Part 2


“Good morning, sir.” They said before bowing. The guard just hummed at them and walked in. The four boys had some difficulties with getting the wagon up the stairs. There wasn’t many steps, but it was still difficult. Baekhyun even had to take some fruit off the wagon so it wouldn’t fall off. As soon as they got the wagon up the stairs, they walked through the door and the two guards closed it behind them.

The room they entered was the throne room. There were two chairs at the opposite side of the room on a little platform. It was a big, blue carpet hanging behind them and a big chandelier hanging from the roof right above them. It was a few statues here and there (mostly old kings and queens) and a few wall decorations (like sword and flags). Maids and butlers were walking around placing food on long tables, washing the floors and walls and decorating for the festival. Guards were standing in front of doors, on each side of the two chairs and someone just standing here and there. A few people, clearly royal or high in status, were walking around and getting themselves and their family ready for the big week.

(A/N: Something like this, but with a few differences.)

“Wow...” Jongdae mumbled as he lost himself in the beauty of the room.

“Yeah. Colorful.” Baekhyun said, like as lost as Jongdae.

“What are you boys just standing there for?” The guard asked, a little angry. The boys got out of their daze and rushed to the guards side.

“Place the wagon there and line up.” He told them and pointed at one table before he left the room.

“Line up?” Jongin asked when he and Sehun placed the wagon next to the table.

“Stand in a row in front of the royal chairs.” A maid told them as she placed many plates on the table.

“Thank you.” Jongin said before bowing slightly. The maid smiled before going back to her work.

“Come on.” Sehun said as they walked to the chairs and lined up in front of them.

“Bow now.” The guard whispered as he came back into the room. He lined up next to them and went down on one knee. He placed a hand on his chest and bent his head down. Baekhyun did the same and the others followed their example.

(A/N: I just really wanted to use this picture^~^)


Music started playing and Baekhyun started sweating. He heard footsteps and knew the king had entered.

“All hail his majesty king Park Sungmin!!” One guard shouted into the room. All the people, maids, butlers, royals and guards bowed. Baekhyun lifted his head slightly and saw a man standing in front of the chairs. He was wearing a big, red cape with golden patterns on it. Underneath he had a big white dress made of silk and a red tunic, tied with a big golden belt. He had a huge crown on his head that had thousands of jewels, diamonds and rubies on and everything was shining so bright. He looked extremely pompous with all his rings and necklaces, but his face showed nothing but love and caring.

Everyone stood up, but still focused on the king and the four boys, who were still bowing.

“Welcome! What brings such young boys such as yourselves to my castle?” He asked with a bright smile. The boys were still bowing, but the guard stood up.

“They delivered the fruit wagon from Han Woo.” He said.

“Yes, of course!! The nice old man with the delicious fruits!! Such a sweet man.” The king said and sat down in his chair.

“So, boys. You don’t live here, do you?” He asked and eyed them in curiousness. Baekhyun stood up slowly.

“Well, we-“

“COME BACK HERE!!!” Someone shouted and made Baekhyun jump. He turned around and saw two boys running through the door.

“GIVE IT BACK, YOU GIANT!!” The boy shouted again. He was running after the other.

“BOYS!!” The king shouted angrily and surprised everyone. The boys stopped running and walked shamefully up to their father on his throne.

“Sorry, dad.” They both said with their heads hung low.

“It’s okay, but you’re scaring our guests. Now turn around and welcome our new villagers.” The king said and went back to smiling. The princes turned around and bowed to the four boys. They didn’t look all to similar.

The tallest one had elfish ears and a big grin on his face. He had a strong body, handsome features and black hair pushed back, showing his forehead. He was wearing a white shirt with baggy arms, a dark blue tunic with a brown leather belt. He had a sword hanging onto it and a red cape hanging on his back. He had grey hoses and brown leather boots. He wasn’t wearing a crown, but he looked like a prince either way.

(A/N: Similar to Prince Charming from Snow White.)


