
it's not surprising that we'd end so soon(don't leave me)
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Junhoe's there for Jinhwan all the time, but when it's never the opposite. There's a time where Jinhwan is really upset with his relationship with Hanbin, he calls Junhoe and asks him if he wants to hang out. Junhoe comes over, sees that the boy isn't feeling well, asking him if they're hanging out just because Hanbin 'broke his heart' again. Jinhwan smiles thinly, shakes his said and mumbles a no. Junhoe gets really mad and starts yelling at him.   Junhoe has his fingers curled into his palms, knuckles dashed with white. The breathes sliding through his nostrils are violent. He feels like launching himself off, blowing off like a bomb. His pieces are falling apart and he can't persist further. He knows he'll never be more. He's worthless, nothing less than that. He's useless, he's never worth it. And never going to be.   "Don't ing lie to me, Jinhwan. Don't tell me that I'm here for the sake of our friendship. We both know I'm only always here because I'm the only one in the world who's willing to run however many miles for you just because of Hanbin," I've been running for you this whole time. Why haven't you've realized that I've been dying from dehydration? The times I've feel down, broken into my knees, yet you would look at me, smile, then tell me you'd return soon from that jackass of a boyfriend of yours.   Jinhwan's taken back by the younger boy's outburst. He doesn't know what to do because he hasn't seen him this mad. Junhoe's eyes are red, his cheeks resemble his bones. He's left stuttering out his words, "N-No, I-- I seriously wanted to just hang out..."   "No? Bull. Why am I even here. does Hanbin even make you happy-- First of all, does Hanbin even love you? The other day I saw him kissing up on Bobby's , but I didn't say because it's not my business. Let's be honest here, even if I told you, you'd still stay with him. Jinhwan, you're honestly dumb. dumb. Why do I even waste my time on you," I love you, that's why. I stay even if you're stupidly in love with Hanbin because I'm stupidly in love with you.   Jinhwan's scared because he didn't think he was doing any of what Junhoe was pouring out to him. He thought Junhoe was supporting him.    "It's always Hanbin," he laughs, throwing shards of thorns, "Hanbin this, Hanbin that; how many times have I asked us to hang out, which only resulted in (um, sorry Junhoe, I'm going on a date with Hanbin. I'll make it up to you), huh? Let me tell you how many times because in fact, it's every ing time I've ever asked you," Jinhwan's trembling, patting his lips, wanting to retort back. He shut his mouth because it's true and he feels so bad.   "Mind you, every date you've been on with Hanbin
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Chapter 2: If only this had a sequel ;A; It would be amazing if there was an angst one about how jinhwan feels about hanbin
trappedinjunhwan #2
Chapter 2: I wish this had a sequel but angsty ending is okay too ;;
Chocofrosty #3
Chapter 2: noooo........why it's ended heree............TAT
happyviruses92 #4
Chapter 2: and all i need is sequel ;;;; please make a sequel this is just epic. and i can't wait for jinan regretting everything and realized that june is important to him more than hanbin ;;;; TTvTT
namgrandpa #5
Chapter 2: SEQUEL! SEQUEL! SEQUEL!!!!!!!!
kitamea #6
Chapter 2: I really want there to be more to this. Sequel? I think I'm just a er for angst.
very_ship_them #7
Chapter 2: Broke my heart T.T
ultear #8
Why only one chapter
ApinkPanda4ever #9
Chapter 2: Author-nim Please make a sequel!!!! I loved this!!!!
lemonmacaroon #10
Omona this is soo good,please make the sequel or prequel. I wanna know how bad hanbin was. And how jinhwan used to treat junhoe author nim ^^