
Hands and Milkshakes

You stepped into the empty classroom, it was comfortably silent. Someone had left an easel set up in the far corner, but that wasn't out of place in the slightest. Perhaps the professor had been working on something, and forgotten it. The room wasn't too hot, nor cold, and the large windows let in more than enough light. No need to fiddle with the temperamental lights here! Perfect. Absolutely perfect.


When it came to studying, the library was your first choice of course. But the library wasn't the best place to spread out your art supplies. You could only imagine the librarian's face if you started pulling out paints to practice. You had wanted to paint back in your dorm room, but somehow your roommate had managed to get a boy toy in the grand span of the three days they had been here. They had offered to keep it down, but there was no way you were going to sit there quietly and paint while they did things like that under the covers. Just...




So much no.


You had also tried to set up out on the grassy campus of your college, this was an art school after all, but after nearly being beheaded thrice by a Frisbee, and beaned in the head by two separate footballs, you had given up on peace there as well.


An upperclassman had noticed your frustration while outside, and suggested this particular classroom. It was kept unlocked for the express purpose of students having a quiet space to work, although few rarely used it. You had thanked them profusely, they just flashed a dimpled smile at you and told you it was no problem before walking off.


So now you were in the quiet room, sunlight streaming through the windows, ready to work. You couldn't help but hum happily to yourself as you took out your supplies and began to set up.


When a voice suddenly said Excuse me, but could you stop that? It's messing up my concentration.”, you jumped. This place was supposed to be empty!


You snapped your head to corner of the classroom where the voice seemed to come from. From behind an easel you had assumed was unoccupied, a boy with brightly dyed red hair in round glasses was frowning at you. His face was streaked with black, like he had gotten into a fight with a pencil an lost. Despite the messiness it was blatantly obvious he was cute. If anything actually, the touch of messiness made him cuter. It did not however, make him look like he knew what he was doing.


'Pfft. Amateur. Must be used to doing something else.' you thought to yourself while your mouth said politely, “Sorry, I thought I was alone.”


He just shook his head slightly and then disappeared behind his easel. His voice floated over from where he was concealed. “Well now you know you're not, I guess.” This was followed by the sound of something rubbing vigorously on paper.


The noise went on for a few more moments, before it settled down into to the near-silent scratching sound of someone sketching. You shrugged and went back to setting up, you did intend to have things finished today after all.


And hour later, you had gotten a good portion of your painting done, not all of it, but enough that you were feeling quite satisfied with yourself, and was now in the process of cleaning things up. Meanwhile, you could feel the frustration building on the other side of the room for the red-headed bespectacled boy. The sound of vigorous scrubbing (your guess was very enthusiastic erasing) had frequently sounded over the past hour, and ten minutes ago, you heard soft noises that sounded like curses in another language being murmured begin.


Finally, you heard a ripping noise, and a very battered looking sheet of paper drifted to the floor, half crumpled in frustration.


Curious, you peeked over at it. What could be infuriating him so much? Unsurprisingly, it was hands. Several half-finished hands done in charcoal. Hands were devilishly hard to draw in the beginning, you could remember your own frustration at attempting for the first few times, and them turning out to look like the ungodly cross between gloves and potatoes.


“Hey.” you called out. The boy poked his head back out. He had only gotten messier, his hair was now a mess (probably from him running a hand through it) and his glasses had become both smudged and askew. Although you couldn't see it then, the beginning of frustrated tears were pricking at his eyes as well.


“Yes?” he replied shortly. He wasn't in the best mood. Not that anyone would be after struggling with something for at least an hour, probably more, considering he was here before you were.


“Would you like some help? With hands? I might be able to give you a few tips.” You brushed a bit of hair from where it had fallen into your face.


He looked at you like you had grown two heads for a second, or like you had suddenly began to speak Latin at him. Then hope broke over his face.


“Really? You'd do that? I could really use some tips. So, yes please.” He beamed at you in relief, and something in your chest fluttered. Forget cute, he was gorgeous when he smiled.


You smiled back, and if anything, his smile grew bigger. You walked over to where he was while he wiped at his eyes and tried to clean his glasses along the edge of his shirt.


He held out his charcoal covered hand for you to shake“I'm Jimin, by the way. I'm sorry if I was a bit rude earlier... I just.” He sighed, “I've just been having a lot of trouble with this. I just can't seem to get it.”


You nodded in understanding, and a bit of sympathy while you took his hand and shook it firmly. “It's alright, everyone goes through that sometimes. I'm y/n.” You released his hand, suddenly realizing that he had gifted you a bit of charcoal dust already. You brushed it off on your jeans, no biggie.


He looked up at you with a small smile “Y/n? That's a nice name, for a very nice person.” and made an exaggerated wink at you from behind his glasses.


You couldn't help but snicker at that, he really was a cutie.


Without further ado, you looked at his paper. He had already half-drawn a hand, although it was nothing more than a group of circles and squares with a few lines right now.

You could already see a few small problems that would throw him off for the rest of the drawing, mostly because sometimes you ran into them yourself. “Alright, you see here, this is supposed to be a little wider here than here...”


Another half-hour later, you were holding Jimin's hand (he had really nice hands, and why not use them as a model) while you pointed out the small nuances to him, and showed him how to draw them with your other hand. Even if they were covered in a fine layer of black (and at this point, yours were too), the two of you had made some considerable progress.


“Ah, so it's a bit off-set there huh?” he asked while examining his hand and the drawing you had made of it.


“Yup!” you replied. “See? It's not too bad, once you know what to look for.”