The other prince was smaller. He was more beautiful than handsome. He had muscles, but they didn’t show all too much. He had light brown, curly hair and doe-like yes. He was wearing similar clothes to his brother. His shirt was black and it didn’t have baggy arms. His tunic was light brown and his belt was thinner than his brothers belt. He had a bow and arrows hanging on his back. He also had a red cape, just like his brothers, and dark brown hoses. His boots were black and with a few scratches here and there. He wasn’t wearing a crown either, but he looked just like prince too.

(A/N: I really love this sceneXD)


“These are my sons: Chanyeol and Luhan.” The king said and pointed first at the tall prince and then the shorter prince. They bowed and smiled. Well, Chanyeol did. Luhan didn’t show any emotions at all. ‘Weird.’ Baekhyun thought.

“Well, boys. Introduce yourselves.” The king said to Baekhyun and his friends. Jongdae, Jongin and Sehun stood up and introduced themselves one by one.

“My name is Byun Baekhyun. We came here with our horses and met Han Woo on our little tour around the village. We wanted to help him and so we ended up here, your Majesties.” Baekhyun said and bowed his head slightly.

“And who are your friends?” The king asked and intertwined his fingers and placed his hands between his thighs. He looked like a little kid waiting for candy.

“My name is Kim Jongdae, your majesty.” Jongdae said and smiled brightly.

“My name is Kim Jongin. And even though Jongdae and I have the same last name, we’re not brothers.” Jongin explained with a smile before anyone could ask. The king just nodded and turned his head towards Sehun. He frowned slightly when he saw that the boy didn’t smile.

“And who might you be?” He asked politely.

“He is my brother.” Baekhyun said.

“My name is Byun Sehun.” Sehun said and Luhan gasped loudly, gathering all the attention of the people in the room. He had brought his hands up to his mouth and his eyes were so wide it looked like they would pop out.

“What’s wrong, Luhan?” The king asked and stood up to bring an arm around his sons shoulders.

“I-I-I-I’m s-s-sorry!” He stuttered and ran out of the room.

“Luhan!!” Chanyeol shouted after him. He walked down the three steps form the chairs and bowed at the four boys.

“Excuse me, but I need to help y brother. It was a pleasure to meet you.” He said and looked over at Baekhyun.

“I hope I’ll see you again.” He said and gave Baekhyun a wink before running off. Baekhyun blushed and watched as the elfish giant ran out of the throne room.

“He likes you.” Jongdae said teasingly and poked Baekhyuns arm.

“S-shut up!” Baekhyun groaned and hit Jongdaes arm playfully.

“I do apologize for my son. Luhan has been quite special ever since he was twelve years old.” The kings sighed with a smile.

“What do you mean?” Jongin asked.

“Well… 10 years ago the whole incident that created this festival happened. The four people disappeared and somehow my son became very depressed. He started locking himself in his room, refused to eat or drink. He didn’t let anyone in except Chanyeol. He has completely stopped smiling and I don’t know why. It’s like he has closed up his heart and shut out every emotion. Almost as if he is dead on the inside.” The king said and a tear slipped down his cheek.

“I’m sorry, your majesty.” Baekhyun said and carefully placed an arm around the king to sooth him. The king leaned into his embrace and let another tear fall down.

“I know how you feel.” Baekhyun whispered. The king looked at Baekhyun with a surprised frown. Baekhyun looked at Sehuns back and started talking.

“My brother, Sehun, is just like that. It happened to him 10 years ago too. He completely locked himself out from the world. He rarely talks. He talks to me, Jongin and Jongdae, but if he ever talks to strangers, it is just out of politeness and kindness. He might seem scary and emotionless, but he is unbelievably kind and sweet. He protects us. All of us. Without him…” Baekhyun stopped talking and looked into the kings eyes.

“Without him I wouldn’t be alive today.” He said with a sad smile. The king widened his eyes and loosened himself from Baekhyuns am.

“Baekhyun! We have to go!” Jongin shouted from the big door. Baekhyun quickly bowed to the king.

“It was truly an honor to meet you, your majesty.” He said before running off.

