
Of pizzas and Twitter

Jeongguk has done many regrettable mistakes in his life. Many of them haunting him in his dreams daily. But saying 'I love you' while ordering pizza was the possibly the best mistake he had ever made.


Jeongguk sighed heavily, putting his phone down, screen flat on the carpeted floor as he burried his head in the large cushion of his couch. He stared at the floor, wishing he could be somewhere else other than staring at Twitter pictures of his crush. He brought the screen up to his face and smiled softly at the picture displayed on it


-왜!? I'm embarrassed, 찐자 *:.。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:* Why did you take a picture of me, Jinnie hyung!

He's too adorable, absolutely endearing

A nudge from the side and Jeongguk was snapped out of his state. Lying down with his back on the carpet at his left was his best friend, Jimin who was lazily scrolling through his crush's Twitter

He smiled at a particular selca from Yoongi.


-School . Lets get started on that mixtape-화이팅!

Ugh...Min Yoongi is the only one who can pull off a duck face and look absolutely y. Well, maybe the guy Jeongguk was crushing on, but he was more of cute.

Putting his phone away for now, he faced his bestfriend.

"You're smiling creepily, Jeongguk" said the other, putting the phone down and twisting his body so that he was now on his stomach. A cheeky smile made its way onto his face. "Is it Taehyung again?"

Jeongguk blushed, dropping his head down in hopes of Jimin not noticing his blush. He glared heatedly at the other. "Shut up Jimin" he hissed veins popping in his forehead seeing the other only laugh at his response.

Jimin rolled around on the carpet, hand banging itself on the floor repeatedly in amusement. Jeongguk desperately wanted to maim Jimin, but that would soil his good name. "Jeongguk...seriously just confess to him" he told Jeongguk, wiping the sudden tears in his eyes.

Jeongguk groaned, setting his phone down on the ground. "I would, but he's the most popular guy in school Jimin. I could get murdered by everyone" The image of his classmates as well as the school's population with knives and ropes and tasers made him shiver.

Jimin only shook his head, scooting over next to him and grabbing his phone. Jeongguk didn't bother to snatch it back, knowing that Jimin only wanted to see Taehyung's picture.

"You're overreacting, Jeongguk" he chided, lips whistling in appreciation. "But yeah, Taehyung is cute as . I can literally feel the love and ogling eyes of everyone in this picture"

The picture was simple really. It was Taehyung smiling his gentle captivating box smile at the courtyard. His eyes crinkled into crescents and his blonde fluffy hair framing his velvet looking face whilst still maintaining the look of fragile porcelain.

He was smiling with another guy, his older brother who most sought out as well. With broad shoulders and brown hair styled up into what Jeongguk thinks could be hair, plump lips and eyes outlined by eyeliner, he was a real keeper. Not to mention he was undeniably kind and quote unquote 'Such a gentleman'

The clothes he was wearing did seem to heighten his incredibly large appeal. A black balzer over a white dress shirt, the buttons half way undone to reveal a read and black shirt. Chains surrounded his trousers giving him a bad boy look.

Taehyung on the other hand, has a lithe petit figure that girls envy quite a lot. Jeongguk could see why, Taehyung had the perfect body and the right curves placed in the right places. He was smaller than your average 19 year old, but it only served to enhance his cute like appearance.

His clothes were the opposite of Seokjin's as well. White oversized dress shirt, the hem of the sleeves fully covering his hands as he firmly kept the stack of books in his arms. The tie dangling loosely around his neck with the first to buttons undone revealing a slight glimpse of Taehyung's collarbone.

While Seokjin could be be compared to lust, Taehyng is the embodiment of chastity. Many say they were equally gorgeous, but Taehyung is more beautiful to him than Seokjin.

The picture was taken only a week ago by some of the Kim siblings fans and spread like wildfire in the campus. It would have been perfect if it where not for the lustful gazes set on Taehyung. Jeongguk was happy that Seokjin seemed to notice and despite the smile on his face, his eyes had said a different story.

