
Caught Up


Like any other day i got to the gym to practice some basketball after class, the school lets anyone get in the facilities after class hour, and by anyone I mean girls and boys that attend school on daily basses.

As I walked through the door I see my friends waiting for me in the bleachers and opposite to them I see three girls chatting away, one of them stands up dragging the two others and starts dribbling and teaching them, while I walk to my friends keeping an eye on her. Mark is the first one to notice me and stands to high five me “What’s up man?” he says while hugging me “Who are they dude?” I replied to him “Oh, those are Nic, Mage and Satang, they are on the section opposite to us, why?” he says rising his eyebrows at me “Nothing, come on let’s play” I say greeting the rest of the guys, we decide to play in teams of 4 “Wait, we need someone else to make the teams even” said Youngjae counting each of us while pointing his finger “But there’s no one here beside us” replies JB, I look at Mark and he looks back at me “There are three girls over there” he says pointing at their direction, the seven of us stand there staring at the three of them, while the one Mark said is Nic is teaching the two girls and makes a three points shoot “WoooW” we yelled at the same time, causing the three girls to look at us, Nic crossed her arms over her chest while raising her eyebrow and the other two are whispering at her back, from the corner of my eye I can see Yugyeom and Bam Bam walking to them “Nonna!!” they yell and have a group hug with the girls, I can see Mark making a fist with his hands as Satang ruffles the boys hair, juajau Markie  Pooh is jealous, I lean to his ear and whisper “Hey, they are just kids, they can’t take the girl away from you”, he glares at me and shakes his head, I look at the rest and JB with Jr walk to them, JB with his chic smile and Jr with his mother like smile, I can hear them from here “Hello, girls, I’m JB and this is Jr, I see that you know this two kids too” he says while smiling at the three of them “Yes, these two here are our babies” replied Mage pinching Yugyeom’s cheeks as Satang did the same to Bam Bam and Nic keeps looking at Jb and Jr“ So, what’s up JB and Jr?” she said keeping a straight face, at that moment Mark Youngjae and I walk to their side and Jr says “We want to play some basketball but we are missing one person” Jb continues “And we saw you teaching your friends and making that three point shoot, awesome by the way, and thought that maybe you’ll like to join us” he finished shrugging his shoulders, she look at her friends and holding JB’s hand said “Sure, let’s play” and smile at him.

Mark, Youngjae, Bam Bam and I made one team, making our rivals JB, Jr, Yugyeom and Nic, Mage nonna and Satang were going to be the referees “Hey, play fair ok?” I said looking at both of them Satang looked at me and smirking said “Tsk of course, she doesn’t need our help to win over you” and stuck her tongue out at me, I look at her shocked and hear Mark’s chuckles at my back, I gather my team and cheer on our win. The game starts with Yugyeom and I jumping for the ball, so their team has the ball, they give it to Nic and she makes her way to our side, I try to keep a mark on her “Come on Nic try to make one point” I say mocking her, she keeps dribbling the ball while walking to me making me retreat a few steps back “Well… since you asked for it” she says before throwing the ball and making a three point shoot, and winking at me before running to her team “Good job Nic” said JB high fiving her and leaving me standing shocked there. Their team won, and after that day everything changed.

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