girl’s voice was like a breeze. It seems peaceful. “Do you like me?”

Jinyoung looked at the camera, trying to hide his hesitation. The girl must have seen it, because she said…

It’s okay…”


And with that, the first film has ended.


Emily anticipated for more. She went to the box of tapes, taking it with her, sitting down on the couch and digging another random tape. She ejected the first tape and put on the new one. She waited…


It was rainy. Although the girl was in front of the camera, Emily still can’t see her face. The girl was wet, her hair soaking and covering her face. Jinyoung was beside her, trying to cover her when it was no use…

This is so much fun~” The girl screamed. Her voice is echoing like falling raindrops. She laughed as if there’s no tomorrow.

Jinyoung laughed along. His laughter was pleasant.

They were dancing in the rain, until they stopped, and looked at each other. The girl tipped up. Jinyoung smiled before leaning in ang blocking the camera with his wet hand.


Emily was tired. But the tapes woke her up. She’s wondering where did this came from, who are they, and… are they real? Emily wasn’t sure if this girl and Jinyoung were lovers or something, but they do have they had something.

She took another tape and ejected the second one, putting the new one in place.


A piano was heard. The camera was filming someone’s hands. Jinyoung’s hands to be précised. They moved perfectly on the keys as if they were dancing.

The girl was playing with the camera. She was filming Jinyoung’s piano playing, up and down. Jinyoung had his eyes widened with shock when he heard the girl singing…


The moment I meet your eyes, my heart’s already Blue

Whenever I take a breath, the mirage that I see differently” The girl sang.


Emily suddenly became curious of what the girl looks like when she was singing. The voice was simply beautiful.


What are you doing?”

What does it look like? I’m reading.”

Looking smart for the camera? A~”

Stop that!” Jinyoung said.

You’re not the boss of me.” The girl, still behind the camera, shot back.

Jinyoung stood up, his face getting closer to the camera.

Try me.” He snatched the camera, looked at it, and closed it.


The more Emily gets to watch the tapes, the more she gets to know about Jinyoung and the girl. Jinyoung was an easy piece. Sometimes he’s flirty, sometimes he’s serious. The girl, on the other hand, was complicated. For one, Emily had never seen the girl’s face before, they were either behind the camera, or blocked by something. Emily doesn’t know if that’s on purpose or not. Also, the girl’s voice was unique. The best way to describe it is it’s like a breeze. Peaceful and nice, that’s how Emily wants to put it.


The girl’s back was facing the camera. She was wearing a sky-blue backless dress. Her hair was turned into curls. She was wearing blue high heels shoes. There were arms draped against her waist, as her arms were draped against someone’s shoulder. Jinyoung! Of course!

What do you think?” Jinyoung asked as she spinned the girl around and around.

The girl stopped into Jinyoung’s arms.

I think this is my best prom ever.” The girl said as she laughed.

I love you, Jinyoung…” The girl said, putting her head on Jinyoung’s shoulder. Jinyoung smiled, but he didn’t reply back.


What exactly are they? Emily asked that to herself every time she finishes watching. The next tape wasn’t exactly nice…


That moment that surprises me, until a deep secluded place, the blue that spreads that is you || You silently approach me, a mirage that is spread before only me..”


The meadow was being filmed. No Jinyoung, no girl.

He loves me, he loves me not, what do you think?” The girl’s peaceful voice asked. “I just hope he watches this someday, all of this…” The girl’s voice asked, still filming the meadow.


Why? Why is the girl the only one there? What happened? Time passed and the film gets messier and messier. It gets shorter and shorter, until the box only has two tapes left. Emily picked the sixth tape and played it immediately, curious of what’s going to happen next.


Hey! What’s wrong?” It was Jinyoung, running.

Don’t you get it?!” The girl asked in frustration. “You’re what’s wrong!”

Jinyoung stood there, frozen and speechless.

Why?” Jinyoung managed to utter a word.