There was a hidden dangerous glint in them as if saying 'Lay a hand on my brother and I will sacrifice you to the dark lord in your sleep'

Jeongguk mentally thanked Seokjin for that, but he wonders if he gets too close to Taehyung, would Seokjin look at him like he wanted to skin Jeongguk alive? He probably will, thought Jeongguk sullenly. Everyone knew that Seokjin had a big brother-complex, often staying at Taehyung's side and glaring at anyone who invades their personal bubble.

Which has a radius of 50 metre, but then again, Seokjin will keep every hands off of his brother for as long as he can. Major brother complex.

Jimin noticed the jealousy in Jeongguk's eyes and sighed in exasperation. "Jeongguk, you've been in love with the guy for years. Tell him" he pursed, running a hand through his already messy locks.

He looked at another picture, a familar one that Jimin could never forget.


-Off to school! 가자! 〜(ゝ。∂)

It went viral within their campus like crazy. Considering it was the rarest picture of Taehyung with his natural hair colour and Kim Taehyung has the most absurd habit of changing his hair colour every.single.second. Like, this only picture of him without any hair colouring-the rarity of its existence manages to influence even their teachers.

He heard inhumane noises that vaguely sounded like a dying pig from beside him and his face twisted in disgust seeing Jeongguk writhing in pain. Words such as 'Ugh' or 'My heart' and 'Feelz' left him confused.

Jeongguk is determined as hell, but when the situation of Taehyung comes up, he could turn fickle in a matter of seconds. Sometimes, Jeongguk appeared to want to confess, but after that, the look would disappear and he would settle for staring longingly at Taehyung from the distance.

Frankly, it annoyed him because Jeongguk has not been able to get a lover because his crush with Taehyung had been unknowingly tied to Taehyung. He ignored the fact that he was in a similar situation with Yoongi. A long distance relationship involving Twitter and pictures.

Jeongguk only looked at Jimin in disbelief, shaking his head rigorously that Jimin thought it was going to fall off. "No, imagine what his brother would do to me. I mean look at how he's looking at everyone like 'Touch him and die'"he bluntly stated, jabbing a finger at Seokjin for emphasis.

Jimin switched his eyes from Jeongguk to the phone,swiping back to the ious picture and gulped at the murderous look hidden in Seokjin's eyes. Jeongguk had a point. Seems legit. Nevertheless, Jimin had been secretly shipping Jeongguk and Taehyung together for God knows how long, and Jimin will see to it that they end up as a couple.

Jimin clicked his tongue, giving the phone back to Jeongguk who took grabbed it out of his hands. He snorted at the other's hasty actions.

"Besides...Taehyung doesn't swing that way." drawled Jeongguk, ruffling his hair in frustration. His lips tugged into a disappointed frown and he stared longingly at the picture of Taehyung displayed on the screen.

Jimin raised an eyebrow, straightening up in a sitting position and leaning against the couch behind him whilst Jeongguk stayed on the floor.

"Oh? And how do you know that?" He inquired in sarcasm, grabbing his phone and scrolling through the pictures of Yoongi again. He smiled widely at the picture of him sleeping.


-Hoseok . ! 디질래!? 도에조라 개자식! (Do you want to die!? Go to hell, motherer!)

Jimin winced. Hoseok is dead. And that is a lot of cussing in one post.

Jeongguk only shook his head, twisting his body so he was lying on his back. He stared up the ceiling, the dim light of the chandelier greeting him.

"Dude, Taehyung is y as , but cute at the same time. I don't think he could be gay" he shrugged, feeling disappointed at this. Taehyung will never notice him, so Jeongguk doesn't know why he bothers hoping that Taehyung may feel the same way as he did.

Jimin knew he couldn't change the younger's mind. Jeongguk has been in love with Taehyung for as long as he can remember and he had never had the courage to say his feelings to him.

