
Keep Your Eyes Open

Again, italicized paragraphs are flashbacks. Enjoy ^_^


            The leaves are slowly changing their color as the heat of the summer slowly slips away. Nearby a hill stood a man whose eyes gave away the pain he is feeling.


“Hi, I’m sorry; I’m a bit late hyung.” Kyuhyun apologized towards Siwon who was seating comfortably inside a coffee shop.

“You’re not late, I was just early.” Siwon smiled at him. It was actually their first date, after many months on pestering Kyuhyun to give him a chance, he reluctantly agreed. 

“Isn’t this place too crowded?” Kyuhyun asked scanning the coffee shop and seeing it jam-packed with people. He could even see some people already recognizing them.

“Uhm, yeah I think so too. I was actually planning on going somewhere remote and have a picnic there, if that’s okay with you? Or if you want we could just watch some movies?” Siwon smiled, he actually has many things planned for this day, heck he even wants to go to an amusement park since he knows the younger would love it. But he thought Kyuhyun might not want to be in a place where people could recognize them and partially Siwon doesn’t want distractions too. 

“The picnic would be great!” Kyuhyun answered with glee and quickly added, “Besides there was no movies today that I want to watch, but I know this great upcoming movie next week that we could watch.” Kyuhyun was smiling but it suddenly dawned on him that he just asked Siwon for another date and this day has not even started yet! Kyuhyun then blushed at the embarrassment.

“Sure, why not? But we got to get going now so we could enjoy our picnic.” Siwon grinned at the idea of landing the second possible date with his Kyunnie. They both then stood up and started their way to Siwon’s car.

After almost half an hour they arrived at their destination, Siwon was glad that even in the car they engaged into small talks and not just awkward silence.

“You know you don’t need to open it for me.” Kyuhyun frowned as Siwon held the door for him.

“I know, I just want to” Siwon smiled as Kyuhyun shyly stomped his way on the hill.

“Hey! Don’t go to fast!” Siwon ran with a basket and bags full of whatnot filling his hands. As they approached the top of the hill where a single tall tree stood strong, Kyuhyun was stunned to see the whole landscape. Siwon smirked at the view and started placing a big towel-like cloth on the ground for them to sit on.

“Come on, Kyuhyun sit down and stop gawking around.” Siwon was chuckling as Kyuhyun sat down with his face red with embarrassment of being caught red-handed.

“This is a really good place, Siwon. The view is just breath taking! How did you managed to find it?” Kyuhyun asked as he regained his ability to speak.

“Well, I love to drive around whenever something was bothering me. Then I kind of stumbled into this place. Great isn’t it? Wait till you see the sun set.” Siwon smiled with a smile that can rival the sun’s brightness.

“Can’t wait to see it then, Why don’t we eat first hyung, I’m starving.” Kyuhyun whined which made Siwon struggled so hard to pinch the cheeks of the whining man.

They started to eat the food Siwon brought with them. As they eat each dish piece by piece which Kyuhyun found amazingly well and was impressed to find out Siwon was the one who cooked all of it, even the desserts.

“Hyung! This is amazing~ I can taste wine in the cake. I love it so much!” Kyuhyun exclaimed further throwing the man into the cloud nine as the latter was only giving good feedback into their date.

“Well, I could teach you sometime if you want?” Siwon asked as Kyuhyun grabbed another slice

“Oh, you don’t want that, unless you want the kitchen burn.” Kyuhyun smiled as he was truly enjoying this date.

As the time goes by, Siwon and Kyuhyun find themselves enjoying the date better than what they expected. They shared each other information about themselves and engaged in a heart to heart talk. Each of them enjoyed the comfortable atmosphere that envelopes them. In all honesty, Siwon thought that there might be moments in their date today where they fall into awkward silence but was glad to find out that him and Kyuhyun fits perfectly.


The man slowly walked his way up to the hill and leaned on a tall tree he found at the top, slowly a smile crept into his face but his eyes showed his sadness.

“I see you’re still sturdy and strong.” The man said it as if he was talking to the tree, while patting its trunk slightly with his hand.


“Hey where are we going? I thought we’re going to the hill?” Kyuhyun shouted to Siwon who wouldn’t let go of his hand as they walk.

“You’ll see.” Siwon replied

“I thought were going to see the sunset.” Kyuhyun asked with a frown on his face.

“Baby, you’ve seen that sunset a thou~~sand times already, come on!” Siwon said trying to use his failed aegyo to coax Kyuhyun into coming with him without protest.

“But, I wanna see it. It’s still magical as the first time I saw it.” Kyuhyun contemplated.

“Okay, I’ll promise I’ll take you there again tomorrow, just come with me.” Siwon bartered.

Reluctantly Kyuhyun gave up, a few minutes later just as he was about to shout at Siwon for making him walk what it seems like a hundred miles, Siwon stopped and ordered him to close his eyes.

“Why?” Kyuhyun asked.

“Just do it, please?” Siwon pleaded.

At that Kyuhyun closed his eyes as Siwon started to walk, with Kyuhyun in his tow.

“Now, Kyu open your eyes.” Siwon softly whispered and Kyuhyun obediently did. Right at the moment he opened his eyes it grew wide at the amazement for what he was seeing.

“What do you think? Do you like it?” Siwon asked, silently scared that Kyuhyun might not like it. 

“You’re asking me, if I like it? Siwon I love it!” Kyuhyun tackled Siwon into a big hug as he uttered ‘thank you’ into his ear, as Siwon only smiled with content. Soon enough Kyuhyun escaped from the embrace and started jumping with excitement like a little kid, well who wouldn’t? They are at an amusement park after all.

