
The Best



The best thing about Jimin is that he smiles. Yoongi is not interested, not really, in making any new friends. They have to live together for the time being. They will have to see how well they get along, debuting depends a lot more on the chemistry the seven of them share than on everyone's individual talents.

He has never been the biggest fan of teamwork, but that's how it goes.

The first days are rough, practice is rough. They get tired.

All of them do.

So, usually, these are the situations everyone gets rather quiet in, not ignoring, but at least avoiding each other. It keeps things simple. Tired people get a temper.

Even Namjoon and Hoseok know when to keep their distance (though, for Yoongi's liking, Namjoon's idea of distance is maybe a bit too reserved and Hoseok's a bit too obtrusive – and you might think that's paradox, but he somehow makes it work) and the newbies are going to, as well.

At least that's what Yoongi thinks until Jimin comes running after him when he leaves the dorm alone, curiously asking where he's heading to, and smiling the keenest smile Yoongi has seen for a while when he answers with a simple: „Department store.“

„Ah, I'm hungry. Can I come with you?“

Jimin's eyes form into crescents when he smiles.




„What are you doing?“

Yoongi looks up. „Writing lyrics.“

Jimin smiles as he sits down on the couch next to him. „Can I read them?“

Yoongi hesitates. It's not that he doesn't want to share. He's just a person that needs to sort things before he reveals it anyone else.

„Later, not now.“ He almost expects Jimin to give an annoyed sigh, or to leave and find something more interesting to do.

But the younger doesn't move from his spot. „Okay.“ He smiles and starts watching videos on his phone.

But he uses headphones, at least, to not distract Yoongi.




The best thing about Jimin is that he's stubborn. The nice kind of stubborn, the kind that stays at the dance studio late at night to practice a dance choreography or to record a song until it's simply perfect. Jimin is the kind of stubborn that's not satisfied with a simple „I'm just tired“ when someone's in a grumpy mood, and when everyone tells him there's something he can't do, he will try until he proves them wrong.

It's bothersome at first and pleasant at second. Yoongi doesn't like having someone insist on their opinion when he has set his own already, but as time passes, he prefers it to always having the last word. It's entertaining.




„I'm doing it for the group,“ is what Jimin usually says with a bright smile. It seems to be making him happy.  The best thing about him is that he's passionate.

When Yoongi sees the younger ambitiously dancing for hours and hours straight until he can't help but make a pause because his legs are almost giving out, he has to admit it's motivational. Maybe teamwork is not that bad after all.




The best thing about Jimin is how he finds out about Yoongi returning to the dorm later than allowed almost every night (and well, later than allowed is not exactly true. They don't have certain rules, yet it would cause some discussions if the rest knew) and keeps it a secret.

Yoongi finds out about that when he comes back into the dorm at around 4 am one day and finds Jimin awake.

He enters the bedroom carefully that day, using his phone as a light so he won't stumble over something and wake up the others, and it goes well.

He finds his bed, avoids stepping on someone's blanket on the way there and he's about to lay down when a sudden whisper disrupts the silence.


„Huh?“ Yoongi spins round. Jimin's eyes are the first thing he sees reflecting his phone's display light, wide and black and curious.

The older tilts his head. „Why are you still up?“

Sleepiness is writ large on Jimin's face. He yawns, rearranging his blanket somehow, and when Yoongi lets out a curious hum he eventually replies with a soft chuckle.

„Mm? I have a light sleep. You woke me up, hyung. What time is it?“

And Yoongi feels guilty. „I don't know, doesn't matter. Go back to sleep.“




The best thing about Jimin is that Yoongi walks into him making coffee in the kitchen the next morning.





Yoongi opens his eyes to a way too bright room and his first impulse is to pull the blanket over his head and go back to sleep when suddenly a familiar smiling face appears right in front of him.

„Agh.. Jimin?“

The younger ignores his displeasement, or maybe he doesn't see it at all. „There is a rainbow outside!!“

Apparently rainbows are more important than a good nap.

Later Yoongi decides that maybe it's not so bad, because him, Taehyung, Hoseok and Jimin end up running around on their socks in the backyard and all of them end up stumbling into puddles of mud, and Yoongi can still hear Jimin's high pitched laugh when he's laying in his bed later that day.

The best thing about Jimin is that he can make an adventure out of everything.




„They are nice.“

„They are.“ Yoongi nods. He and Hoseok are sitting on the floor in the practice room, watching the newbies dance and play around, Namjoon is out buying snacks.

Jimin is carrying Taehyung, piggyback, somehow. The noise they make is something between laughing and screaming.

„You have a thing for him, don't you?“ Hoseok wiggles his eyebrows and Yoongi rolls his eyes. Hoseok is open and easy to read. Yoongi has noticed how much time his friend is spending with Taehyung these days.