It irritated him to no ends, but Jimin didn't push the younger. It was his life, so Jimin would let Jeongguk make his own decisions. He could be patient, but if Jeongguk does not woman up, Jimin is going to use force. He would resort to using blood and violence...for now.

(Because spilling blood is a crime and Jimin is a law abiding citizen. But then again, Jimin is insane and he would glady go to jail to watch his ship sail. But he is still a nice person)

Jimin groaned, sighing deeply while still keeping his eyes on the raven haired boy.

"Jeongguk, I'm not even attracted to you but I could appreciate eye-candy when I see it. Jeongguk no one expected that you're gay, but look! You are! So Taehyung could be the same!"

Jeongguk rolled his eyes, kicking the smaller boy lightly in the stomach."Yeah right Jimin."

Jeongguk may never know this, but his definition of lightly was different from Jimin's and Jimin had felt like a canon ball dove right into his abdomen. He tries to mention it at times, but the thought of Jeongguk calling him a '' if he did compelled him not to do so.

"Taehyung is straight, I have to accept that"

Jimin was frustrated at Jeongguk's stubbornness but decided to leave it for now. He can feel his stomach growling and looked at the clock on the wall. 9:45 pm

(Jimin resisted the urge to choke Jeongguk because he has to listen to his constant complains of Kim Taehyung never noticing Jeongguk)

Well, it was almost 10 in the evening and having a sleepover at Jeongguk's house during the weekend had become a norm over the past years. Jeongguk's family is actually wealthy as , but with his parents owning a huge international company, Jeongguk is often alone in the house. And so, in comes Jimin to save the day-or ruin it, but Jimin would always think he saves the day.

(As he said before, Jimin is a nice person.)

"Whatever" he waved his hand in dismissal, kneeing the boy who was now staring at Taehyung's picture again to get his attention. "But I'm hungry, and I want pizza"

Jeongguk set his phone down, lolling his head up to look at Jimin. "Its 10 in the evening, I don't think the pizza place would be open Jimin. Besides, we just had fried chicken "

Jimin pouted, crossing his arms against his chest. "Yeah, but I'm still hungry. And that was like...two hours ago!" He huffed.

(Jimin has an appetite rivalling Mount Everest)

Jeongguk only shook his head, sitting up beside Jimin. Both were leaning against the white leather couch behind them.

"Fine...I'll try. Garlic cheese pizza bread and Pepperoni, right?" Jimin nodded, smiling gratefully at Jeongguk.


Jeongguk sighed. He swiped left on the screen and dialed the delivery number. A couple of rings later, and a voice greeted him. Huh...So the pizza place is still open at this time. He could see Jimin celebrating from beside him and Jeongguk clicked his tongue in irritation.

Couldn't Jimin act more like his age?

A greeting had snapped him out of his thoughts and his attention was back to ordering the pizzas.

Hello! This is Papa Johns pizza, what would you like?

The deep childish chirp of the boy on the other side of the phone sounded vaguely familiar but Jeongguk couldn't out a finger on it. He wonders who it was.

"Um...One large garlic cheese pizza bread and one large pepperoni pizza"

The boy hummed, the sounds of scribbling could be heard. Jeongguk liked the deep hum, it was relaxing.

So garlic cheese and pepperoni, yeah? What sauce would you like Sir?

Jeongguk didn't need to hink about this one.

"Sour cream garlic for both of them. Nothing else"

Noted, is there anything else you would like to order Sir?

Jeongguk looked at Jimin, mouthing 'Do you want anything else?' The other only shook his head, mouthing 'No' back.

"No that would be all" he replied. The boy at the other side giggled-ing giggled. What is he? A teen girl that got senpai to notice her?- and Jeongguk felt his heart skip a beat. He ignored it, because his heart normally does that to Taehyung and Taehyung only.

Um...if you don't mind Sir, may I have your address? I need to deliver the pizzas as well.

