Episode 1 Part B

Ancient Love

Phitchaya walked out of her bedroom with her three obedient servants following her like ducklings following their mother after she stated with a harsh voice that she wanted to visit Chantara. As she took the wavy route to Chantara’s living quarters, Phitchaya thought about all of the wealth and happiness that she had. She thought that no one could be as lucky as her to be born into a royal family that spoils you to death, and that the crown would be passed onto you easily even though you have an elder sibling who is more capable of doing heavy responsibility tasks. Mentioning about responsibility, based off from the observations that Phitchaya had on Chantara, Phitchaya was willing to admit to herself that Chantara is not stupid like what everybody called her. The only flawed thing about Chantara that Phitchaya can pinpoint is that she was born as a mute, which will make her not able to run the country prosperously. If Chantara was able to talk and express herself, Phitchaya knew that she would not have a chance against Chantara due to her lacking in knowledge, manners, and attitude. All of theses speculations about Chantara was kept inside Phitchaya’s mind only, and was not exposed to anyone. Even her best servant, Anong, doesn’t know that Phitchaya actually have envy towards Chantara.

On the left of Phitchaya, there was a small living quarter, dull, and unappealing. Everybody who lived in the palace knew that that small isolated living quarter within the palace belonged to Princess Chantara. Before the birth of Chantara, the king was excited to have heard the news that he will soon have a baby of his own. He quickly ordered house builders to construct a beautiful and richly decorated living quarters for his first-born. The construction took about seven months to finish, leaving just two months left for Chantara to be born. Two months passed slowly, and the king’s wish to finally see his own kin had finally arrived. However, the night that the queen gave birth to the first princess was a night that the King never expected. As the midwife pulled out the princess, there were no sign of a baby entering the world; there were no cryings of a newborn like how every newborns are when they first enter the world. Because of this, everybody was able to tell that Chantara is a mute, and assumed that Chantara would be a laughingstock to the royal family. The king was furious that his daughter was born with a disability, therefore making her live in the old lockdown living quarters that Chantara is currently living in was the king’s orders. He demanded that Chantara should not go pass the palace boundaries, and that she should not come out to celebrate any type of celebrations with the royal family in any cause. Right after this order, Chantara was captivated in the hideous isolated living quarters until now while the living quarters that the king built for Chantara was passed onto Phitchaya as soon as she was born.

Phitchaya walked cockily towards the Chantara who was sitting femininely on the knee-height wooden board that was located right in the middle of the living quarter, followed by her three servants. As soon as Phitchaya reached Chantara personal space, and Chantara saw Phitchaya, Chantara greeted Phitchaya. As expected, Phitchaya ignored the formal greetings to her elder sister, and invited herself to take a seat on the creaky wooden board. Chantara was used to such behavior, so she just gently shook her head in response as she sat beside Phitchaya. The two full blood related sisters stared at each other; one with a pair of eye filled with disgust, and one with a pair of eye with love and acceptance. Phitchaya slowly picked up Chantara’s slim hand, and stared deep into it as she creepily said with a mocking smile on, “Your hands are really beautiful, perfect for a princess. Sad how the heavens give you such a princess-fitting physique, but he didn’t give you a voice. This is where the term, ‘beauty comes within the inside’. You are a useless princess with a beautiful face. ” Phitchaya ended the insult with a laugh of a villain. The laugh that Phitchaya expressed frightened Chantara, which caused her to pull back her hands from Phitchaya swiftly, and stared at the laughing Phitchaya with a timid face. Nong Phitchaya, although I am a mute, I am still your elder sister na. You don’t have to show me manners, but at least you can show me that you love me, then I am fine with everything.

Phitchaya stood up, and grabbed Chantara by the shoulder. She forcefully turned Chantara to the side so that she can view at the injury that the king caused yesterday. Phitchaya laughed at the wound, as she shoved Chantara onto the wooden board. Chantara landed hard on the wooden board with a thump. She felt a small splinter from the wooden board entered her bare right arm, but she ignored it because she paid more attention to her younger sister’s action. Phitchaya stated, “You deserve the beating. Dad should’ve slashed you harder since you were about to kill the crown princess of the Kingdom Honthara.” Phitchaya gave Chantara an evil look one last time, and then walked off. However, she suddenly stopped, and yelled to Chantara who was on her feet, “Tomorrow is my mom’s birthday. You should know that you shouldn’t follow show your face to anyone because it will be a disgrace to the my royal family.” Phitchaya continued to walk away as well as her three servants, leaving Chantara all isolated again.

Chantara felt an urge to follow Phitchaya, but stopped herself because she knew well that following Phitchaya will only anger Phitchaya even more. In order to express Chantara’s sorrow, she hugged the wooden pillar that stood in front of her, and cried on it. Her tears sunk deep into the pillar each time a tear got onto the pillar. Some crying noises were able to escape Chantara’s mouth, but nothing heartwarming other than distressing.