„Why would you think that? He hangs out with you or Taehyung most of the time. Do you have a thing for Jimin? Does Taehyung?“

Hoseok bursts out into laughter.

Yoongi raises his eyebrows. „What now?“

„But,“ Hoseok laughs, „how would you know I'm talking about him?!“




The best thing about Jimin is that he's afraid of horror movies, and too proud or embarrassed or something to admit it. Yoongi has planned on a fun movie night and finds himself on the couch, a warm body huddled up against his side under a blanket, and crumbles of chips in his lap.

When Jungkook enters the room for a minute or two to see what the hyungs are doing, Jimin sits up straight.

„Is it scary?“

„Not really.“

Jungkook shoots them an odd look, though. Maybe because their legs are intertwined, somehow, and Yoongi has no idea how it happend. Jimin is just some kind of clingy.

Yoongi laughs when the younger is gone. „Not really, huh.“

Jimin shrugs, but there's a hint of blush on his cheeks. „It's not scary, just no fun and I'm tired.“

But in the end, he is the one climbing into Yoongi's bed with a sheepish grin at around 3 am later that night.




There is a point when everyone has started noticing something, and Yoongi thinks it's stupid, because there is nothing to notice, not really.

They have been getting along well from the beginning, it's constant, there was no sudden change of behavior.

When Yoongi is back late at night one day and walks into Taehyung in the living room, he is confused, not surprised.

„Hoseok and I think Jimin has a thing for you, too. And I don't like playing the gossip girl, so don't beat around the bush.“ He chuckles.  „What's going on?“

Yoongi throws his jacket on the couch. „Hello there, too. What is this, an interview? Did I miss something on the schedule?“
„Yoongi... I mean you two spend a lot of time together and-“

„We live together, duh.“


He sighs. „You make it sound like you're calling me to account. Did I lose my way to the dorm and ended up in a courtroom?“

„Why are you getting so mad?“

„I'm not getting mad, Taehyung.“ Yoongi proves his sincerity with an eager grin. He's not mad. His day was frustrating.


„Also, what is Hoseok and I? Are you a married couple or something? My parents, maybe?“



„If you're talking this loud you're going to wake up everyone else.“ Taehyung's cheeks are flushed, deeply.

Yoongi lowers his tone. „Huh, sorry. I'm just tired.“

„We are not a married couple or something.“

„Damn it, Taehyung, did you stay up for me to gossip about love affairs? It's not-“ Yoongi is interrupted by hearing someone operate the toilet.

The blush on Taehyung's cheeks turns a shade deeper.

Yoongi laughs at that. „I'm tired, Taehyung. Tell Hoseok to mind his business when he has finished... his business, that nosy .“

Taehyung replies with his eyes widening, but Yoongi chuckles, and then the younger smiles back. Yoongi wonders whether he and Hoseok actually have something going on. Probably. It's not really his business, though (he still is going to find out sooner or later, because even if he's not the type to gossip, he likes to collect knowledge).

So Yoongi is about to leave the room and go to bed when suddenly something pops up in his head.

He turns around. „Why do you think Jimin has a thing for me?“




The best thing about Jimin is that he probably knows about the rumor, but he doesn't seem to care.

He's still open around Yoongi and falls asleep leaning on his side in the van the next day.

Yoongi still thinks it's ridiculous, because all of them are boys and gossiping is something he can't associate with that fact.

He yawns ruffling Jimin's hair. Their relationship is their business.

He ignores the voice in his head reminding him of what this sounds like.




It gets better, though, after Yoongi has a serious talk with Hoseok.

„I think I like Taehyung.“ The boy is usually hyper as hell and always carrying a hint of amusement in his voice, but when he enters the studio at 1am and sits down on the couch, and Yoongi doesn't mind being interrupted because he oddly can't focus on anything today anyway, Hoseok's voice is serious.

Yoongi shrugs. „Tell him.“

„I can't just go there and say hey, I think I like you more than a friend, let's go on a date.“

„You can say it exactly like that.“
Hoseok chuckles. „You're always so blunt. But man, Yoongi, Taehyung is a guy.“

„Brilliant deduction, Watson.“ Yoongi grins and Hoseok sighs.

„He likes girls, you know. And so do I. I like girls. I mean, I usually do.“

„Give it a try. Maybe he just usually does, as well.“

There is a pause and Hoseok seems to be thinking, and Yoongi decides that he won't produce anything much that night, anyway. He shuts down the computer and suddenly Hoseok speaks up again.

„But what about you and Jimin?“ Yoongi gives him a look and Hoseok quickly adds a „I don't want to gossip, but Taehyung is close to him and- man, I don't know. I have been honest to you and I want you to be honest to me.“ He smiles when he says that.