Jeongguk involuntary blushed before stuttering out his address.

(Very eloquent Jeon Jeongguk...You have the body coordination of a baby donkey on crack)

Thank you Sir! The pizzas would arrive in 20 minutes! I hope you enjoy them!

Jeongguk smiled. He liked this guy. His voice was nice and he didn't seem to be faking his kindness. It felt genuine. Usually, Jeongguk hated ordering because the ones that come to pick up his order were always apathetic-with no enthusiasm-or were outright rude-in which he manages to always get in serious and heated arguments. But Sarcasm is Jeongguk's hobby, so they would often be left scalded and burned from his almost deranged comments.

(There was a fine line between sanity and insanity, Jeongguk liked to use it as a jumping rope)

This guy was different though.

"Thanks. I'll see you then...Bye. Love you"

Jeongguk stopped in his tracks. From the corner of his eye, he saw Jimin dropped his phone in shock, head snapping at him so fast that Jeongguk thought it was going to break in half.

The boy looked at him like had had just grown another head and Jeongguk wished that the ground would swallow him while right now. Which would have been greatly appreciated, but fate hates him.

, he messed up. Not only did he say I love you to a stranger, but it was a guy. A guy that wasn't Taehyung. He had confessed his undying love to a guy he had never know existed. Oh, and a guy that was not Taehyung.

his stupid habits. He called his parents regularly and he would always robotically end with 'Bye. Love you' that every phone call he has made ended with the same thing, leaving to embarrassing tension. Thankfully, Jimin was the only person he calls and the last time he had said that to a random person was years ago.

But he could not believe he had said that out loud.

Jimin stared at him, whispering harshly beside him. "Dude, that was ing creepy! , we can never go to this place to order again! What the dude!?"

Jeongguk glared at him heatedly, clutching the phone in his hand tigher. The boy at the other side was silent, and Jeongguk has never felt the need to die.

"Shut the up Jimin, you know I didn't mean to that. , I ed up!"

Jimin screamed. "You think I don't know that!"

Jeongguk tore his hair out. "I want to die so bad!"

"Pack your bags, we're moving to Japan!"

", I feel ruined!"

"Jeon Jeongguk, you're going to jail for harassing an innocent delivery boy!"

"Don't ing remind me!"

This continued on for another minute, the delivery boy at the other side very quiet untili a fit of deep giggles reached both of the boys ears. The tinkling sound was music to Jeongguk but he quickly burned this thought down. He was in love with Taehyung and Taehyung only.

I guess I love you too sir...But confessing you undying love to me won't get you any discounts I'm afraid

Jeongguk felt like exploding right now and Jimin was gapping like a fish that came out of water beside him. , was he perhaps attracted to a guy he has never met before? A guy that was replacing his love for Taehyung-the one he had a crush on nearly all his life- in a matter of minutes?

Jeongguk is beginning to think he needs therapy.

(Majority of people related to him and not related had mentioned that to him even as he was a young one, But Jeongguk is a rebel and he didn't believe it)

I'll see you later then ice cream machine turned into...Uh a lamp. So..b-bye sir

Jeongguk could kiss his crush on Taehyung goodbye because the silly excuse the boy at the other side of the phone made had had his heart thumping like crazy mad in his chest.

From beside him, Jimin slapped his face.

"You're falling in love with a guy you don't know, snap out of it!"


Jeongguk had been skittish for the past 17 minutes. His eyes kept trailing to the clock and Jimin had kept slapping him and reminding him that he cannot be in love with someone he did not know and this someone cannot replace his undying love for Taehyung in a matter of minutes.

Jeongguk had wanted to believe Jimin, but his heart is slowly starting to feel that maybe this was better. Taehyung was too popular, too unreachable and too perfect for Jeongguk. He was everything Jeongguk wasn't-except the fact that they are both good looking as - but maybe it was for the best.

