

Jinki wondered how everything came down to this. Kibum was loud. He was a blast of colors and spontaneity and eccentricity. Jinki, on the other hand, was a monochromatic swish of books and mathematical equations and boringness. They were two different worlds. Everyone says that opposites attract, and maybe that worked at first for the two, but still nothing ever truly lasts. Promises were broken, harsh words have been spoken, hearts were shattered.

So it was a real surprise when Jinki recieved a call at two in the morning with a certain Kim Kibum crying hysterically on the other line. And what surprised him more is the fact that he was more than willing to bring comfort to the man who broke his heart. A heartbreak from which he hasn't been healed quite enough.

Kibum came to him, wearing nothing but his pink pajamas, eyes swollen and tears continuously flowing from them. In that moment, Jinki forgot about the past that they had and cradled the younger in his arms. Crying for hours and endless ramblings of everything that went wrong with his relationship, and Jinki endured all that.

And now, as he was staring at Kibum who was lying on his bed, he realized something. This was the first person who broke his heart. He should feel anger towards him. And yet, as he looks at Kibum, tears still silently streaming down his cheeks even in his sleep, he knew. He would do anything to have him back. Because Lee Jinki will always love Kim Kibum, no matter how many times he breaks his heart.

And with this realization, Jinki knew he was screwed. 





this is so short oops. but yeah i havent posted anything for a while bc school. 

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nabnaab #1
Chapter 1: too short >< but since its onkey, i love it!
Chapter 1: Too bad the story wasn't a bit longer.