Listen Jinyoung, I’m sick of all this. Tell me, what are we?”

Jinyoung looked away, not meeting the girl’s eyes (and the camera).

We’re just some kids deceiving the eyes of our parents, making them think that we’re married.”

If there’s any way to detect the girl’s emotion, the camera was shaking.

I always say I love you, but you don’t say I love you too, one minute ad more away from you, I’m saying I miss you, but you don’t tell me you miss me too. I can’t believe I fell for a heartless guy. You were the only person I’ve ever love.” The girl sounds like she’s crying now.

Tell me, do you love me? Will you miss me if I go?”

Jinyoung looked at the camera, as if the answer is there. The girl, noticing the hesitation, closed the camera.


That was intense. There was one last tape. Emily was more than curious. Taking the last tape with trembling hands, she said…

I hope everything gets better”

She put the tape on the projector and started watching.


The first six tapes, the girl was filming. Now, it was the boy. It was Jinyoung filming.

Hi~” He said awkwardly, adjusting the camera so it can see his entire face. Jinyoung’s face shows awkwardness but regret.

Listen, I’m sorry about everything. I was dumb and stupid. I didn’t know. I was too late to realize what I lost. I thought I can live without you, but I was wrong. Very wrong. I am sorry for hurting you.”

Then a tear was shed from his eye.

I just want you to know, I love you too, I miss you too; those words that I couldn’t say. Those things that you wanted to hear. You wanted confirmation, but I didn’t give it. I am really sorry.”

He tried to smile.

I hope you find this someday. The place where we made our memories, the Four Walls…”

And at the very end, a picture showed up, a picture of…




What the- am I recycled or something? That girl… it looks exactly like me, Emily thought. She stared at the picture. The girl looks precisely like her. The only difference was that Emily was wearing a gloomy outfit and her aura is sad, and the girl’s dressed up cheerfully and her aura is happy.


She suddenly heard a voice…


Love is 4 Walls || The Mirror (Mirror) that’s filled up by you || Love is 4 Walls ||

The mysterious maze (maze)”


A mirror showed up at the edge of the room.


Within my large embrace, the surprising Fantasy || The more I get to know you, I can’t escape || Since wherever is good, till the end of the world, bring me with you

I walked to the mirror.

A bright light is lit, I can’t take my eyes off for even a moment, you’re beautiful

Within the invisible mirror that drew me in, you who are not me shines”

The mirror reflected my image. It suddenly changed. It reflected the image of the girl, smiling, as if she was the luckiest girl in the world.


I was hoping, wishing, that you’ll go back, that you’ll find this. I was hoping that you’ll regain your memories- I hope you remember this; the place where you filmed, and where we made our memories: The four walls.”


I smiled for the first time in my entire life.


It’s beautiful Ooh- It’s beautiful Ooh-

The mysterious maze

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SeSa2015, 2016.10.11: One more gift for a pitch hitcher will be posted in a few days. Please look forward to it~


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Chapter 64: So cute <3
Chapter 5: It's so sad that i just got to know about this later.
Chapter 44: this is the sweetest and the most well written one shot so far. plus i adore the idea of jaebum as a father of an adorable
lil five year old.
Chapter 67: Whoop! Hopefully the other two writers get their stories as well!
amatsukishi #5
Chapter 20: I'm in love with this story. I really love a good long read. Ty to the one who made this.
JinyoungsMark #6
Chapter 66: Yes..markjin!! I hope authornim update the sequel..Fighting!!
Chapter 6: I think its better for you to include pairing along with fic title, author + for who...
JinyoungsMark #8
Chapter 42: I love this authornim..2jae is soo sweet rooting for mark to ask out jinyoungie..soo cute!! ^.^
Chapter 5: Can't wait for Christmas to be near again, I want to join again. This was the first event that I joined and it turned out fun ^^
mxwang #10
Chapter 20: Wah so long. But love it <3