Kim Taehyung will never fall in love with him, and Jeongguk is beginning to accept this fact.

A doorbell and Jeongguk had wanted someone to just shoot him in the head right now. He turned to Jimin, asking him what he should do.

Jimin only shrugged. "Answer it. It's your fault for saying I love you"

So Jeongguk was forced to open the doors of his own home to welcome the delivery boy.

Mentally preparing himself and opening the doors, he smiled as politely as he could. Jeongguk almost fainted seeing the boy in front of him.



A fluffy haired blonde boy stood in front of him, two large pizza boxes in his arms that seemed too big for the said boy to carry himself. He was adorned with an oversized red polo shirt, the sides sliding off his shoulders revealing milky white skin that Jeongguk suddenly wanted to mark.

Wide chocolate eyes stared at him in shock, head tilted and plump lips parted. Jeongguk wanted someone to kill him right now. He had inadvertently fell in love with Kim Taehyung over a simple phone call.

"J-Jeongguk?" The tiny flustered voice came and Jeongguk was rather surprise to see the brightest blush he had ever seen within a human's face appear on Taehyung's cheeks.

Jeongguk wanted to bash his head on the wall because he had fallen in love with Kim Taehyung even more instead of falling in love with someone else. Fate is a indeed.

Jeongguk laughed nervously, rubbing the back of his head and looking anywhere but Taehyung. He thanked the Gods that it was evening and that his blush is hopefully not showing. He thinks it may not be too noticeable.

"U-Uh...Yeah. Hi?" He greeted lamely, raising a brow in mirth as Taehyung's already pink cheeks coloured further. The blonde had attemtped to bury his head in the pizza boxes, shifting it so that Jeongguk could only see his side profile.

"U-Um...H-hi, Jeongguk..." Replied Taehyung in the most adorable and embarrassed tone Jeongguk has ever hear. The blush he forcefully died down was now threatening to appear again and in an attempt to get rid of it, Jeongguk remembered earlier and apologized for his actions.

"S-Sorry about earlier, Taehyung. It was just a habit, I didn't really mean it"

I do, I absolutely do

Jeongguk almost felt guilty as Taehyung's face slightly dropped before realisation dawned upon his face.

"W-Wait...that was you earlier? The one who said 'Love you?' To me?" Taehyung looked positively horrifed and Jeongguk felt a pang of pain in his heart. Why did Taehyung sound like he would have rather died than said I love you back to him?

"Yeah..." He trailed off and Jeongguk did a double take when Taehyung's face coloured rapidly as he began bowing profusely in fromt of him.

"Oh my god! I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to say I love you back to you, Jeongguk! I didn't know it was you, so I said it! I'm sorry!"

Jeongguk thought that Taehyung was absolutely adorable, but what he didn't get was why Taehyung seemed terrified of saying I love you to him. Did Taehyung really hate him that much that saying Love you back to another stranger is perfectly fine, yet saying it to Jeonnguk is similar with saying it to Satan?

"I really didn't meant to say it to you! Oh my god, I feel so stupid-"

Taehyung continued with his line of apologies. His face darkening by the second and despite the darkness surrouding them, Jeongguk could clearly see the blush on Taehyung's cheeks surrounding his neck and maybe even chest.

But what Jeongguk doesn't get is...

"What's wrong with saying Love you to me though?" Jeongguk had blurted the thought in his mind before he could even process his mouth moving.

He was more than ready to shoot himself in the head because Jeongguk thinks it is impossible for Taehyung to get even redder.

"N-N-No! There's nothing wrong with that!"

"I mean you're cool and awesome and you're really nice"

"And you're smart and good at everything"

"So loads of people would love you! There's absolutely nothing wrong with loving you!"

"And you're handsome and hot and cute And-And-"

Jeongguk felt his head spinning. Kim Taehyung, the school's most adorable and sought out boy, was calling Jeon Jeongguk hot and y and cute with his sinfully innocent embarrassed voice that had made Jeongguk's heart want to lash out and just burst.