The bright full moon dispersed it’s glimmers onto the world while the wind was steady and relaxing. Leaves of the green trees fell onto the ground as the movement above them scattered everywhere. A Tadaeng, a species of demon, skipped across the forest trees swiftly with ease since he was not a begginner at it. For the night, he planned to visit the gambler’s place, which was located in the capital. There, he can try to prey on money hungry girls to feed on.

Virote entered the mortal world just two days ago. His mission for this year and a half was to be able to feed on at least 100 girls’ liver before he can go rest for another 1,000 years. There was also an exception to the mission that if the girl’s liver that Virote ate had a was beautiful, had a pure reputation in human life, and that she had a lot of good merits, she would be counted as 50 girls instead of one. As soon as Virote accomplish his mission, the Lord Tadaeng Demon would grant Virote another 10 years to live in the mortal world before he can rest. However, if Virote fail to accomplish the mission that was personally assigned for him by the Lord Tadaeng Demon before the expiration date, he would lose all of his energy, and then die painfully. Failing a mission signifies that a Tadaeng Demon had adapted to the human society. Therefore, letting that Tadaeng coming back to the demon world is a threat to the Tadaeng world.

The basic rules about the Tadaeng’s Demon life cycle was buried deep into Virote’s memory since had never failed any of his previous mission. This time however, Virote had a strange feeling that something will happen to him. It can either be an ominous thing, or auspicious.

Virote entered the gambler’s place dressed as a nobleman, and as expected, there were plenty of women. Women of all ages surrounded the area. Many of which were inadequate to feed on. As Virote walked around the gambling place, he spotted a beautiful lady in the corner talking to another man. Her hair was length, dressed in a brown top and black pants like commoners. Her skin was tanned, but yet outstanding. Virote activated his red eye, and visioned the lady for her some background information. Because of Virote’s superior demon pair of eyes, he was able to analyze that the lady was beautiful for nothing. She had a poor behavior toward her elders, and sometime she snuck out with young boys. Surprisingly though, Virote was in shock that the poor attitude lady was still a . Although Virote won’t get much from this lady, he decided to just proceed and seduce the lady since she was still a .

“Khun, may I get to know your name?” Virote said sweetly to the young lady who had forgotten about the man that she was talking to as she turned her body to face Virote.

“My name is Wan ka. Why won’t you tell me your name, Khun?” Wan replied as she inched closer towards Virote, almost touching his face.

“My name is Virote Wongsawat. I am a nobleman from the north of this kingdom. I just got to this city, so I don’t know much about it. If you don’t mind, will you please tour me around this neighborhood?” Virote whispered to Wan’s ear flirtatiously.

The moment Wan grabbed Virote’s hand, and dragged him out of the gambling house quickly and happily, he knew that Wan believed him that he was really from a noble family in the north. It showed how low-class she was to let Virote win her over so easily due to her greed for wealth and reputation. Virote excitedly followed Wan into the forest with their hands linked together. When Wan reached the middle of the forest, she amorously hugged Virote, and anticipated him to return the favor. Instead of hugging Wan in return, Virote picked up Wan and laid her down on the crumbling leaves. Virote then carefully got on top of her, and started to peck , all the way down to her chest as his hand meandered her back. Wan’s hand was gripped onto Virote’s slim neck, and whenever Virote kissed anywhere of her body part, she would tighten the grip on Virote’s neck. After much touching and pecking, Virote decided to attack Wan since she was not focus on him at the moment, but rather on the pleasure. He slowly let his fingernails grow deep inside Wan’s back, stabbing her, while he continued to kiss her face. Within a few seconds, there were painful moans that echoed from Wan’s mouth as she finally realized that Virote had punctured his fingernails into her back. Virote realized that Wan had already feel the pain, so then he fiercefully tore Wan’s back apart with his fingernails. Wan was able to scream out of agony for the last time before her back splitted open. Virote got off of Wan’s dead body, and searched her organs for her liver with his red eyes glowing in the dark. He successfully found the liver in her body, and then he greedily shoved it down his throat as he looked up at the sky. After he swallowed the liver, he let out a satisfied sigh while he wiped his bloody lips. Wan’s dead body that laid before Virote vanished into thin air due to the magic that Virote casted on the body. By doing this, no one will ever be able to find their loved one ever again.

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This plot is super good!! Gonna get ready to read it. I definitely see this being produced!
Kpopanimefan #2
I feel so sorry for Chantara because everyone including her family hate her cause she can't talk.
Bassplayer #3
Love! Update soon!
messybunny #4
Chapter 3: Please please please! Update ! I love Thai stories, especially ancient times! Your idea and plot is very mesmerizing. Love it!