“WAIT!!” The king shouted and Baekhyun stopped to turn around.

“Friday! Come here and you’ll be my guest!” The king shouted with a big smile. Baekhyun beamed up and bowed.

“We will!!” He shouted back before running out with his friends.

“What did he say?” Jongdae asked as Baekhyun came out the door.

“He wants us to be his guests on Friday.” He said happily.

“Really?!” Jongdae and Jongin exclaimed in unison. Baekhyun nodded and they started jumping up and down like little girls.

“Sehun!! Do you hear this?!” Jongin asked the young one, but noticed he was nowhere around.

“Sehun?” He asked and started looking around.

“Sehun where are you?” Baekhyun asked a louder.

“Where did he go?” Jongdae asked as they started searching the big garden for their young friend.



“You okay?” Chanyeol asked his brother as he sat down next to him. They were sitting by the big and old oak tree in the garden. Other trees, making it impossible for people to see them sitting there, hid the tree. Only Chanyeol knew that this was Luhans hideout place. Well, Chanyeol and one more.


“Luhan. What happened back there?” Chanyeol asked and placed a hand on his brothers shoulder. Luhan had his knees tucked up into his chest and his arms wrapped around them. His chin was resting on his knees and he kept shaking.

“I-I-I d-don’t k-know.” He stuttered inaudible. He was shaking. Not from crying or fear, but from shock and surprise.

“Was he… Was he the guy?” Chanyeol asked carefully and almost in a whisper. Luhan turned his head towards his brother and Chanyeol was surprised to see the tears running down Luhans face.

“Was he the guy? That Byun Sehun?” He asked again and Luhan was silent for a while before he nodded. More tears streamed down and Chanyeol pulled his brother into a hug. Luhan buried his face in Chanyeols chest and let his cries come out.

“Shhh… Everything is going to be alright…” Chanyeol said silently to soothe his brother. Luhan cried for a while, but after what seemed like half an hour, he started to calm down and his cries turned into sobs.

“I-I can’t f-face h-him a-after w-what I-I d-diiiii“ He said between sobs and started crying again in the end.

“Shhh… Don’t cry. I don’t like it when you cry. It makes me want to cry.” Chanyeol said and chuckled whilst sobbing. Luhan chuckled too and sat up to wiped his eyes.

“Here.” Chanyeol said and handed him a handkerchief that was tucked in his arm sleeve. Luhan took it, wiped his eyes, cheeks, and blew his nose. Chanyeol chuckled at his brother.

“Feel better?” He asked as Luhan folded the handkerchief. Luhan nodded whilst handing the handkerchief back to Chanyeol.

“D-do you think he’s moved back?” Luhan asked and Looked at his brother with big, hopeful eyes.

“I don’t know. Dad said they were new villagers, so maybe.” Chanyeol said and started his brothers back to calm him down.

“I… I hope so.” Luhan mumbled and a little smile appeared on his face.

“Wow!” Chanyeol exclaimed and Luhan looked confuse at him.

“What?” Luhan asked.

“You must really like this guy.” Chanyeol said and smirked playfully. 

“What makes you say that?” He asked and blushed slightly.

“1. You’ve told me so before. 2. You’re blushing when I say his name and 3.” He stopped and caressed his brothers cheek.

“You smiled.” He said and gave his brother a smile filled with happiness.

“You have no idea how happy that makes me.” He said and pulled his brother into a big hug. Luhan then laughed and smiled even brighter.

“Oooohh!!! We have to find this guy!! He’s making you smile, and he’s not even here!!” Chanyeol said and jumped up.

“Wait!!” Luhan said and grabbed Chanyeols cape to stop him.

“D-don’t tell him. N-not y-yet.” He stuttered with a desperate voice. Chanyeol frowned.

“Okay, but you will tell him before the end of the festival!” He ordered and Luhan gulped before nodding.

“I’ll try…” He mumbled and let Chanyeol go. He sighed and leant his head on the tree.

“What am I going to do…” He asked himself as he closed his eyes.