He shot a dazzling smile in your direction again while he squeezed your hand lightly. “I really can't thank you enough for this, I sincerely thought I was never going to get it!” He hummed to himself briefly while he eyes wandered away in thought. “Oh! I know! You've been here awhile too right? Are you hungry? I know a good place for milk shakes, want to go?” His entire face lit up while he asked you.


You paused for a moment, taking in the fact that he was offering you food, but he took it as indecisiveness.


“Please? I need to thank you somehow~” His eyes widened to proportions normally only reserved for puppies as his mouth turned down in a small pout. He clutched you hand to his chest (and what a firm chest it was too) as he awaited your answer.


“Milkshakes sound great!”


You had barely finished when you suddenly found yourself wrapped up in his arms. Almost as quickly, he let go and backed up.


His face began to gain a pink hue as he muttered out “Oh my gosh I'm so sorry, I'm just used to being around my friends and we hug a lot so...” His eyes were fixed to the floor “I guess it's become a bit of a habit to touch others.” He look utterly mortified that he had hugged you.


You patted him on the shoulder while you held back your snickers. “Hey, it's alright. It sounds like you and your friends are just really close.” From someone who you thought was a bit on the rude side when you met just a little while ago, Jimin was shaping up to be someone much better than you had anticipated.


Jimin laughed awkwardly “Yeah, the seven of us are pretty close I guess. One of them suggested I go here for practice earlier today when things got too crazy at home. He said that it was normally unoccupied, so I was surprised when you walked in a little later. I wasn't expecting a hot-.” He stood up awkwardly “I mean, a-” He stared down at you while his face got progressively redder. Somehow he managed to choke out “I need to clean up a bit before we go.”


With that, he gave his supplies his full undivided attention, leaving you to blush slightly at the realization he found you attractive as well. Inside, you were blessing the dimpled upperclassman for suggesting that you come here. Otherwise, there was probably no chance you would have ever met Jimin.


A few minuets later, both of you were packed, and mostly cleaned up. Jimin's face had gone back to it's normal color, although he was having a hard time meeting your eyes.


“Right, so, the milkshake place is only a few minuets from here on foot... Uh, Let's begin our adventure!” He smiled shakily at you, obviously trying to overcome his slip of the tongue (and arms) earlier.


You held out your hand for him to take, “So we're on a quest now?” He grinned at you and then took your hand. It was a warm day outside, but your hands fit perfectly together. The thing that had been fluttering in your chest since he had begun to smile hummed to life.


“Yes, for the sweetest ambrosia we can acquire on campus for under five dollars!” He puffed up his chest slightly, whether it was in happiness or something else, you couldn't tell. But Jimin's face was so clearly full of joy, it was impossible to keep yourself from smiling along with him.


It turned out that the sweetest ambrosia on campus could actually be acquired for four dollars and fifty-nine cents. Jimin had insisted on paying, this still was his thank-you after all, although it now felt suspiciously like a date. Not that you minded in the slightest, he obviously wanted to get to know you a bit better, and you wanted the same in turn. It worked out quite well truthfully.


Time passed as you both sipped on the divine creaminess in Styrofoam cups, chatting about just about everything under the sun. You had just reached the bottom of your cup when a group of rowdy boys rushed through the doors, talking loudly among themselves and joking around. Almost immediately, they surrounded the two of you.


The gaggle all began to talk at once towards the two of you without any further ado.

“Oooh, Hyung~ Who's this?” “Jimin, you said that you had to do stuff!” “Man, don't tell me you've been meeting up with them all this time!” “Weren't you last night about how you were going to be forever alone, what happened?” “Yah! I want to meet them!” “When did you meet them?”


A deep voice from the back of the group sounded out. “Hey, give them room to breathe, you're all going to talk them to death!” From the crowd of young men, the dimpled upperclassman manage to push his way through. He looked between you and Jimin before flashing a short thumbs-up at Jimin, and turning back to the group. Without a doubt, he certainly seemed to be the man-in-charge of the group “Alright, now introduce yourselves to her, quietly, we don't want to be kicked out of this place too!”


There was a flurry of names, smiles, and strange jokes that didn't make complete sense to you, but made Jimin cringe and laugh at the same time. Apparently these were his friends he had told you about earlier. They were certainly a set of characters. The next several hours were spent hanging out with them, both inside the milkshake place, and outside under some trees. Before you knew it, the sun had set, and then sleep began to tug at your eyelids. How time managed to pass so quickly was eyond you, but it happened


Jimin walked you back to your dorm after managing to separate you from his friends by promising that he would bring you around another time.


He brushed some of his hair from his face. “Sorry about that. They have a lot of energy.”


You laughed in return, “No problem, I had fun.”


Jimin grinned at you, “Excellent, otherwise I would have had to scold them.” He shifted his weight slightly, as if trying to work up the courage for something. He hooked a finger in his collar and pulled at it slightly while he continued, “Well, I had a lot of fun too. Would you like to hang out later?”


You nodded. “Of course! Why wouldn't I?”


Indeed, why not? He was obviously interested in you, and you in him, there was no harm in continuing this. No harm at all. Somehow, you had managed to not scare him off in the past several hours. If anything, you were quite hopeful with where this was going. “Should I get your phone number so we can figure it out?”


Jimin looked incredibly pleased while he put his number into your phone, and you did the same to his. As soon as your phones were back in their respective owner's hands, he poked and swiped at the screen briefly before holding it up to his ear. Immediately, your phone rang. Before you could ask him why he was doing that, he managed to scurry off out of sight. How that boy could move was beyond you.


Deciding to humor him, you picked up “Yes? Who is this?”


Jimin jokingly made a wounded noise on the other end of the line, “You've forgotten me already? I thought we were on the way to being friends.”


You smiled into the phone, before turning to walk up to your room, joking with Jimin all the way. You were going to enjoy this school year.

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