We Are The Proof of Forever

The Galaxy In Us

Your face. Your face that has been carefully sculpted to perfection. The hard edges and the challenging curves. How your eyes could stare fondly and intensely at the same time, like you burning skin and quickly peppers it with healing caresses of your gaze. The way your skin's been thoroughly prepared and molded to reach such fine gold that a bronze won't even want to be anywhere near you, too precious and worthy. 


Your body, so sturdy like a rock but does touches like feathers. Lean and tall, moves so hasty but graceful like the water that flows on a silent stream. Deep and dangerous but I'm not afraid. I may drown but as you swallow me deeper to the darkness, all I could feel is you around me, enveloping me and giving me calmness in the absense of light.


Thy brown locks that covers the glint that I mistook for shyness but betrayed by such luscious lips forming a smirk, maybe I could kiss it off?






Your face. Your face that's so pure and untouched. Soft as if the sculpturer feared harming if he dares lay a finger on it. As well as your skin, untouched and pale to melt with gold. Remaining smooth and flawless just the way it contrasts with mine. With eyes so bright they could outthrow the sun, who needs it anyway? All I need is you. 


Your nose, a statuesque slope, Archimedes would be ashamed if he miscaculates such perfection you hold. And don't even get me started with your lips. Has Cupid grown tired of shooting hearts on Human's chest he decided to place it on your face? And I have to fight my way to the Gods to convince them to be your permanent arrow. I'll just have to keep shooting you kisses with my lips and you better not complain.


Your built, so small but your force might actually overpower mine, but I'm not afraid. I promised I won't hurt you and I know you won't with me, too. Even with thy strength, my urge and the differences in our built is enough conviction that protection must be provided for you.






We'd live this infinity  and make ourselves known for generations to come.


This, this feeling we share would prove eternity. 


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