“Maybe you should tell him.” He heard a voice beside him and jumped in surprise. He looked at the figure standing leant in on the tree, arms crossed over his chest. Luhan slowly lifted his head to look at the persons face. Oh, how he wished he didn’t do that.

“S-Sehun…” He stuttered as the boy eyed him with a stern look.

“Surprised?” Sehun asked as he bent down to sit next to Luhan. Luhan averted his eyes away from the boy and nodded his head.

“Didn’t think I would come back?” Sehun asked again and Luhan shook his head.

“W-why did you come back?” Luhan asked with a shaky voice.

“I felt I didn’t have a reason to stay away anymore.” Sehun said casually and looked straightforward. Luhan glanced at him before looking down on the ground again.

“I-I’m so s-sorry f-for what I s-said that d-d-day.” Luhan stuttered and felt a tear running down his cheek again.

“Come on! Don’t cry now.” Sehun said and wiped the tear away with his thumb. Luhan twitched at the touch, but quickly lost himself in Sehuns brown eyes. Sehun let his hand caress Luhans cheek and looked straight into his eyes. God, how he missed those eyes.

“Do you wanna know something?” Sehun asked and Luhan didn’t get to answer before Sehun pulled his hand back and started talking.

“10 years ago, there was a twelve year old boy living in a small village. He was happy, bubbly and kind towards pretty much everyone. He had a best friend. No one knew they were friends. Why? Because that friend was a prince. They only met in secret during the nights and sometimes during the days. They met in the forest right outside of the village. A forest where there was a pond that they used to swim in and just play around. They played for hours until the sun would set or rise. They didn’t have any worries or troubles in their life. They were happy. One day the boy asked his royal friend to kiss him. And to the boys surprise, the prince said yes. Their kiss was short, but it felt so right. So amazing, so warm, so soft and… just pure magic. He had a secret he never got to tell his friend.” Sehun said. Luhan started shaking out of sadness. He didn’t want to remember.

“That night when they kissed, someone saw them. The boy was dragged to the castle the next day and was thrown down in front of the king. He was beaten up by the guards and nearly chocked by the king himself.” Sehun continued. Luhan shot his head up and looked at Sehun in pure shock. Shock of what he just heard. ‘I didn’t know that!’ He thought.

“The king asked him why he abused his son. The boy said that they were friends, had been for a long time, and that the prince agreed to the kiss. The king snapped and put a dagger in the boys stomach. Not enough to kill him, but more than enough to give him hell off a lot pain. It became a scar as soon as it healed. And it became a reminder. A reminder to tell him to never go back. As he was lying on the ground, coughing up blood and feeling the pain slowly taking over his body, the king furiously said ‘My son is not filthy like you. He is not someone for you to drag down. He will never be with a man. He’s told me so himself.’ Those last words killed him. It destroyed him. He felt like he lost everything. He ran away that night. Crying his eyes out, feeling his heart dying and the pain in his stomach completely draining him of all his strength. He swore to himself never to trust anyone ever again. Of course he did trust one. His brother. And his brother even ran away with him that night. They never told each other the truth of why they ran. Not even to this day. They both came back, together with others, and now the boy is afraid of the rejection he will once again receive. He is already so broken, he might not even feel the heartbreak.” Sehun said and Luhan was lost.

“I-I-I-“ Luhan didn’t get any words out.

“That boy can’t smile anymore, he barely talks, he doesn’t trust anyone anymore, he is completely ruined.” Sehun said and finally looked Luhan in the eyes.

“Do you wanna know the reason to why he is so broken?” He asked and Luhan nodded. Sehun leaned closer. So close their noses were barely touching. Luhan started blushing and felt Sehuns breath on his lips.

“He fell in love.” Sehun whispered and Luhan couldn’t help it anymore. He tilted his head and connected his lips with Sehuns. Sehun was taken aback by Luhans move. He thought he would slap him or hurt him, like his father did. Not kiss him, but he didn’t. Sehun did not contradict, he kissed back. This was something he had wanted to do for so long, now Luhan had taken the initiative, and so Sehun accepted it. He felt Luhans arms slowly wrapping around his neck. Sehun wrapped his around Luhans waist and brought him closer. Luhan opened his mouth and deepened the kiss. Sehun felt his heart beating faster. He could hear it. ‘Wait. That’s not my heart.’ He thought and broke the kiss.

