Chapter 3

Memories End
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Sehun was already in bed when Tao returned to their dorm room. Sehun had the covers pulled up to this chin, his cell phone in hand, a stupid cat video that one of his friends from his old school had sent him playing on mute. After an hour studying he had given up academic pursuits and decided lying in bed was more appealing. Playing around on his phone as he wondered if Tao was doing okay. Not that he cared. Not really – because Tao was a jerk.

Tao didn’t say anything when he came in, didn’t bother to acknowledge Sehun’s presence at all. He went to his dresser, pulling out some clothes and promptly leaving the room again. Sehun thought it was pretty petty of him considering he had just punched someone a few hours before, apparently because they had almost impaled Sehun with an arrow no less.

Sehun put his phone down, turning on his side he found himself missing his old bed. The mattress here was okay, probably more than okay for someone who was used to a spring mattress. Sehun had a tempur-pedic bed at his old school, it had worked wonders for his back aches. His doctor had told him years of involving himself in any and every sport he could enroll in had not been the best for his young body. Honestly he had done so out of boredom, needing something to keep him busy when his friends went home on the weekends or busied themselves with skyping and chatting with their families and friends.

It was almost a half an hour later when Tao walked back into the room, his hair wet. He must have been to the showers. Sehun made sure to flip over so he was facing the wall, not staring at Tao’s side of the room and making things even weirder than they already were.


Sehun debated whether he should pretend like he had fallen asleep and ignore Tao.

“Hey! I know you are awake.”

Sehun was certain Tao would “hey” indefinitely if he didn’t acknowledge him so he flipped over. “What?”

“If you try anything tonight I won’t hesitate to punch you.” Tao tried to look menacing.

“Yeah. Whatever. Don’t flatter yourself.” Sehun turned back over.

“Flatter myself? Ha!” Tao laughed, Sehun thought it sounded a bit maniacal. “Whatever. Good night ert.”

Sehun didn’t answer, Tao didn’t say another word. Sehun fell asleep, only noticing in the morning that Tao had left his side lamp on all night.


Baekhyun did not seem to have an off switch. Sehun was starting to wonder if he ever slept or even sat down other than when he had to attend classes or eat his first and second dinners.

Baekhyun also didn’t seem to understand the concept of knocking.

“Wakey wakey my two favorite fighting BFFS!” Baekhyun walked into the dorm room like he owned the place, jumping on Tao’s bed and feigning confusion when Tao started slapping at him.

“Hey! Why are you guys still asleep, it is a big day today!” Baekhyun maneuvered out of the reach of Tao’s hands, relocating his exuberant presence to Sehun’s bed.

Sehun had been awake for the last half an hour but he had kept his head hidden under the covers, not really wanting to be awake.

“What big day?” Tao groaned.

“We need to sign Sehun up for a club!” Baekhyun shook Sehun. “Aren’t you excited?!”

“Club?” Sehun knew the meaning of the words but he didn’t really want to acknowledge the fact at the moment. His brain wasn’t ready to be talking about anything other than more sleep.

“Yes, like after-school-special bonding social sports colleges-look-at-it thing.” Baekhyun explained.

“What does that have to do with me?” Tao’s voice was raspy, tired.

“You mean you want your best friend hanging out all over school without you?” Baekhyun tsked.

“He is NOT my best friend.” Tao protested.

“That is not what Minho’s bruised face tells me.” Baekhyun winked. “Now get up you two. Time for breakfast.”

The closest Tao and Sehun got to agreeing on anything in the short time since they had been reunited was the mutual groan they directed at Baekhyun. The man was undeterred however.

Both boys drug themselves out of bed after Baekhyun skipped from the room, all short answers and pointed stares. They trudged towards the cafeteria, maintaining a heavy silence. Breakfast was an equally distant affair, with Baekhyun doing all of the talking as they both muttered words of agreement or disagreement, not bothering to indulge in another episode of verbal sparring.

