
Love doesn't last forever

Love doesn’t last forever - Revenge


Sun-Hi was already wearing her glamorous, yet long and simple wedding dress. Today was the day that she was going to marry Taehyung. Her parents were so proud of her, they thought that their precious daughter finally found a guy she’ll spent the rest of her life with. But they were so wrong.


As Sun-Hi was sitting at the make-up table, she tried to add some light make up on her face to brighten it.


“I can’t do this.” she kept repeating to her herself. “This isn’t right. Kim Taehyung shouldn’t be marrying me. He should be in jail!” Sun-Hi almost yelled when her soon to be husband’s name came in her mind. The girl couldn’t marry Taehyung, she didn’t love him anymore.


She used to.

Sun-Hi’s pov:


“Are you ready?” my mom almost gave me a heart attack when she hid behind me and asked me the question.


“Do I look like I’m ready?” I answered her question worriedly.


“No. You look like a dead fish that just came out of an ocean.” mom laughed at her statement and placed her hands on my face. “No matter how awful you will look, that guy out there that is waiting for you will always love you.” she continued and I half smiled to her.


I was feeling guilty. I couldn’t marry Taehyung. What he did two years ago, I can’t forgive him.

Author’s pov:


“Don’t ever think of touching Sun-Hi again! You heard me? She’s mine!” Taehyung yelled and came closer to Jungkook.


“Oh really?” Jungkook asked sarcastically. “I think Sun-Hi just called me like an hour ago just to tell me how much she loves me. Did she do the same thing with you a while ago?”


“You punk. If she wouldn’t have met you, she would be only mine right now!”


“What can I do? Love is so unpredictable. I didn’t make Sun-Hi love me, she’s the one that showed to everyone that she’s interested in me. I love her, and I think you’re the one that should leave her alone!” Jungkook retorted, feeling angry about the fact that Taehyung was trying to steal his girlfriend. “She loves me.”


Taehyung couldn’t take it anymore. Sun-Hi was his everything. When the girl didn’t know about Jungkook, she payed more attention to him. It was his fault for introducing Jungkook to her after all.


“If she loves you, then you shouldn’t be living anymore. Without you, Sun-Hi will get soon over you and she will be loving me again!” With that said, Taehyung revealed the knife that he has been hiding behind his back from the moment he and Jungkook started the conversation and stabbed his friend’s arm two times in a row.


“AAAAAH!” Jungkook screamed really hard and collapsed on the ground. Right when he was about to get up, Taehyung jumped on top of him and stabbed him again, this time hitting his back.


“Die! Die!” Taehyung yelled louder than Jungkook, trying to cover his multiple shouts of pain. The boy was loving Sun-Hi so much that his friend’s existence didn’t matter to him anymore. As long as he wasn’t alive to fight against him, his soon to be wife would be forgetting about Jungkook.

“I love her!” was the last thing that Jungkook shouted before his eyes closed. When Taehyung stabbed his back for the 10th time, the boy swallowed his own blood for the last time and said his last sentence.


“You used to.” Taehyung got up from Jungkook’s body and looked at his hands that were covered by his friend’s blood. “You used to, and she’s mine now.” he said and covered Jungkook’s body with a black sheet.


While Taehyung was taking care of Jungkook’s body, Sun-Hi was running like a maniac on the streets. She was about to come inside Jungkook's house and give him his doshirak, a little lunch box that the girl made for him that morning. When she was about to reach Jungkook’s room, she saw him.


She saw Taehyung killing her boyfriend.


She saw him stabbing Jungkook.


It was too late when Sun-Hi wanted to barge in and save Jungkook’s life. The girl heard Jungkook’s last sentence too well and that made her run away. At that moment, Sun-Hi wanted to kill herself, go through the same pain that her boyfriend has gone through only to be together with him. But she couldn’t die. She wanted revenge. Taehyung had to pay for this.


“I’m going to be away for a while. Wait for me.” was the last text message that the girl got from Taehyung after the boy committed the crime. Sun-Hi tried a lot of times to call him but the girl couldn’t be able to contact Taehyung anymore. Jungkook’s body was nowhere to be found either, his room was clean and neat when his parents came home that day.

Sun-Hi’s pov:


I promised myself that I would take my revenge on him. Something had to be happening and I wanted him in jail. Two minutes before dad came in my room I called the police station and asked the cops to come and arrest someone. I didn’t give them any details, I just told them that I was about to marry a man that murdered my boyfriend two years ago. I gave them the address of my house and told them to not make a lot of sounds when they arrive here. The two agents that I was talking with didn’t seem to believe my story at first. When I mentioned Jungkook’s name, the agents called their superiors to send a bunch of policemen to come and arrest Taehyung.


“It’s time, my dear.” dad knocked at the door and entered the room without waiting for me to let him come in.


“Oh.” I gulped and silently prayed to God, asking him to let everything go as I planned so earlier.


“Look at you, you look stunning!” my father said and took me by the arm. I wasn’t in the state to say anything back to him, I was so worried, no, I was terrified and nervous at the same time. If the cops wouldn’t come, I would have to look like an idiot in front of my family and say yes to Taehyung, letting the priest declare us husband and wife.