“Your heart is beating like crazy.” Sehun said and Luhan blushed even more.

“I thought you didn’t like me. Your father said you told him so yourself. You wanted me to leave, so why did you kiss me?” Sehun asked and Luhan frowned a bit.

“I didn’t want you to leave. I didn’t say to dad I would never love a man I avoided his question. I didn’t know they beat you up or that dad stabbed you with a knife.” Luhan said and started crying again. Sehun quickly wiped away his tear.

“After the kiss I felt awkward. I tried to avoid you for a while because I needed to sort out my thoughts. We were just 12 years old after all. It’s too young to know what you like and don’t like. But I realized the reason I said yes to kissing you was because I actually felt something for you. I went to tell you. It had been 3 days since we kissed and I had gotten the chance to think about it for a while. When your mother opened the door I was wondering why she was crying. I asked what had happened and she ran inside, crying her heart out. When your father came, he told me what happened. When I heard you had left, it broke me. It destroyed me. I stopped smiling, I stopped eating, and I stopped living. I stayed locked up in my room. I didn’t know what my dad and his guards had done to you, and when you told me it made me cry even more. I finally realized my feelings, and you had already left. I was so ready to tell you… I love you.” Luhan said and Sehun was the one to blush now.

“I love you, Sehun. Even after 10 years, I still love you. I haven’t forgotten about you through all this time. I’ve always been thinking of what was going on with you. Were you happy? Were you sad? Were you married? Were you single? Were you rich? Where you poor? Were you alive? Or… were you d-dead.” He said and looked down on the ground. Sehun used his index finger to lift Luhans head up. As soon as their eyes connected he kissed his lips. Luhan closed his eyes and melted into the kiss. Sehun closed his as well and wrapped his arms around Luhans waist again. He lifted Luhan onto his lap so he was now straddling him. Luhan wrapped hi one arm around Sehuns neck and the other glided into his hair and gripped it. Sehun bit Luhans lip carefully and Luhan gasped. Sehun slipped his tongue into Luhans mouth and started roaming the hot cavern. The kiss felt so good. Luhan pulled back and they were both panting. Their eyes were half-lidded and their cheeks were red.

“WHAT ARE YOU DOING??!!” Someone shouted. Luhan jumped off of Sehun and they both stood up. 4 guards came running towards them.

“Run!!” Sehun shouted and grabbed Luhans hand. They ran around in the forests, trying to avoid the guards. Each time Sehun looked behind him, he saw that the guards increased in numbers.

“!!” Sehun exclaimed as they had run into a dead end. They looked behind them and saw all the guards surrounding them and therefore making it impossible for them to run away. Luhan gripped tightly on Sehuns hand and hid behind him. Sehun sighed as he let go of Luhan. Luhan whined internally at the loss of the warmth. Sehun sighed.

“Time to get beaten up again. Maybe this time he’ll actually kill me.” Sehun chuckled as he walked towards the guards. They grabbed his arms and walked towards the castle.

“Wait! Stop!” Luhan shouted and tried to reach out for the guards, but two other guards stopped him.

“Don’t worry, your majesty. You are safe now. That filthy creep can’t hurt you anymore.”  They said and Luhan felt both furious and sad, because that was what they would think of him. What his father would think of him.

“I need to see my father.” Luhan said firmly and the guards escorted him to the castle. When they opened the front door, Luhan covered his mouth with his hands to silence the scream he let out. The sight in front of him was terrifying.

Sehun was laying on the floor. blood was streaming everywhere. Sehuns body was laying limp on the floor. His body was as white as snow and he had a few bruises here and there. They were midnight blue and scary violet. Many spears was sticking out of his body. His throat had finger marks on them. His hands were tied behind his back. The guards had apparently beaten him up so much he had passed out, but not enough for him to die. His father apparently wanted him to suffer.

