Chapter 8


The next sound Shin was awoken to was Anna’s scream right next to her. His eyes burst open and he turned to his side.


Takuya’s hands were attached to her hair and upper arm. He was trying to pull her closer with his teeth bared and his pale eyes staring hungrily at her.


“STOP!!” Shin quickly grabbed Takuya’s arms and forced him back. Takuya snarled and fought against him weakly.


“What happened!?” Sangmin burst through the cell entrance with the other members close behind, all holding their guns.


“Give me that rope!” Shin shouted.


Yongseok reached for the rope near the door and helped Shin tie Takuya’s hands together and hold him down.


“Anna, are you okay?” Sangmin moved toward Anna, who was on the floor staring at Takuya wide-eyed and breathing hard.


“This is ridiculous…” Seyoung shook his head. “We have to kill him!”


“It was just an accident!” Shin looked at Seyoung.


“What are you saying?! Look at him, Shin! He’s a monster now! All he wants to do is eat us!”


“DON’T SAY THAT!” Shin yelled. “He’s gonna get better! We’re gonna cure him!”


“You still hold hope about the stupid cure?” Casper said lowly. “We haven’t come the slightest close to figuring it out!”


Seyoung’s thumb brushed against his gun and he rose it up slowly. “I said I didn’t want him to suffer...but now I don’t want us to die.”


Shin’s eyes widened at Seyoung. “DON’T DO IT! DON’T KILL HIM!!”


Seyoung pointed his gun at Takuya’s head and touched the trigger with his pointer finger.


“Wait!!” Anna shouted.


Everyone looked at her.


“...I think my mom discovered a cure.”

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Chapter 21: The end made me laugh tho. Never drink an expired milk. But srsly, I enjoyed this story a lot so thank you so much. TT TT <333
Chapter 20: Nooooo, Takuya, why did you have to ask this question? D:
Chapter 18: So, that lady is Anna's grandma? Poor her. :(
Chapter 16: Wow I really love how you write the members! This fic is so suspenseful and exciting! I totally agree with Seyoung here.
Chapter 16: Lol was really clingy to Takuya. Not that I'm complaining. xD

Finally, yesss! Seyoung will surely realize it soon.
Chapter 11: Oh no not Anna too, I can't wait for the next update!!
Chapter 10: This is amazing!!! I love zombies and I love Cross Gene, its a perfect match!! I love Seyoung here.
Chapter 10: What? Takuya is going to die? Hang in there. ><
Chapter 10: Nuuu, why would you do this ;_____; Takuya's beautiful can't die ;_______;
Chapter 8: Woah. Anna's mom is a doctor. I didn't see that coming. This is getting more exciting. Fighting! :)