Don't you get it?!

You're my rival! ...Right?!

"Chanyeol, why the long face?" Jongin, Chanyeol's buddy asked.

"I got partnered with Byun Baekhyun again." Chanyeol sighed.

"Him? You know, I wonder why the teachers like the both of you together. I mean, Baekhyun hates your guts!"

"I know." Chanyeol combed his hair using his fingers.

"Well, to brighten your mood, how about we go watch a movie at my place later?"

"That would be-"

"Great but he has to decline."

Chanyeol and Kai looked at the new addition in the conversation and saw Baekhyun, who was smirking, and his best friend Kyungsoo.

Did I mention that Kyungsoo had the biggest crush on Jongin? Nope? Well, now we did.

"Hi Chanyeol. H-Hi, J-Jongin."

"Oh, hi Kyungsoo!" Jongin smiled brightly at the doe eyed boy.

"Yah, Byun Baekhyun! What do you mean I have to decline?"

"Because we're going to work on this essay today. I want to finish this early so I won't have to do anything with you." 

"Good enough reason. I don't want anything with you either." Chanyeol glared.

"Yeah, you don't." Baekhyun said, sarcasm obvious.

"Then how about Kyungsoo joins me?"

"No one's joining you, Jongin." Baekhyun rolled his eyes.

"Why not?!" Jongin pouted.

"Because I don't trust you." 

"It's not like it's easy for me to entrust Chanyeol to you either!"

"It's okay..." Kyungsoo mumbled but loud enough for the 3 people to hear.


"It's okay, Baekhyun. I can protect myself." Baekhyun smiled assuringly to Baekhyun and turned to Jongin.

"Y-You'll go with me?"

"Yeah, why not."

Jongin immediately took Kyungsoo hand and intertwined them, which made the smaller blush by the way.

"We'll go now! Have fun!" Jongin said, as he ran away along with a red Kyungsoo.

"Park Chanyeol, if I ever find out that Jongin's just playing with my best friend, I'll cut you." Baekhyun glared at the said male.

"My best friend isn't like that." 

Baekhyun cleared his throat and walked away.

"But wait! Where are we going to meet?"

"Follow me to my house, idiot." Baekhyun sighed.

"I'm not an idiot! I don't follow anyone like a lost puppy so I was confused, okay!"

"Just keep your voice down!" Baekhyun hissed.

Chanyeol pouted as he continued following the smaller in his house.

Baekhyun had a mansion for a house, to be very honest.

It was too big for Chanyeol's liking. Yes, Chanyeol's family is rich but his family likes cozy houses. So it wasn't that big. Chanyeol had never been in Baekhyun's house as they pften do their partnership at the library or at the park.

"Just sit there while I go change." Baekhyun commanded before going upstairs.

Let's just say that after that day, they were already finished with the essay. What can they say, they really do excel in everything. Even academics.

So the next day, Chanyeol was confused as to why Baekhyun went to look for him, according to Jongin.

Chanyeol was sick and had to rest. 

And he already gave the essay to Jongin in which he'll be giving to Baekhyun.

"I don't know, man but Baekhyun was kind of worried." Jongin said over the phone.

"What? Baekhyun? Worried about me?" Chanyeol chuckled, preventing himself from laughing.

This is some kind of joke, isn't it?

"I'm telling the truth!" Jongin  whined.

"Jongin, he will tell me himself if he's worried which is something that will never happen in a million years."

"But he is!"

"Jongin, I'll be fine tomorrow. Don't get too worked up."

"Okay... I won't."

The next day, Chanyeol entered school and was surprised to be greeted immediately by Jongin.

"Chanyeol! Hide now!" Jongin pushed Chanyeol to an empty room but too late as someone pulled Chanyeol wrist.



Chanyeol opened his eyes and saw that Baekhyun was above him and looling at him with wide eyes.


Baekhyun quickly stood up and ran away.

"You okay, Chanyeol?!"

Chanyeol ignored Jongin as he was confused with his fast heart beat.

The following weeks were hell for Chanyeol.

After that incident, Chanyeol and Baekhyun have been avoiding each other like the plague.

And it's slowly killing Jongin and Kyungsoo.

"Chanyeol, why are you like this again?" Jongin groaned.

Chanyeol was sitting in front of the tv in his pjs and eating ice cream.

It was always like that now in the weekends.

"Jongin..." Chanyeol looked down.

Jongin softened as he sat next to Chanyeol.

"Is it a bad thing to fall for your rival?"

Jongin smiled as he realized...

Chanyeol was in love.

"No, of course not." 

"To be honest, I don't know whether I should call this feeling love. I have never been in love before and you know that. And it confuses me. It frustrates me that I can't control them. That I can't put them in place." 

"Chanyeol, love is one messy feeling. It drives you crazy, it makes you mad but you won't want it away."

Chanyeol was about to retort when...

"Trust me, Chanyeol. You don't want it away at all."

Chanyeol nodded as he sighed.

"I can't fall for him, Jongin. He hates me."

"You don't know that."

"It's quite obvious, don't you think?"

"No. Because in the first place, why would he go look for you?"

That got Chanyeol thinking.

Why did he looked for him?

"Fix this."

So the next day, Chanyeol was outside the campus.

He texted Baekhyun to meet him there.




"I wanted to say something."

"Go on."

"I-I am leaving."


"I'm leaving. My family decided that we-"

"How dense can you get, Park Chanyeol?!"


"Don't you get it?! I love you! I have been showing you hatred all the time because I don't like feeling this way! And now you're going to leave when I'm finally decided that I want to face these feelings I have for you?! How cruel!" Baekhyun started sobbing as he repeatedly hit Chanyeol's chest.

"Hear me out, will you?"

Baekhyun looked up at Chanyeol.

"I'm leaving. I'll be leaving our old house. We got into a much bigger house because our old house is rusty and all. And I wanted to tell you that I happen to be your new neighbor now." Chanyeol cupped Baekhyun's face.


"Yeah, oh. So what was it? You love me?" Chanyeol smirked as Baekhyun turned beet red.


Chanyeol closed the distance between them and locked his lips with Baekhyun.

"I love you too, Baekhyun."


"It's been awhile since I fell for you and it's still all new to me. But I'm sure I love you, Baekhyun."

"Are you sure you want me?"

"Yeah. So, Byun Baekhyun. Be mine?"

Baekhyun only nodded as he buried his head in Chanyeol's chest.

"You're still my rival."

"I am?"


"But I'm also your boyfriend, right?" Chanyeol tried peeling at Baekhyun's face which earned him a slap.


"Then I'm okay with being your rival."



"Say it again." Baekhyun's grip around Chanyeol's torso tightened.


"You know... I love you."

"I love you."

"I love you too."



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ohhdult_ #1
Awwws,that is so sweet,i might get diabetes
Chapter 1: Aigooo~~ that just cute :333
In reality also, some people would show their egos to someone that they love to make the person notice and attractive with it!! ^_^
Love this fic authornimmm!!! look forward for ur other fic in future <333
Wolfie_Tak #3
Chapter 1: This is too cute !!
bloodymary_ #4
Chapter 1: Awws that was so cute and adorable! ❤
faithlu #5