Luhan felt his tears running down his cheeks like a waterfall. His heart stopped beating, his eyes were already blood red from the crying, his body was shaking like an earthquake and his mind was totally lost.

“S-S-Sehun…” He stuttered and walked over to the dead-like body with his shaking legs. The king noticed him and smiled brightly.

“Luhan! I’m so glad you’re safe!” The king said and walked over to his son with open arms.

“Don’t worry, my son. He can now longer hurt you. His filthiness will never reach you now.” His father said and was about to pull Luhan into a hug, but Luhan slapped him away. His father looked confused and hurt at him. Luhan get staring at Sehuns body. His face went from shocked and broken to completely furious. He turned his head and looked at his father with a pure devil look.

“WHAT THE HELL HAVE YOU DONE??!!” He shouted so loud the windows got small cracks in them. He even punched his father in the face, before running towards Sehun. He sat down next to him. He didn’t care about all the blood covering his own body. All he wanted right now was to hold Sehun in his arms. Felling that his heart was still beating. He cried in happiness when Sehun fluttered his eyes half-open.

“I-It’s o-okay, L-Luhan. I d-deserved i-it.» Sehun said and smiled it off like it was nothing. Luhan frowned in sadness.

“It’s not something you should act like you’re used to.” He said angrily as he untied Sehuns hands. Sehun shrugged and started pulling the spears out of his arms, legs, chest and stomach. He yelped in pain every time the iron separated from his flesh. Luhan felt even more tears stream. Sehun noticed this and stood up.

“Don’t worry. I’m fine. It’s nothing.” He said in a weak voice, but smiled reassuringly. Luhan just sat there looking up at Sehun. Sehun dropped his smile and tried to look everywhere but Luhan.

“I-I should probably go.” Sehun said and smiled before running off.

“SEHUN!!!” Luhan shouted after him. He stood up and was about to run after him, but his father stopped him.

“Where do you think you’re going?!” He asked angrily. Luhan shook him off and stared right into his eyes.

“I’m not letting him leave me again!” He said firmly and ran after Sehun. He ran into the village and people looked strangely at him. Luhan just followed the blood drops and soon he found himself outside of an Inn. He read the sign.


Newshine Inn


He looked at the door and took a deep breath before entering. As soon as the door got open, people gave him surprised looks.

“The prince… His highness… In the village?... Why is he here?...” Everyone were mumbling. Luhan looked confused around until he felt a hand on his shoulder. He turned around and saw a smiling Yixing.

“Afternoon, your highness. My name is Yixing and my husband and I own this Inn. Is there anything I can do for you?” He asked. Luhans eyes widened.

“H-Husband?” He stuttered.

“Yeah. We got married during the festival. You know when almost everything is allowed.” He said and giggled. He brought Luhan further into the Inn and placed him at a table. He sat down across him.

“You’re here because of Sehun, right?” Yixing asked with a smirk. Luhan nodded.

“Is he alright?” Luhan asked and breathed relieved out when Yixing nodded.

“He’s being treated by Junmyeon now.” Yixing said and leaned in closer.

“What happened exactly?” He asked and Luhan told the entire story. Yixing didn’t show any emotions, but he was listening extremely well.

“So that’s why he’s so hurt.” Yixing said as soon as Luhan finished talking.

“Do you really love him?” He asked and Luhan didn’t hesitate before nodding.

“Good. Then tell your father the truth.” Yixing said and Luhan sighed.

“He will just end up killing him. Saying he’s destroyed me.” Luhan sobbed.

“Maybe you should really talk to Sehun and figure something out together. I haven’t known him for so long, but I can tell when it’s true love.” Yixing said and caressed Luhans cheek. Luhan nodded and smiled thankfully at him.

“He’s upstairs. Room 6.” Junmyeon said as he, Baekhyun, Jongdae and Jongin came down the stairs. Yixing jumped up and wrapped his arms around Junmyeons neck before kissing him sweetly. Luhan ran up into the room.


