Being A Boyfriend

What It Means

“Scoot over,” came the voice in the darkness.

Minho, who had been teetering on the edge of sleep, gasped, sitting up, and nearly bumping heads with the person who was leaning over him. The blanket fell into his lap, and Minho shivered a little at the sudden rush of cold air surrounding him where there had recently been a cocoon of warmth. His brain tried to process what was happening, still slightly panicked from the unexpected voice in the dark of the bedroom.

“Huh?” he replied slowly, his voice slightly lower and tongue feeling thick in his mouth.

Minho heard a sigh come from the darkness above his head before he felt two warm, familiar hands pushing on his shoulder.


“Move over,” came Jonghyun’s voice again, this time closer to Minho’s face rather than above his head.

Minho flopped back down onto his bed, grasping his blanket, and pulling it over his head, trying to regain the warmth he had lost when he had sat up so suddenly into the cold air of the room.

“No,” said Minho’s muffled voice. “Go back to your own bed.”

“But it’s cold over there,” Jonghyun whined, reaching over to grab at Minho’s blanket, dragging it down a bit before Minho realized what he was doing and grabbed back. They struggled for a minute, Minho trying to get the edges of the blanket underneath him so Jonghyun couldn’t pull it off, but Jonghyun proved too persistent, finally winning possession of the blanket, but falling to the ground in the process.

“Umph,” Jonghyun grunted as his hit the ground.

Minho sat up, his eyes still adjusting to the darkness around him, and laughed when he finally focused on the image of Jonghyun on the ground, clutching the blanket.

“Now it’s cold over here, too,” Minho said, clutching his stomach as the laughter rolled through him.

Jonghyun’s eyes, which had been shining and wide in the darkness, narrowed.

“You are the worst boyfriend ever,” Jonghyun huffed, picking himself up off the ground. He threw the blanket back at Minho, turning to walk back to his own bed.

Minho lunged for Jonghyun, grabbing his wrist and almost toppling out of bed in the process. Grateful that he had managed to latch onto Jonghyun, Minho pulled himself back onto the bed, pulling Jonghyun with him.

“Ow,” Jonghyun yelped. “What are you doing?”

Minho flopped down, his back to the wall and face in the pillow, and latched his arms around Jonghyun’s waist. He pulled, trying to get him to lie down. Jonghyun resisted for a moment, trying to unlatch Minho’s hands, his cries of “I don’t want to sleep here anymore” falling on deaf ears. Minho only held on tighter, and, finally, Jonghyun gave up. He lay down next to Minho, facing him and breathing hard from the struggle. He looked at Minho, who was grimacing.

“What? What is that face for? I leave because you don’t want me to sleep here, then lay down when you change your mind. What in the world is your problem now?” Jonghyun demanded.

“You’re… Laying on my arm,” Minho gritted out. “And you’re heavy.”

“Oh,” Jonghyun responded sheepishly, lifting up the upper half of his body so Minho could remove his arm. Minho let out a sigh of relief as he freed his arm, bringing it up to lay his palm underneath his face. His other arm remained draped over Jonghyun’s waist, dragging him closer. Jonghyun grabbed the blanket and smoothed it over them, letting his legs tangle with Minho’s. Minho hissed.

“Your toes are freezing!”

“I told you it was cold over there. I couldn’t sleep,” Jonghyun responded.

“Is this what being your boyfriend means?” Minho questioned. “You’re going to wake me up all the time to cuddle your cold toes against me?”

Jonghyun chuckled, mimicking Minho and putting one of his own arms over his boyfriend’s waist. He moved so that his face was buried in Minho’s neck, nosing the two bumps he found there.

“Well, you could just let me sleep here with you at night. Then I wouldn’t have to wake you up.”

Jonghyun’s voice was sleepy, and his lips moved against Minho’s neck, sending a shiver through Minho that had nothing to do with the cold of the room.

“I think I can deal with that,” Minho said, his voice soft, not wanting to disturb Jonghyun, both for the fact that he was finally falling asleep and for the fact that Minho didn’t know if his nerves could handle another surge of Jonghyun’s energy if he woke him up.

“There’s nothing I can do about the cold toes, though. It’s up to you to warm them up.”

Jonghyun yawned, comfort seeping into him as Minho’s warmth covered him better than any blanket. He placed a light kiss to Minho’s throat, smiling as he felt Minho yawn, too.

The two fell asleep, warm and wrapped in each other.

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