“Sorry, I can only manage to get you on a date to an abandoned amusement park and not the real one.” Siwon said apologetically, rubbing the back of his neck with one of his hands, while Kyuhyun looked at him with disbelief.

“Are you seriously saying sorry that you found an abandoned amusement park that we can enjoy with just the two of us without the distraction of lines and hordes of people?” Kyuhyun said with a smirk now adorning his face. Making sure that Siwon knows how much he appreciates his surprise.

They spent their day playing in the amusement park running here and there finding different thing that was probably left by the people who used the park before. They had fun so to speak, although rides were not available anymore, who says they cannot have fun running around and pretending to be on the ride while screaming? When all energy was drained from the running younger, Siwon decided to call it a day.

“Ah~~” Kyuhyun said with delight as he can finally seat in Siwon’s car ready to go home.he was tired and his energy was drained but it was all worth it, this is his best day ever.

“Wow, all ready to go home? Where was the whining kid earlier?” Siwon teased as he saw Kyuhyun already buckling up into the seat and reminded himself about the whining other a few minutes ago, fighting like a little child who wants to play more.

“Shut it Won.”  Kyuhyun said with a non-threatening voice, as Siwon started the car and drove home and in the midst of the silence Kyuhyun’s voice can be heard.

“Thank you for this day Won, you just made our 5th anniversary even more special.” Kyuhyun softly whispered as he slowly drifted off to sleep, leaving a smiling-like-an-idiot Siwon.

“Anything for you Kyu, anything.”


But as sturdy and tall as the tree can be, it may seem to waver at the sadness, loneliness and hurt radiating from the now whimpering man sitting beside it. 

“Where are you?” the man muttered between his sobs, which he was trying hard to control. On the contrary of his sad aura, the sunset he was watching was breathtaking. To some who sees it might even feel the warmth the sun was giving in its last minutes, but to the man it was but a simple event.

 “I was wrong; the sunset is only magical when I see it with you.” The man whispered to the wind. He lowered his head and hugged his feet and started another round of crying and whimpering again. Only when there were no more tears streaming down his eyes was the time he decided to go down the hill.

As the man walked on with his heavy footsteps along the sidewalk, not minding the few stares he was receiving from the people, a strong aroma of coffee hit his nose and immediately triggered a moment he always treasures. A nostalgic feeling crept into his heart and the man let his heart be wrapped with it. After all, that’s where they started; the coffee aroma lingers through his nose as he tries to remember the exact scene on their first date.

Finally he arrived at the special place, filled with memories he kept on replaying. But he did not dare to open his eyes yet as he was afraid to see the surroundings without him. No matter how beautiful the place can be, the man knows opening his eyes will only cost him so much pain as he goes back to the old cherished memories built into this place.

But deep inside, the man knows it’s not only the pain or the nostalgic feeling that was keeping him from opening his eyes.  

No, he knows he was waiting for him to tell them to open them. But no matter how long he waits, he knows no voice is going to come and that’s what breaks his heart the most.


NO!” Kyuhyun shouted as he walked across the dorm.

“Kyu-ah, please calm down.” Leeteuk rushed to his side and made an attempt to hug the younger.

“CALM DOWN?! You want me to calm down?! How can I calm down when you’re saying those words?!” Kyuhyun shouted but not directly to the leader. The whole dorm was silent even though almost all of the members were there seating.

“Hyung, He is NOT dead!” Kyuhyun shouted one last time as he run towards his room and slam the door shut, isolating himself from the world.

All of them were shocked; well actually that was an understatement, to hear the news about one of their members being involved in a plane was really hard to believe as they were just with him the previous day and here they are hearing this horrifying, unbelievable news. At first no one wants to believe, the first ones to know was the parents and the entertainment and was later on passed on to Leeteuk. They only had few weeks before the news goes out into the media, so Leeteuk decided to tell the members now. He was shocked himself and he cried all night at the thought of losing one of the people closest to him. He just cannot imagine what would be the effect of this news to the others, especially Kyuhyun. When Leeteuk mustered up his courage and told the members, he told them not to cry but pray. Because a week ago he was only missing, they all have the hope that maybe he didn’t make it to the flight although it was confirmed or that he will suddenly be found. But as the days past by no news of him came, the plane itself was burned so bad the bodies inside where hard to identify.

  Then the news came, one burnt body was identified as Siwon, news traveled so fast that it devastated the members again. Leeteuk then decided to tell them all now before anything else happens. He understands Kyuhyun’s grief and denial because he is experiencing it to now. 

After Kyuhyun stormed into his room, Leeteuk let go all of his mustered up courage for once and dropped down to the floor and cried, together with his deongsaengs.

Moving on was tough, but slowly after two years all of the members except for one started to heal the pain in their chest. No matter how hard they try to reach out, it seems like Kyuhyun was the one who backs down.


“I knew I could find you here again.” Heechul said, while watching Kyuhyun’s back.

“Every time, I would find you here with your eyes closed and standing in the middle of nothing.” Heechul continued as he walked towards Kyuhyun to spin him around.

“And every time, I find you crying.” Heechul whispered as he wiped the maknae’s tears and hugged him tight.

“You need to move on Kyu,” Heechul stated the bitter truth which made him wail even louder.

“You know, you need to accept the truth that he is dead.” As heechul stated those words that equally pierced his heart as well. This time before saying anything, he untangled Kyuhyun and made him stand in front of him.

“Kyu, you  need to open your eyes.”



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Chapter 1: *wailing* why did you kill Siwon?! *calms down* Anyway, that was a nice story.
Chapter 1: what siwon is dead? Why?? *sobs
huhuhuhu i actually so sad knowing siwon id dead in here
Chapter 1: Oh so Siwon is dead for real? T_T
Can't Kyu open his eyes and find him there? Or maybe it's all just a really bad dream? :(