Yoongi sighs. There is not much to lose. They are friends after all. „Okay. I don't know. Jimin is... fine, we get along well. But I get along well with you, too, that doesn't mean anything.“

„That wasn't my question.“ Hoseok grins and he looks playful again, but Yoongi knows he's taking things seriously. „You like guys, right?“

„I don't care about gender.“


A pause.

Hoseok tilts his head. „So?“

„So what?“

„Are you going to go on a date with him?“

Yoongi sighs. „Are you going on a date with Taehyung?“

It suddenly feels like high school all over again.




The best thing about Jimin is that they spend the whole next day playing video games and eating pizza, and the awkwardness Yoongi was afraid of to happen is obviously not existent between them, at all.




The date ends up as a night in the club (and this is forbidden, because they are going to be idols and all, and they know that, so they had to tell Namjoon and Namjoon almost decided to go with everyone. It ended up being only the four of them, though, because Jungkook wouldn't get in the club and Jin thinks it's unfair to exclude only him, and eventually Namjoon decided to stay in the dorm, too) but it isn't officially a date and that bothers Yoongi.

After their talk Hoseok proudly declared that he would ask Taehyung and Jimin out, because then you can get to know Jimin better and all, without him becoming suspicious because he thinks he's just coming with Taehyung for support, and Hoseok has that companionable way of talking to everyone. He probably made it sound like just a fun activity for them as friends.

Maybe it's okay, though. Jimin is in a great mood and Yoongi can imagine him to get nervous on special occasions easily. That would kinda ruin it.

The best thing about Jimin is that after less than five minutes he finds Yoongi in the crowd after the latter has decided he's not exactly in the mood for ridiculous double dates, and he's overly excited to be in a club for the first time, so they get drunk.




The best thing about Jimin is his lung capacity when Yoongi presses him against the wall in an abondoned alley and explores every corner of his mouth, their tongues hot and wet and their lips swollen, their eyes closed and their heads in the clouds.

Jimin's moans are mellifluous and Yoongi's hands are everywhere. Damn, is the only thought he gets in his intoxiated brain. Damn.




The worst thing about Jimin is that he looks good, no, absolutely gorgeous with his eyes closed, his hair messy and red marks on his neck, and Yoongi has no idea how they ended up in the hotel room. And he can’t stop staring at him.




Jimin blushes deeply when he wakes up next to Yoongi, but the older soon realises that the boy doesn't remember anything they did.

When Jimin blushes, it looks cute as hell and hot at the same time, and it makes Yoongi want to kiss him. That's when he realizes that yes, he does have a thing for him.


„Hm?“ He sits up to rub his hair and take a look around the hotel room. The floor is full of their clothes.

„What happened?“

Yoongi expects him to scoot over when he lays back down, to move away or to pull up the blanket somehow to hide his…morning wood. But Jimin just looks at him.

„We went to a club.“

Jimin smiles.

, what does that mean. „And... we drank a bit.“

„And we made out?“

Yoongi nods in surprise over the younger's bluntness.

„Wow.“ Jimin blushes, but he smiles, and Yoongi is confused.

Exactly, Jimin. Wow.




When they get to the dorm, Yoongi takes a shower and when he's done Jimin has left. He walks into Hoseok laying on the couch while watching a cartoon, and when the younger notices him, he greets him with a big smile.

Now Hoseok is someone who smiles a lot. But Yoongi is cautious. „What's up?“

„The two of them went for a walk.“ Hoseok laughs. „A walk. So don't tell me nothing happened, because if they're leaving the house together it means they have stuff to talk about.“

Yoongi sits down with a huff and grabs a handful of chips, and Hoseok scoots over with a curious look. „So?“

„We spent the night at a hotel“ Yoongi simply says.

Hoseok nods. „I figured that.“ A pause. „About Taehyung...“


„We are dating.“




They have another movie night that day, all of them, and after that night everyone knows about Hoseok and Taehyung.

What goes rather unnoticed is that Yoongi almost falls asleep with his head in Jimin's lap, eyes closed, nodding off and on every few minutes.

The best thing about Jimin is that he his hair all the time.




Days pass by and things don't change. Yoongi is fine with that – at first, that is.

When Jimin chooses Jin as his favorite hyung on a TV show it starts bothering him.




Days pass by and Jimin is beautiful. Yoongi has no idea how he has not noticed that before.

They are going back to the dorm after dance practice, and Jimin can barely walk, his eyes fall close and each step is linked with the danger of him tripping over something.

When he actually does, Yoongi is fast enough to catch him.

„Careful there!“

Jimin’s smile is a gift. “Thank you.” His voice nothing more than a whisper.

Yoongi frowns. The other members are walking fast, too fast for Jimin, who once again not only worked way harder than any of them, but also obviously harder than his own body could take.