Puffs of smoke left Taehyung's ears as the smaller tried to bury himself in the pizza boxes. At the same time, giving out excuses and apologies from his mouth that gradually became quieter and quieter until he was left mumbling to himself.

It was cute, so endearingly adorable. Jeongguk had wanted to take Taehyung in his arms and just squeeze the life out of him, because Taehyung was giving him the image of a puffy hamster desperately trying to become one with the ground.

Except the hamster was red all over.

But Jeongguk was confused. If Taehyung hated him, then why was he blushing? Unless...

A click in his mind and Jeongguk's jaw dropped to the ground.

No way

No. ing. Way Norris.way 

Actually, Chuck Norris possibly murdering him right now sounds more believable.

But...he scanned the other who was now blushing madly and Jeongguk knew that there was no denying it. The hope in his chest had finally reached its peak, and Jeongguk had found his heart violently thrashing from the inside of his chest.

(Must be Chuck Norris, he reckoned)

Jeongguk gulped the lump forming in his throat, his brain being sent to overdrive from this information.

Was Kim Taehyung in love with him?

"T-Taehyung...Are you perhaps...In love with me?"

The answer he got had only justified his assumption, and Jeongguk nearly fainted from happiness.

Taehyung, Kim Taehyung...Kim mothering Taehyung was looking at him so sinfully embarrassed. Beads of tears from humiliation forming at the corner of his eyes as he chewed nervously at his bottom lip had Jeongguk mentally cooing at the image.


"I-I-I-" Jeongguk was thoroughly enjoying the varying expressions of embarrassment on Taehyung's face as the other attempted to make a decent excuse out of the humiliating situation.

(Jeongguk is a sadistic barbarian far worse than Satan that he had made the said devil fear him. Thank his mother, and her genes)

A couple of embarrassing minutes, and Jeongguk decided to take pity on Taehyung. Which wa suspicious because Jeon Jeongguk never takes pity, but this was Taehyung so it was justified.

"If you don't want to answer that you don't have t-!"

Before Jeongguk could even touch the other or finish his sentence, Taehyung swayed back and forth before fainting. With Jeongguk's reflexes, he managed to catch the other before he could faceplant on the ground.

Sighing dejectedly, Jeongguk shook his head. A fond, yet estatic smile crept it's way onto his face. Kim Taehyung was in love with him. The other may not have said it, but fainting at the question he asked was too much.

Besides, no one blushes like Satan farted in their faces just like Taehyung.

A smirk made its way onto his lips.

Jeongguk is immensely satisfied. Although his secret crsuhing on Taehyung hadn't been exposed, Taehyung had involuntarily confessed to him. And Jeongguk is going to make sure he rubs it in everyone's faces because the most precious boy in Seoul-hell the whole entrie world belongs to Jeon Jeongguk.

That and he will fully take advantage of making Taehyung bashful. So it's a win-win situation for him, and Taehyung has to live with a century of embarrassment. Oh well, at least Jeongguk is there for him.

He shifted Taehyung in a more comfortable position in his arms before screaming inside the house.

"Jimin get your mutilated, uneducated outside and carry the damn pizza boxes. We have a guest over!"

Jimin screamed.

" you Jeon Jeongguk! I'm busy admiring Min Yoongi's rare abs, dickhead!"

"Do you want pizza or not, Stillborn scrotum chesticle shaft!?"

"Damn you tard, I'm older than you!"

4 months later


-Found this on my phone...when was this?


-W-What? Ummm...


-Woah! Dude, since when!? Knew you guys were hanging out, but Woah. Facts, I need facts


-...Jeongguk you're dead


-Damn...And He's taken. Jeongguk, you better run. The school's after your head.

And he was right. Soon comments such as 'What the ?' And 'He's taken' or 'I'm much better than Jeon ' or 'That Jeon ? Seriously, why him?' and 'Oppa, why!?' Came in. Jeongguk laughed smugly, knowing that Taehyung was his only.