My father gently went downstairs with me, making sure to not step over my dress.


"You really look beautiful." dad whispered in my ear, knowing very well that I was very nervous at that moment.


"Thank you father. At least I took my beauty from you." I turned my head and smiled at my dad. "Don't tell this to mom, you know very well you've been my first crush ever." I playfully said, seeing my father getting a tempt redder.


Dad was about to give me a remark again when the doors of the living room got open by two of the  ten clerks that were taking care of the wedding tonight.


"I think you'll have to wait for that." I looked to my dad again and mouthed the sentence slowly. I gripped the bouquet of red roses that I was holding tighter when I saw Taehyung in the middle of my living room, widely smiling  at me. As I stepped inside the room, Taehyung reached for his bow to fix it.


"Guess I'm not the only nervous one huh?" I mentally slapped myself when I thought about the cops again. "Don't worry, they will be here in a few minutes." I said to myself, already being impatient about getting Taehyung as soon as possible arrested. Just when I was about to look at my father again, dad already left my hand when we arrived in front of Taehyung and the priest. Biting my lip, I stepped forward, making a turn of 90 degrees to finally stand besides Taehyung.


“Are you ready?” Taehyung asked, using one of his tones of his voice that completely annoyed me. I nodded once, waiting for the priest to start the ceremony.


“In order to begin...” the priest spoke, “I will need you Taehyung to take your lover’s hands and hold them until I ask you to put her ring on her hand.


Taehyung did as followed and took my hands. God, his hands were so cold and big. My body was already shivering upon remembering that those hands that I was holding back then where also the hands that were covered with Jungkook’s blood once.


By the very end of the ceremony, I barely heard the priest asking Taehyung to take the ring and place it on my ring finger. I wasn’t pretty much concentrated on the ceremony even when the priest tried to keep our attention on him. I knew that everything was in vain and I wasn’t really scared about it anymore.


Taehyung let go of my hands and took the left ring from the pillow in front of us.  He then grabbed my hand and placed the ring on my ring finger.


“Sun-Hi, please take the other ring as well and place it on your lover’s finger.” the priest spoke again, almost urging me to follow his guidance.


After a few moments I stretched my slightly trembling hand and picked up the ring, putting it on Taehyun’s ring finger as soon as he extended his hand to let me do so.


The questions that the guests were so long waiting for finally came and the priest was more than happy to finally be able to ask them:


"Kim Taehyung, do you take Sun-Hi to be your wedded wife to live together in marriage? Do you promise to love, comfort, honor and keep her for better or worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health? And forsaking all others, be faithful only to her so long as you both shall live?"


“I do.”  Taehyung looked in my eyes and smiled brightly.


When Taehyung answered the question, I felt my knees falling. I was so scared in that moment, the priest was just about to ask the same question to me and make me say yes as expected. Where were the policemen being? They were supposed to be here already! I couldn’t interrupt the priest in any way, just when I was about to say anything to him he began narrating the same question again, this time referring it to me.


"Sun-Hi, do you take Kim Taehyung to be your wedded husband to live together in marriage? Do you promise to love, comfort, honor and keep him for better or worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health? And forsaking all others, be faithful only to him so long as you both shall live?"




“Kim Taehyung, hold on where you’re staying. You’re under arrest for murdering Jeong Jungkook.” a policeman said while entering the living room with a big number of policemen behind him.


“Say I do!” Taehyung took my left hand wanting me to  answer the question and be pronounced by the priest as man and wife. Deep inside myself I was already happy seeing how shocked he looked at me.


“In your dreams.”  I managed to say, seeing that the agents were getting closer.


Taehyung didn’t know what else to do and let go of my hand. He looked behind him at the open balcony and took a step towards it. When he was about to run, I grabbed Taehyung’s hand really tight and used my whole strength to move his body and bring him closer to the policemen.


“Catch him!” I yelled fast, pushing Taehyung towards the policeman. When the policeman finally place his hands on Taehyung’s body, he turned him around and closed the handcuffs that were already placed around Taehyung’s big  hands.


“What the hell is happening here?” My mom came by my side and looked at me terrified.


“Mom, I know you want me to marry someone, but I’m not marrying the person that killed my only one love in such a cruel way.” I said and the policeman that was holding Taehyung dragged him away from me, my family and my guests.


“I know love doesn’t lasts forever, but my love for you does. Wait for me Sun-Hi!” Taehyung yelled, exiting the room with the bunch of policemen behind him.


“I’m sorry mom.” was the last thing that I said before I ran to my bedroom, locking the door behind me and throwing myself on my bed. I was so shocked by everything that had happened that day, still, I couldn’t erase the last words that Taehyung said to me.


“Love does lasts forever, only your love for me doesn’t...”

Author's Note: There might be a continuation of this one-shot. This time I'll make the story have chapters. I won't make it be a one-shot anymore. Hahaha this isn't supposed to be the end yet... The story asks for more so that’s why I’ll be doing it. Still, there are other fanfics that need to be written first before this one.


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Bananyjsounejlepsi #1
I know that I read this story a bit late, but it's really good, author-nim^^