“You need to be easier on yourself.”

He looks so pure.

“I’m fine, hyung.”

There’s this determination in his eyes. It glows.

Yoongi doesn’t know how he has not noticed all of this before. He has no idea.

“Just don’t overstrain yourself. I’ll carry you.”




Days pass by and it’s frustrating. They are biding, waiting for a confirmation, anything.

Because they have that tension. Yoongi knows it and there is no way to deny, the looks Jimin shoots him during practice and the smile on his face when they talk, or even just the way their hands sometimes brush and it leaves heat and something that tickles.

Yoongi knows something needs to be done.

He is standing in front of the mirror in the bathroom, the voices in his head going from ‘damn it, it’s not that hard to ask him out’, over ‘It’s pretty obvious he feels the same, there’s nothing to lose’, to ‘dammit, Yoongi, have some pride and stop being such a .’

“Who’s in there?” Someone kicks against the bathroom door and Yoongi jumps.

“Woah, Taehyung!! It’s me. Wait a minute.”

A chuckle from the other side. “Oh, no need to hurry. I was just looking for you.”

Yoongi watches his reflection frown in curiosity. “What’s up?”

“Just wanted to inform you that we’re going out tonight. Hoseok and I.”

“Cool. Have fun.”

“Namjoon is out, too. In the studio.”

“I know.”

“Jungkook is with him.”
“Ah, really?”

“Jin too.”


Taehyung pauses. Yoongi thinks he hears him chuckle, but when the younger speaks again, his voice is serious. “Have a nice evening. It’s just the two of you today.”

When Yoongi leaves the bathroom he finds Jimin asleep on the couch.

The evening is spent with Yoongi writing lyrics, and Jimin waking up at some point. He yawns when he does, snuggles down into the blanket and shoots Yoongi a curious look. “What are you doing?”

“Writing lyrics.”

And Jimin smiles his smile. “Can I read them?”





Their first kiss happens after a long practice session, and they are soaked with sweat, and their hair is sticking against their foreheads, and it's not exactly their first kiss.

But then again it is, it's their first sober kiss after all.

Jimin is ambitious, so he continues dancing even when the rest decides that it's time for a break, and Yoongi likes watching him.

„Bring me a coke when you come back!“ he shouts after Hoseok when they go to get dinner, and then the door snaps close and it's just the two of them.

Jimin just dances. He looks different when he does. His expression unreadable, his movement fluent as the sound of his feet on the floor creates its own beat, and Yoongi mentally calls himself a freak for making that simile.

When Jimin pauses, Yoongi opens his eyes. He doesn't even recall having closed them.

„Yoongi.“ Jimin actually sounds surprised, as if he hadn't noticed the older sitting there all the time (which is possible, because Yoongi has been keeping quiet).

Yoongi gets up instead of an answer and brings Jimin his water bottle, and Jimin smiles exhausted before he simply empties it.

But his hand is shaking a bit and he spills some of the water, and his breath is flat, and Yoongi is afraid to have the younger collapse right in front of him at that moment. His arms come up to hold his waist before he can realise it.

Jimin's face is red and his hair a mess and water is dripping from his chin, and something inside Yoongi just... twitches.

„Are you alright?“

The younger nods.

He smiles his smile, and when Yoongi tightens the hold around his waist, he doesn't resist.

He leans into the touch.

And Yoongi doesn't think. He doesn't reconsider.

He leans in to close the last distance left.


The best thing about Jimin is his pair of lips. They are wet and all thoughts leave Yoongi's head when the younger opens his mouth in surprise, and his hands slide up to fist into Yoongi's shirt, and he tastes like caramel and at the same time like nothing Yoongi has ever tasted before.

Jimin's lips are warm and find his faster than expected, smoother than expected, and when Yoongi brings up his hand to cup the back of his neck while the other still holds Jimin around his waist, he doesn't even have to adjust the angle.

They just fit.

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inspiritxbaby #1
Chapter 1: Its so cute its so cute its so cuteere kyaaaaaa im melting into a warm marshmallow puddle them Yoonmin feels i cannottttttt *hyperventilates* great job!
Cynefin #2
this is link to my blog, hope you don't mind ;3;

Cynefin #3
Chapter 1: omg your fanfic is so beautiful and touching ; v ; do you mind if i transale it into vietnamese , i just wanna introduce your fanfic to my friends, anyways, thanks your for wrting such a great story.
Chapter 1: So well written, didn't want it to end. You gotta write more ... Please ;)
Chapter 1: Oh thanks for making such a good story!;)
beri_aylinxD #6
Chapter 1: T.T em feelz... It was perfect ♥
Chapter 1: that was really nice!! thank you for writing this!
eyesmilegyu #8
Chapter 1: That was beautifully-written!!