Jeongguk had forgotten their relationship was a secret to the whole school. Mainly because Jeongguk had discovered Taehyung was not as oblivious as everyone thought him to be and knew that he was popular.

But Jeongguk still believes Taehyung is dense and clueless, because the other is fully ignorant at the fact he has stalkers of both genders and a website dedicated to his . Besides, Taehyung will not get that you want to him unless you strip , declare it, pin him down on the bed and then him.

Even then, the other would be confuse because he has no idea why you did it. Jeongguk is slightly jealous at Taehyung's ability of ignorance.

Ignorance had always been such a bliss.

So Taehyung was against the idea of letting their relationship out because the other feared Jeongguk might get hurt because it. Jeongguk was disappointed at first, but he had misunderstood this. He could tell how Taehyung wanted everyone to know that they were together and that the other was holding back quite a lot.

(Ha, in your faces! Taehyung loves me and me only- Jeongguk would wait for the day he could finally scream that out to everyone and stop the leering glances on Taehyung's .

Hell, even Jeongguk had the decency to respect Taehyung because what kind of boyfriend would he be if he can't respect his own lover? Besides, Jeongguk doesn't want to Taehyung's -he does, but he could wait- Jeongguk is wholeheartedly contented with the late night cuddle sessions and sometimes, making out to the point it would get a tiny bit...y)

However, a certain tweet came and Jeongguk found himself paling considerably.


-Jeon Jeongguk,you are ing dead. Hurt my brother and I will castrate you, you little .


-I pity you kook, May the odds be ever in your favour. Babe is not happy

김 태진

-What the are you doing with one of my sons!? Touch him and I will murder you, whoever you are

Was that Jin? Hell was that Taehyung's father? And he has a twitter? Damn...He could possibly become Jeongguk's spirit animal. Parents who fully know how to use twitter sounds badass to him.

There was another tweet and Jeongguk gulped. It was from Taehyung's father-Taejin- and all that was written was a string of angry emoticons that sudden looked very terrifying for some reason.

Also, Jeongguk forgot about Jin and his brother complex. he has another problem to overcome. Taehyung all for himself, check. Getting the big man and Jin's permission... he's gonna have to work hard for that.

(A whole goddamn century of work, Jeon Jeongguk)

The school can ing maim him later, he needs to get Jin's permission to courting Taehyung. Jeongguk perked up at the sound of a notification. He hummed, still thinking up of ways to get Jin and Taehyung's father to like him.

Twitter: Alien뵈~태흉 posted a tweet

Jeongguk rasied an eyebrow before sliding the screen and going onto twitter. It took all his will power not to drop his phone onto his face and break his nose.


-Oh! I found this as well!

Right after he gets Taehyung to delete this picture.


A/N: Okay....I actually don't know what I wrote so forgive me if this turned out absolutely . But honest opnions about my sudden implication of highness during this fanfic would be greatly appreciated. Again since I am  a lazy piece of e, forgive my grammar and spelling mistakes that I am not bothered to correct.

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peggyw #1
Chapter 1: Cute story; love them being ridiculous.
48 streak #2
Oh my goshshhhs i'm so in love with this, awhhhh
Chapter 1: This is actually quite good!! Please do a sequel!
Chapter 1: Aw! You left me hanging with Yoonmin! Make a sequal ! Go Go Go!
blueguy100 #5
Chapter 1: This is SO SO CUTE! I LOVE cute bottom V and top Jungkook! I can't wait for the update!
exoLbeautyot12 #7
Chapter 1: Beautiful .... absolutely BEAUTIFUL.
You have a bright future dear friend .. ;)
Thank you sooooooo much for this beauty ^^
Chapter 1: This made my day ^^ Lovely story.
Chokochip #9
Chapter 1: Wow.This is amazing. I love it! <3