"But you do."

귀여워 (cute)

Being in the same team as Kim Taehyung it is not as easy as it seems, and that's says a lot because it's seems hard already just from looking.

Park Jimin (un)fortunately has the honor of being Taehyung's team mate and house mate and best friend - and Jimin swears if Taehyung don't stop moving for god's sakes he will -

"Ow! Don't rub it too hard." Taehyung whines.

"I would if you would just, stop, moving - yah! Did you just kicked me?"

"You're being too rough!"

Okay that's it, Jimin had enough of this. Flipping Taehyung's leg off his lap, the elder boy stands up and glares at his best friend. "That's it. I wont help you anymore. Go fix that yourself."

"Wait, you're going to leave me by myself? Yah, Jimin! Jiminnie, don't ignore me!"

The older boy merely huffs and prompts to leave but Taehyung had already cling onto his waist before he has the chance to and god dammit don't look at me like that.

Honestly, how Taehyung always manage to hurt and bruise and scratch himself in every way that's possible in soccer practice, Jimin will never know. But the problem was that he's the one who have to patch te younger boy later, and his not even the manager of the team why does he have to deal with Taehyung's loud whining, god dammit.

(Though in truth, he doesn't all that mind either. He's been together with Kim Taehyung for who knows how long so it's only natural that only he that can stand Taehyung's plain existance, he reasons, mostly towards himself.)

He squints at the younger judgingly (though it only made him like his closing his eyes.)


"What do you mean 'what'? You can't just leave me here like this!" Taehyung says. He always thought Taehyung's pout is ugly but Jimin have seen it so many times it already gotten to the point where Jimin thinks of it as endearing, cute even. "I'm not your mom, for god's sakes. You can band aid that yourself."

"It wont be the same if I do it myself. And plus, you're second to my mom so that's close enough?"

Jimin smacks him on his head lightly and sighs. The loud whoop Taehyung lets out when Jimin sat back down almost had him leave again but the wide grin that comes after made him stay. It's actually looks cute on him, not that he would ever admit that.

Sighing, Jimin pats his lap, motioning for Taehyung to put his leg on it. Taehyung complies, and Jimin continues where he had left.

"You know," Taehyung says after Jimin finished with his leg and moved on to his face. "Instead of my mom, you're more like my wife."

Jimin snorts. "Yeah right. Like anyone wants to be with you."

"But you do." Taehyung's voice suddenly goes serious, and when Jimin turns to look at him Taehyung's eyes are on him - the usual playfulness in his gone, replaced by something else - something more, something far more serious and unlike Taehyung's usual self at all and its making Jimin's insides twist and turn and cheeks going pink and Jimin is torn between looking away or looking back at him. It was then that Jimin finally realizes how close their faces were to each other.


Taehyung leans closer, taking Jimin's hand away from the scratch on his forehead to his cheek, Jimin's hand cupping Taehyung's face for as Taehyung's hand is still placed against his. "You said anyone who wants to be with me," Taehyung's hand tighten aroun his. "You do. You want to be with me, right?"

Jimin splutters. "W-what? The heck are you saying-"

"You don't mind if I annoy the hell of you even if it's 3am in the morning. You don't mind how loud I snore at night and you don't mind if I steal your meat every time we eat. You scold me and get mad at me for hurting myself a lot but you always patch me up and help me get better afterwards, like right now."

"Taehyung, what are you-"

"You take care of me when I got sick and you make me food and always kick me off the bed at mornings or else I'm late for my classes and you always let me sleep on your lap when I'm sad and do that thing with my hair and it always make me feel good afterwards. You don't mind my weird antics and even when I do awful pranks on you or embarrass you almost all the time, you'd never actually leave me."

"You laugh at my jokes and you make weird faces at me when we're goofing off and you look so ugly at times and weird and I maybe you don't know it but I always thought it was kind of cute and I really like it and -"

"Taehyung -" Jimin hurriedly cuts the other boy. He doesn't know how much more he could hear this and honestly Jimin doesn't wants to know because he don't know if he could take it.

"Taehyung, what do you actually want to tell me?"

"That you're perfect to be my wife?"

Jimin pinches his cheek.

"Ow - okay, okay, I'm sorry. Stop abusing my cheeks!"

Jimin lets go and Taehyung breathes, closing his eyes while his hand around Jimin's loosening a bit. He re-opens his eyes. "I'm saying, that I like you Jimin. Like a lot." He says with all seriously and honest and Jimin can feels his cheeks heating up again.

"And I happened to know that you like me too." Taehyung continues. His smiling but wavering. "Or am I wrong...?"

Instead of replying, Jimin leans forward and rests his head against Taehyung's shoulder, burying his face in an attempt to hide his blush, and mumbles, "Who told you that?"

"A little bird named Hoseok told me a while ago."

"I'm going to kill him. Bastard."

Taehyung laughs and nudges the older with elbow. "Hey, does this means I'm right?"

"Shut up, Taehyung."

The younger boy grins. "Aw, I love you too, Jiminnie~"

Jimin looks up to pinch his cheeks harshly, making the other boy cry for help but also laughing out for mercy as well and even with his face red Jimin still thinks his face is stupid but cute and he just really, really wants to kiss him right now.

So he did.

Jimin also continues to patch the other boy again, constantly getting disturbed because Taehyung keeps on leaning in to kiss him and at first Jimin had pushed his face away but he gave up eventually and just lets the boy do whatever he wants.

(He learns later that Taehyung is actually a decent kisser, and have a tongue that sends Jimin on his knees and maybe adding 'dating' to his long list of his and Taehyung's relationship. Somewhere in his head he could see 'mother-and-child' but that's another story wholy.)


a/n. first time writing bts. hopefully it wont be too OOC. hope you enjoyed it!

p.s. wrote& posted on phone

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Chapter 1: Awww....so frigging cuuuuttte!!
Chapter 1: ooohhh i just found it and it was soooo cuteeeee i'm crying ;;;;;; more vmin more pleaseeee ♡♡♡
Chapter 1: I AM VMIN TRASH!!! Thank you for this fluff story ugh the feels :3
Nichie #4
Chapter 1: nice story! like the tittle said 'cute' this was so cuteeeee my vmin feels ;;____;;
you should write more
vmin's fic! hehehehehe
Chapter 1: woooooowwwww~~~~Melt XD ♥♥♥♥♥
misseu #6
Chapter 1: OMG..vmin feelsssss
Vandjimin #7
Chapter 1: awwwww yass vmin i love it good work