Chapter 5

Memories End
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Tao had made an asinine assumption. He had guessed that Sehun would be less argumentative - at least until they found Baekhyun, stuffed his head in a toilet, hence extinguishing the anger that had given them a comrade in arms sort of relationship. Tao was horribly wrong. When he arrived back at the dorms after watching Luhan and Minseok push each other around the soccer field he found that Sehun had decided to use his bed as a storage space while he reorganized his closet.

“Get your things off my bed!” Tao walked over, pushing the pile of clothing to the floor. The action ignited a barrage of insults from Sehun, who made sure to tell Tao he had zero chill and would pay if any of Sehun’s clothes were ripped.

The next morning Sehun snagged the towel that Tao had fetched for his morning shower, not bothering to replace it. During breakfast, a time when Tao thought they would be busy heckling Baekhyun together, Sehun remained oddly silent.

“See, Sehun thinks it was a good idea.” Baekhyun picked up on Sehun’s silence, using it as proof his plan was a great one.

“If you ever lock me in a room with HIM again so help me Baekhyun I will-“

“Don’t be so dramatic about everything.” Sehun had cut off Tao’s threats, stood up, and promptly left the table. Baekhyun seemed to ignore Sehun’s mood, enjoying the fact he was unharmed after making Tao mad.

After classes ended for the day Tao made his way to Junmyeon’s office, internally be the fact that Sehun was supposed to be there too. At least they wouldn’t be locked in a room alone together, Tao thought. Junmyeon was already in his office when Tao arrived.

Tao muttered a ‘hey’, slouching down in one of the chairs opposite Junmyeon’s desk.

“Hi, Tao.” Junmyeon immediately gave the teenager his full attention. “If you wouldn’t mind staying after Sehun is gone I have something to talk to you about.”

Tao dreaded a mysterious talk. “Can we talk now, before Sehun shows up?”

“Sure.” Tao thought that Junmyeon appeared mildly uncomfortable, which made him curious. “Do you remember Doctor Zhang? He came to see you in the hospital shortly after your accident.”

Tao had seen so many doctors that their names and faces were a blur. “Not particularly.”

“Ah, yes, well he is a psychiatrist. I think he might be able to help you with your memory loss. I would like you to go see him soon.”

“A psychiatrist?” Tao associated the word with other people – other people’s problems – not his own.

“He specializes in memory disorders. Tao, please give him a chance, you know I wouldn’t ask you to do anything that hurts you.” Junmyeon tented his fingers, waiting for Tao to agree.

Tao knew that Junmyeon always had his best interests at heart, he had been the closest thing to a parent that Tao had ever had. “I will give it a chance.”

“Thank you.” Junmyeon had no sooner uttered his words of gratitude when Sehun strolled into the room, Baekhyun right behind him. “Hello, please sit.”

“Baekhyun?” Tao had still not completely forgiven him for the antics of the day before.

“Part of his reward for his actions yesterday.” Junmyeon explained, Tao’s mouthed formed an O, realizing Baekhyun’s punishment involved more than just random errands for the teaching staff.

“So what kind of fair are we putting on, Mr. Kim?” Baekhyun sat on the edge of the chair, doing his best impression of an attentive student.

“A Qing dynasty fair. I have the basic outline of the topics I would like to see covered here.” Junmyeon handed each boy a piece of paper. “The fair will be held after school hours and it will be open to the public.”

“Open to the public?” Sehun seemed put off by the news.

“Yes, which means this fair will be a direct reflection on the academy. This is a very important project and I expect only the best from you three.” Junmyeon looked each boy in the eyes, “Put in your best effort and make sure everything runs smoothly.”

“What do we need to do?” Baekhyun asked, clearly up.

“You guys will need to decide the exhibits based on the themes I have provided. Garner student interest in the fair and enlist the help of your fellow students. You will also need to plan advertising and how you will spread the word – both inside the academy and outside of it.”

Tao realized how much work was before him. Even with three people the amount of time that he would need to invest in the project was substantial. He wondered if Junmyeon was trying to keep him so busy he didn’t have time to fight with Sehun. Or maybe he was just being paranoid, considering he would be spending a lot of time with Sehun planning and running the fair any way.

After explaining due dates and a mini ‘you can do it’ pep talk Junmyeon dismissed the three boys, telling them he would be available for any questions. Once they were outside Junmyeon’s office, the door securely closed, Baekhyun started in.

“I at planning things.” Baekhyun whined, stomping his feet as he flailed his arms.

“Should we split up the tasks?” Sehun asked quietly, apparently nonplussed by the assignment.

“Not right now, I need to get to martial art-“ Tao stopped short, realizing what he was saying and to whom. Sehun had said he wanted to join the martial arts club and that evening happened to mark the first meeting Tao would be attending since he returned to school. He was hoping Sehun didn’t hear him.

“Great, where do we meet?” Sehun smirked.

“Just follow me.” Tao stalked off, Sehun behind him, Baekhyun’s whines of being left alone echoing down the hallway.


Sehun had never tried martial arts – of any kind. He never really had the interest nor the patience, the sport seemed like a lot of methodology and not a lot of running around, which he was surprisingly good at.

The martial arts club met in one of the smaller gymnasiums, blue mats scattered on the floor. Sehun quickly changed into the uniform Tao had all but thrown at him, tying the belt around his waist awkwardly. Tao had changed in a different part of the locker room, almost like he was afraid Sehun would eye him up. Sehun rolled his eyes at the suggestion that he wanted anything to do with Tao or his stupid body – at least in that way.

There were a few other guys already in the gym once Sehun wandered out of the locker room. Sehun didn’t recognize them, noting that they must be upperclassmen. He walked over to Tao, who was busy ing his fists forwards and backwards.

“Is the air bothering you?” Sehun deadpanned, “I feel bad for it the way you are punching.”

“Seriously?!” Tao snarl

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Taohun6988 #1
Chapter 6: I hate and love you at the same time lol. I sadly just got into Exo this year and went and watched Showtime and got attached to Taohun. *sigh* I doubt you ever finish this but it’s so intriguing and man. I love all of your stories so much, hope one day you feed us readers with the conclusion.
Will you still update this story? TuT
enchantedgolden_owl #3
Litz12xx #4
xBoyWhoCriedWolfx #5
Chapter 6: Uwaaahhhhh!!! The scene had me blushing like a tomato. *squeals while fanning myself* Huhuhu! Please update soon Author-nim! Taohun and Xiuhan is literally life. Hnggg! ㅠㅠ. The fic's plot is really interesting tho. I DONT EVEN KNOW WHATS HAPPENING BUT I LOVE IT. Mysteries. Waah! I rly hope u could update soon when ure not busy. Huehuehue. Anyways, Thank you for making this fic, Author-nim! ❤️❤️❤️
daisyqurl #6
Chapter 6: My feels...
iLawlix_ #7
Chapter 6: tao needs to remember who sehun is ;-;
heltraine #8
Chapter 6: seriously, i love the mystery so much!!! the was y and -can i say- tender? i could feel the tenderness between Zitao and Shixun, so touching!! but now i wonder if the accident with the motorcycle had really happened...or if this was a excuse to manipulate Tao (and Sehun)?? I can't stop to think there's something wrong with the teachers and the Dr hahaha!
K-Stalker #9
Chapter 6: Yay! Oh god this fic is so awesome that I cant control my feelings *W*
I'm throwing up rainbows like a Fu-beep* Unicorn!
zachelle #10
Chapter 6: Ohh... What do we have here, all of a sudden, lol :O *blushes*