The school day droned on, Tao thankful Sehun didn’t provoke him during their Eastern Civilizations Class. Lunch was an equal bore, Baekhyun having an earlier lunch which left Tao to stave off questions from Chanyeol involving Sehun’s “great eyes” and “amazing way he wears pants”. By the time the final class period ended Tao felt like he had survived one of the most boring days of his existence. And then Baekhyun was there, waving him over to the grassy square.

Tao knew that hanging out with Baekhyun after classes meant hanging out with Sehun, which wasn’t exactly an ideal situation. Yet Tao walked over to Baekhyun, needing some sort of excitement aside from shooting arrows for half of the evening while he spent the other half buried in a text book.

“Sehun should be here soon. Hey, what club should we take him by first?” Baekhyun held up his hand, counting down. “There is chess, soccer, basketball, what about theater? Does he seem like he would be the theater type?”

“I don’t know.” Tao thought Baekhyun would know better than him. After all he was the one with all of the memories.

“Never mind, here he comes. Now NO fighting!”  Baekhyun repeated his energetic motions, Tao finding it mildly amusing that Sehun reacted in a similar fashion; not hurrying, looking a bit embarrassed by the man’s downright enthusiasm.

An hour later (after a rather silent first dinner, other than Baekhyun’s incessant chatter, that is) the trio found themselves standing on the sidelines of the basketball court, watching as Chanyeol barked out orders to his team.

“You, um…may want to watch out for him.” Tao warned Sehun, trying his best to prepare Sehun for the onslaught of affections that would be occurring soon via Park Chanyeol. Then he wondered why he was being so nice…quickly tensing and offering Sehun an angry glare lest the man get any ideas about the state of their supposed friendship.

Chanyeol noticed the three of them after one of the player’s finished a particularly horrible free throw, Chanyeol mocking tearing his hair out and then running halfway across the court as he yelled. Then the basketball team captain stopped dead in his tracks, a smile and wide eyes taking over where his anger had abruptly left off.

“Hey. What are you guys doing here?” Chanyeol tried to be smooth as he walked towards them, nearly tripping as his sneaker stuck to the polished floor.

“The new kid needs a club.” Baekhyun pointed at Sehun.

“I am Chanyeol, captain of the basketball team, the most handsome man on campus.” Chanyeol winked and Tao was pretty sure he just threw up in his mouth.

“I don’t date athletes.” Sehun answered, his expression unreadable. Tao snorted. Chanyeol looked slightly embarrassed.

“I um…” Chanyeol laughed loudly, too loudly, obviousl

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Taohun6988 #1
Chapter 6: I hate and love you at the same time lol. I sadly just got into Exo this year and went and watched Showtime and got attached to Taohun. *sigh* I doubt you ever finish this but it’s so intriguing and man. I love all of your stories so much, hope one day you feed us readers with the conclusion.
Will you still update this story? TuT
enchantedgolden_owl #3
Litz12xx #4
xBoyWhoCriedWolfx #5
Chapter 6: Uwaaahhhhh!!! The scene had me blushing like a tomato. *squeals while fanning myself* Huhuhu! Please update soon Author-nim! Taohun and Xiuhan is literally life. Hnggg! ㅠㅠ. The fic's plot is really interesting tho. I DONT EVEN KNOW WHATS HAPPENING BUT I LOVE IT. Mysteries. Waah! I rly hope u could update soon when ure not busy. Huehuehue. Anyways, Thank you for making this fic, Author-nim! ❤️❤️❤️
daisyqurl #6
Chapter 6: My feels...
iLawlix_ #7
Chapter 6: tao needs to remember who sehun is ;-;
heltraine #8
Chapter 6: seriously, i love the mystery so much!!! the was y and -can i say- tender? i could feel the tenderness between Zitao and Shixun, so touching!! but now i wonder if the accident with the motorcycle had really happened...or if this was a excuse to manipulate Tao (and Sehun)?? I can't stop to think there's something wrong with the teachers and the Dr hahaha!
K-Stalker #9
Chapter 6: Yay! Oh god this fic is so awesome that I cant control my feelings *W*
I'm throwing up rainbows like a Fu-beep* Unicorn!
zachelle #10
Chapter 6: Ohh... What do we have here, all of a sudden, lol :O *blushes*