“I hope they’ll figure everything out.” Jongdae said as he sat himself down on the table. Jongin just nodded before grabbing a bowl and taking some of Yixing chicken soup.

“NO! Get your hands off me!!” Someone yelled. Jongdae turned his head and saw 2 drunk guys roaming their hands all over a boys body whilst holding him down on a table.

“Don’t be so loud, little girl. You’ll feel good.” One of the man said and started kissing the boys neck. The other man was holding on his hands, making it impossible for the boy to get away.

“GET OFF ME!!!” The boy shouted again and Jongdae felt his blood boiling. He ran over to the table and kicked the man, who where kissing the boy, in the nuts. I screamed out in pain as he fell on the ground. The other man ran away. The boy breathed out and dried his neck. He looked Jongdae in the eye.

The boy was cute. He had reddish hair, a small body, but with muscles and cute, chubby cheeks. His skin was fair and kind of sparkly. He wore a vest just like Lay, but it was black and with a white, rope belt around his waist. He wore pants that went down to his knees and short, black shoes. Clearly not the richest guy, but extremely beautiful. Jongdae shook his head out of his trance and smiled.

“You okay?” He asked the boy who smiled at him with red cheeks.

“Yeah. Thanks…?”

“Jongdae.” He said and reached out his hand. The boy shook it and smiled shyly.

“Minseok.” The boy said with a smile. Jongdaes wyes widened and he quickly pulled his hand back and stared at the boy with a dropped jaw.

“What is it?” Minseok asked.

“M-M-M-Mi-Mins-seok?” He stuttered with a shaky breath.

“Yes. Kim Minseok.” He answered and gave him a confused look.

“Kim Minseok? K-I-M Minseok?” Jongdae asked and Minseok rolled his eyes.

“Yes.” He said and crossed his arms. ‘What’s wrong with this guy?’ He thought.

“Wait here. I’ll be right back.” Jongdae said and ran off. Minseok stared at him running off.

“What a weirdo.” He mumbled to himself and started wiping the table that the drunk man had thrown him on.



“Minseok?” Someone asked behind him. He turned around and saw a face he had missed for so long. A face with many happy memories. A face that disappeared. A face that made him cry his heart out.

“J-Jongin?” Minseok asked. The said boy nodded and ended up crying too. Jongin pulled Minseok into a hug, which he totally accepted. They hugged for a while whilst crying their hearts out. Jongdae looked at them with a big smile.

“Seems like you’ve finally found your brother again.” Jongdae said and Jongin pulled slightly out of the hug to look at him. His smile was filled with nothing else than happiness. Same with Minseok.

“I can’t believe you’re back.” Minseok cried and buried his face in the crook of Jongins neck.

“I felt the time was right.” Jongin said and kissed his brothers head.

“W-Why did you leave?” Minseok asked as he pulled out of the hug. Jongin froze and Jongdae felt awkward for standing there. He already knew the story so he sneaked away. Jongin breathed out.

“Sit down.” He said and Minseok did. Jongin sat down next to him. He held his hand and looked at them.

“Dad… Your dad… My stepdad… H-He… H-He s-started abusing me…” He said between heavy breaths. He never thought he would ever have to tell his own brother. Tell him that the father he loved so much was abusing his half-brother. Minseok gasped and pulled his own hands up to cover his mouth in pure shock.

“No way…” He said behind his hands and felt a few tears running down his cheeks again. 

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Chapter 5: This was a top notch fic. Thankyou soooo much for writing it xx
Mercury22 #2
Chapter 5: Will there be a sequel? I really love this story!
Katira_Elise08 #3
Chapter 2: Yay! Luhan is the prince! And wow that escalated quickly! Like BANG!
Katira_Elise08 #4
Chapter 1: This is good so far! OMG IS LUHAN THE PRINCE?! Did him and Sehun like once know eachother?!
Bijou_ #5
Chapter 5: Great story. you've got writing skills, hun.
loveluck #6
Chapter 5: Yay for happy endings!!^^