The Meeting.

Fridays and Sighs.

It was Friday and once again, Hakyeon was alone during the evening shift. The coffeeshop he worked at was not too busy so a bunch of staff members hanging around doing nothing was not necessary. However, he did wish that was another staff member around to talk to. Time seemed to drag on and every second seemed to add on to the boredom. He tapped his fingers on the counter while his eyes scanned the shop. Most of the customers who come here were regulars meaning they come here repeatedly that Hakyeon has no choice but to remember each and every single regular so they do not get offended when he does not remember their 'usual'. 

Currently in the shop, there was a girl with her laptop huddled up in the corner, an old couple in one of the booths, a red head in the corner with headphones on and a blue haired male sitting with his laptop near the window.  Suddenly, Hakyeon got hit with an idea. He shot up straight and made his way over to the redhead's corner. The redhead looked up, not a smile to be seen on his face. Hakyeon, however, was grinning so much that he felt his cheeks hurt.


"Hello there!" Hakyeon greeted and waved. "I'm Cha Hakyeon! I work here!"


The male's eyes slowly narrowed and he nodded once.


"And what's your name?" Hakyeon asked when the male did not reply. Hakyeon could see the male's lips move but... He could not hear anything.

"Uh... Could you repeat that? I didn't quite catch that." Hakyeon made sure to listen closely this time, even leaning closer to the male which earned him an eyeroll from the other.

"...Taekwoon... "

"Taekwoon?" The male nodded. "AH, Taekwoon! That's a nice name! I could say that all day. TAEKWOON!!"


Hakyeon tested out the other's name by saying it in different tones. When he was done, he turned to look at the redhead but latter had already put on his headphones and was back to looking at his phone. Hakyeon huffed. That was short... Should I try again? Hakyeon hesitated but decided not to and to leave the poor soul alone.


Glancing around the shop, he decided that the blue haired male was the next target. Skipping over to the latter, he smiled to himself. Maybe this one will talk more?


“Hello! I’m Hakyeon!” Hakyeon greeted the male with a grin. “What’s your name?”

“I’m busy right now.” Was the reply he got. It was definitely not the one he wanted.

“Busy with what?” Hakyeon inquired, trying to get more out of this conversation.

“This.” The male said, nodding towards his laptop. Hakyeon took a glance at it. It had complicated things on the screen that Hakyeon rather not try to figure out.

“What’s ‘this’? “ Hakyeon tried again, too stubborn to let the conversation die. He heard the male sigh.

“A track.”

“A track? Like a racecar track?” The blue haired male rolled his eyes.

“Yeah sure, I’m designing a race—“ but he was interrupted by Hakyeon’s sudden realisation.

“Oh, oh! You mean a music track! You’re a producer? Cool! What kind of song is it?” Hakyeon questioned,  moving to sit beside the male.

“My kind of song.”

“What is your kind of song?” Hakyeon was growing impatient with this guy’s way of dodging questions.

“Here.” And Hakyeon was handed a pair of headphones. He stared at them like they were a gadget from another planet before the male sighed loudly and roughly put the headphones on for him.


In a second his ears were filled with an intro to a song. It was slow and Hakyeon felt his foot tapping along. He closed his eyes and immersed himself into the song. He could see himself walking down the street while it was dark and raining, but he was not carrying an umbrella. Instead he was just walking, allowing himself to get drenched. The imagery disappeared when the male took the headphones off Hakyeon and back onto his own head.


“Hey! I was enjoying that!” Hakyeon whined although he was sure the other could not hear him. He nudged the blue haired male only to earn a single ‘what?’. Hakyeon chuckled.

“That was good! You’re very talented.”

“Thanks.”  And his gaze was back onto the laptop.


Well, back to doing nothing. Hakyeon sighed sadly and got up only to be pulled back down by the other male.


“Wait, stay. Do you wanna listen to my other tracks?” the male asked, eyes still glued to the screen.

“Yeah, sure.”




Well, that's the first chapter~ Stay tuned for the next...

which will take a while since my inner writer isn't working very well...

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Kokechan #1
Chapter 1: I'm looking forward to the next chapter, their relationship in "Tuesdays and coffee" was interesting!