Chapter 9

His Cinderella

"Taehyung, come downstairs there's something we need to tell you!" I was awoken by eomma's calll for me. I sat up and rubbed my eyes, checking the clock beside my bed. 6:00 A.M. Why is eomma calling me up so early, my alarm isn't going to ring until an hour later.

"Kim Taehyung are you up already? Come downstairs this instant!" I groaned and got up, walking downstairs.

"It's so early eomma!" I whined grumpily as I sat down to eat my breakfast.

"Is that how you greet your mother after months of not seeing her and what happen to your hair young man," Eomma said crossing her arms staring judgingly at my orange hair.

"I kinda got paint dumped on my head?" I said but it came out more like a question. Eomma raised and eyebrow and sighed at my lame excuse.

"I don't care what happened, but you better get it dyed back before the engagement," Eomma said massaging her temple.

"Who's engagement?" I said with biting into my sandwich.

"Yours of course," I spat out the sandwich I was eating onto eomma's dress, shocked.

"What?! Last time I checked I don't even have a girlfriend! There must be an error!" I shouted

"It's an arrangement between us and the Songs. They've requested for our help and the engagement is to make sure they can't flee after we've gave them the money."Eomma said, her eyes were pleading me to not get frustrated.

"I'm not going to do it,think of something else I don't agree to this." I said glaring at my mother, I didn't know why but Hanuel kept popping into my mind.

"Son, it's for the best please listen to us, I'll let you keep your crazy hair colour!" Eomma pleaded. 

"No! You care about that damned company than your own son! How could you be so selfish,not caring to even see your son but when you do you have some kind of plan to ruin his happiness!" I shouted at her not caring that `I hurt her feelings, well she tried to get me married to some girl of course I'd get mad. I went up to my room groomed my self and walked out the door not even glancing back at eomma who was desperately calling me.

I walked into my first class and blasting music through my earphones blocking out any possible sounds. I closed my eyes and slowly started to drift away.



After walking EunJi to her class I then went into my own. I looked around the classroom and saw Taehyung asleep with earphones in. I walked towards the seat next to him and sat down. I stared at him as I recalled Jin Hee's plan a week ago, 'I wonder if he already knows' I thought as I let out a sigh. 

"Why so bothered?" Taehyung asked finally awake.

"It's just a small matter, don't stress about it," as if.

"Oh, have you eaten? Let's go to the cafeteria," Taehyung said standing up.

"I've eaten, but sure," I too stood up and walked towards the cafeteria.

"Hey, can I ... ask you something?" Taehyung asked quite nervously.

"Sure, shoot," I prayed he wouldn't ask me something about a arranged marria-

"What would you do if your parents suddenly arranged an engagement for you with a bride you barely know?" Oh well... 

"W-why would you ask me such a question?" I asked him smiling but I was freaking out inside.

"Just...curious," obviously lying. 

"Oh, depends but personally I would reject it, you don't even know the other person ya know, what if he's a really bad person," I said hoping he would take my advice.He seemed like he was deep in thought, furrowing his eyebrows, gosh you sound like a stalker Hanuel, snap out of it!

"You're amusing you know?" Taehyung said with a deep chuckle.

"Pardon?" I snapped out of my stalkerish thoughts.

"Please tell slapping yourself unconsiciouly is not one of your habits," Ah, he caught me.

"I don't have any weird habits," Not any that I know...

"You call sticking out your tongue all the time not weird?!" He asked laughing. I don-

"There you're doing it again!" I slapped my on to my mouth to realise I really had my tongue hanging out.

"Stupid Kim Taehyung you didn't have to point it out do you.." I muttered.

"What was that?" Taehyung asked turning to me.

"Nothing, you jerk" I said turning my head away from him.

"Aww, don't get mad, Yoongi hyung does that too," Taehyung said pouting at me cutely.

"We're here at the cafeteria," I said turning away from him to hide my blush. I found a table and sat down as I watched him buy his food. 'Even his back view seems so attractive' I thought unconsiciously. What no, Hanuel snap out of it he's going to get engaged soon. Merely the thought of him getting engaged with Jin Hee made my heart ache.

"Why do you seem so distracted today?" I was so caught up with my thoughts I didn't realise Taehyung was already sat down in front of me devouring his burger.

"It's nothing, I'm just tired," I lied.

"Aigoo, you should sleep earlier next time, you'll get eyebags if you don't and you'll look old," and thats how Kim Taehyung ruins everything.

"Whatever eat faster classes are going to start soon," I said rolling my eyes at him.





I sent a text to all of my group mates to meet me at the back of the school, I decided to skip and tell them about the engagement and ask their opinions.

"Tell me if someone bullies you today ne? I've got some business to do and won't attend class," I said to Hanuel after I walked her to class

"Arasseo, I'll cover you, make sure you make it to the next class, I'm alone there... see ya later Sae!" Hanuel said her back retreating into the classroom. I smiled at the nickname and went towards the back of the school, I could trust AOA to protect her from Jin Hee, right?

"Hyungs! and Jungkook," I greeted, Jungkook was the same age as me and Jimin but he was a few months younger than us.(A/N I changed their birth dates and ages) 

"What's so important that we had to skip class and meet up with you here?" Yoongi hyung asked probably irritated that I made him skip classes, not like he studies anyways he just sleeps in there. 

"Well is my mom pressuring me into an arranged marriage important enough?" A chorus of 'whats' and 'no ways' were thrown my way.

"You're going to reject it aren't you?" Jimin asked shocked.

"Yeah, you're going to reject it for Hanuel-sshi right?" Namjoon hyung asked adding my frustration.

"I rejected it, but my mom.. aish," I frustratedly ran a hand through my hair.

"We have to think of a way Hanuel noona must end up with Taehyung hyung, they would be so perfect together!" Jungkook said with a face of determination, it was like we were his ultimate ship or something.

"Wait I've got a plan!" J-Hope said michieviously



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