Chapter 10


As the sun rose over the horizon, the members slowly woke up and started packing supplies into their bags in silence. Shin carefully removed Takuya’s bound hands from the chair he was sitting in and kept a firm grip on them while pulling him forward with a hand on his upper arm. Takuya managed to get little sleep the night before, so he was acting very crabby and fighting hard against Shin’s grasp.


“Hopefully we can find more ammo in the hospital.” Casper muttered quietly.


“Why would there be ammo for guns in a hospital?” Sangmin looked at him funny.


“It was a sarcastic joke.”




“Casper has a point though. We need to keep an eye out for a weapons store on our way to the hospital.” Seyoung nodded, pulling his backpack over his shoulders and grabbing his small pistol.


Anna stayed close to Shin, glancing at Takuya out of the corner of her eye as he continued to fight against Shin.


“It’s okay.” Shin tried to sound friendly and calming. “We’re just moving to another building.”


Takuya snarled and jerked toward Shin a couple times, trying to bite him.


Seyoung slowly closed his eyes and sighed quietly. It hurt him to see Takuya like that and getting worse.


“Hey, stop it!” Shin pushed Takuya away a little and moved his hand to the back of Takuya’s head to hold it down. This seemed to calm him in a strange way and he relaxed a little, breathing hard.


“Okay, let’s go!” Shin looked at the others. They all looked at him back with a glimmer of sadness in their eyes.


“Let’s get the hospital.” Yongseok walked toward the door and looked down both sides of the hallway.


The others slowly followed behind him with raised guns.


As they walked down the barren road in the hazy late morning light, there was an uncomfortable silence. Nobody said a word except for the muffled snarls and loud breaths coming from Takuya. Shin had to cover his mouth and eyes with cloth because he became so agitated to a point where if he made too much noise, other zombies might find them. Grimaces still came from some members whenever a muffled sound came from him.


“Hey! Keep him quiet!” Casper shot Shin a glare.


“I’m trying!” Shin hissed back, keeping his hand grabbing the back of Takuya’s head and his other firmly locked on his bound hands.


Anna walked in the middle of all of them with her mother’s folder of notes hugged to her chest.


“We’re almost there.” Sangmin squinted ahead.


The streets were lined with dead bodies and broken glass from various store windows and doors. Although their town has looked like this for over one hundred days, they could still imagine regular people walking into the cafes and clothing stores to buy food and shirts. It’s a vision that is only a dream now.


Suddenly a stick breaking in two caught everyone’s attention and Casper, Seyoung, Yongseok, and Sangmin raised their guns, all looking in the same direction.


The sound came from a nearby bush and soft could be heard coming from behind it.


“Should we run?” Yongseok looked at Seyoung.


Seyoung’s eyes narrowed, trying to look harder at the bush.


The leaves shuffled a little a zombie came falling out of it, snarling and getting up quickly to run toward the group, only to be shot down by Sangmin.


“Yes!” Seyoung shouted and everyone dashed forward. Sangmin and Yongseok pushed Anna in front of them so she could reach the hospital doors first.


Shin pushed Takuya forward as well, but his knees ended up buckling and he fell to ground with Shin almost falling on top of him.


“Shin get over here now!!” Casper shouted. He and the others had reached the hospital entrance already.


Shin could hear the snarls and growls from more zombies approaching them fast. Shin quickly stood up and tried to pull Takuya up. He was acting like he suddenly lost all of his energy and was extremely limp in Shin’s arms.


“Takuya, get UP! Come on!!” Shin groaned a little, pulling Takuya toward the hospital entrance.


Casper cursed and burst out of the hospital to run over to Shin and pull Takuya up over his shoulder. The two broke out into a run toward the doors while Seyoung pointed his gun at the zombies nearly trailing them and shot them down one by one until his gun case ran empty. Casper and Shin made it inside the hospital and slammed the doors shut before any more of the zombies could enter. The remaining ones not shot by Seyoung were throwing themselves at the bulletproof glass doors hard and scratching at it.


“That...was too close.” Casper sighed loudly and let Takuya fall to the ground.


“Hey, be careful!” Shin ran to Takuya’s side and tried to pull him up. Takuya wasn’t standing up. His breathing had become significantly slower and fainter and his pale eyes were half open.


“Why is he like this all of a sudden?” Yongseok looked at him.


Sangmin’s face fell. “Yongseok...we need to create that anti-venom fast! I-I think he’s dying!”

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Chapter 21: The end made me laugh tho. Never drink an expired milk. But srsly, I enjoyed this story a lot so thank you so much. TT TT <333
Chapter 20: Nooooo, Takuya, why did you have to ask this question? D:
Chapter 18: So, that lady is Anna's grandma? Poor her. :(
Chapter 16: Wow I really love how you write the members! This fic is so suspenseful and exciting! I totally agree with Seyoung here.
Chapter 16: Lol was really clingy to Takuya. Not that I'm complaining. xD

Finally, yesss! Seyoung will surely realize it soon.
Chapter 11: Oh no not Anna too, I can't wait for the next update!!
Chapter 10: This is amazing!!! I love zombies and I love Cross Gene, its a perfect match!! I love Seyoung here.
Chapter 10: What? Takuya is going to die? Hang in there. ><
Chapter 10: Nuuu, why would you do this ;_____; Takuya's beautiful can't die ;_______;
Chapter 8: Woah. Anna's mom is a doctor. I didn't see that coming. This is getting more exciting. Fighting! :)