Jealous Junhoe

"Jinan-ya." Junhoe opens the door of the room he and Jinhwan shared. Jinhwan was nowhere to be found. As expected. He was probably with that idiot Hanbin. 






He's the only thing that Jinhwan would ever talk about. As much as he wouldn't admit it, Junhoe was jealous. After (not much) thought, he set off to the studio, where he thought was the number one place that Jinhwan would be. Or idiot Hanbin would be.




Junhoe pushed open the studio door, to find Hanbin with his arms over Jinhwan. HIS Jinhwan. Bubbles of jealousy foamed in his insides and threatened to pour out. In a split second, he had Hanbin in a headlock, ready to strangle the leader. "Hanbin-ya~ Jinan is mine, so I WOULD VERY MUCH APPRECIATE IF YOU TOOK YOUR FILTHY HANDS OFF HIM." Junhoe said with false sweetness. "Woah, lover boy. Let me go, and you and YOUR Jinhwan can go and do whatever you guys want to do." Hanbin said, with his hands waving in the air, surrendering to Junhoe's fury. Junhoe proceeded to take Jinhwans hand and pull him out of the studio, and met with Donghuk and Yunhyeong, who were staring at Junhoe, with wore idiotic grins on theirs faces. "Ooh, YOUR Jinhwan is it~" Donghyuk mimicked. "How cute~" Yunhyeong snickered. "Thankfully Chanwoo weren't here for you to spoil his innocence." The two walked off snickering before Junhoe could punch them in the faces. 




After Junhoe had successfully dragged Jinhwan to their shared room, he proceeded to pin Jinhwan to the wall, before whispering to him: "Don't go near Hanbin EVER AGAIN." Junhoe muttered. Jinhwan laughed at his dongsaeng. "You idiot. You know I'll only ever love one person, and that's you, June-ya."


"Good, and remember, you're mine. And only mine. Now-" he pushed Jinhwan on the bed. "-sleep."




Well, that was random.

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AngelFlo #1
Chapter 1: Cute I hope you have another story about junhwan <3
trappedinjunhwan #2
Chapter 1: Owieee I really hope Junhoe gave any punishment to Jinhwan (you now rate M stuff lol)
Anyway, I like this
milkteapie #3
Chapter 1: wow so possessive goo junhoe XD
343_Rules #4
Chapter 1: This it's sooo cute, i've died of diabetes and i would like to more people to read it, can i translate it to spanish? i would upload the translation, accrediting you obviously, in Wattpad. Please answer.
fallenangie #5
Chapter 1: afniroelskwpqp Junhoe is just a bae <3 luv it.
Augustmatic #6
Woah, it's so cute and I really really love your fics and wanna share it. Could I translate it to my mother language ? I'll take out with full credit. Please <3
Have a good day ^^
Chocoholic_freak #7
Chapter 1: Hahahaha! I thought they're going to have but nevamind..ヽ(^。^)ノ This story is cute though..
DiStar #8
Chapter 1: Hahaha :3 so cute!