Chapter 5

Tipping The Scale

Second part of a double update. Make sure you've read the previous chapter.

Okay, this is a very short update. I wanted to make it longer but things just didn't work out. But hopefully next chapter will be longer. (I'm positive it will be longer because BAMF Hyukjae is about to go cray cray with his magic)

Rating/Warning: PG-13ish for language and mention of . Nothing else because it's more of a filler than a real development. And yeah, crappy chapter is crappy.

Also, my deepest gratitude for those who have read, commented, subscribed and upvoted my story. *hugs*


Chapter 5


“Why do you need each other?” General Park asked.

Hyukjae seemed to be choosing his words. “What do you know about Donghae?” He asked instead.

“The information that I’m privy to only state that he is under confinement because of his unique ability to absorb magic.” The General answered.

“Hmm. And what do you think will happen if you blow more air into a fully inflated balloon?”

The General knitted his eyebrows at the strange question, but Hyukjae’s expression was dead serious, he had no other choice but to answer. “The balloon will pop.”

Hyukjae threw him a meaningful look and with it, realization dawned on the General. “You need him to absorb your excess magic, otherwise you’ll burst.”

Hyukjae nodded. “And he needs me because only I can feed his hunger.”

“But Donghae was known to absorb any magic within range.”

“Indeed. But those magic made him sick. It’s like drinking oil when you’re thirsty or eating sand when you’re hungry. Ah, he must be so hungry when he wakes up. He’s been down here for so long.”

General Park had another epiphany. “Is that why you left those Battle Magi behind? So that Donghae won’t absorb their magic?”

Hyukjae nodded slightly. “Donghae could control his hunger up to a point. But he’ll probably be so out of it he’ll whatever magic happen to be in range. I don’t want that, Donghae always feels so guilty afterward.”

“Why does it have to be your magic though? What makes you different? Aside from your unprecedented high Scale that is.”

“That’s another thing that you’ll have to ask Donghae. If you ask me, it’s probably because I have so much of it.” Hyukjae shrugged.

“Okay. So, how did you find out about Donghae’s whereabouts?”

“He told me where he was kept. I’m also connected to him. I had this feeling in my gut, like a pulling sensation. It tells me where I need to go. And of course I can always count on my magic.” Hyukjae smirked.

“Do you still feel the pull now?”

Hyukjae snorted. “It’s gotten even stronger. Why do you think I’m glued to this cylinder?”

 Maybe because you're head over heel for Donghae? The General wanted to say but opted not to say that out loud. “Have you met Grand Magi Choi before? You seemed to know him.” He asked instead.

“Actually I haven’t, but Donghae have. He told me about him. He said old man Choi is the one I need to go to when I’m ready.”

“Ready for what?”

Another smirk graced Hyukjae’s face. “Ready to face the world.”

General Park’s eyebrows rose. “Why do you need to face the world? Are you planning something?”

Hyukjae looked at the General with a heavy glare. “I’m only here to pick Donghae up. After that we’ll go find ourselves a secluded spot where no one can bother us. We’ll live there for the rest our lives and, if I have my way, like rabbits. We’re not planning to take over the world if that’s what you’re worry about.”

General Park spluttered for a moment. He wasn’t a homophobic, but the sudden mention of caught him off guard. “Ahem. So the two of you are in a relationship. Still it doesn’t explain why you need to be ready to face the world. Same gender relationships are widely accepted in today’s society.”

Hyukjae’s lips pursed in annoyance. “Are you being stupid on purpose? What do you think they’ll do? Clap their hands and throw confetti around when Donghae and I skip merrily out of here?”

General Park winced as the image of Donghae and Hyukjae skipping and holding hands flashed across his mind. It was quite disturbing.

“They’ve kept him not just because he’s handsome you know. They did it because they have plans for him. Can you imagine how valuable he is when a magical war breaks out? They’re not going to let their ultimate weapon walks away.”

“The same thing can be said about you too.” The General commented.

Hyukjae waved his hand dismissively. “They’re welcome to try. They were lucky that I wasn’t around when they got their hands on Donghae. Beside, Donghae is easier to handle. He cares too much about other people’s well being. He probably didn’t put up a fight and let himself got captured.”

“I’m starting to understand why he wants you to come and get him.”

Hyukjae smiled sadly at Donghae. “It’s because he doesn’t want the world to burn.”




The second time he met Donghae on dreamscape was two days after their first. This time Hyukjae was sitting on a beach facing the sapphire blue sea with warm sand beneath his feet. There was a calm breeze and the sounds of the waves were hypnotizing.

“Donghae?” He asked into the air.

“I’m here Hyukjae.” The reply came from somewhere overhead.

“I floated over my bed.” He said.

“Ah, your magic is finally showing. I hope you keep it as a secret from everybody?”

Hyukjae nodded. “I didn’t even tell Junsu and he’s my best friend. I’m scared, what if I accidentally show it to other people?”

“That’s why I’m going to teach you how to control your magic. To Shield it so it won’t be too noticeable.”

Hyukjae frowned. “Why do I need to Shield it? I can just control it and no one will know that I have magic.”

Donghae sighed. “If it’s only that simple. Hyukjae, you’re still young now, and so is your magic. But as you age, your magic will only grow stronger and stronger.”

Hyukjae was taken aback. Since that night Donghae came to him in his dream, he had borrowed some books on magic. From what his 7 year old brain managed to understand, a Magi was born with a certain amount of Magic. In childhood, they don’t have full access to the whole magic, but with training, they’ll be able to channel the entirety of it. The magic will replenish itself back to its original amount. The books never mentioned anything about magic that can grow itself.

“Is it normal? To have magic that can grow along with you?” He asked timidly.

“No Hyukjae. You’re the only one who has this kind of magic. That’s why I want you to keep it a secret.”

“But why do I have it?” Hyukjae whined.

“I don’t know why Hyukjae. Maybe it’s fate, or destiny, or even divine intervention. But I like to think that magic itself chose you.”

“Is that why you said that I am magic?”

Even if he couldn’t see it, Hyukjae could feel Donghae’s smile. “Yes Hyukjae. Because to me, your existence, and me being with you right here right now is a magic in and of itself.”


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Bree_ND #1
Chapter 3: Oh no! I hope Hyukjae will be safe when he meets Donghae! I hate for him to be dry!
Bree_ND #2
Chapter 2: Omg, can i just say "i love you"?

I've just found you a few days ago and i fell in love with the fics that i did read (I'm sorry about the silent reading) I'm totally amazed with your work! I'm uber excited with this one cause it's fantasy and that's by far my most favourite genre to read!

So basically, Hyukjae has known Donghae for 12 years? Damn! Long distance relationship much? Hahaha!
Chapter 8: Im still feeling all giddy reading this. Especially their first kiss part! Haha. Hoping that someday i’d be able to read their love making too! Haha.
I still hope that one day you will update this
moonlight_bat #5
Chapter 8: Re read it. Arent u gonna continue this? HAbing so much fun reading about a powerful magi hyukjae here
SilverEunhae #6
Chapter 8: Holy cows! This story has so much potencial omg I hope you can continue this. It's really really awesome so far.
Chapter 8: finally they get their first kiss <3 I kinda feel touched with the way donghae calming down the grumpy hyukjae, with just simple touch or murmuring soft words :) I love their sweet relationship ^^ thanks for sharing dear, you're great, and please update if you have time..
Chapter 8: Awaken on the middle of the night and can't sleep again.. End up reading it again.. .
Continue it please. ..
Really miss your updates and hope you wont discontinue this :(
I will forever love this story well I love your other stories but this one takes the cake and some yummy frosting too. *hugs*